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Everything posted by Tatum-X

  1. Is it too late to join if it isn't here is my character. Name : Xavier Animal : Tarantula Extremely Bad Position : Knight Descripition : Xavier is a pale grey. He wears the armor of a knight which is silver. He has Black shoes and carries a sword. Bio : Xavier is the last of his race. The only survivor of a huge war.He was once a knight in the Arachnid kingdom. Seeing all of his freinds and family die corrupted his heart.He thinks the rubies will give him the power to restore his home. Specialty : Web building, energy draining(with his fangs),and agility. Regeneration too.
  2. They have brand new moves. The arcade one is already out.
  3. Crying is a matter of showing your emotions. You can't help it sometimes , that is the only way to make feel better. Personally, no I wouldn't cry.
  4. Yes I do. Man that show made me laugh every time I watched it. Hearing Keith scream " and I'll make the head". It was riot. I have one question did that guy with the funny accent ever come back?
  5. This game kicked ***!!!!!!!!! The only problem I have is that going through those special stages to get the emeralds. All that work and Super Sonic only has a boss fight.I would rather have it be like Sonic 3 where you could turn into him in the stages too.
  6. I like manga better. reason because you are getting the full story with nothing cut out or some re-made story.The Yu-Gi-Oh manga is my main reason because there is a different story other than the cards and tournaments.
  7. Big O , the 13 episode show!! Yeah it is about time they finished it.Still I don't get the whole , torn up earth livin ' in big dome things.
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