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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. My mum is alternately a good cook, a devil incarnate, and a good person to talk to :) I can usually speak to her freely on most things and she gives good advice/ideas, and she has a pretty good sense of humor so shes always entertaining to talk to. However, shes also a devil incarnate at times(like the time our cat pees on the carpet), and when that happens, I run out of the house like my life depended on it :devil: All in all, my mum is a necessity, but occasionally the plague -_-
  2. Lets assume she had plastic surgery and dyed her hair then okay? :p Has anyone else seen 'Naussia of Wind Valley'? I don't think its that popular in the U.S., but its the first studio Ghibli film and its a very good movie. If anyone saw it, I would like some opinions on it :) if not, then I would recommend u guys to c it :p
  3. The title is "Grave of the fireflies" its a studio Ghibli film. Its basically about a brother and a sister living in Japan during WWII its a really tragic story :bawl: And solid, I assume you are talking about Setsuko? Burning the body in Japan is the same as burying someone in America :p If I misunderstood(and I think I did) then plz tell me.
  4. Hmm... i would want to be something like a swordsman, but preferably with a katana blade rather than a heavy blade(sory vash). I find it easier to wield and I think its more artistic :p I'd probably a pker though... maybe coat my sword with poison and rely on agility/poison to defeat the enemy? :devil:
  5. The coloring and the lights that seem to be coming from behind that 3-d rectangle is cool, but what is it? Its kinda hard to say much unless I have some idea as to what its for :p 7/10 at the moment.
  6. I dunno... what kind of anime swordsman is there really besides Kenshin? I think Rai-Dai the Blade was pretty cool too, but he was more of a sub-character. I think I like Aoshi from Kenshin too though. Nice strategy and awesome moves :)
  7. I think Haku is likable because of his appearance as a boy, but he comprehends the deeper things, and he is pure, yet he is forced to do dirty work for that witch... hes extremely complex, and people like complex chars... thats me n e way :p And yes, Jiji is funny :) He even gets a girl friend in the end! He kinda overturns the black cat = bad luck thing doesn't he? Cheerful, sarcastic occasionally, and a good companion. Always good to have in an anime I think.
  8. It wasn't like that in Japan :) sadly though, i never had a chance to get to c anime until last year cuz my parents were strict and they thought anime was 'corrupting'... psh... yeah right... i knwo they read manga and comics and watched earlier animes like 'astro boy' and what not and now they deny me the pleasure? NO!!! :devil:
  9. Nah... u c the gun, and the shadow and everything... but from the dialogue that goes on, i don't think it had anything to do with NERV. After Fuyuzuki is returned, Gendou asks what happened to the 'criminal' and the agent replies that he cannot be found. I'm guessing its someone from SEELE. The shadow didn't look familiar -_-
  10. Actually, I think its interesting that the manga and the anime has a bit of a different story line. And besides, who would buy the manga if its just a repetition of the anime? Its good to throw in a few changes here and there. I personally like all the little nid bits and extra little info they provide thats not revealed in the anime. Kaji had a pretty sad story too T_T. Right now, the manga is after the defeat of Zeruel and the awakening of Tabris, and the death of Kaji.
  11. Name: Koshin Kunieda Age: 16 DOB: 1/13/87 Location: NJ One Word: Silent(in real life) Occupation: Student(sux) Color: White Food: Japanese Candy Beverage: Pepsi Blue Alter Ego: The 'other' guy who suddenly turns me violent Dream Job: Martial-Artist(or millionaire) Self-Proclaimed: Pacifist Ethnicity: Japanese Extracurricular: Kendo Hobby: Anime! Dessert: Cookies Musician: N/A Group: N/A Mac or PC? PC. Nics: Genbu Blog: Nop Home Page: None Religion: N/A Book: The Count of Monte Cristo Collections: Anime for Windows Media Player Sport: Table Tennis Won't Eat: Chocolate TV Show: Trigun Words to live by: "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world." Addicted to: Anime Comic: Evangelion Movie: Matrix
  12. Kwai

    Lady K

    Ooooo cool background! And the pokemon matches that background very very well! 9/10 :D
  13. Kwai


    I like Akira too but I'm not sure if the mods are willing to make a forum for one movie. It probably will die out rather fast because its just one movie and not a whole bunch of episodes.
  14. Hmm... for some reason, he looks like the little elf I had once in a nightmare... and I think he held a little ball like that... *gasp!* who are u! get out of my dreams! :p Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to rate it lol 8.8/10 :naughty:
  15. Unit 01 probably projected an AT field powerful enough to destabilize the Angel's AT field which was maintaining the 'Sea of Dirac', and thus tore apart the Angel from the inside. (Though I have no idea why 01 came out of the shadow instead of the real angel)
  16. Going into a church and hearing "Hallelujah Chorus" reminds me of Wolfwood from Trigun and the Angels from Evangelion :)
  17. I doubt they were actually that close... Besides... drunk people do crazy, drunk things. Besides, a drunk guy bonds with a drunk guy :beer:
  18. Oh come on! That grandma pirate is awesome! She is stronger than all of her kids, runs faster than them, is stubborn, has iron will, is pretty kind, and shes just... cool! I wish I had a grandparent like that :p
  19. I dunno... i would think that having Vash's arm within him gave him the power. Knives and Vash fought once in the past, and I'm guessing Knives blew off Vash's left arm. If Knives implanted Vash's left arm into young Legato(who didn't have powers) I would assume that gives enough reason for Legato to be loyal to Knives.
  20. Hmm... if i rebel against my parents.... *has horrific thoughts of decapitations, torture, and all the other good stuff...* brrr.... I am never doin that...
  21. Edit: Welll... if you guys aren't intending to stamp on it, then I guess I should post a better quality post :) Wolfwood (Trigun) - I like him because of his death scene. That scene lasted maybe 1 or 2 minutes, but I think it expressed his life and himself really, really beautifully. I won't go into details(since I dunno how to put on that black tag thingy), but I thought it was incredible on how they were able to stuff so many aspects of his life in that one final moment. His repentence, his memory, his suffering, his sins, all of it united to make a truly beautiful death scene. :angel: Rei (Evangelion) - Shes cute, hot, mysterious, and all the other good stuff :) Besides, she gets to pilot a huge humanoid robot. How cool is that? And I also liked her death scene. It was incredibly short compared to Wolfwood's but it was just as tragic since she matured/developed herself through out the series, and she was even able to cry at the last moment. It was also a surprise to me that she saw Gendo in the final moment rather than Shinji. :angel: Tabris/Kaworu (Evangelion) - His real form, his true side as an angel was surprising when I first saw it. I didn't get the transition and I was dumb founded for a while when I first saw it. I loved the way he was so determined throughout the whole thing, yet casually indifferent towards it at the same time. It was beautiful(for me) when he was just floating in the side talking to Shinji while 01 vs. 02 was going on. His death scene(which took pretty long) was indifferent as well. However, his final words(which has left me at the moment) was beautiful, and I loved it. The way he died is the exact opposite of Wolfwood; he lost the will to live. This does not make him as tragic as the others, but the confusing emotions welling up from the other character, Shinji, made him tragic. Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha) - His name, as best as I can translate it, means the one who kills life. His name was cool, compared to Inuyasha(which kinda means... dog demon). His attitude on killing anything in his way had a quiet determination about it, and I liked it :devil: I, however, liked the episode in which he saved that little girl with his sword. I didn't expect him to do that and it surprised me, but it was touching nonetheless. I like him because he seems(or maybe is) so heartless and cruel, and yet demonstrates human emotions occasionally. A few additions... Hanya (Rurouni Kenshin) - I adore that guy for his gung-ho loyalty to Aoshi. I like Aoshi, but this guy is just too loyal. He isn't buyed in by money, and cares not about the safety of the rich guy he's supposed to defend. His combat technique is unique and interesting, though I'm not sure if that illusion thing will work. I also like how he just disappears and magically reappears everywhere. But the best of all is his mask :naughty: The mask is cool, cruel, and destructive in its features. How can I not love a character wearing that mask? :p Moro (Princess Mononoke) - The calm, cruel, loyal Moro is one of my favorite anime characters. She is wise, as she has lived for quite a while(According to Japanese myths, animals which live for hundreds of years, especially cats and dogs, grow two tails and gain mystic powers and become a demon) and as a result she is fierce and loyal in her beliefs. She also accepts death quietly, and seems to regard death more as a peaceful slumber after her long ordeal of her life. She also has a good deal of kindness, as she saved San and respects Ashitaka. Out of all the wonderfully crafted characters in Pincess Mononoke, I like Moro the most. Matariel (Evangelion) - I did not understand why this angel was soooo weak and had such a pathetic means of attack. I personally hate this angel(cuz I think that episode was incredibly boring), but I like the analogy behind it. Matariel is the angel of rain, thus the only means of attack it possessed was an attack from above, which was basically that corrosive acid. Also, Matariel means 'Present from God'... I'm assuming its a 'present' since Matariel was such an easy kill... getting shot a few times and it dies... pffft... But I think the analogy behind the whole thing is cool :) Naussia (Naussia of Wind Valley) - Shes the main char of the first Studio Ghibli film, "Naussia of Wind Valley". She is much like San from Princess Mononoke, in being she is a determined, capable girl. She is able to communicate with the huge bugs which populate the post-apocalypse world, and she protects her village from the bugs and fellow humans. I like her probably because of the way she acted towards the bugs. Everyone thought of them as evil and feared them, but she tried to get to know everything in the world around her, and to make friends with them. She also fulfills a prophecy so that was cool too :) Adding more as I remember...
  22. As I recall, doesn't Legato has Vash's left arm engrafted in him? I think that's why Legato can somewhat manipulate Vash.
  23. Wow... this thing is waaaaayyy over my head... writing a script for a movie? Damn i can't imagine that. Congrats! I'm gonna go c it if it comes out :) We are gonna have a movie script writer on Otaku Boards now wheeeeeeeeeeee!
  24. I have one in my school, but its more like a extension of the AAC(Asian Appreciation Club). We meet on Fridays, at 3:00, watch anime for like 3 hours, then disband. It was pretty cool watching Trigun, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, etc. etc. but I doubt we will keep it up next year since most of the DVD providers are Seniors and they are gonna be gone soon :( Btw, I would never have gotten into anime if it weren't for them :) TY seniors!
  25. OMG they DID restart Inuyasha! Arg! Atleast they didn't do the same for Trigun. I always wanted to c Knives vs. Vash :)
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