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Everything posted by Kurama_Fan

  1. For me, It was Fusigi Yugi (the manga) I had no iea what manga was, and hen my friend Ryuu lent me FY 1 and I was hooked. The first anime was Yu Yu Hakusho. he best thing was, I never doubted Kurama's gender like all my friends did. Ain't this random!
  2. [COLOR=royalblue]BEST DUBS: Cowboy Bebop is Awesome. All of the voices fit their characters perfectly, and I think the show would be missing something if Ed had a different voice[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Second would be X1999. I love this show! I like every voice exept Kotori's, her's is just too high. [/COLOR] WORST DUBS: [COLOR=sienna]HunterXHunter is perhaps my avorite anime of all time except for one small problem: I'v seen over 50 episodes of the series, but never in English. And the subtitles suck like monkeys, I tell you! Me and my frinds now have sayings that are made up of the bad subtitling! All the names are selled wrong, ad they say things like. 'I hate Bus!' [/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]This isn't really for the show, but I hate Kaoru's voice dub for Rurouni Kenshin! I think she seriously needs to die, and her voice is a bit too high and not serious enough. [/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ricee189 [/i] [B]but does anyone have any tips on buying anime w/o the folks knowing??? I dont have any connections or otaku friends, i dont even know any anime stores in my half of the city! thanx for ya help! [/B][/QUOTE] This happened to me for several months, and I just gave money to my friends and told them to buy anime for me.You could order it off a website and have them deliver it to a friend's house, and then just have the friend give it to you. That sounds kinda complicated, ne? Your city must be big.
  4. [COLOR=darkblue]Just let me start out by saying that I think Yu-gi-oh!is very overhyped. It's everywhere in SJ! And... it annoys me. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]I think that YYH is the best manga in SJ, but Naruto and One Piece isn't far behind. Excuse me for not liking Akra Toriyama's work at all. [/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]Another thing irks me... SJ is popular in the anime club at my school... but onl girl read it. It's SHONEN jump, and I think not enough guys I know read it. Funny. [/COLOR]
  5. I've got a question about the show: Is Love Hina shonen or shojo? I've oly read one book, but I want to know. just curious!
  6. Okay.... I have a question. Yu see, I have never seen Mononoke Hime in English. Just the trailer, and that was a year ago, I think. (I rented it from the library) Is the english dub of M.H. Good? Just wanted to know.
  7. Could someone help me with the title of my manga? Which sounds better: Dance of Lights or Dance of the Lights? I'm on the second page so far, about to go to the third, and I am proud to say I think I have come up with an original storyline! But... no offense, I don't wanna tell anyone. My idea.
  8. I've created about nine manga so far.. but I haven't gotten published at all. I'm plannng on entering the contest, but I probably won't win. I'm having to create somethin totally different, and it's hard to stay within the 20-page maximum. The manga I'm submitting is called Dance of Lights. Either that or Dance of the Lights. Not sure about the 'the' or not. It's a very strange genre, something of ghost story, but then not really. Well, that's the end of my post!
  9. I have the first two volumes of Gatekeepers (the manga) and I love it! But there's one problem... it's rated youth and they curse a lot.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B]My parents support me in what I like... except for my step mom that used to tell me watching anime was 'childish', then she watched the Evangelion movie. -__-; And I was sort of baned from anime until I moved out. [/B][/QUOTE] I feel or you. I bought (with my own money) Outlaw Star Collections 1 and 3, and my sister bought 2. Well, I kinda left them laying around the house, and... my parents found them. It annoyed the heck outta me, because those are 2-disc collections, and they now think a lot of anime is 'bad' for you. My dad doesn't mind things like violence and stuff... He likes movies where a lot of people die. Humans.
  11. Name: Sakura Takanouchi Age: 15, but short for her age Weapons: Is a self-taught master of shiruken, and has them hidden all over her body. Her speed can be considered a weapon, but she also has the abilities to fight with a sword, but chooses not to. Appearance: Black hair that is cut very short but longer in the front than it is in the back, and vivid blue-purple eyes. Wears a purple short-sleeved asian style shirt and black pants, with black shoes Her outft is so, so that she can draw her shuriken and run fast withought he clothes getting in her way. Personality: Her father, who owed a shrine in Kyoto, died when she was 10, and her mother died giving birth to her, so she learned to use shuriken and katana so that she could protect herself. On the outside, she can be very loud and braggish about her skills, and can be funny as well, but on the inside she is a sad chld with a horrible past hat hunts her to this day. She tends to let out her inner side when she is fighting, and her change in personality to a cold-blooded killer that blames many people for her father's death amazes everyone around her. She has intelligence that one would not expect from one that has had no schooling past the age of 10.
  12. I'mglad I'm not the only one! Cuz all my otaku friends' parents are fine with their children watching anime. It mad me soo angry. Also, me and my friends got an anime club in our school, and our picture is even in the yearbook... SPELLED RIGHT!!! It's a miracle!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by doukeshi03 [/i] [B]I know this like the second thread I've questioned the yaoi disagreement with ya Millie and I'm sorry cos I don't mean it personnally but seriously, Quatre and Trowa were meant to be together, true Heero/Duo is almost as annoying as Heero/Relena (cos Heero was just meant to live a lonely unloved life lol)..but who else are you going to pair them with. [/B][/QUOTE] I'd pair Trowa with me! Because Trowa is So Cool! I mean, I think even Relena/Heero would be betterthan Duo/Heero. that's one of those pairings that just... get to me. But Trowa/Quatre? I've never heard of that one in my life! I just don't get it.......
  14. My dad sometimes watches Rurouni Kenshin and YYH with me and my sister because our only TV that has satellite was convieniently placed in his work-space. Now we get into fights becase he thins that Kurama and Kenshin look exactly the same! It is kinda embrrassing... especially when you talk about it in a restaurant where a lot of people can overhear you and you can tell that they can overhear you. Not to get back into the whole yaoi argument, but I like your idea Milliefan, for a site. I'd make a site of my own, but hae a stupid Computer that won't let me. And parents tht won't let me.
  15. Yeah, you're right, I guess. One hing I don'tlike is Nataku's voice and Kotri's voice.(from the DVDS) They just sound so... unlike their characters. Kotori's sounds weak, and natanu's sounds... higher tha what you' expect. There, I added a post with thought, that I did!
  16. Yeah..........you're e crazed Kakyou fan........ LIke I'm the crazed Sorata fan............ and stuff like that.
  17. Me: *looks at Kakashi's avitar and banner stuff* HAPPINESS! Someone other than me knows that the anime HunterXHunter exists! Yay! I'm listenin to 'Wanna Stay...' right now! Okaaaay... back to the topic. I would become a hermit living i a mountain trying to figure out WHO took anime and manga away, (probably my mom) and plot to get it back and become a world hero!
  18. Have ay of you heard on American Idol Josh sang 'bad blood'? Well, I personally think that should be Kikyou's theme song. I no like her. Moonlight Shadow (by:??) for Kotori from X1999.
  19. I'm trying to make this have at least an oune of thought...:D [COLOR=blue]I'm very into X1999' opening theme song eX Dream by Myuji. Although the lyrics are about the end of the world a is the show) It is a cool song. [/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]I'm listening to Nightmare right now, actually. Ish a YYH song sung by Kurama and I find the lyrics very powerful[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]I also like HunterXHunter songs, and the music that plays in the background of suspenseful moments of Ruroni Kenshin[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]The music from .Hack//sign is very relaxing. [/COLOR] That's about all the thought I can put into a post like this.. ciao!
  20. DIE, YOU KENSHIN AND KAORU FAN!!!!!!!! I'll hit you with stuff now, that will!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i] [B]hehehe, get a lock, friend. Get a lock. ~.^ Seriously, I really empathize with that. . .I hope they can understand soon, and I hope your mom stops destroying your stuff, unless it's all hentai, in which case I'm cheering her on ~.^ [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=4]NEVER!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE] [COLOR=red]I'm sorry about that outburst, but I am the biggest anti-yaoi and hentai person on the planet, at least out of all the people I know.[/COLOR] [COLOR=limegreen]She took my Outlaw Star collection 1 (50 bucks down the drain) and half Outlaw Star collection 3 (20) she also took about 60 $ worth of manga. All of it, of course, I had to pay for myself.[/COLOR] [FONT=century gothic]My room USED to have a lock, and then my mom broke down the door. (wood flew) [/FONT] So now it would be impossible to get a lock. But I have two beds in my room, and I move one f them in front of the door because my mom can't break out of that. But it angers her and screws up the floor.
  22. Will it be in like a typed format or a manga format? his sounds like a stupid question, but I do draw my own manga and I just wanted to know. k? butI like the plot. I've ben readinga lot o plots about the devil lately, but..........
  23. *angriness* *angriness* can't believe you people! Please pu WHY you think these categories should be accepted as such. I mean, some fit the categories fine, but I think an entry with a description is far more likely to be accepted. Just me, but it is a bit annoying. Also, this is for TrikyNicky- OVA stands for Original Video Animation Don't know uch about it except that, but I think it is the original work, and the rest of the show is spporting and leading up to that (I'm using the HunterXHunter OVA's as reference). Well, bye!
  24. Best Anime I'd have to say... HunterXHunter.Hardly anyone knows this anime, but It's by Yoshihiro Togashi (yyh)It has cool fight scenes, the animation is really good, a good plot, good characters, good... everything! Just watch the show, for heaven's sake! Best Comedy Anime Hm... toughie. I dunno. Can't help ya here. Best suggestion would be Dragon Knights, very funny, but... I dunno... Best Romance Anime Does manga count? Then it'd be definitely Marmalade Boy. Ish so sweet. Aw..... Best Drama Anime Here's a manga again... Planet Ladder. It is overall very good, with original plot, very detailed, I may add... Also, the characters are good, as is the Chracter development. Best Action/Adventure Anime WITHOUGHT A DOUBT X1999! Come on, peoples! Was there ever a better one? (don't answer that). But Clamp really hit the bullseye with this one. Excellent anime, charaacters, plot, ACTION SCENES, OH THE ACTION SCENES! Very good. Best Mecha Anime ... Does endless waltz count? Gotta have this one in here. Best Fantasy Anime Hm... I would've put Planet Ladder here but... NOW I KNOW! Ragnarok! Excellent stuff, here. It's very imaginative, except for the mispelling of one particular word.. Best Horror Anime I'm not really into this stuff, but I'd say Ceres: Celestial Legend by Yu Watase, If it counts... Good anime, good plot, yadda yadda yadda... Best Male Character Kurama or Kurapica? Kurama or Kurapica? WHY ME????? In case you don't know, Kurama is the red-haired bishounen from YuYu Hakusho, and Kurapica (OMG-kawaii!) is the blond omg-kawaii bishounen fom HunterXHuner. Watch the freakin anime and you'll understand. But since they're very similar and are from shows made my the same person, I wouldn't care really who, but ... Please give Pika-chan (nickname) a chance, not many people would, because hardly anyon has heard about HxH... Kurama? or Kurapica? Best Female Character This would be a hard thing for me to judge, but... Oh, I don't know. Best Soundtrack I don't listen to soundtracks, but I realy like some of the HxH and YYH songs. Also, Inuyasha songs are good too. Funniest Character Sorata from X1999. I mean, people on the show call him, 'the funny guy from Osaka.' He is funny! Watch the show, especially the early episdes! Funnyness! I'm telling you, he deserves it! Biggest ***$hole(the one person you hate the most... Karasu from Yu Yu Hakuso. I mean, my name is Kurama_Fan, so why wouldn't I hate a character who likes the character I like? And is a guy at that? Biggest Badass Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star. Enough said. Best Villain Hisoka from HunterXHunter. I'm holding out for the HxH people, aren't I? But, Hisoka is evil. He is really tough, eeeeevil, fights with cards, and is just cool. But evilly cool. Just another one of those things where you have to watch the show to really get it. Hottest Chick Hm... can't help ya! Most Well Dressed/With The Best Style Character Kurapica from HxH, of course! He is ery well dressed, but .... this is wierd... me and m friends think that the more serious he is, the more clothes he takes off... 'm starting to sound really perverted, aren't I? But don't worry, he wears a lot of layers. Well-dressed. Best Death Um... Nuriko from Fushigi Yugi. Ish so sad... Best Anime Movie The second YYH movie... I love it! The voices sound really wierd though... But It was very fun to watch! Although it has made me hate Kuronue, for some strange reason... Best Anime OVA Why, the HunterXHunter OVA, of course! *big grin* Especially because it is mainly about Kurapica beating these people who hurt him in the past! Pica-chan has an angsty past.Aw... kawaii! *even bigger grin* Best Anime Music Track Like, one song? Hm... I've got two for ya. The first is eX Dream, by Myuji, the opening for X1999. The lyrics are really powerful, if you read them, and they go perfectly with the show. Second, I'd say No More Words, the song for the IY movie. It starts out as a slowsong, but It keeps building until the very end. Cool Song. Listen to it sometime. There! I mae a post with real thought,that I did! I also apoligize in advnce (so why is it at the end of the post?) for any spelling errors, my stupid lousy computer... I hope everyone takes my ideas/suggestions into consideration, and maybe more than that. And give HunterXHunter a chance, please. It would thrill me to no end if it won. Ja!
  25. Okay, I'll add my favorite pairing now. It is... dun dun duuuun... Sorata and Arashi from X1999. It's wierd, but the way Sorata openly confesses his love to Arashi is really sweet. How could you not be concerned for a guy who says that he's decided he'll die for you like twenty times an episode! (of what I've watched so far) I just think that they'r a really cute couple, ad one thatgets oerlooked a lot. There! I made a post with real thought, that I did!
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