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Insane Idiot

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  1. The entire game of Ghouls and Ghosts, particularly the last levels, are ridiculusly hard to complete. [size=1][color=blue]Heh, I empathize with Ghouls and Ghosts being hard (I had tough times with that one), but mind explaining what was so hard about the game? Not everyone is going to know exactly what you're talking about when you say that Ghouls and Ghosts is hard. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]Ahem. The answer is: Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, and Link to the Past. Is that right? ~EDIT~ I was told to post. :p In [i]Ocarina of Time[/i], one of the bottles you find cannot be used right away. Where do you find it and why can you not use it instantly? *Bonus points for the exact message the item description box showed.* [/B][/QUOTE] No, you're missing one.
  3. I think that'd be a bad idea, considering mine hasn't been answered.
  4. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Oracle of Ages Q: Which Zelda games have monkeys?
  5. Actually it's Roc's feather. Which character in OOA builds the raft for you?
  6. The Tabahl Wasteland is the name of that area. Which TWO games feature a Poacher's Saw?
  7. The candles burn down bushes and such. The blue one can only be used once per screen, but you can use the red one more than once per screen. Q: In Majora's Mask, what does the Fisherman want a photo of?
  8. Link to the Past has neat tricks like Chris Houlihan's room, and a bunch of glitches, but no actual codes. The entering your name as "Zelda" code is for Link's Awakening, not Link to the Past.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]There's actually more than three games that feature Mario Bros. characters, if you count official art. LTP has pictures of Mario in a few houses, LA has Mario Bros. enemies, OOT has the pictures in Hyrule Castle and Malon's brooch thing, and the same thing for Malon in OOS (though you can't actually see it in the game, it's there in the art). I don't remember anything in TWW, though.... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] And, of course, Romani's brooch and the Yoshi doll:) I knew there were more than 3, I just wanted to make the question easier.:p
  10. Ganon didn't have any forms in Link's Awakening, since he was not in the game. The Nightmare took on different forms, but not Ganon.:p Name three Zelda games in which the likeness of a character from the Mario universe appears. This could be any Mario character-Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Yoshi, etc.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gamemasterkev00 [/i] [B]The quote of the week is by the mayor. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, now ask a question.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Well, technically, Ganondorf isn't the only male Gerudo in OOT. Link becomes a member of the tribe after he frees the four carpenters. :toothy: But anyway, are you talking about that little note in the post office, that's up on the wall? If so.... [b]Answer:[/b] The Postman did. He wrote it to himself, heh. [b]Question:[/b] Which five Zoras in the Zelda series wear clothes?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, that's [I]wrong[/I]. I mean the quote of the week, not the schedule.
  13. The tribe is all female, and one male is born every 100 years. He becomes the Gerudo leader. Q: In Majora's Mask, who provided the weekly Clock Town post office quote for that particular week?
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