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Everything posted by WW2

  1. WW2

    Kill Bill 2

    [QUOTE=Shiguru]Then why was it marketed as a super action movie? I didn't say I didn't like it, but I was just waiting for some action after all these deeper dialouge scenes.. only to be disapointed by what they did throw at us. Watching the crazy 88 and the Vivica A. Fox duel I had some high hopes for the Bill duel. I liked how it ended, but the duel like you said left much to be desired. I wanted to see some Kwai Chang Kane stuff personally, but that would never happen.[/QUOTE] Well there were a few action scenes cut out of vol.2, such as the Bride's fight with Yuki, and a flashback scene where the Bride and Bill take on a coulple of guys in a Chinese village. Like I mentioned before, I was looking foward to seeing Bill fight in that one, but was sadly dissapointed. So, Iguess vol.2 was supposed to have alot more action than it did, but I guess Tarantino chose to make it more of a dramatic movie and focus more on story development. Heh, even with the editing, it still became superior to vol.1 :D We'll just have to wait for the DVD to see the extra action sequences.
  2. Well I just made this banner for ya. I think it turned out alright. Use it if ya want. :D [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/ffx2.png[/IMG]
  3. WW2

    Kill Bill 2

    Well I just got back from seein' vol.2, and I have to say I liked it better than the first. This is mostly because of David Carradine's performance as Bill, who has to be one of the best movie villians in recent cinema. He's quite a likeable badass, who's just fun to watch. The fight scenes in vol. 2, although not as lavish and stylized as the ones in vol.1, were also very enjoyable. I also loved how the characters were developed thoughout the film, making the film more gripping than its action driven predecesor. The only gripes I have about the movie is that Bill isn't in it as much as he should be. In the end [spoiler] we hardly get to see any of his skills, making it very anti-climactic showdown.[/spoiler] Also I was surprised/furious to see that Bill's street fight scene was cut out. From what I saw of it, from the trailers and internet pics, it looked really cool, so why cut it? Oh well, guess I'll have to wait for the DVD to see it. Other than that, Kill Bill vol.2 is one of the best movies I've seen recently. But I still believe Pulp Fiction is Tarantino's best film. But this is all just my opinion. :D
  4. Thats a really nice pic ya got there. You've got alot of detail put into it, and the asorted shades are great. Its also very clean for it to be done in charcoal. Hmm, I think I mentioned before that I hate workin' with that stuff. Oh well...for some reason the horse thingy reminds me of one of the aliens from the Alien movies. Hmm, maybe its the bulging cranium. Keep up the good work. :D
  5. Yeah the Real Bout Highschool manga is a good one, especially if you like over the top martial arts action and anime babes. I have volumes 1-5, the only ones I've seen released, and I really enjoy the elaboratly illustrated fight scenes and the great cast of characters, my favorite being Taiho. The story isn't bad either, and tends to get better with the release of each volume. The only bad thing is that I've only been able to read up to vol.5, and I bought it about a year ago. Whatsupwithat? Has anyone seen vol.6 for sale anywhere, or has TokyoPop stopped releasing it?:therock:
  6. WW2

    Kill Bill 2

    I saw a trailer for Kill Bill 2 just the other day, and although it didn't really show much, I still can't wait to see it. I really like the first film, but I think the sequel will be better. This is mainly because David Carradine is actually gonna be in it, not just his voice. And by what I've seen of the movie so far, Bill is turning out to be a really cool character with an equally cool sword. I just hope his fight with the Bride is as good as the one Uma had against the Crazy 88. Too bad the film couldn't be Kill The Bride instead of Kill Bill. Poor Grasshopper. :(
  7. Thanx for the positive feedback. :D I wasn't really trying to depict any specific image with my color wheel painting, except the symbol in the center. Other than that its supposed to be non-representational, even though some people thought the symbol was some kind of bug. Ok moving on.... I decided to post another work of mine. This pic is of a charcoal drawing I completed in my Drawing 1 class. I had to draw and render a stack of boxes with a sheet over them, and this was the result. As for the phatom faces, they were just a random idea I came up with to spruce it up a bit. I think it turned out alright considering I hate working with charcoal. [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/Cloak.jpg[/IMG]
  8. Ok, I've been quite busy in my art classes, this past year, and have decided to post some of my work. I guess I'll start things out with the painting that was chosen to be displayed in the Caswell Building in Raleigh, NC. This was done for my Design 1 class, using acrylic paint and marker on a 20X30 peice of illustration board. The assignment required the use of the basic colors on the color wheel, in order, and this is what I came up with. I think its pretty good for only 3 days of work. The first pic is just the painting, while the second is the framed version on display. Sorry if the photos aren't too great. :D [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/color.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/color2.jpg[/IMG]
  9. WW2

    my sketch!

    Wow, thats really good. Hmm...Juli and Juni, aren't they those girls from one of those new Street Fighter games? If so, you captured their likeness very well. As for rating it, I give it a 4 out of 5. Do you plan on coloring/CGing it?
  10. Hmm...seems like a few people don't know who you are. Oh well, I guess its still nice that they posted. :D Its nice to hear that you're still alive, and that basic training didn't kill you. Now that you got the most physically demanding part behind you, I'm sure you're be moving on to bigger an better things. Heh, good luck learning all that tech stuff. Oh, and um...welcome back, even though you'll probably be too busy to talk again.
  11. Well I have to go all old school on y'all and say my favorite anime shorts are the ones from the Robot Carnival collection. I remember watching Robot Carnival when it used to be shown on the Sci Fi Channel on Saturday mornings, and I loved it. If you don't know, Robot Carnival was a collection of different shorts made in the late 80's, and all centered around robots in some way. Each short differed in style, ranging from action, comedy, drama, and horror. Hmm...I wonder if its been released on DVD yet. :therock:
  12. I heard that Season One of Chappell's Show was just released a week or two ago, on DVD. Its supposed to be entirely uncut and have some cool extras, such as a look behind the scenes and bloopers. I'm planning on buying the set, but haven't seen it in stores. Has anybody seen it for sale anywhere? If so, whats the price? :therock:
  13. Well I haven't seen a thread about it, so I decided to make one about the second season of Chappelle's Show. Personally I think this is one of the funniest shows on TV right now. I've always liked Dave Chappelle ever since I saw him in Half Baked, and I loved last season. This season seems to be turning out really great, with sketches poking fun at annoying celebrities, stupid commercials, and just about everything in between. My favorite sketch so far is the one where Dave shows us how much he has changed in the past 10 years. Oh, and the Moment in the Life of Little John sketchs are great too. So, does anyone else like Dave Chappelle's brand of comedy?
  14. Well I took the pic you had and made it the right avatar size, but I don't know if thats what you wanted or not. If theres anything you want changed just tell me, or you could just use this one. :D [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/cav.jpg[/IMG]
  15. Well I made a small Vincent banner for ya, with what little I had. You can use it if ya want. :D [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/VinB.png[/IMG]
  16. I actually bought the game a long time ago, when it was first released, and most of what Angelus says is true. The graphics are quite dated, the controls are really simple, and its very easy. The only highlights of the game have to be the some of the super moves the characters have, but they get old pretty fast. Oh,and the character designs and animated sequences are very well done, but thats about it. :D
  17. Ok I made this banner a while ago, and decided to post it here. I'm not too good at this stuff, but I think this one turned out alright. Oh, and I got the phrase from a bumber sticker. :D [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/sai.png[/IMG]
  18. Well all the pics you have posted are pretty good, and have some interesting subject matter. The perspectives you used for the machines are done well, and look accurate. The only problem I have is the shading you used. It looks as though you used the same pencil for the entire drawing, which gives it a monotonous value. In my opinion, you should start using different pencils like a 3B or 5B to help create a wider range of values. This should make your pics more exciting to look at. But then again...thats just my opinion. :D
  19. Another RBHS thread? Ok...thats cool. Like I said in the previous thread, I enjoyed the Real Bout manga much more than the anime, even though I bought the entire series. In my opinion, the manga had a much more enjoyable storyline, along with many more great characters (Taiho, G, and the Shinsengumi) and fight scenes. The bad thing about the anime is that they turned a good martial arts story into one of those magical girl shows, and had Ryoko fighting dragons and giant crabs. That was just plain silly. But all in all the anime is pretty good, and has some good animation.
  20. I'll be silently sitting alone in my lonely room, wishing I wasn't so lonely. Y'know, just like all my previous isolated Valentine's Day celebrations. Damn......I'm so lonely. :(
  21. I suggest you get Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. Its a western type Sci Fi/Horror adventure, with a little bit of romance thrown in. Plus the animation and production value is really great. Another good movie you might like would be Macross Plus. Although it is based in the Macross/Robotech universe, it has no ties to the original series and stands alone. It centers around two rival Veritech pilots, and has some excellent mecha action. Any one of these movies would make a great addition to any anime collection. But then again....thats just my opinion. :D
  22. Well I just finished watching the 100th episode, and I have to say it was one of the best I've seen. I first thought [spoiler]the whole thing about Cordelia waking up was just a stunt to bring in viewers for the 100th episode, but as the episode progressed I saw that it wasn't really like that. The final showdown with Lindsey was really great. I was glad to see Angel get beaten down by the super powered ex-lawyer. But I still wanted to see Spike take a swing at him.[/spoiler] But the greatest part of the episode had to be the ending. Even though it was sad, I found it to be fitting. All in all the episode was well done. Oh and next weeks episode looks really interesting. [spoiler]A black haired, Nazi Spike deffinately raises some questions.[/spoiler]:therock:
  23. Dynasty Warriors is deffinately one of the best action titles out there. For some reason the DW games always reminded me of those old beat em' up games with endless enemies, such as Double Dragon and Streets of Rage. As for the whole Chinese history stuff, it never really interested me. I'm really looking forward to Samurai Warriors, another Koei game much like DW. From what I've seen it looks and plays just like the other games, only its set in feudal Japan and you get to fight as Samurai and Ninjas instead of Chinese Warlords.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tom222666 [/i] [B] Back to Eve, the last few episodes have shown her grabbing for a box of Lindseys, that if you watched Buffy during the Mayors season, looks like the Gavrok spider box. [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm, I believe they already revealed what was in the box, in the episode[spoiler] where Angel was stuck in that freaky dream land. When he killed the little symbiot that was poisioning his mind, he woke up and saw Eve. It looked like she was holding the box you were referring to, which contained a larger symbiot monster thingy.[/spoiler] But then again it may have been a different box. As for the return of Lindsey, I think its a great plot twist. He's one of those guys you love to hate. Its cool how he's tryin' to [spoiler] manipulate Spike into taking Angel's place, in an attempt to get them to kill each other.[/spoiler] Will it work?!!! I doubt it, but I'm very interested in how it'll all turn out.:D
  25. I've finally finished this pic of Vincent Valentine from FFVII transforming into the Giga Beast. I really didn't put much effort into the coloring of the pic, so it may look a bit dull. Oh well, here it is. :D
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