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Everything posted by kiddy_phenil

  1. tch.. can sorta make ya feel dirty sneaking in a copy of totoro..
  2. yeah, as much as i like the quiet types, i like barry white voices, so my vote goes to ruben..
  3. yeah, the theme to Flash Gordon fits in well with just about any futuristic anime..
  4. either way you're gonna get fans that complain about it being too different/close to the anime, so might as well make it fun, and hey, helps when you got a deadline to just work off a story already made..no chance they tell ya who killed him, huh?
  5. yeah, its starting to get to be a bit painful to watch.. guess they're running out of ideas after all these years on air..
  6. did the manga end yet? i want to see if they close it like EoE or something different...
  7. sigh.. the only people at my school that are into anime are either otakus in the japanese sense, or homedawgs that only watch dbz..
  8. god, and to think, it wasn't that long ago that anime was really just a specialty thing, where you'd have to hunt and peck through the sci-fi shelves since it didn't have a designated area of its own..
  9. yeah, they had that scene in the manga,that's when touji became a pilot..
  10. i wanted a flying chair like that kid with polio..
  11. yeah, where it gets that human arm, and eats the angel's (s2 engine..?)
  12. then again the anime we watch could be stuff like you see on oldies stations i mean, m*a*s*h is still incredibly awesome, right? hehe old people are fun.. my mom used to work at a nursing home, and these two seniors got into a fist fight over who won at bingo..
  13. with a thread such as this its a bit obvious there are going to be spoilers, so i'd say setsuko from grave of the fireflies, that was so friggen sad. happy to say when they did the flashbacks they used new footage rather than processin some old ones. it wasn't grandious, just moving. spike's was a little harder to watch, i found, probably because he was a little more fleshed out than wolfwood, still sucked that wolfwood died, but we didn't know too incredibly much about him. and as for spike and faye...no.. eh..? no..
  14. i read somewhere that in that time the last name was yeah their village or area name rather than a family name, but i'll have to check my sources on that one..
  15. was it just the frog that was making noface act weird? actually, i think that miyazaki is currently working on a movie something like howls moving castle..
  16. ah,.. i grew up on anime, so doubtful i'll stop watching it, unless nostradamus is correct and in 2006 japan sinks under water.. damn that's the year i graduate, i was gonna go there for my senior trip.. like one comedian said how his grandma plays music from when she was young, and it would be some sweet little 1920's number or new orleans jazz, so when our generation gets old. grand pa says "c'mere sonny, i'm gonna play a song for you from my time.. f*** all you b******, we be keeping it straight gangstah.."
  17. then again, anime has such a lovely way of alternating endings and universes in it, tenchi, galaxy express 999, saber marionette, evangelion, any gundam series etc... i personally like movies where the main character or one of the main characters get hurt or dies. yes when you watch it it so incredibly sucks, yeah, like for rei, almost cried for that.. i like reading spoilers because it lets you focus more in on that character and get a greater appreciation for it through out the series, amazing how it sorta hurts more when you know what's going to happen though..
  18. it was the angel Zeruel in episode 19 i believe...
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark_serena [/i] [B]Oh God, I gotta take abreak from buying video games and buy the Excel Saga DVDs (I wonder where I should work this summer)[/B][/QUOTE] little bit of advice, don't work at mcdonalds.. those god forsaken polyester uniform pants..
  20. yes, i prefer the dubbing of bebop more than the sub, the voices seem to fit better..instead of a western though, bebop coulda gone more for the gangster theme, where it seems to lean the most to, but bebop really is just the view of another country on american cinematic culture.. i personally don't mind the psychobabble crap in eva, its just the cut scenes i can't stand, like the 1 min and 30 sec of nothing but ode to joy in the background before kaworu gets his head popped off, and the elevator scene with rei and asuka where after like 30 seconds asuka finally twitches, and the infamous recaps..
  21. vash's english voice has more of a whine to it, which suits his character i suppose when you get used to it..
  22. then again, going against movies like lilo and stitch, yes it was cute and all, but spirited away was different from usual disney fare which i guess made it stand out..
  23. in the subtitled version when wolfwood is thinking about who will be in paradise with him, the caption is "him, the girls and..." as he was thinking about someone else too, don't know if its a baby, but it does seem a bit significant..
  24. its about this little (5?) year old who's always getting into trouble. he's been called the japanese bart simpson..
  25. oh, ok there's four of them then.. i never noticed unit 02 had two mouths before, have to take a look back at that.. i suppose that a person in vegetable state would be human still, it's a genus i suppose. i forget what they call at hospitals for a person to be legally dead, i don't think they check pulse anymore.. So a monkey would have the right to own fire arms..
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