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Everything posted by kiddy_phenil

  1. i'd like to think the shows intentions are noble and what not.. get the feeling its more along the lines of cashing in on anime's recent fame...
  2. since i was in diapers really.. not sure of the first but speed racer, the mecha out then.. transformers, voltron, robotech? and such on nick junior remember noozles, and the little koala?. and stuff like totoro.. teenage mutant ninja turtles was one too, right? then when i was about five started watching sonic the hedgehog, samurai pizza cats and such.. didn't know it was called anime, i just knew them all as the japanese cartoons with the big eyes..
  3. really, the creator of it, tezuka is widely renowned as the god of manga, and the creator of anime. that's why the character designs look so out dated, the manga was created about fifty years ago, hence the music i suppose.. much rather new orleans to some of the bubble gum crap music they had then.. "i love i love i love my little calendar girl..." :P.. there also wasn't a ziggurat in the manga.. kinda like the addition to it though, more eye candy if nothing else..
  4. yeah the samurai x ending.. not only that, the first timee i saw it i laughed out loud... but all they beautiful animation.. and the ending is a pinwheel that looks like some guy off to the side is blowing on.. but its high tech because it changes colors..:P
  5. suprising it got such a fan base, then again it came out on tv when anime was just starting to get popular, and cox cables exanding the tv selection in my area to include cn. but hey, i ain't complaining, they can do that for other series as well, like finish animating kenshin..god knows its unbelievebly highly rated, they best move it back soon so it doesn't loose steam.. as for more bebop.. with spike dead wouldn't want it to continue on.. but if they were to do his past, that could be pretty kickass :) have to buy it though.. get a feeling it would be too explicit for adult swim..
  6. the girlfriend of steel kinda looks a bit like a budget cut character design, just blend rei and asuka and voila.. afterwatching iron chef so long the name doesn't sound so stupid anymore..
  7. oh, seriously, they're cutting it to 1 a week?.. well i suppose stretch out the last 20 or so episodes, yeah, what's sves?
  8. shame they didn't have open tryouts. plenty of fan boys and girls out there that *cough* study and read into each characters every move.. but yeah, if anno sounds ok with it i wouldn't be too worried.
  9. messed up? no way, i love new orleans jazz.. ~_^; but yeah, its a pretty good movie, really the only complaint you get is the characters weren't fleshed out enough. i dunno, you still sorta felt for the characters at the end..
  10. for his mind? hm.. have to watch further on (missin about the last two dvd's and up from what they showin on tv, i'm so *ahem* frugal....) i dunno, i woulda never seen her for that type, at this point i don't think shishio does either, as he's been saying, a girl will still love you so long as you have power..
  11. just get the slayers to start off, not the slayers special or slayers gorgeous and what not.. hehe i know when i first started watching anime i say a whole friggen rack of slayers, just a bit intiminating,huh? i tell ya, megumi hayashibara has some range, the lady that plays rei ayanami is hello kitty!
  12. yeah i gotta say the opening to excel saga.. havent seen too many pop idols cough up blood on stage before..
  13. sounds to me like she's still working in the red light district if she likes shishio, god knows its not for his good looks..
  14. missed the show, but i do like the style, just something about vivid colors..ah.. tezuka was the god of manga after all i suppose..how did he die anyway?
  15. oh thankgod.. they have anno.. hehe they can't bastardize his child then.. just the dragon ball z movie.. hope they have enought sense to leave out some of the groaning at the very least. and godly's right, lets just pray this doesn't turn anime into a fad.. personally, i'm hoping for a l.a. cowboy bebop
  16. kinda sucks for kenshin having to worry about kaoru and such, just a bit comprimising...
  17. his eyes usually turn yellow. i dunno if i have my facts straight, but isn't faye also yahiko?
  18. nah, my hair came out purdy darn good actually, i did a lot of highlights so i'd still have some brown, make it look natural rather than a helmet..
  19. might just have been stylized, hehe have a bit of a hernia tryin ta lift that thing otherwise..
  20. its a real sword, probably not that big ofcourse, it was a popular weapon among women, used for disemboweling horses.
  21. hehe for sailor moon, can see poor dubbing, and power ranger like "morphing power" hand motions...
  22. yeah, spike's been in a couple of other things, like the movie metropolis, i think maybe i heard him in an insurance commercial too..
  23. there was a thread a while back about eva becomming live action, that ain't the only one, within the next two years or so there's gonna be live action akira, ninja scroll, dragon ball z, and some others.. please hollywood don't screw it up..
  24. i loved samurai pizza cats! never could stand polyester.. my brother had a site a while back where he downloaded the eps. have to ask him where at..
  25. i personally like the character designs, the tezuka designs bring back a feeling of nostalgia.. (dunno how.. i'm only 15..) expecting another character named rock to pop up.. don't worry,lupin's still on (how do they get an i in that? the katakana was more like lupahn..) , just later, its after reign. character designs for reign are nice looking if only he didn't give the male's lips, makes it look french. but back to topic, i've been watching it and besides being a bit dark, i like it. all adult swim needs to do now is get some subtitled up :)
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