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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. The mind is a terrible thing to waste...
  2. Hmm... I will need to track him down to Japan then... I'll phone him and c if he still has it :) I hab doubts tho -_-
  3. Like I said, that whole Bardiel fight was a one-sided beat down either way. First half is Bardiel beating down on Shinji, second half is dummy plug beating down on Bardiel. Was kinda boring if u ask me :p Too bad they really didn't show Asuka get beaten...
  4. That is soooo cute... 9.6/10 Very well colored :)
  5. American society is based too much on guns and violence... I wonder how the frat initiations are goign to be when we are adults... *shakes head*
  6. How exactly is Trigun and Cowboy Bebop repeating the basic concepts? I also see nothing wrong with using robots. I'd rather see robots used than see people do things without limits like they do in DB. At least with robots u get the limit.
  7. I don't think Gendo exactly 'died'... that was the third impact, everyone being assimilated. His assimilation took a more... gorey turn... And yes, Asuka did die as I explained a couple of posts above, but hey! she was alive at the end so who cares? :p
  8. Is Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu based on an actual style? I don't think I've heard of it but I've been cut off from the Japanese Kendo world for almost a year now so I dunno. And yes, Kenshin is heavily exaggerated :p Not only his character, but the destruction those swords can bring like cutting down a tree that easily, or making a huge crack in the ground... uh uh. Not happening unless ur some 80 year old master whos been training for 70 years or something.
  9. I really don't think Bardiel vs. Dummy Plug was something called a 'fight'... more like a one-sided beat down...
  10. I really have trouble pin-pointing a 'favorite' fight scene since I have quite a few. a) Evangelion 01/02 vs. Israfel - The first battle, we only see Israfel split up, then the two Evas looking humiliated, and in the second battle, we have the synchro music blaring in the back ground while Eva 01/02 makes a nice, acrobatic, synchronized attack on the angel :) Lasts exactly 62 seconds, and its beautifully done. One of the best combat scenes ever! b) Princess Mononoke vs. Eboshi - I really have trouble explaining why I like this scene. I think its because its in a way a much awaited showdown, and they both are strong, fast, and neither backs down :) The part where Ashitaka interrupted was really cool too with his infected arm freaking out San :) c) Gung-Ho-Guns vs. the random gang - I loved this. I don't know why, it was total slaughter, but I loved it. I think it was 10 Gung-Hos vs. like 200 bandits, but it was fun watching a small preview of all the gung-ho-guns to come. Best would be that huge arm of Grey breaking through the ground and beating through like 20 bandits :devil: d) Kenshin vs. Shishio - Best sword fight ever. Need I say more? Action, action, action, action!
  11. Yeah, choco, chips, then coke tastes really good :) However, the exact opposite will be having ice cream before drinking coke... I tried it onceand I threw up when I drank my first sip...
  12. Punishment for a crime is also a part of life... hope those b*stards will end up in jail... personally, if that happened to any of the people I know(even if I hated them), I would not rest until I c them jailed...
  13. Same with Darky, I will be taking the walk in 2 years... and we *cough* did I say we? I meant I, will take the walk with guns ablazing to wreak good enough havoc to the torturous school.... mwahahahahahha
  14. My friend(die-hard anime freak) once made an angel costume from Evangelion for Halloween... He was the 3rd angel, Sachiel, and that thing was surprisingly well made cuz he had lights for the core, the 3 clawed arm, and he made it mostly from rubber/polyester. He succeeded in terrorizing the neighborhood(without him knowing it he couldn't see much through the eye holes), and was stopped by the patrolling police once or twice... it was also funny watching him try to explain what he was. House Wife: What are you? An alien? Friend: No, I'm actually an angel. House Wife: You're what? Friend: an angel House Wife: Young man, that is NOT an angel! Friend: Yes it is! House Wife: Out! Out! It was funny except that I got significantly less candy compared to my prior years...
  15. 1) Call the cops 2) Call the school therapist/psychiatrist 3) Leave them alone for a while unless they want to talk 4) Do not regret anything that happened that was beyond you 5) This is NOT snitching Basically, thats what you should do...
  16. I've had doubts of buying the manga cuz I'm like okaaay... how is this gonna be exciting if its gonna be two people sitting and basically playing Go... how exactly is it exciting? I might buy the manga but I need to finish buying Trigun -_-
  17. Kwai

    Scooby Doo

    God... I hate that dog and that puppy... I used to like it, but they did it over and over and over and over in CN... and now I just can't stand to even hear about them. If I hear Scrappy saying "DA DA DA DAAAAA! PUPPY POWER!" I would seriously put an axe through the Tv.
  18. Try the school psychologist or therapist if they are in some emotional disaster. But it was their folly that they got raped. Its done. Nothing can be done to unravel what has been done. Never regret what has happened because you will only drag it behind you.
  19. Amazing how far people will go to gain acceptance into 'society'. Kids do strange things under peer pressure...
  20. How exactly do u intend to make the mechanical arm of Vash, and that black leather like thingy around his legs :p? And as for Wolfwood... hmm... *imagines a girl walking around with a giant cross on Halloween*... I dunno... wat would U think? People would think ur some kinda crazed exorcist -_-
  21. I think the blind guy from Ninja Scroll is Utsutsu Mujuru or something like that(I don't think there even is a meaning for that...) I forgot to mention Shishio Makoto too :) Looks like an egyptian mummy wielding a sword. Too bad he only lasts 15 minutes... hes my next favorite after Aoshi in Kenshin.
  22. Kwai


    It really depends on whos there... if there are those crazy people, then its usually good and amusing... but if there are no crazy people, then it basically becomes just standing around, gossiping, eating, drinking, and basically boredom.
  23. [quote]all in good fun, of course ^_^. oy, trying to get home clean is gonna be impossible... [/quote] Werd to that :) We still have final exams and everything, but our coalition is planning many things to wreck the school before heading off into summer :devil:
  24. I only drink coffee and coke when I need to pull an all-nighter, or I have to get hyper before a tournament or something... but these days... I'm hyper 24/7 cuz of stupid starbucks... :p
  25. The best level combination(for me) is either 55, 50, 50, or 52, 52, 51. In the case of 55, 50, 50, I usually have a level 55 taurus with hyper beam, earthquake, Thunder Bolt, and Ice Beam. It can stand up to almost any kind of an opponent, and can destroy one pokemon quickly with a hyper beam. Some pokemon that were used in the tournaments were: Taurus, Alakazaam, Jolteon, Starmie, Laplas, Exxecutor, Kangaskan, Jynx, Dugtrio, Chansey, Zaptos, Articuno, Gengar, etc. Many people used Taurus, Alakazaam, Jolteon, and Starmie. Taurus and Starmie can pretty much do anything sine Taurus can learn ice beam, thunder bolt and earthquake, and Starmie can do similar move sets except w/ psychic and recover.
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