With terminal illness, suicide seems to be the only way out. It seems more humane,and less cruel of a fate in instances, and it makes them feel like the have control over their own destiny. Then again, if you pull religion in you get more questions, like had they been alive what more good could they have done, if they had fufilled their purpose or not. Like for those that believe in god, its said that suicide is never part of the master plan, I personally don't believe that they will go to hell, rather, i believe they will have to go through another incarnation. think how much of a suck time hitler's havin? then there is mental retardation, which is really the only truly valid reason, which they have no control, and actually feel they deserve the pain, that they don' deserve to live. there's a difference between suicide and martyrdom, but i'll just leave it at this, suicide causes pain and suffering to if not the person, then to the people around them, i personally feel that in most instances it is not justified, but in special instances if the person is not reached in time, it cannot be helped.