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Everything posted by otakukev

  1. Deathevn was humbled by the impressive size of the man. [B]Deathevn:[/B]umm, 'scuse me sir, but do you know a dwarf named Martshin? He asked me to retrieve an axe from a man in a cabin. Oh, and would you happen to have an antidote on you...? I was poisoned.
  2. that's great! I'll keep praying. Maybe he'll be out soon.
  3. Deathevn sees the cabin and wonders if this is the man with the axe. He walks up to it and knocks on the door. do I lose hp from poison for this, or is it just travelling?
  4. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Awww, crap. It's that imp's fault. Oh well. At least I've got a little potion in case it I take too long. Since the imp had finally left him alone, Deathevn ignored the tree and continued on. Going north, of course. lost 1 hp from poison, not sure how much left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]13 more posts to Transqee[/I]
  5. Deathevn scowls at the imp and grabs it by the scruff of it's neck, assuming imps have necks. Glaring at it he says, "Leave me alone, will ya?" and tosses it to the side. He dug in the soil around the gem, and picked it up. Examining it, he thought, 'ooooo, purdy' and pocketed it. Who knows, it may come in use later. He then *take a guess* continued north.:sweat: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]14 posts to Transqee[/I]
  6. Deathevn sees the hole and thinks, 'maybe I can bury this friggin imp in there'. He shakes the imp off his back, but decides against burying it. It only looked like a baby, after all. Ignoring the imp, Deathevn went over to the hole to see if there is anything in it.
  7. 'Darn imp!' Deathevn thinks. 'At least he's making me travel faster...' He continues north, and starts to jog. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]15 more posts to Transqee[/I]
  8. Deathevn noticed the imp following him and quickened his pace. Maybe he would have to fight it, after all... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]16 posts to Transqee[/I]
  9. Deathevn notices the sleeping imp, and almost decides to sneak up on it and kill it. But then he decides he doesn't wanna pull an KOTR and tiptoes past it, hoping it doesn't wake. It doesn't and Deathevn continues heading north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]17 posts to Transqee. Gettin close....[/I]
  10. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Awright then, Martshin. I'll get you your axe. Expect me back in a while. Deathevn leaves the dwarve to continue whacking on the tree and *sigh* continues north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]18 posts to Transqee[/I]
  11. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Uh, sure, I guess. So, what do you know about this cabin? do you know how to get there?
  12. Deathevn thinks to himself, 'I think a dwarf whacking on a tree is pretty special. I guess I should talk to him.' And so it was. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Hello, uh, sir, and what might you be doing in the middle of the path?
  13. Deathevn adds one stat point to defense. He collects his money, and continues north. Hey, only have to say that 19 more times! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` [I]19 more posts to Transqee[/I]
  14. Deathevn attacks the imp again, marvelling that he can't kill it in one blow. Strong little buggers, he thought. attack< Deathevn thinks, 'you know, it's hard to think of different ways to say, Deathevn attacks imp.'
  15. Deathevn marvels at the thought of the money he'll have after all these imps, and attacks this one. attack< He grins because at this rate, he'll be rolling in cash. Better not let it get stolen, though...
  16. Deathevn adds a stat point to attack. After collecting his money, he puts away his dagger and continues north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]20 posts to Transqee. How many times am I gonna have to type 'and continues north'?[/I]
  17. Deathevn laughs at the imps pitiful efforts. attack<
  18. Another imp to kill? short break! good money, tho... attack< Deathevn attacked the imp, sure of his abilities.
  19. [B]Deathevn:[/B]OHMYGOD!!! NOTHING! what a nice change... Glad that he finally found someplace without imps, Deathevn decided to sit down and enjoy the scenery for a minute. He was facing north, and to his left, he could barely see the ocean on the horizen, so it was to the west.He could also see the fringes of a forest to the east and slightly north. After several relaxing minutes he picked up his pack and continued on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]21 posts to Transqee[/I]
  20. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Damn lizard! I could have used some lunch. At least it's not an imp... Deathevn looked around, but the area was bare save for one bush. Upon closer inspection Deathevn saw that there was nothing to salvage from it, so he stood up and continued north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]22 posts to Transqee. Hey, only 22 more![/I]
  21. I got my ob name, gamemasterkev00, from the fact that hey, I suck at games. Wait...? No, I meant I'm good at them. 00 is my fav number, and kev is part of my name. As to my real name, which will remain confidential if you can't guess from the 'kev' part, I'm pretty sure it means 'handsome'. I know a few people that would argue, tho ^_^;
  22. I've seen people with animated banners and such, but I don't know how they do it. Can someone help?
  23. I know what it can be like. I had a great grandma that died about a year or two ago, but I wasn't very close to her because I didn't see her often. We used to visit her nursing home type thingee every once in a while, like on halloween and christmas. It can be hard when a loved one is in the hospital, but you need to remember that no matter how it ends up, everything will be alright. I've seen two or three times already here that death can be a blessing in disguise. I'm sure you wouldn't want your great grandfather to die, but if he is suffering and in pain, death may be the best thing for him. I'm sure he has no regrets. But, then again, he could in all possibility get better. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen that happen. Keep him in your thoughts, and visit him or talk to him whenever you get the chance. I'll keep you and your great grandfather in my prayers.
  24. After killing this latest imp, Deathevn notices that there are more clouds in the sky than when he left, and hopes there will be no rain. It was starting to cool off a bit. He was thankful for that, because all those (friggin) imps were making him sweaty. He wiped off his face and continued north, praying again to Dragon Warrior and His Infernal Dice that there will not be any more imps. adds one stat point to attack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]23 posts to Transqee. Hey, DW, get the hint? *points at last sentence, before the stat point part*[/I]
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