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Everything posted by otakukev

  1. Nothing's made me cry yet; I'm still looking for that one anime that's poignant (not necessarily sad) enough to do it for me. I got close at the end of Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, and I think I might've if all hell hadn't broken loose during the last couple scenes; I was trying to watch it, and suddenly the doorbell rings, and my dog goes berserk, and my mom's running around, and...yeah. Full Moon wo Sagashite, too, but the manga, not the anime. The anime just kinda pissed me off, that [spoiler]Mitsuki didn't already know that Eichi was dead.[/spoiler] Maybe it's just because I read the manga first. What got to me in the manga was [spoiler]at the end, when Mitsuki's with Takuto and there's a page that shows Eichi reaching after them, as if he's being left behind and Mitsuki's already forgotton. I got choked up there.[/spoiler] The closest I got, I think, was at the ending of Now and Then, Here and There, which I'm surprised nobody has mentioned (perhaps no-one's seen it...?) At the end, when [spoiler]Shu returns to his time/home/whatever the hell and picks up the bag he left behind. It's just like...after everything he's been through - after seeing so much death, terror, abuse - how do you go back? What do you do? Can you really return to the way you lived before, especially when there's nobody there for you? When he returns, Shu is left alone, weighed down by the heavy burden of what he's experienced, and has to find some way to pick up the pieces of his old life again.[/spoiler] It really is the most poignant moment I've ever seen. I was honestly depressed for a few days...heh, my family didn't know what was wrong. Truly a masterpiece.
  2. I have to say that I'm disappointed it's over. I did watch the original Kanon, though, so most of it didn't come as a surprise to me, but Kyoto Animation handled it exquisitely enough that it was fresh and far more emotional. I particularly liked [spoiler]bringing in the original Makoto; that was definitely unexpected but added a lot to the series. I felt that she was kind of representative of how Yuuichi had matured.[/spoiler] There were a couple of things that bugged me, though: First of all, they cut out [spoiler]the dance scene with Shiori, in front of the fountain. Of all the girls (besides Ayu, obviously) Shiori was probably the one he was closest to having a romantic relationship with, and the dance would have fit in really well. I don't really know why it wasn't included.[/spoiler] Also, while it was handled extremely well, I was kind of disappointed by the ending in general. [spoiler]Specifically, that it was pretty much exactly the same as the previous Kanon's ending. I had started to think that Kyoto Animation might take it in a new direction, especially once Ayu and Yuuichi kissed, which didn't happen in the first (as far as I recall, and one of my friends seemed to think so too.) I was just expecting something new, i guess, but I'll live.[/spoiler] That's pretty much it for complaints. It wasn't quite as much of a tear-jerker for me as, say, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien and Now and Then, Here and There were, but it was amazing nonetheless. Kyoto Animation has been on a roll recently. Oh, and on a final note, did anyone else notice [spoiler]at the end of the final episode, when it showed the cut down tree with the new bud, there was a faint, blurred image in the background that looked a bit like a fox...[/spoiler]
  3. I happen to be very fond of the soundtrack for Mystical Ninja starring Goemon on the N64. Maybe it's just my japan-obsession, but the opening theme and all the BGMs just make me happy. It all fits really well with the feel of the game. It's very Japanese...^_^. I also like Time's Scar from Chrono Cross. I find myself listening to it a lot. It's just that cool.
  4. otakukev


    Family friendly does not mean entirely family orientated. The controller does not determine the game library, and the Revo controller is simply open to any type of game, whether it uses the remote's full capabilities or not. As it is, Nintendo could viably have games for the system that use the Gamecube controller, since it has ports for that. Nintendo knows that some people will be turned off by something so radically new, and thus the shell that may or may not be included with the Revo. There'll definitely be people that don't get a Revo just because they're too used to a "normal" controller. I'm sure that there'll be tons of games, 3rd party or otherwise, that are gimmicky. It's unavoidable with that kind of input device. But by the same token, there'll most likely be more games that are able to utilize the Revo's controller in intuitive new ways that deliver an entirely new gaming experience. That's up to the developer. I, for one, can see shooters being incredibly fun with the Revo controller. I just thought, is there a reason this thread is addressed specifically to XBox users? The question can be applied to PS2 and Gamecube users just as easily...
  5. otakukev


    [QUOTE]I really hate the idea of the revolution controller. Its a remote . A low price point is great and all but I rather have a regular controler.[/QUOTE] Keep in mind that there'll be some sort of shell that's akin to the Wavebird, so it's possible there will be games that use the traditional style of controller. Also, it's not a remote, it only looks like one. The video shows only some of the possibilities that the Revo controller is capable of; in theory, there is an almost endless list of actions that could be performed with it. The video in no way is a complete list. As for the Revo's library, it's not exactly going to mirror the GCN's. To say the Revo will have kiddy games because the GCN/N64 had some is uninformed at best. This is the first time I've seen Super Smash Bros referred to as a kiddy game...
  6. This is IMO the best Mario Kart game to date. It feels a lot more natural on a handheld than the GBA version did, at least to me. It's gonna suck when I start playing console versions again and don't have the overhead view to glance at...that's really handy. I can watch a red shell come at me, only to see it swerve and hit me from the side instead of coming up straight behind me. So much for trailing bananas. Meh. The only real problem I have with the game is the fact that during an online match you can disconnect in the middle of a race without any sort of penalty. My win/loss record would be higher if my opponents didn't keep on turning off their DS's right before I win a race...jerks. oh, and my friend code is [B]369426 667357[/B]
  7. 1. Captain Falcon (Blue Falcon) 2. Dr. Stewart (Golden Fox) 3. Pico (Wild Goose) 4. Samurai Goroh (Fire Stingray) I'm basing this on my F-Zero GX knowledge, so it may be wrong. If it happens to be right... Question: In Pikmin, what are the three types of Pikmin, and what are their strengths?
  8. Yep, that's a good game. If what Semjaza said doesn't work, try heading straight south from the Promontory Cave, west of Aliahan. That should do it.
  9. Fighting games aren't my favorite, either; yet I find myself drawn to games like SSBM. I've never heard of any stereotypes between fighting games, but I can see how people would do that. I tend to play games that I think look fun rather than deep. I had gotten SSBM before SCII anyway, so I didn't stereotype against SSBM. Not that I would anyway, tho. :P I agree with Shin about some fighting games being too deep. Developers just can't seem to keep it simple fighting; if I'd wanted an RPG I'd have gotten one. Take SCII, for example. The Weapon Master mode throws in a storyline, which wouldn't usually bother me. However, there was always some five paragraphs before each fight. They were always too lengthy. I would've preferred just the introduction at the beginning of each chapter. The story explanations took away from the enjoyment of the game for me. Not to say that it is a bad game; that's not my point. I just think it should be more about the fighting than the story. Then there's Melee. I personally believe that it is one of the best multiplayer games of all time. It just doesn't get any better than four players duking it out at once. How many other games are there where you can beat someone with a paper fan? It is a great game despite the fact that it is mostly two dimensional. I think it would be hard to do a four-player brawl in 3D. Nothing quite compares to the chaos of SSBM; any other fighting game is slow in comparison. It always bugs me when people are biased based on graphical display. Sure, more moving compatibility can be fun. However, the actual content of the game is what should be judged. So what if the characters in SCII can move any direction? There are only two players at any given time, and the arenas are smaller than the ones in SSBM. At first glance, Melee may not seem very deep. Like PoisonTongue said, it becomes very deep when the players are experts. Being able to execute perfect combos then juggling someone through the air is quite a unique experience. There are so many options even based on which character you choose; not just the fact that they all have different attacks, but they're all completely unique--not just different types of slashes, jabs, kicks, etc. While DK can hold on to someone and pull a kamikaze, Peach can throw veggies at another! How cool is that? I guess my point is that games like SSBM should NOT be judged by their engines. It may be different, sure. But a fighting game is for fighting, not being able to move wherever you want. You can barely even jump in SCII! :P
  10. Another thing that you can try is to bring a beastmaster along and make the monsters attack each other. That gives them yellow/red cards for attacking monsters, even if they are monsters. This will work until there is only one monster left, and I think you can survive with one red card for a few days. I've used that strategy several times, and it works quite well. Or, you could poisen them so that they die eventually and you only get a yellow card. If you don't have a way of poisening or don't have a beastmaster, then I think you're screwed.
  11. Ah, thanks for mentioning that, Shin. Saved me the trouble :P Gollum was something of a river-hobbit type thingee. In any case, that was great. You never fail to make me laugh. There sould be a "Film of Randomness maker" category in the Otaku Awards. You'd definately take the cake in that one!
  12. In answer to Sennen's question, I believe there are [spoiler]31 chapters, excluding side quests, which there are seven or eight of. Of course, this is only in Lyn and Eliwood's campaign. After you beat Eliwood's campaign, you can play through as Hector, with a few more missions and side quests.[/spoiler]
  13. Hmmm...I don't quite remember when I got Metroid Prime. It might've been Christmas. In any case, it was my brothers', so I would have to ask him whenever I wanted to play it. *sighs* Yet, I beat it a long time ago, started it on hard mode determined to get all the missile expansions and health tanks, and promptly stopped playing for no apparent reason. Now I am considering starting to play again. Also, my bro has started playing again. It's rather fun to watch him fight Metroid Prime again and again, and yet still die. Very refreshing :p
  14. [spoiler]The first part of the game(with Lyn) is just the tutorial. O_o...that's one long tutorial...[/spoiler]Not sure if that should be in spoiler tags, but anything to keep from angering the great Nintendo Mod... I've found that Fire Emblem is much like a mix between Advance Wars and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, or any swords/magic games. It plays like AW and the battles show the same way, in the split-screen type thing. Though I must say, the animations are awesome. I also like how critical hits have an entirely different animation than the regular attacks. Probably my favorite part of the game, those animations... Be prepared for some long chapters. They don't take quite as long as the ones in FFTA or Tactics Ogre, but some are pretty lengthy, since your units move, then the enemy units move, and so on...it doesn't help that on most chapters the enemy has at least twice as many units as you do. The most units you can ever use (though it varies from chapter to chapter) is sixteen, I think. It takes a lot of effort to split all your experience between all the units possible to get. You don't even have to find all the available characters. There are some you can get only if you unlock a side quest, or talk to them with certain characters on the battlefield. It might be difficult to play through the game with only the units that you get automatically. There's my little post. I got the game on my birthday (Nov. 13) so I've had it for a couple weeks. I beat it, [spoiler]but there's plenty to do afterwards...[/spoiler]
  15. I've never really had anyone pause often during something, but there are other things. For instance, I have this one friend that, when we want to play Melee, we [i]have[/i] to do it on the Great Fox level. Otherwise, he just sets down his controller and won't play. In some FPSs, I know some aggravating stuff also. Although, it's mainly me that does it. It's not cheap or anything, but annoying nonetheless...in short, beware when I have a hold on a bunch of proximity mines. :devil: Just run around and chuck some in the most random places, then seal yourself in somewhere! Works great in Survival-type scenarios. Sit back and watch as your opponnents suddenly blow up out of nowhere, spawn, and [i]immediately blow up again because you placed a mine there, too![/i] Good fun.
  16. To get an assassin you need 1 sniper and 2 elementalist a-abilities. The one class you have one of :p As to Ezel and the other secret characters, I only let them join up so that I could say I have them. I don't really use them; I use mainly the six people that my clan started with. Yes, like Takuya said, you can do any of the missions you haven't yet completed. I had done some like 280 of them when I had beaten it, but that's just me. I found it gets very frustrating when you have nothing to do except those 5 missions left, and they only appear in a certain month, and to do it you need two missions items you don't have, so you have to do other missions first that appear in another month...you get my idea. You know, I've also found that if you don't remember something about the storyline (after 100+ hours :p) it helps to start another file and play the beginning again. When I gave my team update (a couple posts ago) I said that [spoiler]there was a cinema scene with Babus saying a few unknown words, and he and Cid thought it was an ancient language. I started a second file, and in the opening scene where Marche, Mewt and Ritz open the book, Mewt reads a few words out of it, but doesn't understand them. These are the words that Babus was saying; I wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't started over. I don't know if that phrase affects the game at all, though.[/spoiler]
  17. The Sword Breaker isn't hard to get. It just doesn't appear until fairly late in the game, at which point many of the good weapons to be stolen have passed by. One option is that if you have Steal: Ability find a thief that has Steal: Weapon and steal it. As to the Knight and Fight Combos, you need two seperate weapons for them. A Mythril Blade gives you fight combo, and a Mythril Brand gives you Knight Combo(for a Paladin). Most of my mythril weapons came from Nono's shop after linking with a friend. Try linking a lot, checking the shop between each time. You'll probably get it eventually. If you don't have a linking partner, well, you're screwed. As for the final boss[spoiler]es[/spoiler], I didn't find them too dificult. Of course it didn't help that I had laws against Katanas and Skills, which ruled out my Ninja and Sage. [spoiler]Having three battles in a row doesn't affect things much, since your health is replenished in between battles. I didn't use any combos or Totemas during all three. For the first, I avoided Llednar until everyone else was killed, then hit him from a range until he got too close. Then I broke out Marche, who had double sword as a paladin. In the second battle, against Remedi, I decided to use an antilaw so that my Ninja and Sage could be put to good use. I took out the Famfrit and Addramallech first, then went for Remedi, who I cornered and attacked until she went. It helps to have a Sage with Turbo MP and Raise:p For the final final boss against the Li' Grim, I had to take more desperate measures. I sent my everyone for the two Mateus' after creating a law against harming Humans. The Mateus' could only attack four of my six people, and even though Remedi could still attack me, it help to have reduced damage. After the Mateus' went, I concentrated my attacks on Remedi, healing as necessary, until she finally died. I beat it on my first try. Maybe I just have the skillz:devil:[/spoiler]
  18. It's been a while since I've updated. My clan has been changed quite a bit. My clan level is now 74, and all the others (magic, smithing, etc.) are above seventy. The highest is 85. My main six people are developing quite nicely. Marche is on level 37, and I think that a Paladin/Blue Mage combo works rather nicely. He's definately my best character, with an Excalbur 2, Nagrarok, Bangaa Helm, Peytral, and Ninja Tabi equipped. He has a movement range of 7, but I could make it 8 if I wanted. My attack power would drop, though. I think seven is sufficient for now, hehe. His attack power is 541, and the rest are all quite nice. Montblanc is currently a Gadgeteer, which is probably the funnest class I've found. There's always the risk that you'll target yourself, or heal the enemy, but that's what makes it fun! Then he has Steal as a second ability. I had him as a Gunner for a while, so he knows Concentrate. Hehe...he has a 80% hit rate attacking from the front. Now, imagine from the back...it works well with Time Mage abilities, also. Stop with a 70% chance! The rest of the team is great. I have my Nu Mou as an Illusionist with Sagacity Skill for a second ability, and Turbo MP. If the Phantasm Skill doesn't do much damage, break out the Giga Flare! And he has Black Magic, Control, White Magic, and Alchemy Skill, so he's pretty customizable. I tried a Morpher, but I don't really like them. Maybe my monster just sucked. But you don't even get to see them turn into the monster! Only when they use a skill. They can't use Fight, either. My second Human is a Hunter, with Fighter Tech. My Viera is an Assassin with Sharpshoot. She is my second best attacker, mainly because she has a Masamune 100 equipped. It has an attack power of 86. Then, because I had nothing better to do, I switched my Bangaa to a Warrior to finish teaching him all the abilities. As far as secret characters go, I have [spoiler]Lini the Mog Knight, Quin the Sage, Littlevili the Sniper, Pallanza the Gladiator, and Cheney the Hunter. For characters that are unique to the story, I have Ezel, Babus, Ritz, Shara, and Cid.[/spoiler] I have completed all 300 missions, and my time is 93 hours. But wait, there's more! If you don't want to know the storyline after all 300 missions, don't read the spoiler tags. [spoiler]After you finish whatever your last mission is, when you stop a Bervenia Palace, you see a short scene with Babus reciting some words that Mewt used to say. Cid enters and asks him about it. He suspects that it is from an ancient language, but they don't know what it means. I expect more on this to be revealed later. Then there is another scene (I can't remember how you get to it) that again shows Babus and Cid conversing. Cid tells Babus that ever since the Judges broke away they have had problems with corruption, because the Palace can't control them anymore. They decide to go to the clans for help, but there is only one they can trust that can't be bribed--you. Then there is a mission in the pub saying that the laws in Cadoan have gone corrupt. There is a judge giving people immunity form Red Cards! When you start the mission you see the bad judge giving a person red card immunity. Before he can finish it, Cid enters and asks what he is doing. The judge states his innocence, but then the other person takes off his cloak. It's Marche! You then proceed to battle, with Cid joining you. Afterwards, Cid asks to join your clan so he can patrol the areas outside of the cities for corrupted officials. Then there are more missions in the pub, one at a time, fighting Palace officials gone bad, making laws such as "no answering" and "no full HP". I'm in the middle of all this right now.[/spoiler] Sorry if that was a little long, but I felt like giving a detailed explanation. To Zidargh: I think you should get this game as soon as possible. I haven' heard anything about packages, but oh well. I haven't had any problems with the graphics. A magnifying screen may be nice, but I personally don't think it's too small. The only thing is that you can't see all of the world map at one time, or all of the battle map, but that hasn't posed too big a problem for me. This is a great game. If you like strategy, then this is definately for you. It may get monotonous after a while, because it's just battle, battle, battle, battle, but I've yet to see the day. It certainly has good replay value, since I haven't played through the whole story, and yet have almost 100 hours worth of gameplay. It definitely will take up a lot of your time. Of course, that's only if you want to do all the missions, and if you don't, you won't uncover the whole plot. It keeps going after the main story with Mewt and the Crystals, but I'll only tell you if you want to. See spoiler area above if you want to know what happens afterward. Hope my little evaluation helps!
  19. I've got a TI-83+. I have the PuzzPack, with Dino Puzzle (sorta like Yoshi for Nintendo and GameBoy), Block Dude, Puzzle Frenzy, and Pegs. I don't use these as much as the others. Then I have the Mirage OS packet. I used to have R-type, Avalanche, Pac-Man, Tetris, Phoenix, and Phantom, but I just turned it on now to check and only Phoenix is showing up! damn. *goes to download some more*
  20. those are pretty good, albeit sorta bland. One thing you could try to do is to get rid of the solid colors behind the text, because it covers part of the picture. Like in the Gohan one, you can see a little dark blue box surrounding the text. It makes it look a little less professional. Not that I've done anything good, tho...
  21. A. All the Mythril weapons. I.E. the Mythril Sword gives Combat Combo, the Mythril Soul gives Morpher Combo... Since the only FF game I've played is FF Tactics Advance, here we go... Q. What are the requirements to get an Illusionist? (Nu Mou)
  22. Cool. It'd definately be a LOT less of a hassle than having cords, and most likely a LOT easier to set up. Using the cords was always a pain, because you have to be something like three feet away from each other. Not very spacious, if you ask me. One thing I'm curious to know, though; will it be usable for past games? Or will it have to be integrated into the new games that are released after it? Most likely it will have a fairly decent reach, since Motorola kicked in. And there are MORE Pokemon games in Japan? O_o;;
  23. Update on the Gray Davis recall. Some of you may already have heard, but the recall has been postponed until sometime in March, I believe. The reason: The government has found that Hispanics and Black people have a larger margin of error when casting ballots. Tchah. Figures that they'd come up with something like that. And then Davis goes ahead and makes a law that [I]illegal aliens can get a drivers liscence.[/I] Good Lord. To anyone who remembers the 2000 Presidential elections, now California is making Florida look good. Us Californians are idiots, apparently. So...any thoughts on this?
  24. Well, I didn't have any antilaws at the time. That kinda makes it a little more difficult, and I didn't have a fighter or anything real special. It was close towards the beginning. I'll soon get Phantasm abilities though, once Pedro finishes learning Blizzara. :devil: Again, about the Monster Bank: What exactly does it do to captured monsters? Can you use them in a battle? *wonders* I wonder if Malboros like Marlboro cigarettes?
  25. Heh...misinterpretation on my part. I am rather fond of Barrier, though I don't use it as much as others because I don't have many Red Mage A-abilities. I like to stick with Aim and the sniper one. What really sucks is that I have a bow with a 7 PANEL RANGE but can only be equiped by an Archer. :mad: Ah well. I DO have a Greatbow with 6 panel range... Even better, it teaches Aim: Vitals to a Hunter. :devil: I'd love to see what that can do... My Nu Mou (Pedro, in case anyone cares) is almost done learning the Black Mage spells, so I'm gonna make him a Sage next. Can't wait for Water, Aero, and Bio...:devil: Then comes Illusionist. Fear me... As to Bangaas, I was actually referring to yours, Des. You mentioned that you switched him to White Monk to learn Counter, and I was just suggesting that rather you just have him learn Bonecrusher. In any case, Templar only takes two Warrior abilities, so if you can get a Templar but don't yet have Counter, you may be better off just getting Bonecrusher. Speaking of White Monk, I need to switch my Defender back. I just got a new weapon with a tech called Holy Sign, and I'm curious as to what it does. One of the main things that I'm working on now is teaching my Fighter and Defender Combat Combo, because I failed to teach it to them early on. Then I'll switch my Defender back to Dragoon; imagine, a Paladin, Fighter, and Dragoon all in one combo. *drools* Then I need to get some kind of combo that Moogles, Viera, and Nu Mou can all learn. Then I can have each half of my team with different combos! *drools again* Question: How do you capture monsters to send them to the Monster Farm? I can't seem to figure it out. [QUOTE]Heh, that's nothing; one time I forgot to use a character with some sort of attack magic in a battle, and there was a Flan in the enemy ranks.[/QUOTE] Heh, that REALLY sucks. Was it on an equal level as you? At least Flans don't have that much HP. I'd be fine, 'cause I've got two guys with black magic and one that has Control. It'd kinda suck if there was a law against color magic, though...O_o Try fighting a battle with laws against Fight AND Color Magic. THAT sucks. lol.
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