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Everything posted by Heavyblade

  1. Well he can't use spells so he can't be that strong. Unless he just hits peope with his taff.
  2. I like it! It makes me kinda dizzy though. It's still good. I don't care much for gray cause it's dull but it's still good. 9/10
  3. OK I get it now. But I still say that big thing Corbenik is really weird. He's in the show right? if he is is anyone going to fight him.
  4. What are the phases and what's that creepy giant thing on the first pic? Maha's true self is disturbing.
  5. HUH? That didn't make any sense. You need some periods in there or something.
  6. Yeah I haven't watched Trigun in a longwhile so it was pretty cool for me to see it.
  7. I like all of them lots they are so...I...can't explain. They are really good. Keep it up.
  8. What did you all think of the last episode of Trigun?
  9. Wow that was inteligent sounding! It sounds about right though. He seems to be guiding the misguided characters in the world.
  10. They didn't cut it off! Well I don't think so. They just took it off for one night.
  11. Thanx. I'm not that smart I just pay close attention.
  12. Why do you say that? He kills people for no reson and likes it. That's not very funny to me.
  13. I think it's not that important as anything but a portal into the secret parts of the world. Other than that it's just a place to hang out.
  14. Yeah she's kinda scary lookin.
  15. Nope wrong it was BT I ask another: What did Crim call the dungeon in which they found Harold.
  16. They weren't looking for the key of the Twilight. They were going to see Helba through her gate.
  17. Somehow I doubt that. No offense but I think that Tsukasa is weak and plus he can't use his spells so basically he has to staff smack his way to level 99.
  18. Thank you Oji Ryu that was nice. Let's just let this thread die now. Alright? There's nothing left to be said.
  19. I think you might want to post in the Art and Design section. But I think you can go to google.com and click images. Then put in Tsukasa concept art it might come up but that's all that comes to mind.
  20. Ask a question Tical... Well Ok I will. Q:Who did Crim tell that he was only going to have a friendship with.
  21. I can read the life part but I have to stare at the wondershot part.
  22. Both are really good: The first is overall really good no flaws 10/10 The second one is good but it's light and Serena looks odd 8.5/10
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