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Everything posted by otakukev

  1. Gee, that's too cluttered, RicoTranzrig. You should clean out your desktop.lol. Syk: How do you do that with AIM, so it's all in one thing? Anyway, here's mine. [img]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/kevster/images/Desktop.jpg[/img]
  2. Bangaas can also learn Bangaa Cry. It's got the same range as the breath abilities, but it does more damage. Another idea for a Bangaa is instead of learning counter, have them switch to Templar and learn Bonecrusher. It's the same as Counter, but with 1.5 times the damage. Very useful. So far, I've found Vieras to be the least useful, but that's probably because I don't have an Elementalist or Summoner yet. Snipers are pretty good, but, as Des said, Red Mages are almost useless. The good thing abou them is that you can have a Viera with Black Mage spells. However, there is a good mix you can get with them. Have a Red Mage learn Sleep, then switch to a Sniper and get Death Sickle. Then...put your enemies to sleep, and use Death Sickle, which puts Doom on them. :devil: Since they are asleep, there's 100% hit rate, and the countdown will be at 1 when they wake up. Muahahaha... My Nu Mou is probably my most versatile character. He started as a White Mage, and thus knows Cure, Cura, Curaga, Esuna, Life, and Shell. He also learned Turbo MP, one of my favorite Stat boosters. It doubles the amount of MP used for techs, but does double damage/effectiveness. So I can cast Curaga at level 14 and heal above 150 health, and do almost 300 damage to Zombies. It's also helpful when using Black Magic, because it doubles the damage. So, I have my Nu Mou learning all the Black Mage spells also. Then, for when I'm fighting monsters, he has all the Beastmaster abilities. Later I'm going to train him in Sage, Morpher, Illusionist, and Alchemist...:smirk: Not much to say on my Humans, however. I've got a Fighter and a Paladin. Marche is the Paladin. Some of the Fighter skills are pretty cool, like Far Fist and Backdraft. Though, I must say, I'm not that fond of Air Render. Everyone seems to think it's the best thing ever, but I haven't found much use for it. Oh well. Lesse...now my party (meaning the six people I use all the time) are all level 14 or 15, and I've played for 26 hours. I have 86 completed missions, and 10 freed areas. Here's my clan stats: Clan name: Otaku (hehe...) Level: 24 Skills Combat: 17 Smithing: 13 Appraise: 14 Negotiate: 17 Magic: 15 Craft: 16 Gather: 14 Track: 17 So yeah. There's my clan. As to the story, I just [spoiler]destroyed the third crystal and got the Bangaa Totema, and kicked Jagd Dorsa's sorry *** for totaling Nono's aircraft thingee.[/spoiler] And, to tell the truth, I almost lost in a mission. I would've if it hadn't been for Law Cards. I was fighting two Hunters, two Archers, and two Gunners. By the time I got to move my Black Mage/White Mage/Beastmaster was already dead. So, I took drastic measures: I made a new law! I made Fight forbidden. I took a hell of a lot less damage for it, but the battle did take a while afterwards. Ah well.
  3. I got FFTA last Sunday, and I have done almost noyhing but play it since then. I never played the original FFT, but I have played Tactics Ogre, so I had an idea of what it would be like. but WOW. The gameplay is amazing. One of the greatest thing, in my opinion, is that there is so much you can do before you have to advance the storyline. I've found myself trying to do every single mission before the one that brings me closer. You can tell which ones go with the story; I just avoid the "no cancellation" ones as long as I can. lol. Currrently, I have [spoiler]destroyed two crystals[/spoiler] and completed 65 missions, while playing about 20 hours. One fault that I have that annoys me to no end is that I don't like to train anybody but the six I use most often. Because of that, I have a few powerful guys, but the rest are all on level 3 or 4. I hate myself sometimes :( Though my team of six is pretty good. I've got my main character (named Kevin) trained in soldier and paladin, Montblanc in black mage and time mage, a Human trained in soldier and fighter, a Bangaa trained in monk, warrior, and dragoon, a Nu Mou trained in white mage, black mage, and beast tamer, and a Viera trained in fencer, red mage, archer, and sniper. Okay, I guess. In any case, I highly recommend this to anyone with a GBA or GBASP. I believe Nintendo Power said FFTA had 300+ hours of gameplay, if you do everything. Looks like I'm set for a while, then. Only 280 hours to go.
  4. I was in a Catholic school from kindergarden to eighth grade, in two different schools. I don't really remember the first one, because I was only in it for Kindergarden. I've gone to another one all through grade school. I never had any problems with teachers, or brainwashing. We did have a religion class, and went to Mass on Fridays, but they didn't try to brainwash us. They just had rules like "no innapropriate actions in class" and stuff. Which consisted of making out and anything else in that direction. It was really kinda relaxed. The big difference between it and a public school was that my graduating class had 14 kids, and we had to wear a uniform. Which wasn't really that bad. Luckily, my school was co-ed. And I'm finding the academics in grade school were harder than now, in high school. My sister's in 7th grade, and she gets more homework than me. lol.
  5. I know my parents are trying to protect me; that's why I do what they say. Before we got cable and had a dialup connection, my sibllings and I would have to ask if we could go on, so my parents would know that we were. Otherwise, they'd find out by noting that the phone isn't working, and...well, it wouldn't be pretty. In any case, when we finally got cable and the internet didn't tie up the phone line, they gave a little speech to all three of us. They told us that since they wouldn't always be able to know if we were on and such, that we would have to be careful and such. For instance, we should not go online when they are not home or something along those lines. So they basically layed down some rules that may hamper our online experience, but is a helluva lot safer. So, yeah, I respect my parents' decisions. I'm just trying to find out other people's opinions on safety, or a parent trying to be protective. I'm actually very glad that they go to such lengths to make sure I'm safe:)
  6. My parents are paranoid when it comes to the internet. They think that everyone is a 60 year old fat man looking for small children to molest. They don't like me to IM anyone unless I've formally met them (which I do anyway) and would probably not like me participating in a forum. That's why I don't really tell them what I do. I'd probably get my privlages revoked. My point is, what do you guys think of internet safety? I mean, I've met people online, I've talked to them, and they all seem like nice, respectable people. For instance, the people on this forum. I doubt if any of you are trying to find out where we live so you can kidnap us. Are my parents just being paranoid? I know that I shouldn't talk to people I know NOTHING about, like if a screen name I've never heard of suddenly pops up. But I think that talking to anyone from the forums is okay. It's not like I'm telling you every single detailed aspect of my life. Mostly what I'm trying to say is that I have no problem with it, but my parents do. I guess they're just trying to protect me. I mean, there are people that live relatively close to me, like somewhere in San Diego. If we were to pass by there or visit someplace sometime, I might be able to meet some people. Of course, then I'd have to explain the whole "how do you know this person" thing to my 'rents, and they most likely wouldn't like it. So, any thoughts?
  7. I'm not exceptional with anyone. I'm more of an all-around kinda guy. I HATE that. My brother and a couple of his friends are really good, and I can compete with anyone, but I'm not as good with my character as they are. I guess it's a good thing inasmuch as I'm not bad with anyone. Oh well. Now, don't think that this is silly, but for a while, I was really good with Jigglypuff. One of the best things about her is that your opponent totally unexpects a challenge. I beat my brother once with her, but he claims that he was "caught off guard". Psh. He seems to think I'm really good with Dr. Mario, but I don't like playing as him. So, I guess my answer would be anyone.
  8. No, I just made that up. Actually, I got it in Lake Tahoe on a sort of plaque like thingee. I thought it looked cool. As for the limbs, I'm really bad with size...
  9. for the sky I just made a bunch of little dots. They're supposed to be stars. I might try shading it some more, but I'm afraid I'll kill it...
  10. This is a drawing I did a couple days ago to pass away time. It's a dragon on a cliff, with the night sky in the background. I didn't color it or shade it much, because I seem to kill my pics when I do that:bawl: I rather like it. It's one of my better pics, which really isn't saying much.
  11. close, but you are missing two. There's also the Trinity drive and the Logos drive. So, is it Gotenks' turn now?
  12. I think he means like 100000 and 12000. I need three more fish and three more bugs. I finished paying off my house and have started depositing money in the post office. My HRA rating is something around 56,000. I am now on the hunt for the mysterious, elusive snail...come to papa, you little bugs... {edit}and HA! I have Nookingtons, even better than NookMart! Take that, sir! *turns around and runs into pole*
  13. I'm related to Jesse James, ableit distantly. He's like my 2nd cousin 4 times removed or something. It's pretty cool, being related to a famous train robber and all.
  14. Kevin: All right, I guess it's my turn. Now, if something screws up and I my eyes pop out and then I spotaneously combust, then you all know not to try it anymore right? Right. We're good then. I walked around the area, checking out each of the different animals. I considered some; others I immediately rejected. Eventually I came to a wolf. The wolf was one animal I really respected; I'd always liked them, for some reason. I decided that this would be the one. [i]All right, then.[/i] I thought as I approached it. As I neared the wolf, it growled. I jumped, then regained my senses. Kevin: Please don't gouge my eyes out or anything, Mr.Wolf. Please? Kitty: [Aw, are you scaaaaared?] Kevin: Oh, shut up. At least the tiger liked you. I stretched my hand out and rested it on the wolf's grey fur. I felt a tingling sensation, much the same as when I touched that box. The wolf seemed to lull at my touch; he sagged, and closed his eyes. I decided to get the heck out of there before he decided it was lunch time, so I jumped back through the door. I then went back to the group. Matt: [Well?] I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I concentrated hard on the wolf I knew was inside me. Then, I felt the changes begin. This being my first time, I was too nervous to really notice what was going on. I could feel my bones and muscles rearranging inside of me, but strangely, I felt no pain. As the changes continued, the others decided to comment on it, which did NOT help at all. Danny: Eeeew! Now THAT is gross! Kevin: [You know, that's not helping any. Maybe I'll feel the need to say something when it's your turn.] Finally, I felt my sense kick in. My eyesight was pretty good, but my sense of smell...it was wonderful! I could smell everything in the barn. I could feel the wolf's mind inside my own, but it receded as I took control. The morph was complete. Kevin: [Haha! This is so cool! If you get over the fact that I just turned into a wolf, that is. Awright, who's turn is it now?]
  15. I don't really think that there are any real psychics. There may be a pontential to be one, but I don't think we have any now. If you go for one of those private ones, they are just able to determine obvious things by looking at you. For instance, my mom went to see a psychic while she was like 5 months pregnant with my brother, so she was obviously with child. The psychic person studied her, read her hand, what have you, and finally announced that she would soon have a child.:rolleyes:
  16. Parakarry, Lakilester, Sushie, Goombario, Kooper, Bombette, Bow, and Watt. Another Paper Mario question...hehehe... Q: How many Star Pieces can you get from Chuck Quizmo?
  17. Kevin headed back home after parting with the others. He was glad he was alone, because there was so much to think about. He wondered about the Andalite. There was something about him, this...Fraesha, that made him want to trust him. Alien or no, he seemed friendly and like he was genuinely trying to help, not pull a prank or something. But, the more he thought about it, the crazier it seemed. "How do we know he's not a couple of kids trying to pull a prank on us? That voice could've been done with microphones or something. It's just crazy. And now I'm talking to myself. Crazy." It was all a prank, he told himself. They'ed see each other in the morning and they'ed all have a good laugh at what idiots they were. Yes, that was it. All a prank... He finally arrived home. He was tired after the day's events, so he went straight up to bed and crashed, without even bothering to change. For several more minutes he remained awake, and his doubts returned. What about this "morphing", though? How could that be a joke? That tingly feeling when he felt the box, that was real. But how could he be sure? They'ed never know until they tried. He made up his mind that he would try tomorrow, once everyone was gathered. Even as he fell asleep, one thought remained in his mind: How do I know what's real and what's not anymore?
  18. otakukev


    I currently work for my dad, doing all the yardwork around the yardwork, since he fired our gardeners. They were very good at blowing fallen leaves around O_o I do it with my brother, and I get paid about $20 a week. Every other week or so we wash the cars, and get about $5 per car. Once I'm old enough to get a real job, I'm gonna try and work someplace like subway or coldstone, and snack on the food when there aren't any customers ^_^
  19. Another time, my family was staying in a cabin in Crestline. It had just snowed before we came so we brought our snowboards/skiis. They were on the car roof on the little attatching thingees, and the car was in plain sight out the window. I woke up one morning and busied myself doing whatever. I didn't think to look out the window. Later my dad went outside and came back in, saying the snowboards were stolen. What was odd was that the two snowboards(mine and my dads) were the only things gone. The three pairs of skiis were left behind. This happened a couple years ago, so there was a big difference in my board lenght and my dads. Maybe the thief had a kid or something.
  20. well, thats...interesting. Is it too much to hope that Mo actually [i]will[/i] come up with a plot line? lol. Anyway, that's good. You have a thing for stick figures, aye?
  21. lesse, looks like: a bunch of spatulas, a soda can, a paper towel roll, an alarm clock, a pencil sharpener, a broken tennis/badminton raquet, a license plate(with a phone number on it?), a milk carton, little wooden clip thingees, a pole, boxers, and, of course, a purple koala and marmalade.
  22. One time when I was really young my house got robbed. I don't remember it, but my parents talk about it. Apparently some thieves broke in during the night and stole some stuff while we were all asleep. I'm not exactly sure what got stolen; i know a tv, radio, and stuff like that were. What freaked my parents out was that they had a samurai sword from Japan hanging on the wall, and that was gone. They were thinking that they could've all been stabbed in their sleep or something. That morning they called my grandparents to come over, and my grandma wanted to rearrange all the furniture so if the thief came back, he'd be confused:rolleyes:
  23. I'm taking driver training sometime soon. I dont expect it'll be that dificult, but my bro says the show movies about what happens if you crash. Lots of blood and stuff. I think he was lying, but I'm not too sure. I'm glad you're all making me look forward to driver's ed. Thanks.
  24. Deathevn saw that Ransom was still in the pub. 'Isnt he supposed to be travelling?' he thought. At least he knew where he was, for future reference. He saw Renferd sitting in a corner, and started walking toward him. When Spots "spotted"(hehe...) Renferd, he lept out of Deathevn's arms and scampered over to him, bwee'ing excitedly. Deathevn followed, close behind. He smelled money...chaching!
  25. I thought that Animorphs went out of style years ago! Cool! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Kevin Age: 14 Favourite Morph: Wolf Personality: Kevin always puts on a brave face, and constantly tries to lighten the mood. He is always trying to be cheerful.However, since he does not have many friends, he sometimes gets depressed and won't talk to anyone. When he goes into battle, he becomes serious and efficient. Background: Kevin comes from a solid home and is just going into High School. He runs everyday, and is planning on doing Cross Country(thats why his favourite morph is a wolf). He doesn't have many friends, despite his cheerful exterior, so he is prone to depression every once in a while. Appearence: Kevin is tall for his age, and he has short, dark brown hair. He has dark blue eyes, which many people remark on.
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