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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] The corridors were dark, as ever, darker than in the past if that was possible. An urgent meeting had spawned, a torrent of information, ideas, counter-measures, so much that the circular chamber was a buzz of excitement when the dark door opened with a small click. Warrington entered, his coat fluttering, with Brendan entering close behind him. Warrington walked straight up to Sir Lowendove, and took his position to his right. Brendan likewise took the left. With the entrance of the two slayers, the room's buzz gradually lessened, eventually reverting to awkward silence. The council exchanged glances, and their eyes wandered over from Warrington, to Lowendove, to Brendan. Brendan squirmed a little, unaccustomed to such attention. Sir Lowendove folded his arms in front of him, and simply. "Agent Warrington, your report please." "Engaged in a battle with a Draculina of the GVA as of 11:00 p.m. in order to test her ability in battle. As expected, the vampires are still vulnerable to the scriptures of the Holy Bible, though my poison seems to be incapable of killing them. Their battle styles and effectiveness changes with their emotion, much like humans. Shortly after this battle, an anti-slayer was sighted, and was to be engaged in battle, but before the engagement an order was given to return, and here I am." said Warrington. "Was the anti-slayer a male or a female?" asked one of the elder councils. "A female." replied Warrington. A buzz again went around the room, the council members looking at each other gravely. "So we have three confirmed reports of anti-slayers thus far. One of our scouts were tracking a particularly vicious one armed with a spear but we lost contact a while ago... nonetheless, that is not our utmost concern." said Sir Lowendove. "We expected only to see a few of these anti-slayers, as the experiment quickly went to dust after the berserk rampage of the first few experiments. However, from connecting the bits and pieces of information we gathered, there seems to be a renewal at the attempt to reconstruct and perfect the anti-slayers." said Sir Lowendove. A hushed murmur was sent around the room, and the elder council's eyes suddenly gleamed. "By the GVA?" asked the female council member. "Nay. Our reports indicate no vampires in the scheme. It seems to be an attempt by humankind instead of vampires..." said Sir Lowendove with some spite. "And the precise base of operations?" asked another council member. "That, too, is unknown. We have strong evidence that someone, somewhere, is still attempting with the construction of anti-slayers." replied Sir Lowendove. The council members looked at each other with uneasy horror, and looked towards the two slayers. "Agent Warrington." said one council member. "Make haste, and secure peace with the GVA. We have no time to quarrel now. We not only have the anti-slayers out there to worry about, but those to be created if these reports be true." Warrington bowed, and left the room, shortly followed by Brendan. [/i]
  2. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] As Reaper attempted to walk away from Warrington, a sudden flash of the wind, and in front of her she found a Bible page fluttering in the winter wind. She brushed it aside, as if it was nothing, and continued along her way. Warrington smiled, as if he was expecting it. "Good. No more idiots who can be defeated with the Bible alone. Now forget about that pathetic burden and show me. Show me what the vampires have christiened the 'anti-slayers.' Show me what you are made of!" roared Warrington, sounding extremely pleased. Reaper sighed, and placing Le'aoni gently on the ground, unsheathed her blade. Warrington's smiles widened, as he too drew his claws. A tense moment it was, Warrington with his claws bearing, Reaper with her blades gleaming ominously. But before either side could move, a calm voice punctuated the silence. "Mr. Warrington? Pardon, sir, but Sir Lowendove requires your attendance immediately." said Brendan quietly. "I have just been fortunate enough to come across one of the anti-slayers. Tell him so." replied Warrington calmly. "He knows about that sir. But we have another problem which requires more urgent attention." said Brendan a bit forcefully. Warrington's piercing eyes glared at Brendan for a moment, then softened. His claws retracted back into his sleeves, and he turned around, leaving Reaper looking a bit foolish with her blades drawn. "You were saved this time wretch... but not next time." Warrington disappeared into the shadows, closely followed by Brendan, who gave Reaper a patronizing look before being sucked into the shadowy depths of the alley. Reaper sighed, somewhat relieved in avoiding conflict, and bent down to pick up Le'aoni. [/i]
  3. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    OOC: Um... Avalon. Remember my character's skill? Immunity? Oh well. Its still workable. [i] Warrington's eyes were cold with fury, but not a trace of fear was reflected in his intense eyes. Nothing, absolutely nothing. A man convinced of his own immortality, of his own invincibility. A man totally convinced of his life, his goal, his mission. His eyes only said one thing to Le'aoni's threat. "Dare thee?" said the eye. "Yes I do." murmured Le'aoni. She bit him, her fangs piercing his neck. But wait. Something was not right. As she took the first gulp of his blood, she remembered. The blood tasted horrible. No. It wasn't even blood. She gasped, retching and coughing. The eyes smiled, and a faint trace of victory passed through his pupils. Le'aoni continued to retch, gasping for air. How could she forget? He even said that he had venom coursing through his body! Her consciousness began to fade, and she slowly slid down onto the ground, cursing in her mouth as she hit the ground. Moments later, Warrington stood up, smiling. "You astound me Draculina. You succeeded in actually going far enough to bite me. But to think you'd blatantly forget what I said... you're still an amateur." Warrington took out a small cellphone from his coat pocket, and started speaking. "Test completed. Somewhat capable, but still too naive. Surprising maneuvers, but ultimately vulnerable due to her naivete." said Warrington mechanically. He shut the cell phone, and strode out of the park, leaving Le'aoni on the ground. [/i]
  4. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] Warrington fell, and whispered intimately as if to depart a secret, to Le'aoni. "Let me be simple Draculina. I'll admit this. This has nothing to do with innocents. All this is that you attack humans in our jurisdiction. I police the freaks that attack the humans. You are one." They both hit the ground with a crash, but Le'aoni again melted away into the shadows. Le'aoni laughed, now feeling that she had the upper hand. "So now you admit slayer! You yourself are a hypocrite!" "Perhaps, perhaps not." replied Warrington. "But we, as humans, have every right to kill an animal or a plant, any being that possesses no logic or reason! That also goes for any non-human creature that justifies its existance by killing humans for any reason!" Warrington roared. Le'aoni was staggered by the conviction which filled his voice. She saw that it was no use arguing. This would have to be decided by a battle of fists. So after all, violence was the only way. Warrington's claws clicked into place like before, and his face had that manic smile, present on everyone possessed by the plague called insanity. Multiple flashes, and darts flew, laced both with poison and pages of the Holy Bible. Le'aoni snarled as her range of movements were slowly being restricted. A dart hit her in her left shoulder, and she brushed it off. But to her rage and irritation, she began seeing twos and threes of Warrington, wavering as if in a dream. [/i]
  5. It is now Oct 1st, going on to Oct 2nd. I think its safe enough to move on. Q: Which angel in NGE drilled into NERV headquarters? How long did it take? How wide was the drill itself?
  6. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    OOC: Finally. Bring it. [i] Le'aoni stood at the middle of the park, the snow falling around her peacefully, calmly, mildly. She had sworn to tint the pure white snow with the crimson red of that foul bastard... and she will do it. The clock struck 10:00p.m. and Le'aoni growled with impatience. "Damn coward... did he decide to run?" she muttered. "Nay. As you have sworn you shall spill my blood upon the snow, I too said that I will spill your blood upon the snow." It was Warrington, his form vague and hazy in the darkness of the park. Le'aoni's face tightened into that of hate, and her fangs beared, she took a step at Warrington. "Draculina, Draculina. Do me a favor and walk away. I really don't feel I should be wasting my time with you when I could be out on the streets hunting one of the "anti-slayers". So go along, little girl. The streets are not for your kind." said Warrington with a snicker. Le'aoni was now in the height of her rage. All her logic and reason left her, and with incredible speed, struck Warrington full in the face, resulting in a sickening crack, and grasped his throat tightly. "Take that back, foul mortal..." hissed Le'aoni. Warrington's smile was frozen upon his face, sadistic, unnerving, and worst of all, calm. "Ah, ah... now girl... let me go now, and you'll be fine." said the figure. Le'aoni, in rage, threw Warrington's body against a tree. Warrington hit the tree, as another crack was heard, either from the tree or from Warrington. He fell dumbly, and the tree crashed on top of him. "Get up, mortal. I'm not done with you yet. Get up!" snarled Le'aoni. The tree shriveled up, and Warrington stood up from the decaying heap, his wounds regenerating, and smiled. "Hehe... foolish girl. You actually grasped me by the throat." chuckled Warrington in an amused fashion. Le'aoni licked her lips, ready to attack again. But a sudden pang of pain erupted through her entire body simultaneously, and she fell to the ground, gasping. "Yes... painful isn't it? As you probably would have... or should have guessed from the fate of this tree, my entire body is laced with poison... touching me is to touch death itself, foolish Draculina. Unfortunately, my venom won't go as far as to kill you but..." Warrington trailed off delicately, leaving the precise effect of the venom upon vampires unclear. "Suffer, Draculina. Suffer. I am under strict orders not to kill you from Sir Lowendove, but I shall take every second I can to watch you in bondage. Every second I see a vampire in pain, for every vampire slain, I am able to regain myself, to avenge the multitudes dead by the hands of your species, to avenge those who fell nobly in their line of duty for the Brotherhood!" laughed Warrington. Warrington leapt high into the air, and landed on a lamp post almost directly above the gasping Le'aoni. His coat unfurled, and a barrage of darts pinned Le'aoni to the ground. Impaled by the darts were Bible pages, effectively confining her to her current position. Warrington grinned sadistically, as the poison continued to torment Le'aoni, leaving her helpless, unable to move. [/i]
  7. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] "Cute, cute." said Warrington in a carrying voice. "You grieve and rage over my intrusion upon your private moments of respect and grief, and your kind has been killing our kind, desecrating every corner of the earth with the blood of humans. Don't make me laugh freak." Le'anoi gave him a piercing glance, her hands quivering in untamed anger. Her fists clenched, unclenched, her claws digging into her flesh. Warrington snickered, as if challenging her to attack. "Honestly speaking, Sir Lowendove, I don't think we ought to bother with these scums. We haven't yet had a chance to directly do battle with any of the anti-slayers yet. I'd like to get a measure of their power and abilities before going around signing off to some truce." muttered Warrington. "Now now agent... you know as well as I the reports that have been filing in from our scouts and informers. I think it would be best for the time being to keep peace. I'd rather not be chasing after two different species. We'll eliminate these anti-slayers first, then get on with killing the vampires themselves..." replied Sir Lowendove. Le'aoni heard it, and Warrington and Lowendove both knew she did. They didn't care. What could she do at the moment anyway? Warrington again spoke, though the hostility was gone from his voice. "Whatever your name is, vampire, your little 'tribute to the dead' irritates me. You're dead, you spilled many human blood, and yet you rage at me. You're not only a freak, but a hypocrite." said Warrington calmly. Le'aoni couldn't take it anymore. Growling in a demonic manner, she charged with impossible speed, aiming to take out Warrington. Sir Lowendove smiled, and raised his fingers just a trace. Brendan's Warp Steel formed a wall, blocking Le'aoni's claws. Le'aoni attempted to strike again, but this time, her whole body was flung backwards, by some unknown force. From within the steel wall, pages of the Bibles emerged, forming a complete wall, impenetrable by any vampiric forces. "You shall tint the snow with my blood? Nay. I shall tint the snow with your blood." The metallic wall shivered, and seemed to engulf all of them. Before Le'aoni's eyes, the wall swallowed up the three of them, and moments later, liquified, disappearing among the grave stones. [/i]
  8. Kwai


    I don't know... Vash seems to have a tendency to bury people where they fell. That goes for both the manga and the anime. If Knives died, I think Vash would have simply made a grave where he 'killed' Knives.
  9. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] Warrington's smile widened even more, if that was possible, due to the last burst of rage from his opponent. Finally. Her claws struck out with lightning rapidity, tearing the flesh off his left arm. That had happened to him so often in the past few years that he barely winced. She continued the assault, tearing, clawing at him, a whirlwind of frenzy. Warrington's body was covered with bruises, and he fell, lifeless to the eyes of Le'aoni, but quite content with the act to himself. Le'aoni glared at the figure on the ground in front of her. "You brought this upon yourself mortal..." murmured Le'aoni. She turned to leave, disgusted. "Dogs, dogs... *****es of the AVD...." a voice murmured. Le'aoni turned around, surprised. "Very, very impressive. But you see, I am no mortal..." Warrington's ragged, torn remainders of his body slowly stood up, grotesque in its posture, abyssal as the pits of hell. "However, dogs cannot kill me. I am a freak, just like you. And only humans are granted the power to bury the freaks. You're a dog of the AVD. You cannot kill me." Warrington's wounds began to regenerate, and Warrington opened one of the vials on his chest, and poured it in what was left of his mouth. His regeneration quickened with intensity, and in moments, his entire body was reformed. "Shall we continue?" muttered Warrington, cracking his neck as he spoke. Le'aoni growled, and made ready to pounce. A thin sound was heard, as if of wind passing through an abandoned corridor, and from the side, a barrage of huge nails were fired at lightning speed, pinning Le'aoni in mid-air. Le'aoni was caught by surprise, and was pinned helplessly to the large tombstone. With surprise, she looked at Warrington, and found him bowing at an unseen figure. She strained her neck, and found Sir Lowendove, serenely smiling, with a small boy near him. The nails which held her captive slowly merged together, and formed an iron rope, which bound her completely. "I take it you're one of the AVD vampires?" asked Sir Lowendove calmly. "I am. Unhand me this instant you mortal wretch." Sir Lowendove smiled, and snapped his fingers. The boy next to him stirred, and the metallic mass around her slid off of her as if made of water, and slithered back towards the boy. The boy took the mass in his hands, and stroked it in a soothing fashion. Warrington was no longer bowing, and he had retreated to the side of his leader. "Well, so your group, the AVD, proposed this matter to us. Let us hear what you have to say." said Sir Lowendove. [/i]
  10. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    OOC: Heh. Finally, a fight with a real vampire. [i] Le'aoni found herself face to face with a man. Instantly, instinctively, she leapt back. The man barely moved, and this last action seemed not to bother him. A thin hiss was emitted from his lips, and a sharp click was heard as his claws fixed on his hands. Le'aoni felt a sudden chill. A slayer. And no ordinary slayer at that. The rage, the hate, the anger, all curled up in a dense barrage of emotions was deep set within the man's eye. Warrington smiled. His rage, hate, and anger were all sealed within his cold, unyielding eye, but his mouth, his mouth was curled up in a grin, apparently happy with the encounter. "Good day isn't it? Vampire scum of the earth." he said with his mouth curled in disgust with a lace of amusement. Le'aoni's face flushed with anger, but replied as calmly as possible. She was here to talk, not war. "I am here as the representative of the AVD, to meet with Sir Lowendove of the Lowendove Brotherhood to talk of truce." "Heh... sorry *****. But I'm under orders to hunt down and terminate any and all vampires within the area before the coming of Sir Lowendove." A small flash was all that was seen, and Warrington struck, his claws aimed to impale straight through Le'aoni's heart. She was fast, faster than he expected, and was high above him when his claws shattered the ancient statues behind where she was standing. Warrington's maniacal smile was still set, as he turned, and a fury of battle darts were unleashed upon the air-borne figure...[/i]
  11. Name: Kotokiri Gen Age: 17 Gender: Male Location: JDF Head Quarters Bio: An orphan since the age of two, his infancy was marred with hardship. He was ambitious to make something of his life, and worked diligently through out his childhood hoping to achieve the heights and escape the social class he was born in. He struggled through out his high school years, and was close to being kicked off his scholarship. During his third year, however, a government speaker came around, explaining the basic principle and ideas of Wanzers, the next level in homeland defense. Some students were chosen by lottery to try out a simulator which realistically portrayed the movements of the Wanzers. Unexpectedly, Gen scored incredibly high, surprising both his peers and the speaker. He was scouted shortly after graduating high school, and Gen eagerly went off to his new post as a pilot candidate in the JDF HQ. One of the first pilots enlisted to pilot the Wanzers, Gen has shown a natural aptitude in controlling the metallic gargantuas. He was brutal in his training, tearing apart anything which stood in his way, be it programmed machine or a fellow pilot candidate. His superiors were deeply impressed with his vicious combat style, but at the same time a bit unnerved. He has shown to be loyal, but because of his absolute frenzy during battle, he is feared throughout the JDF, by his peers and especially those unfortunate to train against him. Because of his age, he has no official rank in the JDF yet, but he is a group leader among his fellow Wanzer pilot candidates. Outside of his pilot life, Gen began to study the arts of Kenjutsu, and has adapted his Wanzer piloting style to center around the use of blades. He insists that blades are more elegant and refined when compared to guns and missiles, and despite the opposition from his superiors, continues to use only his twin light sabres for combat. Despite the opposition and some doubts on the effectiveness of using only light sabres, Gen has proved himself more than capable with sabres. He has now taken up the name of "Blade", and is an expert in close combat. Appearance: Tall, thin, a kind of kid you'll willingly pick a fight on without fear of repercussions. Black, coarse hair, and eyes filled with vitality. __________________________________________________ Wanzer Nickname: Blade Style: Tekkouzan Nitouryu Armaments: Twin Light Sabres. One is deep, crimson red with the length of 6 feet, mostly used for offense. The other is a light, green color with the length of 2~5 feet, used mainly for defense. Appearance: A fairly small Wanzer, standing at roughly 10 feet. The wanzer is made with speed and agility in mind, and the small body is ideal for such intentions. The coloring is gun metal black, with a few streaks of black here and there. There is a huge gash painted across what would be the chest area, almost as if to portray a wound. The Wanzer has one green eye, with something like a horn protruding from the front, the back, and the sides of its head. The horns are black, with a fading gray touch. Quardruple boosters attached to each feet to provide increased mobility.
  12. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] Warrington was sound asleep, though the chamber was completely silent, save for an occasional turn of the page. Brendan sat on the rocking chair, with a healthy fire blazing before him. Every now and then, his burrows furrowed with disgust, but he persisted reading. After a few encores of brows furrowing and the look of disgust, Brendan threw the book into the fire, where the flames quickly devoured it. A page escaped the fire, fanned by the heat, but Brendan simply pointed his finger at it, and his Warp Steel impaled it, throwing it back into the flames. "Rubbish... I don't understand how adults love each other... stupid prince and princess crap..." Warrington stirred, and Brendan quickly shut his mouth, afraid of being overheard by Warrington. Cursing was strictly forbidden, especially with Warrington around. Luckily, Warrington was still sound asleep, obviously tired from his patrol for the past few days. Brendan left the room, as the Warp Steel trailed after him mimicking his shadow. He turned a corner, and continued down the hallway of mirrors. He stopped after some walking and looked around, apparently lost. "Uh-oh... where's the cafeteria... I want breakfast..." His Warp Steel fanned around the area, reflecting the confusion of his master. A shadowy figure appeared behind Brendan, and Brendan was quick to realize it. Brendan's weapon turned into a sharp spear like object, and pointed straight at the figure's throat. "Cafeteria is straight down the hall, to your right." the figure said curtly, apparently unperturbed by the hostility. "Next time, remember that. And no one hostile is in here Agent Setton... so be easy with your weapons before you take out one of us accidentally." The figure vanished, probably one of the many guards lurking in the corners, armed with their crucifix gun. Brendan scoffed, and walked on. Soon, he came to a large, oak door, with an ancient sign over it which read "Dining Room". Brendan pushed the door open, and entered to find Sir Lowendove dining, with two shadowy guards behind him. Sir Lowendove looked over at Brendan, and continued to eat his pancakes, while motioning Brendan to a seat next to him. "How's Agent Warrington?" "He's asleep, sir." replied Brendan as he sat down. "He says he will be up long before your appointed meeting time to scan and secure the area." "Good, good." replied Lowendove. Brendan took a deep breath, and continued. "He says that I am to go with you as a body guard." he said breathlessly. Sir Lowendove looked quite relaxed and indifferent, as if that was the most natural course possible. "Very well agent. I'll be counting on your full protection to our meeting place. On the way back, Warrington will be with us, but stay alert, agent." Sir Lowendove stood up, and left the dining room through the oak door, his two guards trailing after him silently. Brendan breathed a sigh of relief, and helped himself to the croissants before him. [/i]
  13. Kwai

    Lost Hearts

    OOC: I'm the bad guy now. Well. Bring it. Warrington's one of my best, aside from Emilio and Gen. He's not gonna be easy prey. [i] Mikuru looked back at Warrington, her eyes slowly beginning to reflect defiance. Warrington smiled grimly, but with enjoyment dancing in his eyes. "That's the way... that is the way..." Warrington spread out his arms, as if to grasp something colossal coming his way. A sharp click was heard, and his claws came out neatly, fixing onto his hands. His coat unfurled, glittering full of battle darts within. And there stood death. Colossal, unimaginably sane yet insane, venomous to the last bit of flesh, to the last drop of blood, the guide who leads you to the realms beyond. Warrington took his stance, his right arm pulled back in a menacing motion, his left claw pointing upwards toward the sky. Mikuru's necklace began to glow as if in unison, and Warrington's smile widened. A flash and it was over. Warrington's body had moved, or from the naked eye, teleported to where Mikuru was, and Mikuru did the same, now where Warrington was a moment before. Warrington stood up, unharmed, while Mikuru clutched her shoulder in pain. "You have no fear as of yet. Your life is bound to mind and mine to yours. You actually tried to kill me there, but you should know better. If I die, you die also. My claws were not poisoned. You only have a scratch to deal with... that is if you can handle it..." Warrington threw a vial over at Mikuru, filled with blue liquid. "Standard medicine for cuts and bruises kid." Warrington turned around, and his claws retracted, his figure no longer menacing. He turned around to face Mikuru, waved his hand, then leapt high into the foliage of the trees and vanished. [/i]
  14. Kwai

    Lost Hearts

    OOC: Be a bit realistic Arch. Your teleportation is okay, but how can the rest of the group suddenly arrive that quickly in the course of a few minutes when I mentioned that I was miles away from you guys? Besides, when exactly did I harass you guys? More or less I exited the scene after the life-connection thingy and now you guys are harassing me. Other way around. Oh yeah, I'm going along with Levoy's. I'm a bit confused as to what exactly happened in Arch's post... [i] Warrington appeared by the edge of the forest, and a few miles off the group which he so detested stood around in coversation. Warrington cracked his head, feeling his neck bones crack into place. His wounds were pretty much healed due to his regeneration, and the mixture of herbal medicines he used. His target was close by, he could even see her. The main problem present was the rest of the riff raff... "Too early" he thought. "Luckily for me, this age is abundant in rare venoms and herbs that were too rare to obtain during my time... my venoms can be stronger here... And besides... things are just beginning to get interesting. I'd rather enjoy the show, as the actor and the audience..." Mystika suddenly felt a piercing stare, and shivering, looked around. Far off in the distance, she thought she saw someone, but when she blinked, it was gone. A shadow? Perhaps not... She noticed that Arch, too, was looking off into the same direction. "I'll be right back." he muttered, and teleported away. Arch appeared right in front of Warrington, who was walking away into the forest. "Let's end this now." Arch said fiercely. Warrington took one contemptuous glance at Arch, then walked past him, as if he wasn't worth bothering over. "Turn around and face me coward!" roared Arch. Warrington slowly turned around, and fixed his eyes on Arch. "I am not the coward. You are. From what I heard, you are a time traveler, as well as a creature that feeds off of mankind. Those of your ilk only run from time to time, avoiding whatever may present dangerous to you, and you travel to the past to terminate it before it becomes a major threat. You never faced up to your fears, you never faced the past, the present, the future. You can bounce through the time as much as you want, but that is only what cowards do." said Warrington quietly. "And I do not fight cowards." Warrington pressed the device on his hand. An electric shock surged through Arch, making him faint. "Do me a favor. Stop following me. Give it a rest." whispered Warrington. Warrington took to his heels, and ran off, into the dark forest. [/i]
  15. Kwai

    Lost Hearts

    [i] *Meanwhile, miles away...* Warrington stands by a large tree, his hands still clutching his chest. Some grotesque cracks are heard, as Warrington forces his bones into place. This done, he brings his hands up to his ears. A small device is attached to his hands, allowing him to listening in to the conversation, miles away. "Honestly... did that fool think I only attached one of those?" smiled Warrington. Unbeknownst to the group, all of them, including Arch himself was implanted with the listening device. Warrington listened intently for a while to the conversation, then smiled. "So... magic, reincarnation, and some affection shed for each other. This should be interesting." murmured Warrington. He let out a loud laugh which echoed through out the valley. He looked at the large tree before him, and reached out with his hands. The tree groaned for a moment, then slowly withered down, eventually nothing more than a green-black heap of decay. "Nothing shall stand before me." smiled Warrington. "Not even that fool who seems to be able to time travel." Warrington took one last glance at the decay, and walked away, grinning. [/i]
  16. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    OOC: Okay... its beginning to get pretty damn lonely being the only active slayer in the Lowendove Brotherhood. For that reason, I'm posting up another Slayer who will also be under my command. Here he is. Name: Brendan Setton Age: 11 Race: Crafter Weapons: Warp Steel ? A strange, ever-changing mass of steel. It flows as if its water, but its still steel. This bizarre mass can be crafted to any shape or form by the will of its owner. It can become a sword, a shield, an axe? anything that its owner wills it to be. It is incredibly heavy, and cannot be used by any physical strength. The only way to wield this weapon is through immense mental strength. This strange contraption also seems to be possessed by a will of its own, constantly curling, uncurling, floating around in mid-air as if its some strange specter. Skills: Craft ? Allows Brendan to manipulate and change the Warp Steel into any shape or form. The Steel responds to the mind of its owner, and thus does not actually need to be crafted by one?s own hand. The Warp Steel can be morphed into a multitude of things, including weapons, creatures, walls, shields, etc. Brendan can also cover his entire body with the steel, literally making him the ?Man (Boy) of Steel?. Appearance: A small, young boy, with bright, blue eyes, accompanied with a charming smile. Extremely cute, and his black hair is neatly combed back. He wears a crisp, black suit at all times, and abhors getting it dirty. Personality: Calm, Cheerful, but deadly. He can kill while smiling, whether the target is man, woman, elderly, or a child like himself. He views himself as a chosen one, a child with a mission behind him. He holds respect for a select few, and to those with his respect he obeys. To others, he is an absolute nuisance, annoying, irritating, and cocky. Bio: Abused by his parents ever since he was conscious of himself, Brendan grew up with immense hate and rage suppressed inside him. His parents were alcoholics, and his mother a drug addict, Brendan lived through the worst possible childhood imaginable. His rage and hate, combined with the untamed spirit due to lack of love, was eventually unleashed. One night, when his parents were in drunken slumber, he crept up to their beds and overdosed their drinks with sleeping pills. The next night, his parents never awoke from their sleep. Brendan disappeared from the house, from the neighborhood after the incident. A citywide search was ensued, but to no avail. Not even a body came up. A few weeks later, one of his former playmates saw Brendan entering his house. When he tried to call him, a sudden chill went through his body, forcing his words back down his throat. It was Brendan, but changed. On his shoulder there was a glistening mass, sliding around like a snake. That night, the house burned down, and the last reminder of grim memories were destroyed. Brendan since then has lived as a child of no memories, of no past. He roams the cities, accompanied by his strange acquisition, dangerous, yet playful. [i] Warrington checked his watch. it was 7:00 a.m. Quite a while before the appointed time. He might as well get a shut-eye. Warrington's footsteps echoed in the dark corridor. The halls were lined with mirrors, not to mention silver crosses between each mirror. Measures against the possible infiltration by vampires. Vampires do not appear on mirrors and crosses are their worst enemy.... but would such pathetic defense work on what was roaming out on the streets now? Warrington came up to a great, oak door, a shared room with another slayer. He pushed the door open with a creak, and walked in. The room was a magnificent, yet a dreary room, with a few candles burning over the long-extinguished fire place. In front of the fire place was a large rocking chair, and a figure was sleeping on it peacefully. A children's book was on the throw rug next to the chair, illustrating the final moments of the figure before his slumber. There were no windows, also a measure of defense. In the far corner was a large stone bed, to where Warrington headed. The figure on the chair suddenly awakened, and a sudden flash shot across the room at Warrington. Warrington was used to this, and blocked the incoming flash with his claws. A strange, watery substance, glittering as if made of steel, had struck from the shoulders of the slumbering figure. The figure yawned, and stood up. The glistening mass slowly curled back, wrapping itself around the shoulders of the boy. "Oh, its only you Mr. Warrington. Sorry about that. I was having a nightmare." murmured Brendan sheepishly. Warrington sighed, and continued towards his bed. "How was the meeting Mr. Warrington?" asked Brendan, desperate to break the awkward atmosphere. "I suggest you to sleep a bit more. We're going to be moving out at 8:00 p.m. today. We have to secure a perimeter for the coming of Sir Lowendove." replied Warrington. He smiled a bit, sympathetic for the young slayer. "Oh... okay. I'll try to stay up by then. But why is Sir Lowendove going out?" said Brendan, apparently relieved. "A meeting with the AVD. We don't, and shouldn't trust them. I'm going ahead of time to clean out any traps and vampires, and you're going to accompany Sir Lowendove." replied Warrington. Brendan smiled. A job with responsibility for once. [/i]
  17. Kwai

    Zodiac Warriors

    OOC: Metatron < ---- Confused o_O I'll try my best though :) [i] Unknown to the others, Garm was still near Selenay and Dango, just around the corner. Garm took a glance at Dango, then at Selenay. Would he last? His breathing was slow and ragged. Maybe not. God, why, out of all of the other 11, did it have to be Dango? Grr... "You are not here to kill, you are here to heal, to revive, to resurrect..." an old voice rang in his head, the same voice which he so adored and respected. "....fine.... but I'm doing this completely out of respect of your teachings master..." mumbled Garm. He strode over to the two. Selenay looked up with sudden hope, found Garm instead of a the paramedics, and her eyes suddenly dimmed. "Yeah, yeah I know I'm not popular." muttered Garm. "Move over Selenay." he said. "I've just acquired something new, and I might as well try it out." Garm took out the bundle which he obtained in the mountain shrine. Unwrapping the cloth, a pair of claws rolled out, which glowed red, pulsing slightly. Garm put the claws on his hands, and aimed it at Dango's heart. "Enmei..." muttered Garm. The claws began to glow brightly, as a circle of flames began to form around each of the claws. Garm touched the tips of the claws together, and the circle widened, encircling both of his claws. "Nare." said Garm. The fire rippled forth from the claws, carressing Dango's motionless body. Slowly but surely, his pulse returned, and his breathing was recovering. After making sure Dango's breathing was back to normal, Garm muttered "Shuu", and the flame turned blue, then went out. [/i]
  18. [i] The dark, grey corridor echoed the sound very, very well. Soon enough, the guards came running, quick to find and silence the cause of the commotion. The wailing was heard from within a heavily barred-door, one that led to the chamber of one of the "Altered" specimen. The guards shook their heads as they approached the door. "Why the **** not just shoot him?" he asked his partner. "Beats me. The kid's cracked up, both mind and body. I don't know why the head wants to keep him here." replied his partner. The guard walked up to the door, and slid a card across the reader. The other guard walked up to the scanner, and held out the palm of his hands. A beep was sound, and the light above the door turned green. A moment later, the door slid open, leading into a chamber lit with a single light bulb high up in the ceiling. A terrible stench stung the air. In the farthest corner of the room, a figure sat hunched over, trembling. The figure was whispering in a quick, quiet fashion, occasionally punctured by a sudden wailing. The guards looked around, and found the origin of a stench. Diarhhea. Disgusting. The kid had crapped himself in here. Damn freak. The guard walked over to the figure, grabbed him roughly by the scruff, and banged him against the wall. He took out his gun, and held it at the throat. "Now, listen here kid. I hate coming down here every few hours just because you crapped, or you're lonely, or whatever. Christ, I thought you'd turn normal, but you seem to be slipping again. Now, I know you understand me so don't try mumbling some random ****. Next time I have to bust my *** down here, I will be pist. And when I'm pist..." the guard cocked his gun, and forced his gun into the boy's mouth. "I will shoot." the guard let go, and the figure crumbled down on the floor. The figure fell silent for a moment, and began mumbling. "Almost, almost..." "Now?" "No. Soon." "Freak...." the guard muttered, and turned to his partner. "Call up the janitor or something and have him clean up this sorry heap of human scum." "Now." The figure suddenly pounced at the guard while his back was turned, and bit deeply into his neck. The guard screamed, but it was quickly drowned out as his neck bones began to crack. Blood began to ooze out from the wounds, and a loud, grotesque crack was heard. The remaining guard cried out, and pulled out his gun. He fired in panic, but the boy used the corpse as a shield, and charged him down. A piercing shriek echoed through the corridors.... the "Altered" had awakened. [/i]
  19. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] As the night passed by, the same matters which confronted Le'aoni were also presented in the Lowendove Brotherhood. A small meeting was held in one of the inner-most sanctums, with blood-red crosses hanging over each of the six seats in the small, circular room. Sir Lowendove sat, his arms folded, his expression a bit annoyed. Around him sat three men and two women, the elder council of the Brotherhood. "The matter stands thus: We have a meeting tomorrow with the AVD, the Alliance of Vampiric Defense. There seems to be a sudden flux in the number of berserk anti-slayers, killing innocents at random. Now, in most cases, we would simply exterminate them in the name of God. However, revolting as the idea seems, these anti-slayers are far superior to ordinary vampires, and thus we cannot defeat them alone. For the time being, the AVD proposed that we form a temporary alliance until the hybrids are exterminated. We have agreed up until this point. Now, the meeting place has been set at 134 E Commers Drive, at 9 p.m. However, there still lingers doubt if I should be trusting enough to go to a meeting place that they appointed. I ask your opinions." The council looked at one another, then in unison, raised their left hand. Nay. One of the elder councils, a man in his late 50s, stood up. "We have been in constant war with the vampires for the past few hundred years. They created this breed of anti-slayers in hopes to destroy our brotherhood. Now, they are hounded by their own creations. Why must we intervene to help our mortal enemies?" the Elder Council murmured in agreement. "True, but these anti-slayers are far deadlier, and far more dangerous, and they do not possess one thing which makes them incredibly dangerous. Logic. They do not kill with any sense of logic or reason, and they will kill anyone, anyplace, anytime. If they do happen to overtake the AVD, then we shall be next." replied Lowendove. "So our fates are intertwined with the scums?" asked the female council member. "More or less, yes." replied Lowendove. "But... can we be sure that this isn't simply a lure to capture you or kill you?" persisted the council member. Lowendove raised his right hand. Immediately, a figure stepped forth from the shadows behind him. "I am taking Warrington along with me. He is the best anti-vampire slayer we have. I trust that my life is in no danger while with him." The council murmured among themselves, then in unison, raised their right hand. The meeting was adjourned. One by one, the council members stood up, and left. Only Lowendove and Warrington were left in the chamber. "You heard the date, time, and place Warrington. Go there before my arrival, and clean out any scum that may be hiding." said Lowendove fiercely. "It shall be done." Warrington too disappeared from the room. Lowendove stood up, and glanced at the crimson cross before him. "We shall prevail." and he finally left the room. The room dimmed, but the red crosses burned brightly in the abyssal chamber. [/i] OOC: Beautifully done Avalon. Should we clash at the meeting a bit to make it more interesting? I'm rather getting bored cause I didn't actually "fight" yet.
  20. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] Warrington was situated in a large, oval room. At the end was an ancient, mahogany desk, intimidating in itself. Behind the desk was a fire place, obviously used for throwing away some papers, not to leave evidence. A huge, silver cross was decorated above the fire place, the same cross which had been there for the past 500 years. A grotesque display of trophies were mounted on the walls, some beastial, others human. The heads of vampires, four of them due to Warrington. The heads stared, and Warrington stared back, in each reliving his past battles. As the door opened, Warrington broke from his trance, and found the same young man, his leader, Sir Lowendove, sitting at the desk. "Your report, agent?" asked Sir Lowendove, relaxed, but obviously excited. "The event transpired from the hour of 12:00 a.m. midnight until 1:00 a.m. Regrettably, the whole incident was over when I arrived , save for three vampires passer-bys, who were terminated immediately. The brutality of the attacks leads me to believe that an anti-slayer was present, and a vampire too, for I observed vampiric blood on the pavement as well. After terminating the evidence, I reported in. However, immediately after my report, I was assaulted by an unknown female figure, probably a Draculina, or perhaps one of the anti-slayers. The figure was extremely fast and agile, too fast for a vampire, and I believe that it was the latter of the two possibilities. I observed a black car driving away, owned by the Guild of Vampires. I deemed it more urgent to return and make my report, and thus I chose not to pursue the car." Warrington said. "Very well. So we have anti-slayers lurking in the vicinity too... scums of the earth..." murmured Lowendove. For a moment, he appeared to be in thought, then waved his hands at Warrington, motioning him to take his leave. Warrington bowed, and left the room. [/i] OOC: Shouldn't we start converging our stories little by little? We seem to be drifting away.
  21. Kwai

    Lost Hearts

    [i] As Rue was hurrying towards the girls, Sephiroth, Arch, and Yujin were also moving towards a figure. They weren't hurrying, however, slowly and steadily, creeping along. This figure, was far less playful, far more dangerous, far more psycho. It was Warrington. He stood upon the heap of stones, situated at the top of the mountain. "On the count of three" said Arch telepathically to the others. He held up his fingers. One. Two. "Are you guys going to attack me or what?" said Warrington in a booming voice. Arch froze. So he knew all along. Damn it. "Three." They all charged Warrington, and unleashed a huge combination of attack, an attack of Trinity, of incredible strength. How it came to be, none of them knew. But it happened. Warrington's mouth formed a slight grin, as death sped closer to him, delivered by the three. The attack hit him, and he threw up blood, as he collapsed on the rock. His chest bones were shattered, and his heart was ruptured. "Bastard..." muttered Arch. But wait... suddenly, Arch felt his body seizing up. Looking to Yujin and Sephiroth, he saw that they, too, were suffering a numbing sensation. Too late, he looked over at Warrington's body, and found him smiling. Warrington slowly stood up, still coughing up blood, bleeding from his chest. "Not all gases can be seen, you know." smiled Warrington. "I really, really hate it when people follow me. You guys should be paralyzed for a few hours. So don't follow me. Next time, I won't be so kind as to use paralysis." Warrington limped away, clutching his chest. "Damn them." he thought. Not a day has passed since he got here and already he had a ruptured organ. [/i]
  22. Umm... sorry to interrupt you guys arguing, but Milliefan got my Q wrong. Sorry... but it stands till *checks watch* Monday. I think I mixed her up on the plural part. Rewording the Q: In the Trigun Manga, against which GHG does Millie freeze against due to his/her overwhelming hatred and rage against Vash?
  23. Kwai

    War in the Shadows

    [i] Warrington stopped, and watched the figure bounding away after the abyssal car. He pondered for a second, whether or not to chase her, but ultimately decided that he needed to go back to headquarters. The slash marks were slowly closing up, and in a matter of seconds, became a mere scratch, and fully healed in the next few. Warrington melded back into the shadows, zig-zagging through the dark alleyway, the endless maze only the beggars and homelesses knew of. Eventually, he came to a doorway with a sign above it, barely hanging, which read "Closed for Repairs". Warrington walked up to the barred door, which he simply passed through, as if he was a wraith. The moment he entered, two cross-shaped guns were pointed at him by figures clad in black. "Agent Warrington, reporting in." said Warrington with slight irritation. "Carry on." said the figures, and they vanished. "Can't they memorize my face? I've been through this damn door about 300 times so far." muttered Warrington. "You forget that they are blind, Agent." a voice said. A lithe, young man appeared, with 2 body guards close behind him. "Yes.. yes... I know... but its still irritating." Warrington replied. "I'm here to make an official report." "Meet me in my office later on Agent." the young man said. "And make your report there." The man walked off along one of the numerous corridors. Warrington looked after him, then he, too, walked off along another corridor, though to where it led only some knew. [/i]
  24. Isn't Duran a bit too... major? We don't even know his true affiliations yet in the Star Craft universe. Name: Xeom Ohs'atr Age: 1192 Height: 8 ft. 7 in. Weight: Unknown Species: Protoss Unit: Dark Archon Appearance: A swirling, tempest mass of energy. Unlike the ordinary dark archons which are red, Xeom has a greenish hue. The exact appearance under the burning mass is unknown. Bio: One of the elder dark archons, Xeom has helped lead the renegade protoss, aiding the matriarch Raszagal. He is one of the most powerful dark archons in the renegade fleet, partly due to his age, and mostly due to the immense levels of skill the original two dark templars possessed. He seems to have a dual personality, one being passive and the other aggressive. His aggressive side is usually ignored, since he is rash and cruel. His passive side is where his true wisdom and experience shines, giving out command with clear-minded calm.
  25. Kwai

    Anime Pride

    Well... it really depends on the series itself to say which is better. Trigun anime is absolute **** in my eyes, but the manga is awesome. Big O is an impressive anime series, but the manga is pathetic. Of course, there are some series which are great in both anime and manga, such as Evangelion, Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, etc. All in all though, I prefer the manga because you can carry it around anywhere, and pop against a seat and read it if you're bored.
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