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Everything posted by otakukev

  1. Deathevn spotted Ransom the Armor and wondered what he was doing here instead of travelling abroad. He decided to take advantage of the opportunity and approached him. Who knows, he may have better prices than the shopkeeper. Deathevn sighed inwardly. Like THAT was likely... [b]Deathevn:[/b]Hi there sir, I heard you sell armor and other protective merchandise.
  2. After his grueling trip, Deathevn was glad to be back in civilization. Always one to be prepared, his first stop was the armory.
  3. Deathevn pulled Maverick away from the tree and ran into Transqee. The apocalypse was coming! At last, he was there.
  4. Glad to be away from the corpse, Deathevn hurried on his way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]2 posts to Transqee[/i]
  5. Deathevn heard the buzzing of many flies, and an odor of decay came to his nose. He saw a rotting, bloody corpse lying not to far away, and noticed that there were hundereds of flies and maggots around. Normally he would avoid such a gruesome sight, but he decided to check for money and/or valuables.
  6. Deathevn laughed at the chipmunk as it scurried away from Maverick. He kept his monotinous pace north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]down to 3 posts....I can feel the tension mounting.[/i]
  7. [b]Deathevn:[/b]Nah, I'd like to cut my losses. For now you may be the greatest gambler, but we shall met again, and things will be different then. Deathevn thanked Chance for a good couple games of Blackjack and then continued on his way, Maverick scampering at his heels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]what am I at now, 4 more posts? Whatever.[/i]
  8. Hit my ***! No, don't. I'll stay. *prays for card to be a 3*...
  9. Gotta hit, nothing else to do. If I wanna win, anyway.
  10. whats up with these low numbers? Hit me! No, wait, don't. Give me another card instead. Don't strike me or hurt me in any way.
  11. ya, lets do another for 300
  12. I'll bet 300 gold, wanna start out small.
  13. [b]Deathevn:[/b]Blackjack. I know how to play that.
  14. Deathevn appraised Chance. [b]Deathevn:[/b]Worlds greatest gambler, eh? We'll just have to see about that. Alright, I'll take you on. Now, why don't you explain any rules to me?
  15. You know, at the beginning of this thread, you said you weren't considering suicide. Now it sounds like you are. You point out that no one loves you, but the only solid example you've set is your love coming back and dumoing you. I doubt if this person is everyin in your life. What about your parents? Siblings? Other relatives? Think about it for a sec. If nobody loved you, would you be living in a house? Would you be getting food everyday? Not likely. You'd probably be living by yourself in a sewer or something. And don't think that your parents are housing you because they pity you. As for this girl-your "love", so to speak-ignore her. It's not like she's the only girl in the world. Jeez, if I got really depressed for each girl that didn't like me back it'd be permanent by now. You're not the first person this has happened to, either. Go back a page or two and find a thread about "MaxSonic's Love Problems". Read it. He had the same problem, only it was WORSE. And look at all the support he got. If no one loved you, why are all these people at the OB here to give advice and support you? I know you're having some rough times, but stick it out. It'll get better. As to suicide, it's only for cowards who have nothing to believe in. They've given up all hope. They think that everyon has forgotten about them; that God has forsaken them. Well, that's a load of crap. If everyone had forgotten them, would there be an uproar when the person's dead body was found? Would people cry? Why would they bother with a funeral? And why would you hear about suicide being so popular? If you commit suicide, you may have taken the easy way out, but people will remember you as the kid who thought himself the dregs of the human race and couldn't take it. But let me emphasize: you're NOT. People LOVE you. They CARE for you. Just because one girl doesn't love you doesn't mean the world hates you. Since you've joined the boards, you've met a lot of people and I'm sure many have come to respect you and the person you are. Though most have never actually met you, and likely never will, they don't want you to get overly depressed. They want to help, and you should take their advice. They care about you. The posts in this thread should be proof of that. There. I'm done now.
  16. Deathevn saw a man on the road and approached him. He looked a little shady, but who was a thief to judge that? [B]Deathevn:[/B]Erm, hello. Who might you be, sir?
  17. After seeing that there was nothing interesting, Deathevn left the cabin. Even just standing in the entrance he got covered in dust, so he shook it all off. Then he continued north, to a now clearly visible Transqee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]5 posts to Transqee[/I]
  18. The old cabin looked abandoned. The windows were boarded up, and the paint was peeling; it appeared that no one had used it in years. Deathevn approached it with caution, lest there be something unpleasent inside. He wanted to check and see if any valuables had been left. Carefully he opened the door, and entered.
  19. Deathevn fed Maverick one meal and then went north. Transqee was becoming quite visible as he neared it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]6 posts to Transqee[/I]
  20. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Erm... Yeah, could I have 4 little potions? Some imp feed would be nice, too. Deathevn scratched Maverick's head and he bwee'd. He was surprised that there was such thing as imp feed; he thought that everyone hated them.
  21. Deathevn saw Ultra walking along the path and approached him. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Hi there! And what might you be doing in the middle of the road?
  22. Ah. Did you have to buy Flash MX, or did you download a trial from somewhere? I just downloaded a program, but I haven't found out if I can make pictures merge into each other yet. I can do some animations on single pictures, tho.
  23. Ah. Did you have to buy Flash MX, or did you download a trial from somewhere? I just downloaded a program, but I haven't found out if I can make pictures merge into each other yet. I can do some animations on single pictures, tho. Here's one I did to my banner.
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