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Everything posted by Miss_Meow_Mix

  1. If your favorite/worst anime/game character were a musical person popstar/rockstar/meatal guru what would they sing? I think that the sailor scouts would be like the spice girls :excited: Faye (Cowboy Be-Bop) would be like Christina Agulara.
  2. Yhea you should have a balence of everything :love: is always good! will yu put your anime on the web? If so pleaze tell us!! i don't know about other people but i always like the freaky one's the best!:tasty:
  3. I love Manga too, i wish i could read Manga in my store but they put them all in plastic bags!! :bawl: Im really excited coz theyare ordering the escaflowne Manga for me!! Yay! I can't wait:love: I really like Wish CCS and CCSMOC i have recently started reading Cowboy Be-Bop and after i'll go on to Shooting stars.
  4. Opps sorry did i spoil tha film for any1? Sorry if i did!! tha movie is out to rent in tha U.K and i suppose that means it's in tha states too.
  5. Ok Here are my thoughts on the film: The Guy in the red jogging suit is EITHER God OR the audience. I belive that Donnie did not halucinate Frank. the pills onle enabled him to see into "a higher plane of existence" as it were where Fank comunicates with him. (Only when Donnie starts to take his pills again does he start to see Frank) The Reasons why Donnie had to die: 1. He found out the secret of time. That it is all pre-decided by a Soverine God and that is why the world had to end, so he went back in time to stop himself from finding out the secret. True he did know the world wold end before he knew the secret of time but if all time is pre-decided then so "God" would know what was to happen and may be he didn't wan't his little world to die just yet. 2.To prove all of the above...though im not sure who he's proving it too. Maybe when they all die the will meet up in "The place that's the best" and Donnie will get to say ..."Haha i knew and proved my thoery of time and god before you did!!" Why It was Frank who travelled back in time: 1. He wanted to earn Donnie's Forgiveness, for running over Gretchen, as he travelled back after he died therefor he couldn't change what he had done. 2. Bunnies have been used in stories such as Wish By CLAMP as the mesengers of "God". How exactly Frank traveld back: When Donnie tells his counceler( Can't remeber her name ) that the world will end by the sky opening up she tells him that if it were to happen then all that would be left is you, your thoughs, experiences and those who you have touched. I think that as Frank Swerves to avoid Grandma Death that he knows her and has some knid of kenection with her there fore knowing a bit about time travell. Most others stop and get out of their cars, when confrounted by gramdma Death, Frank didn't, he swerved so skillfully and precisely with apaprently druk that it proves he must have been there manny times before. Well that's all i got...FOR NOW!! MWAHAH!!! P.s the story is about a boy who was summond to learn the secret of Li *Life* [b]Please do not double post, use the "edit" button instead. Also, try to use [spoiler] tags if you're going to give stuff away. --Elite.[/b]
  6. Hey people just saw Donnie Darko and i thik it is the best film ever! What do you guy all think? I want a frank mask! Frank is sooo cool! I'm probally going to make one. ^_^
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