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Everything posted by magic_raditz

  1. black phoenix, I believe that person is in the video games somewhere as well.
  2. [B]RATING: 8[/B] after the first 10 or so minutes of this i was worried this just would be another filler episode with little information. Boy was I wrong. This episode really gave out lots of information on the history of "The world" and about how the chaos gates function as well. Then at the ending i was like :eek: ! i have to see the next episode! its gonna be really really good!!!!!!! also for some of you people tsucasa says he is male but bear belives tsucasa in real life is female. My idea is then the real tsucasa may be female, because tsucasa just feels he is male because he is trapped in the game. The problem i have with this idea is that all of tsucasas flashbacks look like tsucasa is male! oh well, i guess only time will tell........
  3. maybe oblisk has some abilty that does that? i found it funny that even though they were going to teh shadow realm if they lost they had on parachutes :D . BAD ENGLISH DUBBERS, BAD! NO DOGGIE TREAT!
  4. hey quick question guys. i was wondering do you think this movie would be appropiate for a 13 year old? i loved #1 but ive heard bad stuff about the content of #2 . :worried:
  5. to us bold just click on the B located in all of the panels when you post.
  6. Even though there are a lot of signs that point to Tsucasa is female we do not know if it is a She or He for sure yet.
  7. that girl was aura. the cat was also maha. oh and you know the girl with the big sword, in case you didnt figure it out thats Mimiru :D
  8. [B]Rating: 6 (and a half)[/B] NO!!! i wasnt the first this time :bawl: overall i thought that the episode was OK. there was lots pertaining to the storyline, which I liked but as others said in one or two parts it seemed really slow. However I think that things are finally starting to happen and that soon everything will click and we will start seeing some really cool stuff!
  9. Nah you can just count me out. I am to busy to participate in this right now. Just thought i would let you know so you would not worry about waiting for me.
  10. [B]RATING: 8[/B] i thought todays episode was awsome! it was tense and was reely cool hearing about the human world at that point in time plus there were lots of flashbacks. also at then end when [spoiler] they turn someones life support system off in a flashback (tsucasas?) it starts to get intresting!! [/spoiler] all in all i thought it was a great episode, even though it didnt add too much to the storyline it was fun and entertaining, and i hope to see more episodes like it in the future!
  11. finally a new episode today! it was really not that great though. did anyone watch the entire saturday morning and see of yugis training camp? was there any thing funny/ remotefully usefull on there?
  12. vash, what could possibally be on the original that acually pertains to the story that isnt on CN?
  13. (this is all assuming taht i have a high speed connection, which i dont and would probally be needed for the world) i would join because its fantasy. i have always liked fantasy and always thought i belonged in some weird fantasy thing. i would buy it in a heartbeat.
  14. [B]RATING: 3 and a half (maybe a 4) [/B] personally i thought todays episode didnt have much to offer and was basically a filler. basically it recapped on a few things we already knew and (hopefully) sets a good stage for next weeks episode. not much really happened exsept learning a little bit about bears life out of the game. but a-20 made a cameo which was awsome! seriously i want them to take all of the .hack//sign episodes box them in a dvd setfor like 20 or 30 bucks tack on some cheesy special features and i would buy it. note i have never bought any anime on tape, i have always watched it on air. its just so nerve racking to stay up till midnight every saturday and watch .hack. anyways before i go rant anymore i will just say that maybe i was wrong and someone else thought it was really good but i didnt see it that way. the only really revealing thing pertaining to the storyline is the mention of [spoiler]the letter from helba and what it said in it[/spoiler].
  15. has anyone here seen the anime soul hunters? its on internation channel late at night. is it any good? what age group is it intended for? can anyone answer me?
  16. no even better have kaiba create a exploding fake mokuba that has controls. lets see what happens when they steal that..... :laugh:
  17. well hes a kid and hes kaibas brother. need i say more?
  18. ...not to mention todays episode was advirtized as the double duel but yet they had barly begun when it ended. however that card that negates all bad effects that happen to you from your cards is so cool!
  19. finally! they are going to air a new episode today!
  20. i acually dont mind dubs really. i dont care wether they edit soem parts out as long as its not super critical to the storyline. the cool things about dubs is if they edit it enough then sometimes spoilers of it wont help you and it can be suprising.
  21. You have just recieved a letter saying: "Hello, (your name here). I am inviting you to a tournament which only the top duelists are being invited to. Inclosed are directions to my private manor and a pair of airplane tickets. The winner of this tournament shall recieve half of my fortune and this manor as soon as you win. Please come to this tournament with your dueling deck. It is free and is a offer you should not refuse. Signed Lesurgo Johnson." Ok the rules for this are: You must have AIM. all of the battles will be on aim between the two battling duelists and then i will post the results of the battle on this forum. you may create your deck out of any american cards using the american rules but you may only use a combination of 5 rares, super rares and ultra rares. you must PM me your deck so i have a list of it. To duel it will be like a regular duel over aim. i will tell you what cards you draw and such. Here is a example character sheet: Name: eye m great age: old guy gender: male description (what your character looks like): a human (DUH!) biography ( i dont need a long details of your life and whatnot i just want to know your reputation as a duel monsters player): i like to play duel monsters and has lost every time! take that! personality: really really mean. so just create a character using those guidelines and dont forget to PM me your deckklist! oh and also you will get more cards for your deck, in the tournament everytime you win you will keep your opponents deck and then from there you can modify your deck. it is also double elimination. registration for this will be closed in a day or two so join while you have the chance!!
  22. well i thought that you could do it where like you were in a small booth of some sort that when you ran was sort of like a tread mill and with enought space that you wouldent hit anything. but hey you never know. as long as it had been approved that nothing could happen to you that would damage your physical body i am all for it!
  23. dont you agree that not being able to log out is impossible. if you cant log out then just take off your headset. once again like i said it dosent take you into some weird dimention, your just playing a virtual reality game.
  24. [B]RATING: 6[/B] i thought that todays episode was a good episode even though it was, for the most part a filler although it did have [spoiler]lots of talk on the key of the twilight[/spoiler] i also thought that [spoiler]that the entire part with the grunty was so cute and i was so sad when it died and the girl was dissipointed :bawl:[/spoiler] over all i thought it was a good episode although one episode a week isnt enough! they need to run like 2 or 3 a week and at reasonable times too!
  25. the way todays technoligy is going i say we might have a real .hack sort of thing within the next 10 years or so. i mean its not like it transports you anywhere, its just basically virtual reality taken to the extreme. whats your opinion?
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