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About Bishie
- Birthday 10/29/1985
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Ummm...Im insane, and a total Yaoi/shounen-ai/slash fangirl ^__^ I aspire to be like shuichi shindou ^_^ LAAALIIHOOO!! *smickles*
Student. Blah i say X_x!!
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[color=crimson] Im scared to death of furbies, they are evil hell-spawned gremlin-wannabes O_o *eye twitches* Now after i have slandered them into the new millienium, I should explain why i dislike the furby so much. My younger sister was hooked on the things, she only had two..but still, two was enough. She wasted her money on those stupid things. But that wasn't the real reason i despised them so much. One night I was sleeping soudly in my sisters room,because she was having a sleep-over and her room wasn't big enough for all her friends. So anyway, I was sleeping soundly and suddenely i woke up to a noise which scared the living daylights out of me. It was the furby, it had opened its evil little eyes and was staring at me, mumbling something in furbish as my sister hadn't taught it english yet. Now usualy something as trivial as that wouldn't bother me, but i was half awake and disorientated X_x so i was like O____O!!! I proceeded to rush over to the furby and take out its batteries *twitches* I then went back to bed to peaceful dreams once more. A few hours later the evil furby woke me up again. Now either my sister and her cruel friends had replaced the batteries to torture me..or..something was [i]seriously[/i] wrong with that furby. So me, being the sane person that i am ^_^ I opened the window, and threw it out. The dear furby went for a midnight flying spree, and sadly didn't return. Heh heh.. So yes, that is why i dislike furbies O_o[/color]
Lain eyed the woman before him with obvious disgust, shifting slightly as so his body was pressed ever so lightly against the brunette behind him. Lain had gotten the boy into this captured state, and the blonde was going to get him out of it, no matter what the cost. Although exactly [i]how[/i] he was going to go about executing such a procedure Lain was still trying to figure out. He did know two things though. He couldn't allow himself to cut loose and use the small amount if magic aching to spill from his hands, and secondly he point blankly refused to answer any questions this woman was going to ask. Why would he satisfy scum such as them with trembling answers in a desperate attempt to be set free? Lain of course, knew being set free was the last thing that would be taking place now. Smirking slightly he shifted his weight onto this right foot, bracing himself for the oncoming pain that was about to launch itself on the forms infront of him and his smaller partner. "Curfew?..hpmh. Do i look like a child to you?..curfew is for children..i doubt i'll be partaking in a thing such as a 'curfew' any time soon. So your really wasting your time. Its pretty pointless y'know?..so just give up now, you'll get nothing out of me...so why not get bored now and save yourself breath?" Allowing another ice-cold smirk to wash over his face like a cracked masked-one that hated to be used. Lain moved forward slightly, eyeing the followers of the woman before him warily, he couldn't afford a full on assult, the smaller boy would come out far worse than he came into the situation. Lain also felt he [i]needed[/i] to protect the nervous boy behind him, the unusual thing is, he couldn't understand why. He [i]never[/i] protected people he ran into. He played the cards of life alone, he was never sorry for the people he refused to help if they needed it. But this time, he knew if he were to walk away and leave this boy, the brunette would most surely die-painfully too. If only he could think of a way out. If he wasn't distracted by the frightened features of the smaller figure beside him, maybe he could think clearly. "Tell you what, Ms..uhh...well, your names not important is it?..how about, you let the kid go and take me?..do with me what you will, hell you can hurt me for all i care, its not like i make a difference to society anyways. I'll go quietly if you let him go..if you don't. Well..the big cats will play-wont they miss?" After letting the last few words drop from his purpling lips, Lain swung his eyes quickly toward the boy once more. His line of vision drinking in his appearance incase it needed to be remembered. There was something about this kid..he couldn't have been much older than 16. The way his eyes glinted in the light made Lain's fingers itch, and itch that was all to familiar. Nodding gently toward the boy Lain shuffled his feet further foward, raising his darkened eyes to swallow up the crowd before him. "Well..?..heh, aren't decisions difficult?..especially when you have to think for yourself" ~~~~~ OOC: TAAADAAA!! O_o im sorry i've taken such a long time!! gomen gomen minna! I've just been bogged down with so much to do lately. I promise i'll be quicker with my next post. I hope this was okay, im still really rusty on the RP front..so forgive me if its a pointless mess X_x.. I also apologise for my use of "Hell" in this post. It was not meant to offend anyone, merely to portray Lain's style of personality. I think we're all mature enough to accept that and move on lol.
[color=crimson] I [i]despise[/i] my last name X__x not for any particular reason, i just don't like the way it sounds. So i guess if me and my girlfriend were ever allowed to marry (which probably isn't going to happen anytime soon) I'd take on her last name. I like her last name its cool ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson] Guilty pleasures?...hmm O_o well, I guess at the moment my main one is spending money on things for my new apartment that I really don't need X_x So far i've just eyed the things I want and sighed, but i don't know how long im going to be able to keep pining for these blue bedsheets I want O___O. Normally I guess it just consists of surfing the net when i should be doing homework *twitches* its soooo hard to tear myself away from OB when i know i have an english paper due. Ahh well[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] [B]I think it would be much more funny if the person showed up and was a man. i mean imagine this six foot seven body building strongman with a crewcut coming to your door and stating matter-of-factly that he used to be your lover in a past life. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]I just had to comment. ^_^ that was soooo funny!! I was sat cackling for atleast 10 minutes (I also choked on my kool-aid X_x) now everytime i look at that part of your post, i start giggling lol. annnyway. Hmm..im honestly not sure what id do *twitches* If it was some scary-old person with a balding head X_x Id probably slam the door shut, run upstairs and hide under my blankets O_o...however.. If he looked like Yuki Eiri..i would..GLOMP!! O_O... It would make sense though *twitches again* i don't go for guys in this life..and Yuki Eiri is such a cold A** no-wonder i was put off guys in this exsistance O_o.. If it was someone that looked like..Haruka Tenou ^_^ or..Angelina Jolie..i seriously would cling and refuse to let go O_O..yay for being a fangirl!![/color]
[color=crimson]Now this is a hard decision. But i think i'll have to agree with Doukeshi03. Im a major Sarah fan ^__^ her voice is just so beauitfull and her songs have such meaning. Personally my favourite Sarah song is "Angel" and "Adia" is a very close second *slides in her sarah cd* ^__^ But on the other hand, Dido is a beautifull singer too. Her song "white-flag" made me cry like a baby the first time i heard it. However, i don't think they sound alike O_o not at all really. Also the fact that Dido is british and Sarah is Canadian is a minor difference lol..sometimes the accent shows through the words just alittle. Because as we all know, people loose thier accents when they sing ^_^[/color]
[color=crimson]Hmmm O_O well..what do i say to this?. BAN GAY MARRIAGES!! IT IS WRONG!! X__x *voice drips sarcasm* Okay..im sorry i have a really weird sense of humour *twitches* Personally im all for it, i would like nothing more than to marry my girlfriend. We both live together and argue like a married couple anyway O_o so yes, im all for it totally. Now all they have to do is allow gay marriages in Tennessee and im all set *cackles determindly* Id also like to say. I have a great amount of respect for everyone that has posted in here. Its so comforting to see so many open-minded people in this world ^____^ *glomps everyone* Oh yeah O_o and if anyone does ever find out about legalising gay marriages in tennesee PM me or something O_o im usually the last person to know about these things. thanks![/color]
OOC: Firstly id like to state my triumphant return to the internet and OB! MWHAHAHAH. Secondly, I hope this post isnt too scratchy Doukeshi, im trying to get my bearings ^_^. ~~~ [i]"Im waiting for you, in this innocent world.."[/i] Lain sighed heavily as the cruel harsh wind surrounding him lashed at his body like a cruel instrument of torture. He had been wandering for days now, wandering without thinking of stopping or resting. His pale arms were beginning to show the traces of faint blue and purple bruises as the loss of food forced daily scars to become more apparent. Lain was used to this by now, walking along paths thousands took constantly, indifferent to the lives of others, no-one cared anymore, that was the depressing thing. Life held no meaning for anyone anymore-either you conformed to the system or it swallowed you whole, emotions and all. The once plush green lands harbouring the smiling faces of children were nowhere to be seen now, the prospect of smiling was a thing of the past. Everything dead, everything metal...it disgusted Lain. Still despite his hatred for the land which had cradled him at birth then threw him into merciless sorrow for the remainder of his years he refused to let his thoughts deter from his quest. Although he still did not fully understand what his quest actually [i]was[/i]. All he held left to guide him were a few dying words and a handful of memories which were useless anyway, seeing as the faces of the people in his thoughts were nothing but white spaces and black holes for eyes. Shaking his head furiously to rid him of the many questions surging through his mind like a rampant power-line,Lain sighed for the second time in five minutes. Pushing thin white-blonde strands out of his line of vision he continued to slowly pad forward once more, his black-boots scuffling along the backstreet encasing him and picking up dirt with every movement. The system never thought to clean the backroads, they were places of disgrace and filth, rather than improve the condition of these disease ridden alleways, they left them alone at most times, choosing to ignore the fact they even exsisted. In many ways this was irresponsible as the system was striving for a [i]prefect world[/i]. Yet to those disgraced it was a source of salvation. Lain smirked as he allowed his eyes to trail across the dark- moist bricks surrounding him. No-one would bother him here, well it was extremely unlikely, here he could pass to the adjoining sector with the least trouble. If luck was on his side for once. It was slowly getting dark by the time Lain was finally exhausted. Shivering continuously and trying desperatly to prevent the ice-sharp wind from cutting into his flimsy black shirt Lain frowned, adjusting his fathomless eyes to the dawning darkness. It wasn't easy, looking for a place to curl up and close one's eyes. He wasn't even concerned about the condition of the area he slept in, to Lain the main thing was cover, he couldn't get caught on his journey. He had to piece the scattered puzzle in his brain together once and for all. He couldn't keep running from his demons or his future anymore. It wasn't just because of his promise, no..that wasn't it. Something had been calling to Lain for quite some time now, causing his skin to burn, his hands to itch. He couldn't sit still. Lain still wasn't sure [i]what[/i] the call was, but it simply refused to leave him alone until he started walking in the opposite direction of his previous path. Where he was going now, he hoped someone, somewhere knew..because he sure didn't. Yawning and tilting his neck to the right slightly Lain smirked again as he felt the bones beneath the flesh of his neck snap and shift, easing the buidling tension that was beginning to slither down his spine in small painful spurts. It was as he was doing this Lain eyed the small crevace in the murky-slime ridden wall beside him. Shuffling slightly closer, his fists balled for any oncoming attack the blonde examined the space, nodding as it was empty and he was almost certain it would provide atleast alittle cover for a few hours, maybe not once it was light-but he didn't intend to sleep that long anyway. Pushing himself into the cramped darkened hole Lain bent over slightly, wrapping his arms about his hunched legs. Allowing the cold to wash over him Lain relaxed. This time he was fortunet to find a place with a wind-breaker, the air wasn't as harsh now, it was almost comforting. However Lain didn't allow himself the luxury of a smile, his smiles had died along time ago, aswell as the other thousands of souls trying to survive in this despicable world. It took a while for his eyes to finally drift shut, the lids drooping and closing, causing his dark lashes to stand out proudly against his almost translucent skin. Curling tighter into the ball he had made himself Lain allowed his breathing to slow and become even, as his body began its transaction from alert and wary into the ignorance of slumber. [i]"Where our tears are liquid crystal..Im waiting for you.."[/i] ~~~ OOC: Gah! I really hope this post was okay and not pointless descriptive mush. Im sorry if its done wrongly in any way X_x! I haven't RPed in like..[i]forever[/i]. But i'll get better I swear it! ^_^
[QUOTE][i][b] to Bishie: Farfie for a roomate?! You'd probably be found in a hotel room mutilated and uh...dead. [/B][/QUOTE] [/i] [color=crimson]*cackles* That is very true. But atleast id die at the hands of a bishounen ^_______^ Okay, yeah this comment made no sense at all. And also, what Maladjusted previously said. Lets all drop the shounen-ai thing ne?..this isnt the topic at hand ^_^[/color]
[QUOTE][i][b] I would also have no one from Gavitation of any other gay charachters and you should no why. O.o [/B][/QUOTE][/i] [color=crimson]Firstly id just like to comment. I doubt any of us actually [b]know[/b] why you wouldn't room with a gay character O_o. secondly, i find a comment like that extremely rude and cruel and im sure most people reading it would have the same view as me. I can understand you not agreeing with someones life-style and that is acceptable, but there is no need to flaunt your view in such an ill manner. Perhaps you should try being alittle nicer on some subjects ne?. However, if i am wrong in commenting like i have done, and you do have a perfectly reasonable explaination as to why you dislike it, please feel free to PM me and explain and i shall apologise for my fowardness.[/color]
[color=crimson]Hmmm..*twitches* I think the most amusing anime moment for me was when Shuichi Shindou from Gravitation tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a ground-floor window *cackles* oooh that was so funny! I couldn't stop laughing for hours! oh oh! and just the entire Excel Saga anime..that in itself is nothing but a laugh fest *eye twitches* especially the ending where the dog was singing about being eaten..LMAO!!! *dies cackling* Im twisted...X__x! [/color]
[color=crimson]Hmm perhaps i should start off with who id like to have as my roommate ^_^ before i start bashing the poor anime characters which i despise with every ounce of my being. [b]1)[/b] Yuki Eiri (Gravitation)- Okay..so he's cold..and he has a terrible smoking habbit. And the nicest thing he'd be likely to call me was "Baka" or "Gaki" but hey! thats okay! because he is a total bishounen!! he is soooooo pretty ^__^ he could room with me any day lol. [b]2)[/b] Tenou Haruka (Sailor Moon) Well, what can i say about Haruka?..nothing really. Just...drooooool O_O!! [b]3)[/b] HaruHara Haruko (FLCL ^_^) ahh my current obession. Not only is she absolutely insane..shes bloody gorgous too ^__^ *drools and worships* [b]4)[/b] Kurosaki Hisoka (Yami no matsuei) he's just sooo pretty! and full of agnst! YAY FOR AGNSTY BISHOUNEN!! [b]5)[/b] Ryoko (Tenchi Muyo) shes hot..*drools* and her dub voice so totally kicks ^_^ Now! onto the characters i would refuse to room with. [b]1)[/b] Jei Farfello (Weiss Kruez) O_O He's a freaky irish bishounen that can't feel pain and likes to lick knives X_x!! do you really think i could sleep soundly with him pottering around me? lol [b]2)[/b] Bradly Crawford (Weiss kruez) Okay O_o he's pretty..but he's sooo stuck up!! [b]3)[/b] Kazutaka Muraki (Yami no matsuei) I think someone mentioned him in their post earlier O_o I refuse to sleep in the same room as someone who uses humans as pawns in his own twisted little game of life. [b]4)[/b] Shindou Shuichi (Gravitation) he's too much like me!! we'd have no room left if we were put in the same place together..MWHAHAHAHAH [b]5)[/b] Seguchi Tohma (Gravitation) I hate him..nuff said. [b]6)[/b] Tsukino Usagi (Sailor moon) she just annoys me O_o [b]7)[/b] Hino Rei (Sailor moon) I have always despised her! she thinks shes better than everyone..and she can sing O_o I'd chop off her hair and throw her out the window. MWEHA!!! [b]8)[/b] Relena whatever-her-lastname-is O_o (GW) I HATE HER!! DIE DIE DIE!! if i ever hear "Heero...." again..i will go postal on someone [b]9)[/b] Dorothy Catalonia (GW) her eyebrows scare me..O_o [b]10)[/b]Ayeka (Tenchi Muyo) I just cant stand her..an her dub voice annoys the heck out of me. Plus Tenchi belongs to Ryoko ^_^ So there ya have it! my list *cackles* im strange ne?..lol[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by XxmagentaxX [/i] [B]i signed a petition the other day to get 80's cartoons released on DVD... I mean they did it for Care Bears and legend of zelda, why not rainbow brite and my little pony? or jem? or lady lovely locks and the pixie tails... ok now Im rambling...[/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Firstly I just want to apologise for posting again directly after my last post. I know its frowned upon..but i just had to make this comment. I didn't know "zelda" was a cartoon O_____O!! I played the games until i was blue in the face as a child! thats so cool to know there was a show..it makes me wanna watch it now O_o. Also..Its strange how hardly any of us remember what rainbow bright was really about O_O Maybe it was made by some creepy japanese-anime firm which sent subliminal messages to younger children..brainwashing them into watching anime when they got older *eye twitches* maybe thats why we don't remember what actually went on in the show..because we were like "@___@" all the time. Lol sorry, my weird sense of humour has to go on a little ranting spree. Oh and this is a small message for Doukeshi03..I didn't know you watched Rainbow brite!!! teehee! thats cool..i'll rant about it to you soon lol[/color]
[color=crimson]AHH!! *stares at the rainbow bright doll on an earlier post* I used to have that...OH HOW I MISS IT!!! O_O! I was addicted to that show as a child!! I thought Rainbow brites belt was the coolest thing on the planet! I used to beg and beg my mum to buy me one X_x but i don't think a toy company actually made one lol. Sadly I don't remember anything about the show O_o I remember the "Carebears" and "My little pony" but not Rainbow Brite..i wonder why *twitches* I'd so love to get my hands on video's of it now just to see what i was actually watching when i was about 3/4 but i think its practically extinct now X_x. I also wonder what happened to my Rainbow Brite doll..hmm.. Its weird though O_o even as a child i was watching anime-*ish* things *cackles* I was doomed from such an early age.[/color]
[color=crimson]Hmm..I think my favourite show when i was younger would have to be "Rainbow brite" O_o I don't remember any of it now, except it was about a girl with this really cool horse and a belt that she'd press and rainbows would come out of it ^_^ I was obsessed with it ^_^ I had a rainbow brite doll and everything. I remember i wanted to have her belt soooo bad O_o However i don't think a toy company ever made one. I'd like to get hold of some of the videos now (Im 18 lol) just to see what i used to watch when i was a child. But i think Rainbow Brite is practically extinct now X___x woe is me..[/color]