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Everything posted by otakukev

  1. Deathevn decides that talking to the imp doesn't solve anything, since it probably doesn't understand him. attack< defend item spell escape Deathevn sighs as he attacks and thinks, 'please just make this the last one' and prays to his God, an entity called Dragon Warrior.
  2. Tchah, I'm only 14. What about you, Baron?
  3. [B]Deathevn:[/B]FOR THE LUVVA GOD!!! LEAVE ME ALONE! attack< Deathevn flies into a rage and lunges at the *%&#*%# imp.
  4. Deathevn sighs, now that he can rest. He wonders if he'll be able to go anywhere without being attack. adds 1 point to defense Deathevn sat on a rock and administered a Little Potion, healing himself after his grueling battles. After resting for a moment, he gets up and continues going north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]24 posts to Transqee[/I]
  5. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Friggin imp, die! attack< Deathevn attacks the imp again, hoping that it dies so he won't!
  6. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Good lord! is there no end to the buggers? attack< defend item spell escape Deathevn gets pissed at all the imps and charges the Imp!
  7. [B]Deathevn:[/B] Hah! take that! adds 1 stat to Defense Deathevn kicked the corpse of the Imp. 'why dont they just leave me alone?' he thought. 'Oh well, at least I get money and stuff' He sighed and continued his journey, heading north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]25 posts to Transqee[/I]
  8. [B]Deathevn:[/B]well, this should be easy. attack< defend item spell escape Deathevn attacks Imp!
  9. I've never had something like that at my house, but I have seen it before. When my family was driving to Lake Tahoe a week or two ago, we stopped by a small lake to check it out. It was saltwater, and the shore was also salt, not sand. Then there was this thick line of flies, about a foot wide and two feet deep, that was constantly flying around the lake. I mean like 50BILLION FRIGGIN FLIES! Then you get to the edge of the water, and the first 8 feet or so out is covered in files. The water looks black. Not that you can see it, anyway. Lucky they weren't mosquitos, or I wouldn't be here posting.
  10. [B]Deathevn:[/B]God, friggin imps, leave me alone! attack< defend item spell escape Deathevn rushes the Imp, dagger drawn! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]still 26 posts to Transqee, unless battles count(i think not)[/I]
  11. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Stupid imps, finally dead. adds one skill point to attack, one to HP. Deathevn looks around, but there is nothing but the two imp corpses lying on the ground. He puts away his dagger and heads north again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]26 posts to Transqee[/I]
  12. I have a question, and since there is already a thread on AC, I decided to post it here. Hope it's not too off subject. Anyway, does someone know how I can get the The Legend Of Zelda NES game?
  13. [spoiler]Saitoh stopped and fought Usui while Kenshin and Sanosuke went on. Kenshin then stopped by a door on the way to Soujiro. Behind the door was Aoshi. Kenshin went in and they fought, ending in Kenshin using the ultimate attack of the Hiten Mitsurrugi(sp?) style.[/spoiler] Did you see this saturday's episode?
  14. It was a great movie, but parts of it just dragged on. Unfortunately, my younger sister was there with her friends, who squealed (literally, sqealed) when Orlando Bloom came on. I also agree that Johnny Depp made the movie. And, unfortunately, my sister now has a crush on HIM, too. She saves every picture of him she sees. But why is the rum gone?
  15. [B]Deathevn:[/B]WILL YOU JUST DIE ALREADY????? attack< defend item spell escape Deathevn attacks Imp2! But not in Pokemon fashion!
  16. Well, the thing is, I only have paint and PSP on my laptop. My dad has Photoshop Deluxe on his desktop, but I don't spend time on that anymore. I'll look for it when I find myself in a computer store or something. Thanks.
  17. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Just die, will ya? attack< defend item spell escape Deathevn attacks Imp2! Doesn't this sound like I'm playing Pokemon? Attack this!Attack that! Use item!
  18. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Hah! stupid imp. attack defend item< spell escape Deathevn uses a Little Potion and heals 10 HP! [B]Deathevn:[/B]Hah! Now I'm healed! stupid imp.
  19. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Friggin' imps. attack< defend item spell escape [B]Deathevn:[/B]Come on, you little things. Deathevn attacks Imp1(again)!
  20. [B]Deathevn:[/B]Tchah! stupid imps. Attack< Defend Item Spell Escape [B]Deathevn:[/B]Bring it! Deathevn attacks Imp1!
  21. Is there someplace I can download that or something? I only have MS paint and PSP.
  22. Deathevn thought to himself,'Well, I'm equiped ok, and I've got some little potions, so I'll head out.' He started to head out of town, passing by several people. A few gave him hard looks, but he ignored them. He checked his map. 'Hmm...' he muttered to himself. 'I think I'll head north, towards Transquee.'(sp?) He rolled up his map, and stuffed it in his pack. There was a cool breeze and few clouds. It was a nice sunny day as Deathevn set out of town on his adventure, heading north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27 more posts to Transqee
  23. I was using Paint Shop Pro. I dunno what programs are good, so does anyone have some advice?
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