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Insane Idiot

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Everything posted by Insane Idiot

  1. Yes Mei, 8 is the right answer. There is one person in each of the four small houses, two girls in the room with the Tuni Nut, the Skinny Man in the basement of that room, and the guy standing across from the volcano. And a guess, since I do not own Master Quest... Do you use Blue Fire to melt the red ice that the heart piece is in?
  2. Sorry, that's wrong. Note that I said Symmetry Village, not Lynna Village.
  3. Q: In OoA How many people live in Symmetry VIllage in the past?
  4. Hmm...I think it might have been called the Flute in the original, too.
  5. LoZ: Whistle LoZ2: Flute (looks like a brass horn) LttP: Flute (looks like a blue Ocarina) Link's Awakening: Ocarina Ocarina of Time: Ocarina Majora's Mask: Ocarina Seasons: None Ages: Harp of Ages Wind Waker: Wind Waker baton I might be wrong about the first two, my experience with them is very limited.
  6. More of a world geography question than a Final Fantasy one. Baku had a white shirt with an orange vest over it. It doesn't really look like any nation's flag. I mean, Ivory Coast? India? what?
  7. I looked in this handy dandy guide I have, and it turns out you got them in the correct order. Ask away, Des!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]He meant Ocarina of Time, I think. If you look back at the Deku Scrub Bros. question, he said "OOC" instead of "OOT." He's probably talking about the three Spiritual Stones in OOT. For the answer, though, I'd think that the three songs that you get on the Harp of Ages, in Oracle of Ages, look more like the pearls in TWW. They have the same markings as on the pearls, anyway. So, yeah, which did you mean?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I figured it was pretty clear, since the songs in Ages are the exact same objects as the pearls in Wind Waker, but with a little difference in the shade of the color used. You got it, Desbreko. Ask away:)
  9. Um..Krillin? OOC? What game would that be? That's not the abreviation of the answer, sorry...
  10. The boss in the Tower of the Gods. It comes to life to "test" you, then floats back onto the wall. Q: The three pearls in Wind Waker appeared in what other game?
  11. In the offical art, the back of the Hylian shield is all metal, but in the game, the back part is wooden. Q: In Wind Waker, you get the master sword in the basement of one of the rooms of Hyrule Castle. What images appear on the stain glass windows in this room? Name at least 8 of the 9.
  12. Alrighty then, LoZ, Adv. of Link, LTTP, Ocarina of Time, and...um...Majora's Mask then. Same quesiton as before.
  13. The Legend of Zelda, Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link, Link to the Past, Ocarina of time, and Wind Waker all have Death Mountain, allthough in Wind Waker, it is known as Dragonroost Island. Basically, every game set in Hyrule. In Wind Waker, you get the master sword in the basement of one of the rooms of Hyrule Castle. There are various stain glass images on each of the walls. Name the images that appear on every one.
  14. I don't really remember very well, so I'll guess. I think the games were Zelda 1 and 2...and it changed in Link to the Past, when you could just float on the surface without taking damage, but I'm probably wrong.
  15. Ohhh! I thought you meant actual cotainers, like the kind at the end of dungeons. In that case it would be Majora's Mask, with 52. EDIT: Oops, too late. To answer the question, that would be dogs, and they were in Link's Awakening. Question: In Ocarina of time, we all know you can get the horse, Epona. However, in addition to the horse, what are 4 other different animals that you could obtain in your adventure?
  16. Link to the Past, with 11 heart containers. I hope that's right:)
  17. Well, Wind Waker of course. Link's Awakening had an ocean I assume the shores in Seasons were oceans, as well as the shores in Ages, and I'm pretty sure Majora's Mask, though I'm probably missing one.
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