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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. Its if they are truly in love or not. I think their blood lineage is far apart enough for them to have a relationship.(thouh I admit its kinda creepy) I think its alright for a third cousin to go out.
  2. I do not think Rei possessed an S2 organ... her body is also bound together by a weak AT field which slowly begins to fall apart in the end. And you forgot to include Eva #3 which still counts... that makes it 9 so hah =P. It all becomes what YOU consider to be human. Asking others whether Rei is human or if Armisael is human really won't help you find any answer. We all have our own interpretations and it will be impossible to find the one true interpretation.
  3. Isn't Tabris the angel of alternatives? I heard somewhere that he was also of free will, but in most sites, he is said to be the angel of alternatives.
  4. Ooo... looks like a cross of QA and Asuka from Eva chibified :) And chibi usually means small, or shrimp, not always used to call a child. But sometimes, its used to call a child that way... but not really polite or formal. Its rather insulting. (and hah you can't chibify me cuz u don't know how i look :p)
  5. Jackie Chan all the way... I love his guts and perseverence like Ajeh said about him continuing filming Rumble in the Bronx after his injury... great man..
  6. Kwai


    Kenshin and Vash are pretty similar, I agree :) They both have a cool partner(Sanosuke/Wolfwood), and they are both absolutely weak against weaker people lol. But when anyone strong comes along.... keke...
  7. Lol the scariest movie for me is Terminator 2 cuz I watched it as a little kid, got soooo scared from it, and I cannot watch it even at this age -_-. I guess its a child hood thing but no movie is scarier for me than Terminator 2.
  8. Using a metal bar and using a sword is really, really different phenil... The sword is a deadly weapon because of its agility and strength, while a metal bar will only have brute strength :p
  9. As many other said... don't do anything self-destructive... remember that another death in the family right after your sisters will be even more devastating to the others. You have all of the Otaku Board members to talk to... so talk to one of us... Losing a loved one is hard, but you need to look at what is left for you to do... Sorry if I sounded rather cruel... I offer my deepest condolences... and I will pray for your sister in my prayers.
  10. An angel was granted the Fruit of Life, whereas the humans were granted the fruit of wisdom... Evangelions, I suppose, are the median between these two extremes. Kaworu looked human, acted human, but when you look at the series and the angels appearing, they try to become closer to humans(make contact). For example, the last three angels, arael, armisael, and tabris, all try to make contact. Arael by probing Asuka's mind, Armisael by trying to merge with Rei and Unit 00, and Tabris by explicitly stating that he loves Shinji(though I don't think Tabris is gay). And also, Armisael states that it wants to merge with Rei, so it also must have some kind of soul. So is Armisael a human being too? And I consider Evangelions, like I said, to be a median between those granted the Fruit of Wisdom and those granted the Fruit of Life. They are like humans, but they do not possess the technology that the humans are capable of controlling. They also possess the strength, regeneration, and AT field of the angels, but they do not possess the S2 engine which provides the Angels with unlimited energy. They are like sub-human, sub-angels, bound by human technology, by the armor that Ritsuko admits controls and binds the Eva. Rei? Rei and Kaoru is the same, but Rei has multiple copies, while Kaoru has only one. (Remember Kaoru says that he is the same as Rei). So if we say Kaoru is an angel, then Rei is? And about Rei giving the third impact to Shinji, I think she did not retain the full memories, but she had some bits and fragments of what passed. And Gendo is inhuman? I completely disagree. His extreme coldness against Shinji was basically done due to his extreme love for Yui. Gendo, at the end, admits that he was afraid of Shinji because Shinji loved him, and he feared that he was unworthy of being loved. Same as Shinji being afraid of others loving him. He is basically like Shinji(Doh they are family), but a bit more colder, calculating, and grown up. Eh... if this seemed like rambling, then I will try to correct it... later...
  11. Incredible Job... Its really hard to say otherwise... the poem, the whole dark background, and asuka's expression (O_O) masterpiece!
  12. I assume you're talking about Kenshin WW2... I agree that its made for the public since there is hardly any blood in there, but you still have to agree that its pretty good(though the OVRs are just awesome). And the adults doing some movement against anime is pointles, like Endymion said. In the end, they themselves are to blame. And besides, they can't shelter their kids from the real stuff out there forever :devil:
  13. Yeah, well, the little kids will grow up and will start liking the 'real' anime. And everyone once started from liking simple marketing animes so I wouldn't worry about the little kids taking over and only looking at low-quality rubbish anime. They will learn :)
  14. I would definitely go for Jackie Chan simply becuz the man did enough stunts and has broken enough bones and I give him credit and respect for that.
  15. Good guys all the way. Even though without the evil characters there will be no anime and no conflict so they are necessary, I still have to cheer on the good guys cuz I think protecting the weak/innocent and such is much cooler than killing random people/taking over the world things that the evil characters do =P
  16. Kwai


    The comedy also comes in at the right moment. They tend to pop up when the tension is high, everyone has their gun drawn, and are ready to kill. It really provides relief and thats why I can't take my eyes off the scrn when watching trigun :) Don't want to miss all those jokes and comedies.
  17. I'd say both are necessary to constitute a human being... Rei did have a soul, but didn't have a mind/memory earlier in the series. Sadly, when her mind/memory began to develop, she had to die, and a new Rei took her place. However, since this Rei didn't possess the memory of the Rei before her, she was the same as Rei at the beginning of the series, which basically makes her an empty shell. I'd say the memories are more important, but the soul is also a requirement. Lets take a look at the evangelions. They each possess a soul, but they really do not possess a memory. They are not human. So whats my point? You need both of them.
  18. So what is this... a cult? Or some kinda witch craft religion in which they make u believe u can cast supernatural spells and hex people? Now im getting even more confused...
  19. Apocalyptic -_-. I like it! :) And I agree its intune with how the world is right now with the nuclear threat and north korea and such. 9/10
  20. I think I will try that.. I doubt I will actually be interested though... its annoying to have to call yourself a 'wiccan', 'christian', or w/e. I'll go check up on it. Thx Clori
  21. (O_o) i c i c. Are there multiple gods and the afterlife and stuff in it? (I'm interested in these kinds of things)
  22. Awww... I missed it... why couldn't you post this at like 12:00 p.m.? =P As for me, I just bought the eva manga 7/8 2day :) (Okay, okay, not a comic, but its close enough right?)
  23. Will you care to elaborate what wiccan means? (though I don't think I'm wiccan)
  24. Yep he loox like Shinji! His hair and his eyes are almost exactly like him from the anime! A bit of fine-tuning and you should be able to make your own anime. 10/10! :) (I'm a sucker for evangelion drawings -_-)
  25. I agree whole heartedly with dark death... Good and Evil is harder to decipher once you look into the back ground of all the 'evil' characters in the comic. Lets take up Kenshin himself. He was a mass murderer in the past right? Hitokiri Battousai. So then, Kenshin also becomes somewhat evil. Chapel the Evergreen from Trigun? Was he really that evil? I'm sure I can go on and on about this. I suppose this is one of the reasons anime is so captivating.
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