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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. Laplas - Gaghiel Lugia - Arael Mewtwo - Tabris Dragonair - Armisael Machamp - Zeruel Snorlax - Adam Where did I get em? Look at my sig :)
  2. Out of curiosity, how much are u guys payed for your jobs? (per hour) My job at a shipping yard is a measly $6 :(
  3. Incredibly well done... I have to agree with the others on a 10/10 :p draw more plz! :)
  4. Kwai


    I think both Millie and Meryl shares the qualities of Rem. You both have very very good points but you have to admit both Meryl and Millie each have a quality very much like Rem. Rem fell in love with someone called Alex right? At least that was his name in the manga. And I doubt Meryl and Millie is even related. When Millie writes all her family members letters, she didn't write to Meryl(well... no need to cuz shes right there), and she calls her 'sempai' which isn't what you would call a relative. I think there really isn't one reincarnation of Rem, but more like 2 'reincarnated' Rems, Millie and Meryl.
  5. Naussia of Wind Valley was really, really good :) It was the first Studio Ghibli film as I recall. The fantasy/sci-fi world they lived in, and the apocalyptic giants were pretty cool :) Castle in the Sky... I love that grandma pirate :p shes soooo cool lol
  6. I use blue/white stasis lock down deck -_-. It takes a bit long to get the flow on your side, but once the flow comes, its impossible to touch me :) Counter-Spell is the best card ever! :p
  7. Simple, but it suits your name rather well. Btw, that guy is Aoshi from Kenshin right? Just curious.
  8. Student isn't stupid... Students are stupid... Its just the whole mass peer pressure thing I guess. Alone, we all have a level head, but en masse... not really...
  9. Evangelion is confusing isn't it? :p I had to rewatch that whole thing atleast 3 times before making heads or tails of that thing. Too many religious implications such as Keel being the wandering Jew, the Baron of Hells being Eva, The Angels, Tree of Sephiroto, Tree of LIfe, Tree of Wisdom... list goes on... btw, added a little bit to my sig for each angel :) P.S. Sacrifice? i said Crucify :p
  10. Noooo Terminal(or central me forgets too :p) dogma was behind the Heaven's Door(where Lilith is crucified). Geo Front is where the NERV head quarters is located(that pyramid underground) Gendo talks about the Geo Front I think in Episode 21? It was a flash back episode. I think he talks about the Geo-front before he shows Fuyutsuki the proto type for Eva.
  11. Syk u got Lilith/Lillum mixed up -_- Lilith created Lillums(humans) If you go by all the biblical stuff, then I guess Adam was there before Lilith since Adam was created first, and Lilith was Adam's first wife. And yes, I guess Adam existed long before, but never came out. And its really hard to say which angel actually came first because the angels are numbered in order of conformation by NERV. I'm guessing they 'discovered' Adam on the second impact, and then they found the geo front, in which Lilith was crucified. Thus, Lilith became the second angel. Then, the rest came. I think its something like that. Gendo says that the Geo-front was not created by humans, and 89% of is still buried. Therefore, I'm guessing it has something to do with Lilith being there. I doubt that Lilith was actually confirmed before Adam cuz then, Lilith will be the first angel. however, the adam/lilith who came first is hard to settle as there are multiple theories to it. Some sites even categorize Lilith as the first angel. Uh... yeah... my 2 cents :p
  12. Also... try to avoid manual labor... especially during the day... it is like absolute hell because of the heat, dehydration, and the labor... and the pay is.... cheap!!!
  13. Ooooo are you talking about "kureyon Shin chan"? Man that show is soooo classic :) I love that little kid and yeah, hes a bit like Bart Simpson... hes in kindergarten, and is... well... likes hot women at his age, causes constant trouble... and is still cute and lovable :p
  14. Oooo (O_O) Thats awesome! The cloud thingy fits rather well due to the haziness of dreams afterwards :) I like! 9/10
  15. I'd either be working at a shipping yard >_< or maybe, I can go teach kendo at my dojo,but that will probably a volunteer job...(Master can be very convincing about volunteering since he has about 30 swords within reach) If I'm incredibly lucky, I can go back to Japan over the summer, and either work odd-jobs at my dad's office or work at an arcade my friend works at :) But chances are high that I would be at the shipping yard :(
  16. If that actually happens... *thinks of Sauron vs. Vash vs. SS4 Goku vs. Eva 01* *shivers and runs away* Damn... that is definitely gonna be apocalyptic... Fan fic and doing original work is really really different. In fanfic, you already have the setting, plot, chars, w/e already set up for u. You have to make up your own if you are gonna do original. I think stealing bits and pieces from different anime characters and from people u know will make an interesting character overall.
  17. Unit 04 appears umm... lets see... *thinks hard*... never? Lol maybe thats why they didn't put it in. And Unit 04 didn't create the Sea of Dirac... a glitch in the S2 engine probably tore open a hole to the Sea but not intentionally created.
  18. I watched Princess Mononoke 46 times so far lol(no joke). I first saw it when it caem out, then bought the video, then kept on seeing it in like 2 week intervals :) I just loved it cuz it reminded me of these little Japanese ghost/demon stories I used to read about. Spirited Away was a bit weird since all those monsters? or demons? w/e they are, were... not exactly normal... but that love part was sweet and sooooo cute...I liked that old man too... the dude with 8 legs. Hilarious when he runs around with his 'arms'.
  19. Kaoru can't control just any evangelion... his soul needs to be stronger than the soul within the Eva. Therefore, he can't take over Unit 01. He was able to take over Unit 02 cuz Asuka was a nervous wreck and the soul in the Eva was weakened.
  20. Oooo i found a site taht says that the evangelions are indeed similar to the barons of hell... I will quote from the site... "The Barons of Hell, are to explain literally are, the lords of hell. The Baron's of Hell were a legend of Christianity during the medieval times. It is said that one of them had "a single horn and great gnashing teeth (eva 01)", the second had "a blank, featureless face with a single glaring eye (eva 00)", the third was "the color of blood, with four eyes and two mouths (eva 02)", and the last "black as night, with unnaturally long arms and wicked teeth (eva 03)". No doubt these sound oddly familiar to the evangelion units." Yup, thats them!
  21. Whoa... I didn't think n e one would like Lilith :) I'm still kinda disappointed that no one likes Israfel :p His combat scene was absolutely fantastic. And I second your hatred for Armisael Drake -_-
  22. Err... I read that the evangelion was the cyclops, four eyes, arm stretcher, and the demonic grin... i dunno if 01 is for horns or grin. Purple is known as the 'godly' color, and orange to blue? I dunno how it fits in with all the ancient demons and stuff -_-
  23. Miyazaki rox! 2 bad thats the last film hes making.... I wonder how STudio Ghibli will fare without him? And out of curiosity, where does protecting nature come out in Spirited Away? I don't think I noticed anything about protecting nature(Besides Haku's River). And Miyazaki did only a handful of decent animes? Lets see... Nautica of Wind Valley, Totoro, The castle in the sky, princess mononoke, Spirited away... the list goes on(I'm not gonna list cuz I only know them in Japanese =P) I'd say that man's a genius.
  24. My favorite will go to... the immortal phoenix... or Ho-oh. As for my sign... I hab no clue all I know is I was born on the year of the rabbit!
  25. If the Evangelion Manga is out in the U.S., you should definitely give it a read. It sticks to the story line from the series, but there are a number of different events, and Keel and SEELE looks pretty cool too :) And unit 03 should be considered and Eva since it was actually piloted =P Just my opinion. And I say Armisael = definitely not human... 1) Look at that thing! 2) Primitive soul, compared to humans, more like assimilate everything in its way 3) Humans can merge? Lol yeah right. 4) Humans are not a huge DNA spiraled ribbon.... Those are my simple reasons =P (As for Tabris, my judgement wavers)
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