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Everything posted by WW2

  1. Wow....thats um...a very interesting story.:wow: As for similar freaky days, I can't say I've had one. Sure I've had some weird ones, but none that really freaked me out. Hmmm...maybe you are the only one.
  2. I was searching around on some news sites just now and I found something quite unsettling. This pic was taken back in the early 90's a year or two after the Gulf War. [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/DW and S.png[/IMG] Is that really who I think it is? If so, what is he doing there, havin' a tea party? The future of OB is looking bleak.
  3. I pay nothing for gas! I just get munch off my parents for money, and use that. Hahahah! Munch, munch, munch!:D Oh wait....maybe thats not something to brag about. Ok, forget I said that. Around here (NC) gas is usually around $1.79 a gallon.
  4. Ha!...I just finished watching last night's Conan O'Brien on Comedy Central, which had one of my favorite skits: Pierre Bernard's Recliner of Rage!!! Its basically just this guy with glasses complaining about stuff, while sitting in a recliner. This time Pierre went after Cartoon Network's/Adult Swim's late night anime line up. Pierre explained how he was mad that Cowboy Bebop was replaced by Case Closed, which was badly animated and had horrible music. He went on to say that they should get rid of Case Closed and replace it with either Sakura Diaries, Bubblegum Crisis, or bring Bebop back. Ok...why did I post this? I really don't know, I just thought it was funny. Personally I don't agree with Pierre, I think Case Closed is a pretty good anime, plus I've seen Cowboy Bebop a few too many times. Any Thoughts on the matter?
  5. Finally! Someone who see's DW for what he really is! I think your anti DW "commercial" was a great way to spread the word, even though you were turned into an old man. But I guess such sacrifices have to be made. As for taking the sucker down....he's brainwashed quite a few OBers. So it won't be easy. :D
  6. WW2


    Wow....thats alot of spoiler tags. Oh well, I just wanted to add that the Rahxephon movie is supposed to be released July 20th. I really don't know much about it, storywise, but maybe it'll answer a few questions that were left unanswered. Then again...it may just add to the confusion. :D
  7. "Desperado" "El Mariachi" "Bandido" Um...I guess its that Carlos Gallardo guy. Ok, heres a rather easy one. "Spiderman" "Bubba Hotep" "Evil Dead"
  8. Well I just learned that Funimation has only completed 52 episodes of Case Closed right now, which is just a drop in the bucket of all 230+ episodes. As for Conan's quest to catch the people who changed him, I really don't think it'll be finished within those 52 shows. It'd most likely be solved towards the end of the series, which is a long ways off. But then again, I'm new to the series and don't know whats gonna happen. :D
  9. [quote name='aeroboy']in samurai X does he still use the reverse blade sword?[/quote] Um...no he doesn't have the sakabato in Samurai X. This is because it takes place during the revolution, when Kenshin was an assasin, years before he decided to never take another human life. This is made evident in the many scenes where Kenshin cuts people into peices. Its not very pretty. Towards the end, we do start to see why he decides to stop killing, but thats about it.
  10. Um...Kenshin may have long, girlish red hair, but he is deffinately not a woman. He sorta looks like a little girl in the scenes where he is a child, but thats about it. Hell he even has a [spoiler]wife[/spoiler] in Samurai X, so your friend is greatly mistaken. Ok...that about sums it up.
  11. Samurai X is a four episode OVA that tells the story of Kenshin during the Revolution. Its a really great series, beautifully animated, and gives the veiwer a glimpse at Kenshin's violent past. (Very Violent!!) If your a fan of Rurouni Kenshin you should deffinately check it out. It'd also be good to watch Samurai X: Reflection, the second OVA released after the RK series. Reflection is the last chapter in the RK saga, showing what becomes of Kenshin and his friends in the years after the series. And um...now you know. :D
  12. Whoa...thats pretty cool. You replicated the figure from Edvard Munch's painting very well, even with the paint job. Good job. It'd be cool if you made a small, matching background painting to go along with it, and have a diarama-like display peice. Heh...but thats just my opinion. :D
  13. I've known about Zatoichi for a while now, and was suprised to hear Miramax was releasing the latest movie in American theaters. I guess its due to the popularity of Kill Bill. As for the older movies, I haven't ever seen any. But I did see the Zatoichi inspired American remake: Blind Justice, and it was um....ok. I heard they're re-releasing the older films on DVD next month, in support of the new movie's theatrical release. Maybe I'll see em' then. Hopefully they'll be as entertaining as the Yojimbo/Sanjuro films. Does anyone know if Miramax dubbed the movie into English? I sure hope not.
  14. WW2

    Japan's Art

    Whoa...your sculptures look great, especially the pottery. The glazes you used give them a unique/old look. I've gotta take a pottery class this fall, hopefully my stuff turns out as good as yours. But I don't think they will, I'm not a big fan of the pottery wheel. I also really like the ring you made. Did you really forge it from silver?
  15. WW2

    Samurai 7

    Well I haven't heard about the anime, but I do know they made a Seven Samurai game that was set in the future. Maybe the two are linked in some way. But frankly I think remaking Seven Samurai is a big mistake, in any form or fashion, even though Hollywood remade it into a war movie known as the Magnificent Seven. The original movie is so great that it doesn't need to be messed with.
  16. [QUOTE=ReFlux][color=green][size=1] I'm still confused on what type of series this is? Is it mainly humor? Modern Fantasy? Mystery? What? Its seemed like a mix of all three when I saw the commercials and preveiws, so I guess I'll have to see for my self. Could someone clarify for me those questions though?[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Well the series is basically about different Mysteries, with a little bit of comedy thrown in. The only real Fantasy element is the main character's transformation in the first epidsode, [spoiler]from a teenager into a little kid.[/spoiler] As for my opinion about the show, it reminded me alot of Lupin the 3rd for some reason. Like the Lupin series it deals with complicated crimes, carried out in unique ways:[spoiler]decapitations with piano wire all carried out on roller coasters, and stuff like that.[/spoiler] I can't really say if I'm a fan or not, since I've only seen one episode. But I'll continue to watch, until I lose interest.
  17. I really don't like either candidate, nor any other politician. Personally I don't really see a big difference between Bush and Kerry. This November I don't think I'll vote for anyone.....I'll probably have something else to do. But if I did have to choose I'd pick Ralph Nader! Third party candidates deserve a chance too.....hell, he'd might actually change things. :D
  18. The more I see of Advent Children, the more gitty I get. I'm glad they're actually gonna have most of the original cast in the movie, especially Vincent and the Turks. As for the suposed Sephiroth clones, according to the pics they're names are Kadaju, Yazuu, and Rozu. :D Or I could be wrong.
  19. Yeah Gungrave is based on the Gungrave video game for the PS2. As for the series, I haven't really seen much about it, but I really like the designs and style of the characters from the game. Plus that gun-casket thingy is pretty cool. :D Hmm, maybe if I like the series, I'll go out and buy the game.
  20. Oda Nobunaga is actually the main villian in the Onimusha series, and quite possibly the most famous warlord in Japanese history. There have been many versions of him in different games and I think even a few anime series. As for the game, I saw an ad for it a couple of months ago and thought it was a neat idea, making a samurai version of DW. I just hope they add a few inovations.
  21. Well everybody is free to have their own opinions on things, be it anime or anything else. What sucks is that most people stay with one opinion all the frickin' time, not even considering the exception. But thats just something we have to learn to tolerate. I mean jeez, its just anime, no need for violence. Oh and you shouldn't diss American cartoons so bad, there are plenty of great old american cartoons out there. Looney Toons kick ***! :D
  22. WW2

    Van Helsing

    When I first heard about the movie, I thought it was gonna be a pretty good movie since Van Helsing was such a great character in the original Dracula. But as I saw more and more of the movie, I realised that they completely changed everything about the character. Van Helsing was an intelligent, doctor type, but now Hollywood seems to have turned him into a medevil batman with all sorts of gadgets. Whatsupwithat? :therock: Oh well, I'll probably go watch the movie anyways, just for the midless action. Mmmm, action. :tasty:
  23. WW2

    Gundam SEED

    I also watched the first episode of Gundam SEED last Saturday, and I have to agree that it has alot in common with the older Gundam shows, mainly 0079. Of course the series is gonna have a young boy who pilots a gundam for some reason, and fights some badguy in a funny metal mask. But the biggest similarityf I noticed was the ZAFT faction. They're almost just like the Zeon, right down to their one eyed Zaku ripoffs. Other than this lack of originality, I found the first episode to be pretty good. I like the character designs for most of the characters, and the animations is sharp. I'll have to see more of the show, before I can really say if I'm a fan or not. Hopefully they'll add some twists in order to get out of the same old story.
  24. Well I made this banner a while ago. [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/dhell.png[/IMG] It may not have much blue on it, but maybe you can use it.
  25. I got mine from watching too much of the history channel..... :shifty: Heh, actually I just used my first and last initials and added the number two. Yup, thats pretty much it. No deeper, phylisophical meaning here. Why I chose to do this? I don't really know, guess I didn't want to take the time to think of anything creative. :D
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