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Everything posted by otakukev

  1. Everything's perfect except for the feet. You need to add a little depth to them and make the left one (her right) come out more. You know, I'd kill to draw like that.
  2. HAH! I bet you thought I'd miss Spots down at the bottom of the list, aye? You sneaky devil you... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Deathevn entered the Transqee again Maverick ran ahead of him. Deathevn started to chase him but stopped when he saw Spots, and that Maverick was running towards him. When he got to Spots they sniffed each other and started bwee'ing. Deathevn chuckled and went over to the two. Spots didn't seem to be afraid of him so he scooped him up into his arms. He gave Spots some imp feed, then he gave Maverick some for finding him (27 left). He then went back to the Pub to return Spots to his guardian.
  3. Deathevn kept following the prints. He still marveled at how he could have missed them; now they were quite obvious. Perhaps the imp had snuck by him while he was travelling out. That seemed to make sense. In any case, he followed the prints back into Transqee.
  4. Deathevn saw the imp prints and stooped down to examine them. Maverick peered at them and sniffed at them. They looked fresh, and they were headed back towards Transqee. Deathevn wondered how he missed them coming over here, and followed them back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]1 post away from Transqee[/i]
  5. Well, that's...disturbing. Does it have anything in particular to do with milk? The animations are great. I just don't know how you do it. Just a suggestion... maybe you should try a background next time, and see what that does.
  6. I used to ski when I was little but I sprained my ankle and have been scared to ever since, unless you count water skiing. Now I'm a snowboarder, and I go to Tahoe pretty much every year. I've been to pretty much all the big resorts there; heavenly, mt. rose, and the like. I went to mammoth this easter, too. I personally think that any skier/snowboarder tension is just plain stupid. What's the basis? It's just two different things. A preference. In my immediate family of 5 people, only my dad and I board. The others ski. In my extended family, approximately 20 cousins and 15 aunts/uncles, everyone that does one skiis. The only tension we have is occasional joking, i.e. "you darn snowboarders think you own the slopes!" I have no problem with skiers. After all, they [i]have[/i] been around longer.
  7. otakukev


    Hmmm...I couldn't figure out how to do the desktop thing. Maybe it has something to do with my using a laptop not connected to a printer? Ah well, I'll just show the wallpaper I'm using. I change it pretty much every other day, tho:whoops: [url=http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/me12/images/deterioration]Deterioration[/url]
  8. Okay, here's a shot. Q: In the hacking mode of Enter the Matrix, what drives do you go through?
  9. Actually, there is a flamethrower in Metroid Prime. It's the upgrade that uses Missles with the Plasma rifle. You know, like the Super Missle, Ice Spreader, and Wavebuster? The Flamethrower is the Plasma missle weapon. I dunno if any other games have a flamethrower, tho.
  10. haha, this will be fun... Name: Bau Age:17 Description: see attatchment Bio: Bau lives with his family in Vale. He lived a sheltered life, but always yearned for adventure. He can't wait to get out into the world. Element: Gravity Weapon: Throwing knives
  11. Maverick ran ahead of Deathevn towards the chicken. He seemed to be mildly interested in it at first, but as he neared it, he began to attack it. The chicken sqawked and tried to get away, but Maverick kept on. Deathevn ran to Maverick and pulled him away from the chicken, who clucked angrily and waddled off, with only a few scratches. "What's wrong with you?" Deathevn asked the struggling Maverick. "That chicken didn't do anything to you. You shouldn't attack something unless it attacks you first." Maverick calmed down. Great, Deathevn thought to himself. First I take him in, and now I'm lecturing him. I wonder if I can train him to fight for me? After searching the area thoroughly for Spots, he continued on to the east. After a while, he'd turn back and try the other way. A baby imp couldn't get too far on its own, after all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]2 posts away from Transqee[/i]
  12. Yeah. If there was such a code, it would have been in a FAQ or something. Maybe your pal was just trying to impress you, lying to you for the heck of it, or talking about the Charizard from the Pokeball.
  13. Woah. Disturbing. I'm gonna have wierd dreams tonight. Maybe the one, uh, slapping his knees (i think that's what he's supposed to be doing) is constapated. The dancing guy is pretty cool. So these kinda things just pop into your head, eh?
  14. Huh. Wasn't there when I posted. Nice try, tho.
  15. Darn straight he's sexy. The way hewaves...*shivers* Anyway, ya, its cool. Too bad I'll have to go to the site to see it. Make your sig something similar.
  16. You know, that sounds like my dog... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seeing as there was nothing in the alley, Deathevn left. He doubted if Spots would be in the town, because of the people and noise. So he decided to check out the surrounding area and left Transqee to the east.
  17. Deathevn ran after Maverick after he ran off down the path. Maybe he knows where Spots is, he thought. Another imp might know where to find him. After a minute Maverick disappeared into an alleyway, and Deathevn followed him in. Maybe he was on to something.
  18. I currently have a dog and a guinea pig. The dog is a Dachschund(sp?) and is aptly named Maverick. All he ever does is eat, sleep, and occasionally run around. His regiistered "full" name is Miracle Maverick, because he had an allergic reaction when he was neutered, and actually died for a few seconds. Luckily the doctor was able to bring him back. The guinea pig is my sisters, who named him Coco Puff. He just sleeps all day, since my sister pretty much ignores him and doesn't take him out of his cage. As to past pets, I had a guinea pig also, named Puddles. He died about a year ago. I named him Puddles because when I got him, the first thing he did was pee on me. I know, I was young and immature back then. Ah, those were the days... We also had a bulldog named Clementine, but we always called her Clemie. There have been several goldfish in the past, all my sister. That, and one bird.
  19. [b]Deathevn:[/b]Alright, Renferd, I'll find Spots for you. Be back as soon as I can. Deathevn decided to make finding Spots his first priority because Renferd seemed so worried. He knew that was how he would feel if Maverick went missing. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen him in a while...ah, he was probably just waiting for him outside. So outside he went, with Spots on his mind.
  20. Deathevn laughed. [b]Deathevn:[/b]Alright, I'll help you out. I happen to have a baby imp of my own! Though I thought I was the only one. His name is Maverick. To tell the truth, I've never really looked at him that closely. And I passed by a tree full of baby imps on my way here. Mayhaps he'd be there. Is there anything else I should know about this little Spots?
  21. Deathevn wondered if Ransom was following him; since he left the armory Ransom had been in the same place as him. Now he followed him into the pub. Deathevn saw Chance and guessed that he must have arrived while he was in the armory, since Deathevn had left him behind while he travelled to Transqee. He would go speak to him, but for now he didn't have enough money. So he went up to the first dwarf. [b]Deathevn:[/b]Hello, my good fellow. Is there something I can help you with?
  22. Deathevn decided to check out the pub and see if there were any quests for him there.
  23. Hmm... where did he get that from? [b]Deathevn:[/b]Thanks, um... nice doing buisness with you. He handed over the money and equipped the armor. He then stepped outside.
  24. Boy, this guy is wierd...maybe he works for the shopkeeper or something. [b]Deathevn:[/b]Would you happen to have a Metal Armor?
  25. [b]Deathevn:[/b]Erm...yeah...well, do you sell the same stuff as the shopkeeper, or different stuff? Maybe...better stuff?
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