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About Arie

  • Birthday 03/23/1990

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    Male,Tall, Blond hair
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  1. [SIZE=4]LINKIN PARK ALL THE WAY!!![/SIZE] They are the all time best band ever! I just wanted to say that...ill go now....
  2. I prefer to have more people likeing the bands that i like because it will give the band members more money. More money means more music right? But I also see what you mean about how you dont want to do was the masses do because then you'd be just like them. Now that I think of it...I'm not sure what I think....
  3. Lately I have been hearing a whole bunch of people listining to a lot of old artists. I'v come to like quite a lot of artists like "Black Sabbath" ACDC" "Metallica" and much more. they're not my fav I really like hard rock like "P.O.D." "Linkin Park" "Trapt" and stuff like that. What do you think about the oldies coming back?
  4. Milliardo all the way! He's been my fav since the begining.
  5. I agree with DragonofDestiny that Meteora was'nt as good as Hybrid Theroy but still awsome.
  6. Hey, I bought the firts Matrix soundtrack and I loved it! And I was thinking if the Reloaded one is any good?
  7. Arie


    I justs saw X2(the best movie ever) on friday. And the badguy is William Stryker. And he had a son named Jason, who had a power like Prof.X. Well if I remeber correctly, in the old show Jasson Stryker was Saybertooth. I'd like to hear your opinion on the subject.
  8. I get the Nintendo Power Magazine and they said that they are redoing the old Sonic Adventure that was on the dreamcast and putting it on the GameCube! Its going to be called Sonic Adventure DX.(I'm not sure what the DX stands for) It should be coming out in June.
  9. I get the Nintendo Power Magazine and it says that Soul Calibur II should be comeing out around August.
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