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Everything posted by magic_raditz

  1. [B]RATING: 7/10[/B] Boy! where do i begin!? This episode holds a lot of information (and some twists too!)! but the only reason i only gave it a 7 is because at times it was slow moving.
  2. Well i just saw the episode that comes with the Legacy of goku 2 players guide, and all i have to say is that i have seen lots of DBGT in japenese ( no not online, i watch DBGT on the international channel) and this is horrible! The theme song sucks, the person saying whats gonna happen in the next/ last episode is nothing compared to the old guy who did DBZ and pans voice sucks total majorly. Pans voice is just horrible in the dub!
  3. [B]RATING: 5.5/10[/B] Well i thought that todays episode had a few points, that revealed information..... but other wise just had other stuff. For some odd reason i usually hate fillers, but this one i liked enough to give it almost a 6.
  4. It however is a cool name.... but i dunno if its as good as call of the haunted....
  5. Oh! is that like its japanese name or something?
  6. What the heck is cry of the living dead? what does it do? i dont remember bonz playing any card with that name.
  7. luminaire: last weeks episode was a recap episode, so you missed nothing. Why does everyone hate BT? i dont mind her.
  8. i know what a scaled wurm looks like :)
  9. This may be a little off topic but mina, is that a inverted color scaled wurm as your avatar? Because thast what it looks like to me.
  10. The new episode was just great. here i was getting all hyped up about a new episode and it was just a recap episode :cross: . exsept for the small fact that kaiba still does not believe in the power of the millenium items. That made me laugh when he said that.
  11. [B]RATING: 6[/B] Todays episode was definitely a break from all of the action (with the exception of last week) and focused more on the storyline instead. We did learn a lot from this episode, and it amazing how much depth is in this anime! Also when aura opened her eyes, i felt like i knew that would happen but i was scared out of my life as i saw what the eyes looked like. they looked much freakier then i imagined! all in all it was a good episode, however another cliffhanger :p . Oh well! i geuss ill have to wait till next week.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Digital Monster [/i] [B] As to the powers of his Items, we've already seen the Key allow him into someone else's mind. Rumors are that it can also [spoiler]change someone else's personality,[/spoiler] but that's unfounded. The Scales in Egyptian mythology are traced to the symbolic ritual known as the Weighing of the Heart. Basically the heart of the person wanting to pass into the Afterlife was weighed against the principles of truth and justice (symbolized by an ostrich feather). If the heart balanced with it, the person would be allowed to pass on to the Afterlife. If the person had done lots of wrong things, the heart would be heavy and tip the scales. The heart would then be eaten by a monster called Ammit and because the heart was needed to get to the Afterlife, the person was doomed to oblivion. The Millenium Scales in the show will probably be used to judge people and if necessary send them to the Shadow Realm. [/B][/QUOTE] if you read shonen jump you would know that the millenium key can change peoples personality ( as shown in the newest shonen jump) and ammit is also shown in shonen jump.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B] BTW, I found out that the CCG did not exist until the Battle City arc began, which is why there were so many errors in trhe Duelist Kingdom arc. C'est la vie. [/B][/QUOTE] Eh? what do you mean by that?
  14. [B]RATING: Read below[/B] I cannot truly give this episode a rating because it is just mostly a recap, thats why i gave it no rating. however in this episode it brought up some old points that we may have forgot about that may be connected to future episodes. it was somewhat intresting to watch even though it was just a recap. Also i could SWARE that they inserted some new scenes here and there.
  15. when they take cowboy bebop and trigun off maybe they could replace it with slayers? i know it sounds sort of corny but i think it would be perfect. to much would have to eb changed and edited if it went on toonami.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B] He also lays one card face-down, which, when a monster attacks, he can choose another monster to attack instead (can't remember tha name, but it was a Trap Card) [/B][/QUOTE] do you mean dark spirit of the silent?
  17. [B]rating: 9/10[/B] Todays episode was very good. It added lots of storyline information and i think i get the link. The man who kept talking about his daughter i think might be the person who created the world, and he put aura, his daughter there as like a memorial or something, or maybe so that he could visit her anytime. from what he said it sounded like he created the world, programmed her in as she was nearing death. OR another possible theory is that the girl that bear kept talking about in a coma is acually aura and that the broken man who was auras father put aura into the game (like how tsucasa is stuck there) using the key of the twilight. just my thoughts. i also thought then many other peoples talking point, the crim VS. sora battle was no big deal. oh well! we will see what happens next week!
  18. i dont own a PS2 as much as i would love to play lots of PS2 games!
  19. DUH! the entire point of then airing new episodes is to see them tekno. :p
  20. woot! new kenshin episodes! they will probally start up when the reruns end chances are. or maybe not because they just aired the "best" of kenshin. oh well new kenshin episodes! all the reason to celebrate!
  21. GRRRR!! in the us there just showing two episodes from the pegasus saga today!! :mad: why cant kidswb be nice and acually show us at least 1 new episode a week? i hate this show new episodes for a few weeks then show old episodes for a few more weeks then start up new ones again.... it drives me insane!!
  22. i thought i heard that dragonball was going on adult swim....?
  23. .hack//sign is on a midnight every saturday (technically 12:00 am sunday morning) i wish they would put inuyasha, bebop (which might be hard to edit though) and trigun on toonami, like they did with yuyu hakusho. my parents wont let me watch adult swim so... yeah.
  24. OOH! this week is the best of kenshin week! even though ive seen every episode that Cn has aired i wonder what they will choose for the "best"?
  25. however dont you think it would be a little odd to program becoming a female in a virtual reality game where you can feel and hear? Besides any logicial person would be there own gender or else it would be very weird. [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Please work on your post quality in the future. Most of your posts are very short and difficult to understand. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
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