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Everything posted by Bishie

  1. [COLOR=crimson] Personally i think accents can be a blessing and a bad thing at the same time. Im British, so when i moved to America people were constantly asking me to talk to them so they could go crazy over my accent. I really didn't see what was so great about it lol. But I've been in the US almost two years now and haven't heard a British accent aside from my familes..so when i recently heard a girl with a British accent talking online-I totally flipped..i was like "OMG!! thats so cool! wait..you have my accent! i really sound like [I][B]that?!![/I][/B] teehee ^_^ So yeah, to me accents can be a great thing..but can also become somewhat of an annoyance at times.[/color]
  2. [COLOR=crimson]Okay, I don't think anyone has posted a thread like this before and i just [B]had[/B] to. Lately i've been getting extremely jealous over my girlfriend and her friend. I know I shouldn't because I have no reason to worry at all, but the emotion is still there and its driving me CRAZY!! whats more, I hate myself for feeling this because it seems to me i don't trust her or whatever. Now i know emotions are a good thing..and jealousy in small doses can do wonders. But it got me thinking. If you could erase [B]one[/B] human emotion..what would it be and why? I think by the small rant i wrote before i actually asked the question, everyone can see what emotion id love to do away with lol ^_^[/color]
  3. [COLOR=crimson] Omg! I have sooo many of these. okay here goes. [B][I]"In another life, where this blood we've spilt is wine. Where our tears are liquid crystal-Im waiting for you, in this innocent world. Close your eyes...follow me" "In my life i have loved many, yet given my heart to only one" "The moon consumed with sorrow, cries tears of stars" "If someone asked me "can you describe one of your dreams" I'd tell them. "I can't..i haven't woken up yet" "The template of a heart-Is not straight"[/B][/I] I have soo many more. But no others really come to mind right now. I think the favourite of my quotes has to be the first one though. I was really impressed at how my brain came up with something so..deep *twitches* O_o Oh yeah and incase anyone wonders..these [B]are[/B] mine. I dont randomly steal other peoples quotes ^_^ thats not nice.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]I don't know what the bands are named but I know the song titles... The one who wrote "Can you keep a secret?" and "First Love" [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson] Okay..flame me if im wrong O_o..but wasn't that "Utada Hikaru"? O_o..im pretty sure it is..but yeah, im stupid so it may not be. I guess my favourite bands..umm I don't really have any favourite [B]bands[/B] but as far as japanese music goes heres a list of my favourite singers. [B][I] Hamasaki Ayumi Utada Hikaru Chemistry (I think they're a duet ^_^) Ken Hirai Project Weiss (okay they're a group..so yeah) X-Japan (okay another group/band O_o)[/B][/I] I have soo many more, but none come to mind right now *twitches* trust that to happen eh?[/Color]
  5. [COLOR=crimson]I guess if i [B]really[/B] wanted to i would rewind back to when i was 14 and change some things that happened between the years i was 14-15. But if i honestly think about it, i don't know if i'd want to. Because i've learnt so much from what happened. I wont go into details about what [B]did[/B] happen-but believe me when i say i wouldn't wish it on anyone else. I guess I would change that, but i've grown so much from it..and become a better and more confident person these last few years (im almost 18 now) so yeah..maybe i wouldn't change it. I don't know.[/color]
  6. [COLOR=crimson]Hmmm..I think i'm happy with being myself, despite all the problems i have faced in my life. I think if i was someone else i'd wanna be me lol. BUT! If i really had to choose. I guess i'd wanna be "Shuichi Shindou" from Gravitation..cos well...he gets Yuki Eiri as a lover..i mean..comon?!! who would NOT wanna be him?..lol[/color]
  7. [COLOR=crimson] Well, I just thought i'd post one of my poems in here to see what reaction i'll get from it ^_^ I have tons more lurking about in the realms of my computer, so if the feedback is good i may post some more. This was written for my girlfriend quite some time ago..I think it's one of my more sweeter works. I hope everyone likes it! and don't forget to R+R!! Feedback is a Bish's best friend! *grins* [B][I]~Fallen~ Your fingertips trace me As they do each and every night I try to chain the passion of my emotions Yet this feeling i cradle is so right. I've given my heart to you I watch your face and all I can do is stare Smile as i know you really do care I look into your eyes, everything i've ever been searching for I find there And I fall for you all over again. I feel like im standing on the edge of the world Spreading my broken wings, trying to jump Your my inspiration, i've surpassed my stump. As i soar into the sky, Its your name i call Knowing you'll be waiting for me To catch me when i finally fall. They became jealous.. Rid you of your wings and threw you to the ground They couldn't stand your beauty Against your voice, their lips held no sound. I watch your demonic innocence Bite my lip as i continue to stare Wishing i was beside you, wishing i was there... You tell me that I'm crazy Im proud to admit its true.. But believe me angel I was at my sanest When i fell in love with you... ~Bish~[/B][/I][/color]
  8. [COLOR=crimson] Ahh! I have waaaay too many of these *twitches* But heres a few of my favourites. I'll also post two of my own because i think they're really cool ^_^ [B][I] "In another life, where this blood we've spilt is wine"[/B][/I]-Mine [B][I]"In my life i have loved many, yet given my heart to only one"[/B][/I]-Mine [B][I]"The moon consumed with sorrow, cries tears of stars"[/B][/I]-Mine [B][I] "I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that wont work[/B][/I]=I dunno where i got this from..but its not mine lol [B][I]"A friend is someone you want to be around, when you feel like being by yourself"[/B][/I]-Umm i'm not sure about this either O_o not mine though. So yeah, thats about it. I have hundreds more-but if i named them all, i'd be here for eternity lol.[/color]
  9. *grins* You know what i think of this Nashi-chan!!! *glomps* You should have seen the grin on my face when i stumbled across it. Brilliant as always my friend..you ARE Eiri-san ^__^
  10. [B][COLOR=crimson]~Game~[/B][/color] [B][I][COLOR=crimson]Im crying out to be saved From this feeling, that cannot be named Im sprawled before you Bruised, maimed Im ripped into pieces, for the world to see. You know now that im no angel I hid the truth so well Yet you know i wont ever lie to you No chinese whispers to tell. I could be cruel and push you away But in the end I know It's only me that will pay And this passion that envelopes us Is so white its almost grey. I'm screaming, falling to my knee's Asking to be punished You've left my feelings raw Battered, sore. It's just a game we play...[/B][/I][/color] [COLOR=crimson]I wrote this earlier today actually O_o I suddenly have tons of inspiration..i think its because im listening to "Utada Hikaru" I have waaay to many poems wandering around on my computer lol. Im not really sure why i wrote this. It doesn't really relate to anything. But i was missing my girlfriend at the time..so maybe thats why its so dark O_o[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matto Tradagen [/i] [B][color=navy][i] Something tells me this doesn't belong in OL.. Anyway, i'd say The Ring. Why? It offered good thrills, some nice grusome and twisted images, and had a really interesting plot. Most horror movies nowadays are more action and special effects without a half decent plot. "Oh no, there's some monster/ghost/killer and he's killing everyone. HEY, FAKE BLOOD!" Gah, it's annoying. Too many horror movies are without a good plot. But the Ring had a very good one. I liked how everything tied together, all of the images actually meant someting, and how they really went in on the backround of Samara. The plot was half of the expirience, a trait of truly good movies. If only the closups on the victim's mutilated faces lasted on the screen longer..that was one of the cooloest things i've ever seen in a movie.. ~Matto[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]I would have to agree COMPLETELY!! and i really don't need to explain [B]why[/B] this movie was so great myself, seeing as it was so wonderfully explained by Matto ^_^ Seriously, after watching that movie I didn't sleep for about a week and i couldn't be in a darkened room if the TV was off (i was too scared it would turn on to static O_o) so i constantly had to have music playing or something. Not much freaks me out that bad..so yeah, i think this is my favourite horror movie ^_^ I liked the plot so much im dying to see the Japanese version of it. However "Darkness falls" was a [B]very[/B] close second. I have only seen the first 20minutes of that movie and I stopped watching..later that night i thought something was in my bathroom O_o so i put a chair by the door lol. I'd have to say my favourite classic horror movie would have to be "Hellraiser" despite its goriness and very twisted plot line you have to give the film credit. I'd just like to know [B]how[/B] the movie wasn't banned O_o It was made quite awhile ago and i know for a fact movies that were less graphic were banned. Maybe it was banned O_o i really don't know. Just a few more additional comments *twitches* "13 ghosts" was okay O_o I really didn't care for it all that much as I have seen better. Although "the torso" seriously unnerved me. And finally..ALL HAIL FREDDIE KRUGER! O_o..I just find him highly amusing. Oh yeah..and then theres "Jeepers Creepers" *shudders*...do i really need to say more about that movie? X_x[/color]
  12. [COLOR=crimson] what would i wish for?...I really don't know..just having [B][I]one[/B][/I] wish is kinda annoying lol..because i have so many things i could wish for at the drop of a hat. But if i only got once choice I think it would be a chance to see my friends in england again. [B][I]Braidless Baka[/B][/I], [B][I]Doukeshi03[/B][/I] and [B][I]Kal[/B][/I] again. (Yes they are members on here..and yes we know each other in real life ^_^) I moved to america about two years ago and haven't seen them since. Even though i will be seeing them around 2005 hopefully. If i could have one wish now..it would to be able to see them again-because they truely are the [B]best[/B] friends in the universe and they've been there for me through everything. I owe them so very much. So yeah, no money for me..i don't like material possessions all that much anyway ^_^ [B]OKAY!![/B] so now i've stated my wish..i demand for it to come true! *eye twitches* O_o![/color]
  13. [COLOR=crimson]Well, i picked this SN because its also my nickname in real life. I have people constantly asking me how it came to be my name though ^_^ First off-I dislike my real name very much so its "Ami" and i really only like using it for legal papers and whatever. so yeah anyway. Onto the birth of my nickname! *cackles* Me and Braidless Baka, RP online alot and i prefer to ropleplay as a guy instead of a female O_o im not exactly sure why, i just think its soo much cooler being a bishounen. So when we met up on one random sunday she said to me "so what are you a bishoujou or bishounen?" she was joking of course..and my reply to it was "Im nothing..just..Bishie!" so it kinda stuck, there are variations too sometimes im "Bish" Ever since then all my close friends started calling me it and when i moved to america i told everyone to call me it too because i'd much rather be called that than my real name ^_^ Im also known as "shin" in the chatroom that im a reg in lol[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=crimson]Hmmm..O_o I don't think i was smarter when i was younger O_o Because over the past few years i've put real effort into learning languages and stuff. When i was younger i was so unsure about what i wanted to do with my life, I was also very naieve and made some stupid mistakes that if i had known what i know now i would never have let those things happen. So yeah, as i've gotten older i've seen alot more of the world and its workings..so i feel alot smarter now ^_^[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=crimson] My goals in life?..hmm *thinks for a moment* Well, to graduate would be one of them ^__^ I will be a junior in highschool when i return after the summer, so i have a while to go yet. And to work in Japan ^_^ I'd really like to become a linguist. If i cant work in the country id settle for working in the US. Aslong as it involved the Japanese language i wouldnt complain.[/color]
  16. [COLOR=crimson]Hmm the most painfull moment for me? Well, i don't really have any physical painful moments ^_^ But the thing that i think is the most painfull moment was when i had to say goodbye to my dear friends Braidless Baka, Doukeshi03 and Kal (we all know each-other in real life) I visted them for a few days as i had previously moved down to the southern part of England. I came to visit them because i was due to move to America later that year. I was an emotional wreck when it was finally time to go home. What hurt the most was some little mental-nagging thing telling me i wouldnt be seeing them for a verrrry long time. *grins* I was right, we haven't seen each other (in person) in about 2 years or so now lol. Despite that..they really are the greatest friends in the world. Just had to add that.[/color]
  17. [COLOR=crimson]Hmmm..the funniest thing to ever happen to me? O_o *twitches and blushes*[/color] [COLOR=crimson] I was helping my mother clean out the fliter to our fish-pond when i was about 12..i slipped and fell in the pond ~_~!! But this was no ordinary pond O_o..its was deeeep, i distinctly remember the water actually coming up to my elbows *twitches*[/color]
  18. [COLOR=crimson]I just had to comment on this, I apologise that it is somewhat off-topic though ^_^[/color] [COLOR=crimson] Here's me thinking me and Braidless Baka were the only ones to refer to staying up all night as "All-nighters' Heehee! thats so cool! people think alike! ^__^ *grins*[/color]
  19. [COLOR=Crimson]The first anime i remember seeing was the dubbed version of "sailor moon" Although im pretty sure i've watched anime in my childhood years and not actually realised it was anime O_O *twitches*[/color]
  20. [COLOR=Crimson] Hmm O_o the worst EVER anime song i heard?!! *twitches and files through memory" Oh hehehe..i remember. It was the "sailor moon" dubbed theme ^__^ Seeing as that was the first EVER anime i have seen, it would have to be that. Im pretty sure everyone knows how the lyrics go, but i'll post alittle anyway.[/color] [B][I][COLOR=crimson] Fighting evil by moonlight, Winning love by daylight, Never running from a real fight, She is the one named SAILOR MOON!![/color][/I][/B] [COLOR=crimson] Personally i think the japanese version to this is less..cheesy *twitches* [/color]
  21. [COLOR=Crimson] Hmmm..what have i done *twitches* Nothing too great right now. In order to get my diploma i have to take a english class because i moved from england and didn't have enough credits X_x!! So my summer basically consists of summer-school and wandering around online ^__^ Chatting to friends *waves to braidless baka* and writing fanfiction etc etc.[/color] [COLOR=crimson] Although my summer should get interesting this week, as on sunday i am going to Tennesse to see my girlfriend YAY FOR ME!!! ^__^[/color]
  22. I constantly pull all-nighters ^____^ I usually come home from school, eat etc etc. Then take a nap between 7pm-10:30pm, then i wake up and go online until about 4am or something *twitches* I do need atleast an hour sleep before i get up at 6:40am..but thats still pretty close to an all-nighter ne? On the weekends..i just sleep during the day and im awake all night. Im nocturnal lol. I usually just chat, lurk around OB or submit fanfiction ^__^ Some people say i have no life. Bah! THEY LIE!! O_o
  23. I think the thing that scares me the most..(its stupid!) would have to be the fear of being alone or forgotten. I have serious issues with that. I worry that one-day i'll have no-one..no-one will even know i exsist..or remember me *shudders* Then theres the silly things, like spiders,bugs,scary movies,clowns..etc etc O_o..
  24. I first started using the internet about 5/6 years ago. My mum would always be chatting online and i convinced her to let me have an hour-slot each night *giggles* Since then i've become an internet-junkie ^__^ I swear if suddenly computers dissappeared I would go insane..really i would. Im 17 now and my hour a night slot has kinda ...died heh O_o Im usually on for 9-10 hours at a time now. When i first got the internet it usually consisted of going into chatrooms. Now i surf, chat and post my work on sites etc etc..Im still not completly computer-wise O_o but i know a fair amount..and i know my way around the web like the back of my hand *giggles and pets her modem* ^__^
  25. Personally i am all for it ^_^ Im a lesbian myself and i find it upsetting how half of the time i have to hide how i act/feel because i worry someone will look down upon me *twitches and hides* However, its in places like this i feel i can be myself so.. Yes-I believe gay marriages should be allowed. I mean, aslong as no-one is doing anything wrong and they're both perfectly happy why should anyone else try to ruin it? Love is a beautifull thing. Plus..every person believes in the perfect life. A nice marriage..a big house with a white picket fence *grins* well okay, not *everyone* wants this..but im sure they want the feeling of contentment and sercurity. I myself would LOVE to get married some day..I doubt that will happen seeing as society is the way it is. Its nice to daydream though...
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