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Penguin Warlord

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About Penguin Warlord

  • Birthday 09/21/1987

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  1. I like 'em. I must admit Wisconsin Death Trip is better than Machinen
  2. Penguin Warlord

    Xmen evo

    It's Anime in training.
  3. I hate AFI... crybaby sellouts.
  4. That movie was very strange looking, indeed... after all Tom Cruise is Crackah White, how's he the last samurai :P
  5. If TTTD was restricted, so would Magic Jammer and Offerings. They all involve discarding cards or skipping draw phases.
  6. Low Level Monsters Sangan Magician of Faith Time Wizard Harpie's Brother Harpie's Brother White Magical Hat Fire Sorcerer Maha Vailo Dream Clown Big Eye Aqua Madoor Gearfried the Iron Knight Witch of the Black Forest Princess of Tsurugi 7 Colored Fish Penguin Soilder Island Turtle Tribute Monsters Sanga of the Thunder Ritual Monsters Relinquished Magic Cards Monster Reborn Giant Trunade Malevolent Nuzzler Scapegoat Graceful Charity Change of Heart Fissure Yami Black Pendant Mystical Space Typhoon Dark Hole Black Illusion Ritual Bait Doll Dian Keto the Cure Master Dian Keto the Cure Master Trap Cards (6) Seven Tools of the Bandit Deal of Phantom Just Desserts Trap Hole Waboku Magic Jammer -My Edit. I took out a ton of pointless cards, I didn't count, but I'm sure it's still legal.
  7. They're actually in Premium Pack Two or Three. Doubt that's coming out for a while.
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