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Everything posted by Kurama_Fan

  1. worst- I'd say Kenshin ad Kaoru. I mean, they're sorta not a couple, and then they sorta are, but In my opinion Kaoru just needs to die. There. I've said it.Yay! stupidly mismatched- Hm... I dunno.. ABSOLUTELY SICKENING- That's one I can just rant on an on about! Rant...Rant... Well, it just about includes every shounen ai couple excpt Nuriko and Hotohori from FY, and here's another one- Kuwabaka and Yukina from YuYuHakusho! I thinkt's just... absolutely Sickening! Ta da.!
  2. [COLOR=red]My parents HATE the face that I am an otaku and they do terrible things to try to stop me![/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]I'm serious. My mom hides my manga (either that or throws it out) and breaks my DVD's! I mean, it is really cruel. And I paid for them myself and everything. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]I've been an otaku for about a year, and my mom has been learning to deal with it, but I have to sneak around the house and hide it whenever I want to read/watch. It's depressing. [/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]All my dad does, however, is just say very dissapointedly that he wishes that I spent as much effort on anime as schoolwork. Oy, the... dysfunctional family-ness. Did I mention my door doesn't have a lock?[/COLOR]
  3. yes! My parents seem to want to blame anime ad my otaku friends on my grades, etc. They also seem to think It's scary tat when we go to Medi Pla, they see adults in the 'anime' section pulling anime off of teh shelves. I don't really have the heart to tell him that most anime isn't centered on teens. ^_^;; Oh well...at least they do't stop me from buying DVD'...
  4. [COLOR=orange]Really? I've never seen X the movie or Tokyo Babylon, but I have seen some of the TV series, own some of the DVDs, and have the first book.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]So, how was the movie? I want to know whether I'll buy it or not. I have an 'anime budget'.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]So, I was wondering, have any of you all seen the TV show, X1999?[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]And, like, your favorite characters, and what you like about it and stuff.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]Me myself, I think the animation's very computer-generated, and the storyline's good... now how about you.?[/COLOR] [SIZE=4]YEAH YOU![/SIZE] :smirk:
  6. Okay, so here goes, My name is Sakura Takanouchi. I love writing. I have been very on the creative side for as long as I can remember, Although I have only been an otaku for about a year. I have written many manga. Let's see- I'll list the works I have completed so far: Planetary Escort Volumes One and Two, Solace Volume one, The Steel Warrior (It's a one-shot),and Lin: king of Theives volume one. I am also working on a manga called Yugana Kashi. I also write fanfiction, and my stories can be seen on Fanfiction.net. I have two Yu Yu Hakusho ones and one HunterXHunter fanfic. I'd consider myself pretty intelligent, and I am in our Luminosity (creative writing club) and anime club at school. I sincerely hope that this entry will make everyone see how much I deserve *cough* to be in the final ten *cough* (shameless advertising). Well, I must be giong now. Sakura Takanouchi
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