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Everything posted by Tatum-X

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I'm sorry, this was too good to not quote... Back on subject. I have always had strong senses of "deja-vu". I tend to encounter "situations" that I feel familiar from a dream or a prior action. It is quite a disconcerting feeling, but I usually chalk it up to emotional fragility.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't mean it like that! Come on now. Oh, to answer your question, I didn't. Thank God I had a lot of homework.
  2. You don't have to worry thanks to Kumomaru it ended. Maybe I'll start a new one or something. Um proably not.
  3. Ok lets get something straight here, WW2 and I are friends, we do this all the time at school, we know each other. It DOESN'T mean anything aight.But if I offended you all or broke some rule. I sincerely apologize.You DON'T need to be rude insulting us like that.You insulting us makes you no better. We straight Transtic Nerve? I don't mean to be rude,Sorry again .Anyway Thanks for your input.
  4. Tatum-X


    This is as far as I am going to go with this Kumo, try to find some others to help you write this, I really don't feel like adding anymore sorry!
  5. :mad: Ok Ok stop begging William, I join! Sheesh, man you can be a baby sometimes you know. Name: Wakka Weapon: BlitzBall Summon : Genie ,Magic ( Don't jump on me if it is wrong I don't play this very often!) Description: White tanktop, blue and yellow baggy shorts, Red shoes. Bio:Wakka lives on the island with Sora, and after Kairi was kidnapped Wakka joined Sora because he wanted some action. That ok William ? So stop complaining!:laugh: I don't play Games like this normally , so if I get something wrong don't hassle me.
  6. Have any of you had that feeling that something was wrong but you couldn't quite place what is was? One experince of mine is when school was ending, my friend came up to my locker and started talking to me.I started talking to him not paying attention to what I was doing,I shut my locker and started walking to the bus we ride. When we got on the bus I got that feeling that something was wrong. I asked my friend, he didn't know.Maybe I left something but later it didn't matter. Is that weird or maybe I am going paranoid. What do you think?
  7. Tatum-X


    HE IS GONNA PAY! Tate said in rage. "This is some bull." Tate charged at the ninjas , while Kumo followed. Meryl watched.While Kumo and Tate faught, one of Zeed's men grabbed Meryl ," Kumo mmmmph!" she screamed but was gagged and dragged away." No!" Kumo screamed. " Kumo, I'll hold them save Meryl."Tate said "What about you" Kumo said " Just go!" Tate screamed Kumo ran off.
  8. Tatum-X


    "Well Kumo it seems that Meryl has a crush on you. You sly dog heh heh". "Anyway that Zeed is a real freak. He needs to be dealt with." Tate started polishing his sword. " Hope some people come soon I want to start busting some skulls!" " Chill out man!' Kumo said. " Have some patience dude, they will come."
  9. Tatum-X


    Then Tate dashes in and slices the missle in half, Kumo and him jump to dodge the blast." Tsk,tsk,tsk Kumo I thought you could take better care of yourself." Tate jumps and cuts the tank's gun off. " I'll let you take it from here Kumo!" Tate disappears.
  10. Ok if any of you don't mind, can this start be started over because I am confused. What happened in the Fight between D.J. Professor DM. was there a happy ending? Did the Fat Boys ever eat new york? Did Jabber Jaw ever get any respect? Did Smokey ever quit smoking? Someone please answer me. Maybe we should start a new story.
  11. What?!!!!!! What happened to the fight between Hyper Xavier and Super Max? Ya can't just end it like that! Kumo can't search for the emeralds because they are being used by Xavier. Didn't you read my post? Come on now! Keep the fight going longer than that!I am bad but not the main one thats Venom, I have a different story for him.
  12. Xavier : "Agreed", " Lets BEGGGGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNN!" * Xavier and Max charged each other!" Just to let ya know There is an plot twist for Xavier, so keep the fight going as long as you can please. DON'T KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. * Xavier smiles as he gets up* Xavier:" I have to give you credit were credit is due, your good but I'm better. I can do that wall climbing too." * Xavier jumps back onto the wall and climbs up* * Xavier starts glowing as the choas emeralds float up to him, then he stars floating in the air.* Xavier: It seems we aren't getting anywhere with normal attacks! * A bright flash blankets the ruins as Max and the others watch as he transforms into Hyper Xavier!* *Max only knew of one thing to do, " The rubies he thought I'll use them , he ran and got the rubies. Max: I can do it too! * Max transforms into Super Max!
  14. I would like to see more original stages and those characters that everyone else mentioned. Some stages like a sparkling castle or a city at night with some cars goning by in the background and a techno soundtrack lke that car commercial.
  15. I don't mind the name personally but The game looks really fun. I can't wait to play it . Have any of you noticed that Billy has that smirk on his face like Sonic and doing one of those Sonic Adventure poses, kinda makes you think if Sonic isn't in there somewhere maybe a guest apperance perhaps?:smirk:
  16. *Xavier brushes it off.* Xavier : Is that all you got little echidna!?! * Xavier dashes to Max punches him in the gut, gabs Max as he starts flying and nails him with the bottom of his sword.The throws him against the wall.
  17. Xavier:" Your not in position to make threats little echidna." " Your on my turf now!" Xavier shot a web and caught everyone execpt Max, " Now its just you and me little echidna." , "Lets rock" Screamed Max
  18. Xavier finished his training. " They will surely come after me, heh I welcome a challenge". He walked over to the machine he had took from Dr.Cats' lab. The stone tablets said that the rubies can power this machine, this is the key to restoring my home,friends,and family". "I sense that Dr.venom has been defeated.And that Kumo is still alive?!" It is all falling into plan, perfect, Gwahaahaaahaaaahaaaahaaahaaahaaahaaahaaaahaaahaaah! He walked over to a chest, which contained the Choas Emeralds. They started glowing. " They are reacting with the rubies!?!"
  19. At the ruins, Xavier was in a heavy meditation. He was thinking about the war and how was it that he survived.He opened his eyes and looked at a painting of a beautiful maiden, " Mother" he said with a sigh. Xavier picked up his sword and started more training.Xavier started to wonder wether his actions were justified. " I had no other choice".
  20. "I can' believe he d-did that!" Amber said with horror." He is a monster! " Don't worry " Dr.cat said, " We could bring him back with the rubies." Dr.Cat explained the rubies' powers as the began to follow the two villians. Meanwhile, Dr.venom and Xavier were at the arachnid kingdom ruins. "Who are you and why did you help me?" Dr. Venom asked." My Identity will be reaveled in due time, but know I have to prepare for the oncoming battle with those pathetic excuses for warriors." Xavier said. " If I were you I would go back to your mansion, take four of the rubies and I'll take the other three."
  21. What I am going to do for summer,ya realy want to know? Can you say STRAIGHT COLD CHILLIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might take a cartooning class to hone in my drawing skills. Definately getting some new games.
  22. Little did Kumo know that the Xavier he sliced was just an image due to his agility. "I won't make that mistake again." " That Kumo is starting to be a pain, raves, yeah right!" Xavier ran after them! "Those rubies are mine, I'll ram Kumo's sword through his pathetic heart!" Kumo was heading through the forest, just as he turned his head to see if he was followed, WHAMMM!!!!!!!!! He was stuck in a huge web. What is this gunk? He said with digust. " Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly." Kumo started struggling as Xavier stuck his fangs in and drained his energy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Kumo fainted! "Idiot" said Xavier as he walked off with the rubies.
  23. Just when the Rave was about to commence, someone pulled the plug! Kumo and the others looked at the Tarantula with a huge sword."Why did you do that!, can't you see were doing something important?!"Kumo said. "I thought that warriors like yourselves would have something better to do than have dance contest." Xavier said with sarcasism. "Those rubies are mine!" ,"Prepare for battle!". The others grabbed their weapons. Xavier lunged at them! " I shall not looooose!"
  24. Here are ALL of them, Ready. Sonic Tails Ray(from Sega Sonic Arcade) Mighty Amy Knuckles Knack/Fang Espio Vector Charmy Heavy Bomb Puppet Tails Metal Sonic Metal Knuckles Egg Robo Super Sonic Super Knuckles Hyper Sonic Hyper Knuckles Bean Bark Dr.Robotnik/Eggman Big Shadow E-102 "Gamma" Choas Rouge Tikal Maria Robotnik Prof. Gerald Robotnik Cream E-Series Robots These are from the games, if I forgot anyone let me know!
  25. Little did Dr.Venom know that he was being watched. "He is trying to get them too."The eight limbed figure was watching him through the one of his statues being careful not to be seen yet."His know how could help me in my plan."Hahahahahahahahah!" It is only a matter of time mother!"
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