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Everything posted by Kwai
The pokemon with the highest attack is Slaking at 160... I think... followed by Groudon, Rayquaza, and Deoxys each at 150.
Depends on how much you want to hurt your opponent... jujutsu(judo) is simply throwing, stunning, etc. without actually inflicting harm upon your opponent. Tae Kwon Do is more aggressive, with kick-centered attacks. Karate is also a bit more aggressive, but not kick-centered as Tae Kwon Do. Kung Fu is hard to say since there are different tactics for different styles. Capoeira, I think, was Brazilian... I think it looked kinda like dancing so it could go unnoticed by the enemy while they were traning. Not sure about that. If you want to basically keep yourself and the opponent safe as possible, I say Aikido because its reversing the force the opponent employs with barely any movement upon your side. If you can't find an Aikido place, go for Jiu jutsu.
Highest attack power.... umm.... *goes off to search the web* erm... wait... do you want to restrict this to only Ru/Sa or does it include ALL the versions?
I did have a lot of friends, but since I've been changing schools cause of my parent's business, I've barely kept in touch with many of them. Also, the closer friends I have, (who coincidentally are all Japanese) move back to Japan after 2 or 3 years. So my list of friends are kinda ever-changing except for maybe 1 or 2 people.
Racists eh? I get that alot too. Or used to get. Just keep your head held up high, and focus on whats before you, what you need to do. Shut them up by getting higher grades than them. If they are the "we are superior than you" type, that should hurt them quite alot... And besides, if they are making you not want to go back to school, you're giving in to what they are trying to do. Ignore them. Resorting to such slander will only shorten their lives. Whatever they say, keep the self-confidence within. I've had similar insults thrown at me and since I'm in a pretty much all-white school, its rather hard to get help. But know what? They're scum. And will you take in what a scum says? No.
Disturbing? hmm... I think End of Evangelion the most since I went through a kind of depression/frenzy on alternate schedules for about a week after I saw that. Great movie though.
I based my judgement upon the manga and the anime... Knives and Vash goes through incredible mental pressure and duress in the manga...
My favorite anime battle... is Unit 02 vs. The SEELE Eva Units... such fury, such anger... and all for nothing in the end... it was ironically beautiful.
As I recall, the big guy who arrives at the Aoya will be facing off against.... *drum roll* Hiko!
First I was gonna throw in a vote for Knives... then I remembered that hes been through hell by the hands of humans... *reject* Then I considered Legato and the GHGs. Legato is evil and psycho, but not all the GHGs are(they just have sad, twisted pasts). *reject* Shwarzward is just a crazy reporter whos obsessed with getting the truth, so I'm not sure if I can classify him a villain. *reject* The Angels... are just doing what they are supposed to be doing... its natural if you ask me... just evil if you take the selfish humanity point of view. *reject* So.... what(or whom) do I consider a villain? Someone who happens to torture living things for the sheer pleasure, who has no loyalty to anyone but him(her)self, and is a Class A serial killer. I would say... Naraku.
Milliefan - Some people dislike her because of her fervent anti-yaoi/yuri campaign, but shes still a gooood person to talk to... (Though her stupid smilies are annoying) Crimson Spider - Always criticizing my teams... never perfect for him.... grr... *shrug* Wristcutter - My god he spoke Japanese! O_O!!!!! Battosai - Long way to go samurai... Cloricus - Hes around precisely when I want to see him around... rarely talked to him but always good to know hes around. I think I know more but its 12:40 a.m. and my memory fades...
Unfortunately, that little principle really does not apply in my field. Yeah, yeah, I understand it. But simply emptying your mind really doesn't help. When I fight, my head is an maelstorm of thoughts. I see the opponent move, I immediately start calculating the distance, strength, possible speed, etc. of the opponent. I will, at the same time, be thinking about which attacks can be used most effectively against the opponent based either on experience or intuition. Emptying your mind, if you ask me, only works once you are experienced enough to be able to do the strategizing without being aware of it. P.S. Its "through the hardest rock"
You missed my point. I did not mean to be fired up during the fight. I meant that immediately after you are defeated, you can resume your training with vigor and increased zeal, as long as you keep the fire within. And besides, sometimes it is better to be worked up during the fight. More emotions in an attack means more confusion and damage upon the opponent's part.
I hope it does MUCH better than the manga... I just bought the entire 6 books in the manga today, read through it, and the ending is absolutely horrible. It leaves you in the exact same state you were when you first picked up the book, and most... wait... all of the mysteries that you are itching to be answered are cast away. As long as the new season polishes up the story nicely and answers all the questions and the mysteries that arise, I will be happy.
I don't know... I'm not entirely a big fan of accepting defeat. I think that while denying defeat to the extreme is unwise, keeping the fire within, believing that you are not truly defeated, that you can yet prevail, that you ARE better than your opponent drives you to new limits, and attain victory upon renewed occasion.
Honor... heh. I really, really hate to have that concept when I'm fighting. If the opponent drops his weapon, continue with the assault. It is his fault that he dropped his weapon. Having to fight with honor on the mind restrains me. And I don't want to fight with a restraint upon me. Besides, its rather irritating when someone loses to me in Kendo and starts ranting about how I fought dishonorably and I only won because he was fighting honorably and I had the advantage. To me, it presents an excuse which prevents you from going all out, and also an excuse for losing.
My case is a bit different. I know, yes I KNOW that people are into anime, but the hard part is finding them, and making them admit. I really don't know why people do that. Is anime something to be ashamed of if you're obsessed?
My hobby, besides anime of course, would be Kendo and Yo-yos. Kendo is fun, but its really not fitting as a hobby since I need to have all the armor on, an opponent, and the bamboo swords break after about 10 hours of training. As for yo-yos, I've been into it ever since the fad a few years ago. I'm quite good with it :D
Definitely Cruel Angel Thesis from Neon Genesis Evangelion... followed by Heart return to the beginning also from Evangelion. Cruel Angel Thesis(Japanese... I mean it) ?c??È?V?g?Ì?æ?¤?É _?N?æ@_?b?É?È?ê ?_?¨?¢???ª?¢?Ü ?¹?Ì?h?A?ð?@?¢?Ä?à ???¾?¯?ð?½?¾?©?Â?ß?Ä ?÷Î?ñ?Å?é?_?È?½ ?»?Á?Æ?Ó?ê?é?à?Ì ?à?Æ?ß?é?±?Æ?É?²???Å ?^?½?³?¦?Ü?¾?m?ç?È?¢ ?¢?½?¢?¯?È?µ ?¾?¯?Ç?¢?Â?©?C?t?_?Å?µ?å?¤ ?»?Ì?w???É?Í ?y?©?¢??@?ß?´?·?½?ß?Ì?H?ª?_?é?±?Æ ?c??È?V?g?Ì?e[?[ ???Ó?©?ç?â?ª?Ä?ò?Ñ?§? ?Ù?Æ?Î?µ?é?M?¢?p?g?X?Å ?v?¢o?ð?_Ø?é?È?ç ?±?Ì?F???ð?ø?¢?Ä?P?_ _?N?æ_?b?É?È?ê ?¸?Á?Æ?°?Á?Ä?é ???Ì?¤?Ì?h?è?©?² ?_?È?½?¾?¯?ª@?²?Ì?g?Ò?É ?Ä?Î?ê?é?©?ª?_?é ×?¢?ñ?Ø?ð ???_?©?è?ª?f?µ?Ä?é ¢?E???Ì???ð?Æ?ß?Ä ?Â?¶?±?ß?½?¢?¯?Ç ?à?µ?à?Ó?½?è?§?¦?½?±?Æ?É ?Ó?¡?ª?_?é?È?ç ???Í?»?¤@?©?R?ð?m?é?½?ß?Ì?o?C?u?? ?c??È?V?g?Ì?e[?[ ?ß?µ?Ý?ª?»?µ?Ä?Í?¶?Ü?é ?ø?«?µ?ß?½?½?Ì?©?½?¿ ?»?Ì?²?É?Ú?o?ß?½?Æ?« ?N?æ?è?à?õ?ð?ú? _?N?æ@_?b?É?È?ê l?Í?¤?ð?Â?Þ?¬?È?ª?ç@?ð?j?ð?Â?_?é ?_?È?ñ?Ä?È?ê?È?¢?Ü?Ü@???Ͷ?«?é ?c??È?V?g?Ì?e[?[ ???Ó?©?ç?â?ª?Ä?ò?Ñ?§? ?Ù?Æ?Î?µ?é?M?¢?p?g?X?Å ?v?¢o?ð?_Ø?é?È?ç ?±?Ì?F???ð?ø?¢?Ä?P?_ _?N?æ_?b?É?È?ê English Like an Angel with no sense of mercy, Rise, young boy, to the heavens like a legend, Cold winds are blue as the sea, Tear open the door of your heart, I see, But you're just standing there, staring at me, Smiling so serenely, Desperate for something to touch, A moment of kindness, like that in a dream, Your innocent eyes, they have yet no idea, Of the path your destiny will follow, But someday you shall become aware of everything that's behind you, On your back there are wings leading to the far future you only can search for, The Cruel Angel's Thesis, Is bleeding through a portal just like your pulsing blood, If you ever betray the chapel of your memories, He will enter through the door at your soul, So, boy, stand tall and embrace the fire, Embrace the universe just like a blazing star!! Sledding for a very long time, In the cradle of my love, The morning shall come when you only shall be, Dovecote to a missionary of love, The moonlight makes, The name of your neck visible, Stopping time all over the world, The darkness shall enclose us all!! If our encounter has a higher meaning, It must be, yes, the bible of freely thinking, The Cruel Angel's Thesis The beginning of sadness is here, When you awoke to seek out your dream. No matter what, boy, you'd be a myth, Spinning loves, people make a history, Without such a goddess I shall live, The Cruel Angel's Thesis, Is bleeding through a portal just like your pulsing blood, If you ever betray the chapel of your memories, He will enter through the door at your soul, So, boy, stand tall and embrace the fire, Embrace the universe just like a blazing star!! Great song...
Sticks + trees = bad idea... I really don't see much advantage in that. If you are trying to meditate or something, yeah. But otherwise, nil. Try making a mobile of sorts, by hanging a stick from a bark of a tree with a rope, then hanging two sticks to that, etc. etc. Hit one stick, and the rest of the mobile starts moving in unexpected ways. Its hard as hell to dodge/block all of it, but it gives you a good training on reflexes.
I guess its a bit different then, for swords vs. hands/feet... its nearly impossible to customize your own way with swords unless you are completely comfortable with it... The movements are rather limited...
I guess they really didn't have much of a glamorous life... but the age was different, the time period was different, the culture was different, and the ideas were different. Even though it seems rather... well.. stupid or foolish to simply kill yourself after your master orders you to, in those days, it was actually one of the best ways to die. You could always have been simply chopped up to little pieces without any ceremony at all. When captured by the enemy, being allowed to commit harakiri was actually very lenient... it atleast allowed you to prove your manhood and keep your honor. Times change, ideas change.
Wow... lucky you... my parents are both Japanese, and they grew up watching anime, reading mangas, and all that, but they are incredibly strict when it comes to me watching anime... my mom is rather lax but with my dad around... i can't even attempt to watch DBZ without him saying that animes will make me lose grip on reality.
All this over a girl... So you want to take the coward's way out. None of us really has the power to stop you... but bear in mind... suicide is foolish... you are yet 13 correct? And assuming that you live to... 80... you have... 67 years left to live. So you feel angst and anguish and all the other emotions and u want to end your life. I really can't say I care, but suiciding right before you go into bloom, I must say, is not only cowardly, but stupid. Life is a big roller coaster ride. Have fun. Go for it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]I sugest you try changing your name.(KuKlux Clan) Jus thought some would think that.:D [/B][/QUOTE] Wasn't it the Ku Klux [b]Klan[/b]? I think it was the triple K instead of a K.K.C.