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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. Kwai


    Errr.... nope... nice try though Wrist Cutter... Its actually ?_?É?¦?¾@?±?¤?µ?ñ... But I hate it when people call me that so I would prefer the name ?¶(?°?ñj
  2. Kwai


    Metatron... I think, is quite plainly stated in my sig. As for my real name... My first name means "To raise belief, or to ressurect belief", and my last name means... "Branch of the Country" or something like that. I say my parents were crazy when they named me. Oh yeah, I'm Japanese... I dunno what kinda belief I'm supposed to raise or ressurect... *shrug* ??}?»M
  3. Anyway, back to the topic... This thread seems like a littl war between maladjusted and DbD... I'll take the middle path... I am inclined to say that I do not support, neither do I think is morally right of Yaoi, but there also is the point that maladjusted made about guys attracted to lesbian love... And I know thats true. I guess therefore that its understandable that some girls fantasize about two guys... I think that its a simple matter to NOT see these things if you don't want to see them and thus be offended by them.
  4. Either way... I doubt Kaworu is bisexual... hes not even of the same species as Shinji...
  5. Thats completely fine, but from what you said on the post I quoted, you gave me the impression that you were simply going to make up your own style as you progressed... its just a simple warning for me... it never works unless you know it inside out.
  6. Shinji is bisexual? ....... Yeah right... I don't think Shinji likes Kaoru in that sense... all his friends were taken away because of the destruction Zeruel - Armisael caused, and he just needed a friend. Kaoru fit the mold. Thats it.
  7. My point being, I think its a bit early to start adding your own two cents to the martial arts just yet... I'm not sure if thats what you think, but changing around the martial arts to suit your own way can undermine the basic training, and without the basics, you can only go so far.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B] So i put together my own martial style and shadow box very often using my style. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm a little doubtful of this... As I recall, you said you were in green belt right? I'm not sure how good that is, but I've seen a good number of amateur people developing their own 'style' which in actual combat, proved incredibly weak compared to the original style. I've only seen masters who studied the martial arts for years try to take up and start their own 'style', and even then, has a slim chance of living up to, or surpassing the original style. Isn't it much better to study the style intensively the way they teach it, and once you are comfortable with the entire style, start exploring it a bit? I still don't think I've done enough to start exploring, and thats after six years -_-. Just curious.
  9. Kwai


    I think its rather stupid for us to interfere like that... I say leave the spider and the damn butterfly alone... let nature do what nature wants... but yeah, I say Knives...
  10. Correction on your point about Wolfwood's religion Milliefan... its not centered around worshipping Knives, but Plants in general... and as I recall, it was called "Michael's Eye"... But anyway, back on topic, I would much rather prefer that the yaoi authors kept their own fantasies within their own minds rather than display it to the public, but i guess its freedom of press....
  11. Its rather surprising that no one mentioned the Ku-no-ichi... Kunoichi, to elaborate, are female ninjas. The Japanese Kanji meaning woman, when taken apart, becomes 1 hiragana Ku, 1 katakana no, and 1 kanji ichi... therefore, the female ninjas were called the Kunoichi... they basically did the same thing average ninjas did, but they had advantages over male ninjas in many situations such as coaxing men for information, or because women were seen as harmless and thus gaining easier entrance into castles and such. But anyway, back to the topic... I prefer Samurais, ofcourse... I study their arts... I would be mad to suggest otherwise... especially when I'm typing this message in my dojo.... *looks around to see if the coast is clear* [size=1] But I think Ninjas are pretty cool too [/size]
  12. Correct, Correct, Not entirely sure if those are the only ones but I'll get back to you on that... I still miss the old OHKO Taurus with Fissure, Horn Drill, Sleep Talk, and Rest...
  13. Its all the same... people have their own... fantasies/expectations about characters, and since those fantasies/expectations aren't fulfilled, they have the need to go out and write their own story with their own fantasy/expectation in place.
  14. Well... I'm no fan of Yaoi fan-fics... but every person has a different view or interpretation of anything they set their eyes upon... unfortunately, some decide to let their imaginations take (from my point of view) less desirable courses. But thats what the authors of Yaoi fan-fics want to do, let them. I would ignore them rather than start a "You're not a fan cuz you write Yaoi fan-fic!" war...
  15. You got the highest damage correct for frust/return, but whats the lowest possible? And you are completely wrong on the flail/reversal range -_-
  16. Meh... it seems like when people say martial arts, it centers somewhere around Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Judo, or Kung Fu... oh, and Muay Thai.. I heard that people die practicing Muay Thai is this true? At any rate, I practice Kendo. To those who don't know what that is, its swords. I'm pretty good at it since I've been doing it for six years, but I still have a long way to go -_- Btw, I've heard that Krav Maga is quite effective in combat... anyone know what its like(I think it was an Israeli Combat Martial Arts or something)?
  17. I doubt theres much Saddam can do to actually wreak vengeance upon America... but that remains to be seen...
  18. Kwai


    Also... bear in mind not to call people "Chibi" in the real world... its rather offending when someone calls you runt, midget, pipsqueak, etc. etc. isn't it?
  19. Just block him/her like Raiha said, or keep ignoring him until he/she finally gets the idea... I had a few people harass me online and I just ignored them... they rarely bother me these days unless its something important.
  20. Q1: What is the damage range of flail/reversal? Q2: What is the damage range of return/frustration? Q3: Which pokemon(s) can learn two one-hit-KO moves?(Ru/Sa only)
  21. I think the Evangelion manga follows the storyline pretty closely, with the exception that it omits the angels. But all the other things that are done differently and the little extra background information we get on the characters are definitely a plus to the general atmosphere. And yes, the manga came after the series. That said, I prefer the Trigun manga to the series. I think the series omitted alot of the personal stories and background of the GHG members and made them pretty hateful. The manga has a good deal of background information on them, and you get to look into why they turned out the way they did. You get to see their point of view, and I think its pretty important to understand every character's past and perspective.
  22. The Japanese just took the early forms of Cartoon from America, added in their own two cents, and it became Anime. Then American Cartoons get influenced from anime, and add it into their cartoons. Its a mutual relationship which keeps on evolving and improving both sides. I say its a good one :D
  23. It technically was a movie, but I will not argue since you seem to have a different defenition of a movie from mine...
  24. My god people... none of you mentioned End of Evangelion... what is wrong with you all??? :p At any rate, my favorite goes to EoE hands down because of its sheer majestic conclusion to a great series.
  25. I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess 85%... I don't even know what that move does... but 85% is a good number so :D
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