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Everything posted by otakukev

  1. Deathevn ignored the bush, in case there were poison berries or something. He remember the hole, and how Maverick had jumped in. He continued on his way, eager to get to Transqee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]7 posts to Transqee[/I]
  2. I just started playing again a week or so ago. I finished paying off my house! But no more upgrades... at least there's a purdy statue of me now. I'm down to needing something like five fish and five insects. And I'm still missing one fossil-the same one after a year! I'm currently participating in the morning aerobics, and Crazy Redd is coming today.
  3. Deathevn could see Transqee in the distance, and hurried on his way. After fighting an average of 50 imps, he wanted to see some civilization as soon as possible. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]8 posts to Transqee[/I]
  4. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Hey, little guy, you came back! He scratched the imp on the head. [B]Deathevn:[/B]You know, I should name you. How about...Maverick? 'Cause you separated yourself from the group and do whatever you want? The scurried around and bwee'd excitedly. Deathevn laughed. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Alright, Maverick it is. He passed by the tree, and headed towards Transqee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]9 posts to Transqee[/I]
  5. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Well, that saves me the trouble of getting rid of them. I'll miss 'em, tho... Bye bye, Imps! Bwee! Bwee! He hoped that they would find there way back to the tree and started toward Transqee again. He checked his map as he walked, and saw he was getting close. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]10 posts to Transqee[/I]
  6. Deathevn laughed at the imp's antics and continued at a solid pace north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]11 posts to Transqee[/I]
  7. Deathevn walked over to the flower patch and croutched down. He noticed that the imps seemed to like them, so he picked a couple for them to eat later. He then picked some more incase he met some pretty lady during his journey, before they wilted. He then continued north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]12 posts to Transqee. Gettin close![/I]
  8. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Wha? what'd they do that for? do they think they're lemmings? Deathevn ran over to the stream and peered into the water, but there was no sign of the two imps. He sighed and continued towards Transqee. There was nothing he could do for the imps anymore.
  9. Ahh! more imps following me! Deathevn would've gone back to the woodsman and asked him how exactly Martshin knew about the antidote, but the man might attack the imps, and he didn't want them hurt. He'd have to get rid of them when he got to Transqee, tho. He laughed when they squeaked (bwee! bwee!) and continued north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]13 posts to Transqee[/I]
  10. that's what I meant, but I wasn't sure how to spell it. Besides, he even says "Hiten Mitsuruugi Style ultimate attack" and thats the [spoiler]Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki. Why are we using spoilers for attack names?[/spoiler]
  11. Deathevn sighed, and wondered how imps were cute as babies. Grown imps are so...ugly, for lack of a better term. He carefully climbed down the tree, and didn't slip this time. He started north again, hoping to get to Transqee soon so he could wash off all the baby imp saliva.
  12. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Ahh! Gerroff me! Ya hooligans! It took quite some time to calm down the screeching imps, and throughout the entire time he was afraid the mom would show up. he finally coaxed them up, but they set up a racket if he left them. So he sighed, and sat down, leaning against a stray branch. He wondered how long it would take for them to fall asleep again.
  13. Upon seeing the baby imps, Deathevn became very careful, lest he wake them. More importantly, the mom may be around... He wondered what made this little imp follow him instead of sleeping with his...uh...siblings? Careful not to disturb them, Deathevn crawled back down the tree. However, he slipped halfway down and landed on the ground with a loud thud...
  14. This being the third time passing the tree, Deathevn's curiosity got the better of him and he decided to see what made the imp go there in the first place. He walked over to the tree and proceded to climb it.
  15. otakukev

    My New Sig

    I just see some blue stuff. Is it supposed to be that way? What are you now, forever blue?;)
  16. Deathevn saw a cow in the grass and thought, 'hey, where'd that come from? It wasn't there when I passed back this way... oh, nevermind.' Then he had a better thought-cow tipping!...but no, he had better things to do. Besides, it may belong to someone. So he passed by it, and hoped the imp wasn't hungry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]14 posts to Transqee[/I]
  17. Disney's always been kinda violent. Even in the older movies. In most of them, the mom/parents die in the first 10 minutes. Bambi, for instance. And Finding Nemo. They must like orphans.
  18. 'Well, that wasn't odd at all,' Deathevn thought to himself. 'How did he know about the antidote? Maybe it was a conspiracy...oh well, at least I got my money.' He started back north, towards Transqee, thinking of the time he lost and the money he gained. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]back to 15 posts to Transqee[/I]
  19. Deathevn followed the imp to Martshin. He shooed the imp away, and caught Martshin's attention. [B]Deathevn:[/B] Hey, Martshin. I got that axe for ya. Cost me a good amount, too.
  20. Deathevn stopped for a minute and wondered what imps like to eat. Maybe he'd try feeding his little friend if he came across something. Anyway, he continued south, monotonously. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]16 posts to Transqee[/I]
  21. Deathevn laughed at the little imp, and realized that he had grown quite fond of him. Wondering how long the little guy would follow him, he laughed again and felt refreshed. Heading back towards where he had seen Martshin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]15 posts to Transqee[/I]
  22. Happy that the poison was purged from his body, Deathevn headed south, away from Transqee, like a fool. After all, he had to give Martshin his axe, didn't he? Lord knows Martshin will have been robbed by the time he got there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]back to 14 posts to Transqee[/I]
  23. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Awright, it's a deal. Erm...pleasure doing buisness with you? Deathevn hands over 1000 gold to the man, and thinking, 'that Martshin better pay me good for this.' He thanked the man and sniggered as he left, knowing that he'd gotten an antidote for 300 gold less than in a store. As soon as he got outside he administered it.
  24. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Well, I've got some money on me...and his name was Martshin, not Bartling
  25. good lord, what happened? I checked it out after seeing this thread, and it's alot different then I remember. what the hell is up with the topic thingie? The chat on it's own will probably scare people away from the site. Who is this Goku2, anyway?
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