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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. [size=1][color=olive][i]Metal color. Black color. The rusting streak of metal. The smell of the rust, the smell of the oil. Old and filthy, yet familiar and tranquil. The hangar was empty save Gen alone, standing in the middle of the catwalk, staring at his new marvel of destruction, Heavy Arms: Hell Fire. It was silent, quiet, waiting. The bringer of death and destruction. First, the herald of hell as bullets and missiles, then the manic glint and the spew of flames before the blazing behemoth of death rains down searing meteors of brutal fatality upon the others. The visions swimming inside Gen's head was converged and confused with that painting within his room, his hearing impaired by the imaginary screamings and groans of twisted objects, metal and people alike. His nose was filled with the stench of rusted metal, of burning metal, of melting metal, of people suffering. He suddenly came to, when a timid looking officer addressed him. With an air of true annoyance, Gen turned around and faced the officer, his void eye glaring. "Yes, officer?" "Pardon, major, but we have received orders from above that we are not attacking Yemen after all..." Gen blinked for a moment, then took one quick step towards the officer, and in a sudden motion, grasped the frail jaws between his thin, yet powerful hands. "May I ask why?" he asked in a deadly calm. The officer sputtered and stuttered for a bit, and slurred words escaped. "The... gundam pilots... already assembled... too risky..." Gen tightened his grip a bit, then pushed the officer's head slightly over the catwalk, at the infernal pits below. "And they thought I couldn't take them on?" "No... not that sir... we spotted a possible weapon that ca..n ... be used as an upgrade option...." Gen released his grip suddenly. The officer gasped, and nearly fell over, but Gen pulled him back quickly. His expression was no longer void, and there was that manic glint again. "An upgrade option?" "Yes sir. There seems to be a large battle fleet off the coast of Australia. Our satellites indicated a large rifle on board, possibly the same model used on Wing." "Is it well defended?" "Yes sir. There are, at the very least, five battleships, with a patrol unit of five MS squadrons, each squadron consisting of at least seven MS." "How long until we intercept them?" "Three quarters of an hour sir." "Very well. Dismissed." "Yes sir." The officer hurriedly left the scene, no doubt shaken up from his rather violent encounter with the so-called prodigy, Gen. Gen laughed slightly, then again looked up at his MS. "It looks like we won't be disappointed after all..." *One hour later* The gatling gun easily ripped through the first squadron of the defense MS, tearing them apart from shred to shred, the metallic parts crumbling off like pieces of bread before the MS fell limp towards the sea or was incinerated under a sudden explosion of flames and smoke. Missiles and bullets rained up from the fleet below, but it was child's play. Out maneuvering the stream of weapons, Heavy Arms dropped off the proximity mines on the three battle ships, breaking each of them apart, then proceeded to lay waste on the rest of the MS squadron. The pilots did not see anything, save a sudden sparkle of flare, even like fireworks, before their vision was suddenly sealed off by the red veil of heat and pain, or for those unfortunate, their heads were blast to pieces when a bullet pierced their body. The last two squadrons were the most fortunate, since they did not feel much pain - the forty hellish missiles tracked and destroyed all of them in almost simultaneous grace. The remaining battle ship with the Buster Rifle was quickly taken over, but they suffered the same fate as their deceased comrades. After being stripped of extra weaponry such as sabers and rifles, the entire ship was bathed in flame from the last proximity mine. And the slaughter was complete.[/size][/color][/i]
  2. [size=1][color=olive][I]The humming of the machinery ground to a halt and the darkness lifted. They were in a docking bay, somewhat similar to the one aboard the Constellation but roughly half the size. A clatter of footsteps echoed on the catwalk, and a small squad of men, all in full uniform, lined up quickly in front of the Gundam. Smiling softly in amusement and a bit of awkwardness, Gen opened his cockpit and stepped out quietly, though his posture was obviously that of triumph and pride. The line before him saluted immediately. Gen took a light bow, then leapt down nimbly off of Heavy Arms, landing right before the line of men. A muscular man, his medal indicating his superiority amongst his comrades, stepped forth and addressed Gen. ?Welcome aboard the Requiem, Major Kotomi, sir. We have been informed of your arrival.? ?You should know what I?m here for then.? ?Yes sir. The colonel was extremely pleased with your success sir.? ?Very well. Are the parts complete?? ?Yes sir. We could get to work right away sir.? ?Get to work then.? The line of men again gave a quick salute. Gen left them behind and entered the corridor lit with a harsh glint of white light. He knew his way around this ship much better than the Constellation, and from habit his feet guided him to the main control room. The chatter and the busy atmosphere of the chamber hushed for a moment when he walked in, and then the chatter resumed again, though suppressed compared to before. The man who appeared on Gen?s screen a while back was standing on a platform overlooking the entire array of computers and men. He motioned Gen over with a slight nod, and Gen obeyed. A moment of silence passed after Gen reached him, then the man turned around to address him. ?Allow me to congratulate you on a successful mission major.? Gen bowed. ?The data you?ve sent us has been? intriguing to say the least? however?? Gen straightened up slightly, then looked into the colonel?s wandering eyes. ?Intelligence believes that the other Gundams are not the final version, more of a makeshift piece if you will. There seems to be suspicious activity of a higher caliber of Gundams being created, particularly around Yemen.? ?My orders?? ?Once we are done with Heavy Arms, you will be given command over a full squadron of MS, 16 in total. Destroy as many of the Gundams in construction as possible with minimum damage on Heavy Arms.? Gen blinked, then looked at the colonel inquiringly. ?The course of the Constellation changed major. They are now heading towards Yemen. You are dismissed.? Gen bowed again, then left the excited chatter of the control room behind. The door slid shut behind him quietly, leaving him to the hushed hallway. Smiling softly, he returned to his chamber located on the same floor and entered. His room was comparably different than the temporary one aboard the Constellation. It was furnished in much the same way, but with quick observation, one would have noticed there was more furniture as well as a sense of residence within. The same clock that set off in the Constellation was decorated on the wall, though this one did not have any explosive substances inside. The only thing inside it was his sidearm pistol, concealed neatly in a hidden compartment under the face of the clock. On the opposite wall, a jumble of photographs was tacked on. Some were of random Mobile Suits, but prominent among them were the Gundams, though the picture of Heavy Arms was nonexistent. There were also pictures of the other pilots, taken in secret from planted cameras here and there aboard the Constellation. Of course, he made sure to destroy them before he left. Their presence on his wall was just a reminder to himself of their existence, as well as a checklist. When each died, he would cross out their pictures, then burn the photographs when all four were dead and gone. On the wall next to the door there was an obscure painting, colored in dynamic flares of red, orange, and purple. What it exactly was Gen had yet to figure out, but he recently came upon a theory that it was the simple thing many feared ? Hell. He also imagined that this was the last image many of the unfortunates saw when they stood in his way. He liked the painting. A quiet little memoir of those dead and incinerated, still burning, still suffering even after they died. His stay in his room didn?t exceed over an hour, sadly, for he planned on relaxing after the long period of absence. But he received a call from the docking bay, informing him of the completion of the project. Gen hurried back to the docking bay, this time scarcely lit with a ray of light radiating on the catwalk. The Gundam was unlit, and thus impossible to see. The colonel was already there and the line of soldiers he met when he first arrived looked proud at their accomplishment. The colonel smiled at Gen ? something he rarely did, then motioned Gen over to him. Gen obeyed eagerly, and looked up at the giant shadow. ?Quite an accomplishment, major. Our maintenance crew did outstandingly well.? The smile on the men?s faces brightened. Colonel raised his arms slightly, and the man standing near the controls quickly turned on the lighting. The entire docking bay was suddenly lit with a bright, overwhelming light, and Gen closed his eyes quickly. When he reopened them, he saw the majestic figure of the Gundam. ?Gundam Heavy Arms: Hell Fire? said the colonel quietly, but with a twitch of excitement. ?You are entrusted with its care. Do not fail us major.? It truly was astounding. Heavy Arms. The same Heavy Arms, but with a huge diamond shaped backpack attached, the single barrel gatling gun replaced with a triple barrel on both arms, and a dual casing of missile packs attached on each shoulder. While Gen looked at the Gundam breathlessly, a man stepped forth, and began reading out the enhancements. ?Heavy Arms?s offensive capabilities are effectively quadrupled. The gatling gun attached on the arm has been replaced by a triple barrel on both arms, giving it unrivalled close to middle range superiority. The missile packs attached on each shoulder are detachable if needed, and will pursue its target before dispersing the missiles. There are ten missiles stacked inside in two rows of each casing, totaling forty missiles on the shoulders. The case attached to the back is a jet booster as well as ammo storage case, balancing out Heavy Arms?s weight with its speed and a fair supply of bullets for the upgraded gatling gun. The four tips of the case can be broken off to be used as a proximity mine in any situation, air, ground, or sea, but can also be detonated remotely. The leftover casing is a powerful explosive, activated either manually or if Heavy Arms is destroyed, taking along with it anything caught within the radius of the blast. All the other weaponry included in the original Heavy Arms model has also been improved, especially in terms of range. The chest gatling gun, however, was scrapped and instead has been replaced with a Particle Acceleration cannon, comparable in power and range to that of Wing. However, it can only be fired off once due to the enormous strain it puts on the entire body.? Gen shivered in excitement, then chuckled quietly. His chuckle quickly erupted into laughter, surprising all around him. The soldiers looked at each other a bit confusedly but nonetheless proud. The colonel seemed to have left during the lengthy explanation and was nowhere to be found, but Gen knew he was happy all the same. Now all he needed to wait for was their arrival at Yemen...[/size][/color][/I]
  3. [size=1][color=olive][I]Sapphire Sky, high above. Diamond Sea, low below. Even in such a cheery atmosphere, nature held its silence. The water was undoubtedly swirling above and beneath the waves, creating its own little discord of harmony. The flaring sun, high and high above in the deepest reaches of the infinite space, was also churning and spewing forth blazes in rhythmic tempo. The sky was silent, but even there one could feel the light dancing around wildly, bouncing off each other, off the sea, tumbling here and there in a chaotic dance. And through the quiet orchestrated movements of nature, the mechanical giant, never was or to be a part of the cosmic play, streaked through, a lone spot in the endless reaches of blue. Gen gazed around quietly, his hands lightly off of his controls, leaning back into the cockpit seat. Strange to him was the fact that these cockpit seats were always uncomfortable. In the past he piloted numerous MS before coming into the ultimate base, Heavy Arms, but the only thing that seemed to be a common characteristic in the endless number of these creatures presented to him was that they all had a very uncomfortable feel when one tried to relax. He never understood the logic. How could the pilot?s abilities be expected to reach its maximum output if they couldn?t relax? ?Best to fix that?.? It was a peaceful moment, his little thoughts about the seating was a reflection of the peace. Of course, that also meant he was bored. And he had nothing to do. Perhaps that was why he tried to occupy himself as long as possible in the most active, and consequently, the most exhaustive activities. For a moment, he regretted simply retreating from the scene. Perhaps he should have pursued that black piece of metal into the waters. Or even make a direct attack on the Constellation. He may have even been able to take out a Gundam or two. But his orders were clear. Create a diversion. Take Heavy Arms and report back to Australia. His mission was pretty much accomplished. So no worries. Besides. Won?t it be fun if he met them again? They were, after all, heading towards Australia. He slowed them down, and when they arrive, he will be there. With his upgraded Heavy Arms. His screen suddenly flickered on, indicating a transmission. Gen quickly straightened out on his seat, and looked at the screen intently. An older man, probably in his middle 40s to early 50s, patched through, dressed in an authentic military uniform, standard uniform in the battalion of Fuir Une. ?Your mission was successful, I take?? ?Flawless.? ?Very well then. Stay on due course. The supply ship will be waiting.? ?Understood sir.? The transmission ended just as abruptly as it began, leaving Gen?s screen blank save the endless expanse of sea and sky. For a few more passing moments, it was the same. Nothing but nature. But as his superior kindly informed him, and as he expected, a dark shadow, a good six times larger than Heavy Arms, loomed up from under the sea, and with a titanic crash and crackle of the waves, penetrated the smooth ocean surface and hummed along under Gen. Gen slowed down a bit, then landed carefully on the upper surface of the ship. A skidding sound of metal against metal was heard, then a pair of holders flipped up from the ship, securing Heavy Arms against it. Gen leaned back, then waited as the ship slowly swallowed his Gundam, as his vision of blue was gradually replaced by the metallic black.[/size][/color][/I]
  4. [size=1][color=olive][I]The sky was blue. Almost in a mocking tone when one considered the searing hellfire that broke out aboard the Constellation. The blue background of the cloudless sky and the gleaming sea below, the freedom and peace of it all. Then that human wreckage of a ship, the scorching gust still raging within. Gen?s solemn expression slowly broke, eventually erupting into a hearty, insane laughter in the cockpit. He hummed lightly a tune from ages past, his general mood greatly improved at being free from the burden of putting up with this charade. He lightly sang, tapping his fingers on the controls. ?Time? is on my side? yes it is?? Of course, his day would have been perfect if it continued this way. But as usual, there was that interruption, caused by man or nature, in this case the former. His radar screen suddenly imposed its presence on his screen that was portraying the beautiful scene of sky and sea, and showed a rapidly approaching dot, marked with red for hostile. A few clicks and pushes of the controls, and the image of Deathscythe, slightly burnt and out of sync, flipped up on the screen. ???..? With a sudden reverse of the jets, Heavy Arms stopped in mid air, then swiftly turned around, facing off into the direction from whence the signal came. Deathscythe came hurtling through the blue background, then shifted its jets as well, stopping at a good distance away from Heavy Arms, floating quietly in the sky. Gen clicked open the transmission screen, and laughed slightly as the Deathscythe?s pilot, looking rather angry, popped up. ?I thought I incinerated that thing? the black piece of garbage?? Her face flared up with seething rage, then something likened to a shriek blast at him, which took him a good few seconds to discern that it was a voice. ?The black piece of garbage you are referring to is my Gundam, and you?re going to pay for your actions!!? ?Oh? how heroic?? The last syllable, the sudden cut in the transmission, and the swift movement of Deathscythe pulling out its scythe and Heavy Arms unloading a barrage, all happened simultaneously. The intense shock and heat struck Deathscythe, toppling it slightly out of the air. A sudden maneuver brought the replica of Death quickly back on its feet, charging its opponent with alacrity. The green blade swung dangerously close to Heavy Arms, to which the latter responded with a sudden burst in altitude, narrowly dodging the blade. Immediately, Deathscythe also launched up vertically, the scythe held to the side to hew off Heavy Arms from under. ?Fool?? The gatling gun pointed down at Deathscythe, then another round was emptied off at almost zero range, knocking Deathscythe down towards the yawning sea. At the same moment, the force from the bullets propelled Heavy Arms up to a safe distance away from his opponent. The shoulders opened up, and a horde of missiles streaked down after Deathscythe, the explosion knocking it down into the water. More missiles followed, penetrating the blue surface with the white breaks and waves. Gen grinned in triumph and contempt, then after hovering for a moment, thrust off towards Australia.[/size][/color][/I]
  5. [size=1][color=olive]Oi, I forgot. [i]An oval wooden clock, sharply and distastefully in conflict with the metallic walls of his chamber and of his room in general, swung back and forth, back and forth. The occupant was silent upon the completely made bed, sitting on the edge and leaning forward so much that he was almost hunched over. The bed was white and perfectly made, unslept on since it was first used by the current resident. No movement was made, even the breathing seemed to be hushed and suppressed for the sake of preserving the overbearing silence. The long hand moved slowly with a sudden clank, interrupting the silence, and struck the 12 o'clock mark. Three bongs suddenly ensued, each ringing louder than the last. The figure stirred, and the deadness in the room seemed to fade gradually. ".....About time...." He grabbed the tired knap sack leaning against the wall at the head of his bed, then walked up to the silver wall and gingerly took down the clock. The pendulum slowed down, then eventually stopped, slightly off center. Gen stuffed the clock into his knapsack, and slung it loosely over his shoulder. He walked over to the door casually, and the door slid open automatically. He stepped out, then as the door slid back to seal off his former room, he took a quick glimpse in it. Everything was perfectly well made, nothing used, nothing fouled, everything completely clean and well kept. His access key and his security card was placed on his dresser. He had no use for them anymore. The door slid shut, sealing off his former life, beginning anew another. A team of workers, two less than half-a-dozen, was working on his property. Sparks flew every now and then, quick calls were exchanged among them to coordinate their actions. But they were in vain. Silenced gun shots echoed calmly in the darkness of the hanger, and the four bodies fell the entire height of the cat walk, landing with a grotesque thud on the metallic pits below. The four bodies were, though unintentional, positioned in perfect symmetry like a four leafed clover, their limbs twisted and their bones broken, a pool of blood spreaing out from each of them and connecting in the middle, the puddles each a leaf, connected at the middle like a four leafed clover. A clatter and a crack was heard as the hand gun clattered next to them. The clock was placed almost ceremoniously at the middle of the catwalk, positioned to be within range of all the other four Gundams. The long hand was steadily approaching the 3 hand, only 2 counts away. Gen looked down at the magnificient piece of time-keeping machine, then dropped the knapsack next to it. His body was no longer bound or burdened by anything, nor was his mind. With light, cheerful steps, he entered his Gundam, Heavy Arms, and brought to life the creature. The red light glared dimly in the eyes, then with a sudden ripping sound of torn metal, the gatling gun was lifted, pointing itself at the outer wall. A deafening explosion as the bullets ripped through, then the heating blow of the gargantua blasting off through the hole in the ship. As Heavy Arms gained a safe distance from the ship, the clock struck 3 on the pendulum. A light beeping was heard, uncharacteristic of such a wooden piece of work, then the entire hanger was engulfed in flames as it blew into flames, the destructive explosion swallowing the other gundams. Gen looked back at the ship quietly, watching the flames flare out of the hole from which he escaped, then with a slight snicker, blasted off to parts unknown.[/size][/color][/i]
  6. [size=1][color=olive][i]I have a Chinese name. Well, I'm Japanese so my name is written in Chinese Kanji. Kunieda Gen. I'm interested in seeing how the Chinese kanji/character will fit that name... so give it a go. I'm more or less sure that it will turn out exactly the same as it does in Japanese, but just curious. If possible, give me the meaning of my name as well. Thank you. On a side note, your banner says "I" or "We" for the first character, then "Love" for the second character... the third I don't recall. What does it mean when added up? [/size][/color][/i]
  7. [size=1][color=olive][i][b]Name:[/b] Zetsuoushi Gen [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Weapon: Senninuchi no Tachi:[/b]A katana made solely for the purpose of killing, thus lacking in any decorations. The katana is curved slightly, modeled after the ?Tachi? style blades used during the Sengoku period in Japan. The blade itself is roughly three and a half feet long, the hilt about a foot in length. The Tsuba has a diameter of roughly four inches, with the kanji letter ?Fuurinkazan?, or Wind, Forest, Fire, and Mountain engraved around it. The name of the blade can be interpreted in two ways depending on how you define ?Sennin?. Sen means ?one thousand? or ?holy?. ?Nin? means man. Therefore, the name of the blade could be read as ?The blade that kills one thousand men?, or ?The blade that kills the Saint?. [b]Style: Ura Yagyu Shinkageryu:[/b] Yagyu Shinkageryu was the sword style used during the entirety of the Tokugawa dynasty solely for the protection of the Tokugawa family. The ordinary Yagyu Shinkageryu style?s main focus centers on protecting another at the risk of one?s own self. The ?Ura? style was developed for use only under dire circumstances. The ?Ura? style strips the factor of protecting others and concentrates more on the offensive aspect of Kenjutsu. The ?Ura? style is an aggressive form of combat, almost completely different from the original style, but incredibly powerful especially because most of its attacks are altered forms of the original Yagyu style. [b]Code: Fuurinkazan:[/b] The phrase that was printed on the flags of the warlord Takeda Shingen, the code illustrates how an army, or more specifically a soldier, is to act in combat. A soldier is to move as fast as the wind, be silent as the forest, be ruthless and savage as the fire, and be calm and collected as the mountain. [b]Stances:[/b] [b]Fuujin no Kamae: (Wind God?s Stance):[/b] The Wind is to be swift. The fastest attack that can be launched in Kenjustsu is the Iai stance, commonly known as the Battoujutsu stance. In this form, the blade is sheathed in the Saya, the left hand?s thumb pushing the blade out slightly, the right hand positioned loosely in front of the body. From this position, the blade is drawn out on some cue and connected directly to the attack. The blade?s power and speed is significantly higher than an ordinary swing because it runs against the smooth inside of the Saya. That is the common way the Iai stance works. However, in this particular form, the Saya is pushed down, the tip of the sheathed blade pointing directly towards the ground. While most Iai attacks are diagonal or horizontal, an attack launched from the Fuujin stance is always vertical. [b]Shinkai no Kamae: (The Forest Dweller?s Stance):[/b] A forest is to be silent. Silence in Kenjutsu can be defined as lacking ?Ki?, or the presence of the warrior. The stronger one is, the more adept one becomes in reading the presence of the opponent and responding to it as quickly as possible. So in the battle of the experts, Ki becomes an important factor, something one must be able to read in order to grasp victory. So what happens when one lacks the Ki, or the presence? It becomes infinitely harder to respond to their movements. But in most cases, this cannot happen because when one lacks the Ki, one lacks the will to fight. To reach the plane where one can lack the Ki, but still be able to fight in full is something that has been deemed as an impossibility. However, by resting the blade and loosening the entire body, it can be achieved. The blade is held loosely in the left hand, cast diagonally down to the front of the body, the tip of the blade touching the ground lightly. The body should be straightened but loose in every aspect, and most importantly, the mind should be empty. In this relaxed position, an attack launched from it is virtually undetectable and any attack launched against it is cut down in effectiveness due to its unpredictable nature. [b]Homura no Kamae: (The Blaze?s Stance):[/b] A fire is to be savage, to be offensive. Most attacks in Kenjutsu require the wielder to swing the blade in some way. But in all cases, there is a slight opening, a slight chance for the opponent to strike before and after the swing. To cover this opening, the attack must be continued relentlessly with the minimum swing possible. For that to happen, the attack is best formed out of a combination of swings, stabs, and body contact. For example, the first strike may be a diagonal slash, then the slash is followed shortly by a stab, which is followed quickly by a horizontal or vertical slash should the opponent dodge the blade. This way, the attack can be performed continuously and with minimum waste of energy and with minimum openings possible. The best possible form to start such an attack is the normal Chuudan stance, where the blade is held in the basic form, both hands gripping the hilt firmly and the tip of the blade pointing at the neck of the opponent. The Homura version of this stance is placed diagonally instead of straight, and the blade is positioned slightly higher, the tip usually pointing at the face of the opponent. From this stance, a swing, a stab, or body contact can be made with equal efficiency. [b]Sanga no Kamae: (The Mountain Valley?s Stance):[/b] The mountain is to be calm and collected. But at the same time, the mountain is where many wander in and never come out. A mountain is calm, collected, but kills ruthlessly. The stance is close to the way the mountain kills. It never attacks, but once you step within its boundaries, you are within its mercy. The stance is close to the Gedan form in Kenjutsu where the wielder points the tip of the blade diagonally to the ground. Usually, the tip never touches the ground. However, in the Sanga form, the tip of the blade is pressed hard against the ground with the blade facing upwards. By changing the angle and the strength of the hand holding it, the blade could suddenly stab at the lower region of the incoming opponent. The common use of this stance is to wound the opponent?s legs, thus cutting their mobility and simultaneously their balance, which leads to an easier kill by one of the other three stances. [b]Attacks:[/b] [b]Neppuu: (Scorching Gust):[/b] A combination of the Fuujin and Homura form, Neppuu is a straight Tsuki designed to graze the opponent?s arms or legs and thus reduce their mobility or strength in battle. The attack begins from the Iai form with the sword sheathed in the blade. By twisting the wrist at the exact right moment when drawing the blade, the slashing movement could be changed to a stabbing attack that quickly connects to the Tsuki attack. Though the Tsuki?s power is somewhat reduced when the slashing is switched to the stabbing motion, the speed stays consistent throughout. The combination of the fast Fuujin stance and the savage Homura stance makes this attack an effective opening move. [b]Jirai Kaze: (Mine Wind):[/b] An anti aerial move combined from the Fuujin and Sanga form. The move is performed from the Sanga form, except the sword is sheathed in the Saya. It is usually performed from a crouching position, the left hand lifting the Tsuba slightly and the right hand gripping the root of the hilt. When the opponent is within range, a vertical Battoujutsu that slices the air above is unleashed, followed shortly by a minor shockwave that buffets the opponent should the attack miss. If the attack misses, it could also be connected to a straight Tsuki, much like the strategy of the Homura stance. [b]Goenzan: (Flaming Mountain):[/b] An attack which incorporates the forms of the Homura and the Sanga form, Goenzan is an attack that begins from the Sanga form and then quickly connects to the Homura style attack. When drawing the blade up from the Sanga style, the tip of the blade heats rapidly from the intense friction created when the blade runs against the ground. If the following attack lands successfully, it not only wounds the opponent but also leaves them with a severe burn. Should the opponent be skilled enough to block, the mounting friction eventually erupts, coating the blade in a thin shaft of flame. [b]Shakuen Tou: (Searing Flame Blade):[/b] A form of combat that branches off from the Ura Yagyu Style, Shakuen Tou is only usable after the Goenzan attack when the blade is successfully engulfed in flames. Once the blade is lit, the damage any attack causes nearly doubles, wounding them and burning them simultaneously. Burns are effective especially in the long run since it makes it difficult to withstand the constant searing pain. [b]Ougi: (Ultimates):[/b] [b]Ougi sono Ichi: Homura Kamaitachi: (Blazing Wind Demon):[/b] In the ancient days in Japan, the swordsmen were feared so much that they were thought to be demons with a human skin. In such days, there were accounts of the very air becoming a sharpened blade under the hands of such skilled beings. Kamaitachi is the name given to the demon that controls the wind, which could also describe the swordsmen. By a sudden and forceful stroke of the blade, a rush of air is pushed out, leaving a thin space of vacuum behind. The air is pushed forward until it eventually dissipates, followed quickly by the vacuum sharing the same fate as the air before it. This space of vacuum acts as a lengthened blade, capable of slicing through almost anything with ease. Such is the way the feared Kamaitachi attack was done. Once Shakuen Tou is activated, the thin shaft of air trailing just barely behind the vacuum is ignited by the tip of the blade, sending a volley of invisible blade and a fireball in one attack. This is one of the Ougi attacks known in Ura Yagyu Style, Homura Kamaitachi. [b]Ougi sono Ni: Shinkai no Ri: (The Benefits of the Forest Dweller):[/b] The Shinkai stance in the Ura Yagyu style exists solely for this Ougi alone. From the relaxed position, an unpredictable combination of attacks ranging from normal Nagi (horizontal sweep) to the above mentioned Homura Kamaitachi is unleashed with fearful speed and accuracy, though virtually undetectable due to the complete lack of presence achieved in the Shinkai form. This is not a direct attacking skill but more of a passive self-enhancing skill, though its effects are clearly deadly when combined with the wide variety of attacks found in the Ura Yagyu Style. [b]Zetsuougi: Fuurinkazan: (Wind, Forest, Fire, Mountain):[/b] The ultimate attack in the entire array of attacks found in the teachings of the Ura Yagyu Style. ?Zetsu? means to ?end?. ?Ou? means ?deepest?. ?Gi? means ?attack? or ?skill?. Zetsuougi, therefore, means ?The Finishing skill found in the deepest teachings (of the Ura Yagyu Style)?. Fuurinkazan is the code, and not surprisingly is the name given to the Final attack. As the name suggests, the attack incorporates the positive aspects of all the stances used, effectively covering each other?s weaknesses. The attack is performed from the blade sheathed, but instead of being drawn from the waist, the sheathed blade is placed in front of the body with the blade side facing towards oneself, the tip of the sheath held hard against the ground. How the attack is carried out from there on is known only to those who have attained the highest teachings of the Ura Yagyu Style. [b]Personality:[/b] Generally very quiet and prefers not to be associated with any gathering of people. A lone wolf in his own standards, his mind works sometimes with the general thought of the populace, sometimes against the popular opinion. He never falters, whatever the others think of his views, and does not take kindly to any insult upon his beliefs. Despite his somewhat unique attitude, he is usually very well kept with simple and quiet demeanor. But when one engages him on the arena, he is a changed being, possessed by the wrath of the inner demon that exists within every human creature. Blood, screams of pain, flesh torn asunder, bones hewn apart? all seem to arouse the demon within him, strengthening him with every passing moment. Despite the blood lust that seems to overcome him at these times, his mind stays calm and deadly, never to falter nor fail. The change from his ordinary persona to the one during battle is so drastic that some attribute it to a split personality. [b]Description:[/b]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/tributetothehandsome/images/enishi-005.jpg [b]Bio:[/b] The Tokugawa family, after three hundred years of exclusive rule in Japan, fell from power with the coming of the Meiji Era though their descendants still exist in the mountainous islands of Japan. The style used to protect them, the Yagyu Shinkageryu, also survived but just barely, attracting followers here and there but never to rival its former glory and strength. The ?Ura? style also remained, hidden in the minds of the best Yagyu Swordsmen of each generation, passed on secretly and quietly to a select few chosen by a council of elders. A peaceful era was achieved; swords were no longer needed. The peace softened and dulled the minds of the populace, eventually stripping them of their former skills in combat they possessed. If one sought protection, one no longer needed to undergo the rigorous daily training of any form of martial arts. Why not just buy a gun? But the ?Ura? style survived. One must wonder why it survived in such peaceful times. Perhaps it survived because the era was too peaceful, the former glory of the warriors were swept away under the soulless inventions. Perhaps it survived because the heirs of the ?Ura? Style wanted to preserve the final form of blade combat that could even match such inventions. Perhaps. Whatever the minds of each generation thought, the ?Ura? style was patiently passed on under the surface of the weakening Kenjutsu world, eventually resting on the young prodigy in the path of blades, Gen. For one thing, Gen was born in a family that absolutely hated the modern ways. A Japanese version of Amish if you will. His family lived a simple life, self sufficient as a farmer and only buying the bare necessities. A step into his childhood home seemed to bring one back a few centuries back into time, the chickens clucking across the front yard, the ripe fruit trees blooming in the orchard, the cattle lazily grazing on the nearby pasture? His ancestors were wealthy landowners and though the Meiji government stripped most of their family lands, there was enough left to feed each generation of the family. The hatred against modernization was deep rooted within the family, as each of the children were subject to the fervent ranting and lecturing of how the government stole their lands ? a product of modernization. Such conditions led to Gen?s hatred of the modern times and of modern technology, planting the seeds subconsciously into his still young mind. What intrigued Gen?s young mind was the story of the Samurai, the warriors and protectors of ages past. A growing desire to learn the art of their ways constantly nagged at him, eventually causing him to abandon his family and leave for the Tokyo metropolis. The whirlwind of modern ways in Tokyo dazzled him, but he never felt truly at peace - courtesy of the subconscious mind his parents molded. Just barely scraping through life, Gen entered a nearby dojo that was accepting any and all age groups, which just happened to be the Yagyu Shinkageryu Style Dojo. After a few years in training, Gen had completely mastered the Style, a delightful surprise to the masters who were in search for a new pupil to reach into the deeper teachings of the Yagyu Style, specifically the ?Ura? Style. A quiet pact was offered to Gen to inherit the darker path, and Gen readily accepted. A few more odd years passed, and when Gen left the gates of the Dojo, he had within him the entire knowledge of what the Yagyu Style had to offer. On his shoulder was the ?Senninuchi no Tachi? blade, a gift from his former masters. And there, he disappeared. His Amish relatives never saw him again, nor did the masters or colleagues of his dojo. An elegant act of disappearance. A year later, he reentered society in a completely different level and location, now Jitsuuka?s bodyguard. The specifics of how he was recruited into the system are a mystery. What goaded a him into settling for a bodyguard is something that only he himself knows in the deeper sanctums of his mind. [/size][/color][/i]
  8. Kwai


    [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen broke the conversation with the Head and looked at the intruder. His daughter. He bowed lightly at her, then left the two for their father to daughter talk, whatever it may be. His conversation with the Head wasn't exactly something desired, but it was acceptable especially when considering what usually happened in the dim corridors and the class rooms of the school. No complaints. It was just another duty imposed on him by the school, a type of a 'monitor' on the other students. The Head took notice of his strange ability, and decided to make use of it. Thus, he was the Gestapo police within the system from now on, his duty to prevent the escape of the other students or to track and hunt down the escaped rogue ones. Specific targets that he was ordered to keep an eye on included three girls, each by the name of Kala, Vedette, and Zsuzsanna. According to the curt words exchanged in the quick conversation, they supposed were to possess powers greater than the average students in the Rosenkreuz. With his new position, he decided to check up on the three. After all, he might as well make known to them of his presence. A quick look in the schedules for the girls indicated that one of the girls, Zsuzsanna, was due for a check up and adminstering medications in the mental institutions. She should be there at the moment. A trip to the mental institution wasn't too long from his position, and within minutes Gen stepped before the cell where she was to be held. But nothing. He could hear slight breathing and the presence on other cells, but nothing from within. A nagging stench reminded him of blood. A thin smile formed on his lips, then he knocked politely for the sake of it and ushered himself into the room. As he thought. The doctors were dead and from the look on their eyes, pretty shocked in their final moments. A quick examination revealed their throats slashed apart in a gash probably created by an amateur to sharp objects. A dagger most likely. The smile widened a bit, then Gen stepped out of the cell quietly, then opened up a cell phone. "Zsuzsanna's gone. Doctors are dead." With the curt report, Gen clicked the cell phone shut and checked his watch. Dusk was coming. Pursuit in the darkness wasn't an attractive thought. Best get moving. With a faint chuckle, Gen stormed through the corridors to his private room, to retrieve his Watou for the hunt.[/size][/color][/i]
  9. [size=1][color=olive][i]*A dial tone on the other end of the phone... a sharp click is heard as it connects and a gruff voice answers* "You wished me to call sir?" "Indeed. How is your current position?" "All goes well." "The other pilots?" "Too soft. Nothing more than a nuisance." "Their skills?" "Admittedly above average. However their emotions are an obstacle. Fortunate for us." "I see... Anything else to report?" "Fuir Une's German base was destroyed. The damage is quite significant. I am unsure of our current location, but I will inform you as soon as possible sir." "Very well." A sharp click indicated that the meeting was adjourned. Gen looked at his cellular phone for a minute, then closed it with a snap. He was in his quarters. Obviously there were a few monitoring/security cameras planted in each room, but Gen took care to disable them for the time being. He walked over to a little black box like device he attached to the wall, and ripped it off the wall. With a sudden jolt, the miniscule red lamp near the security camera blinked on. Too late though. He entered a small bathroom attached to the chamber and washed his face with cold water. "My loyalty lies elsewhere..." He straightened up, then checked his watch. Best to nourish the body for now while he can. His mission just started, and it seemed to turn out longer than expected. No matter. The other pilots were, as he reported, a mere nuisance. Best not to rush. [/size][/color][/i]
  10. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen sat silently in his cockpit, unmoving and calm. He was waiting for the instructions from his superior. A good soldier listens well and does not question the orders --- as he was taught in the academy. Accomplish the mission. Nothing else matters. His screen switched on with a sudden blip and Wing?s pilot was portrayed on his screen. Not his superior, yet he had the order. To act alone, attack from behind. Fine by him. He?d rather work alone than with his ?comrades?. ?Understood.? He replied curtly without really looking at the pilot?s face, and then switched off his screen with a sharp click. Rid of the annoyance, Gen smiled softly. He sat up and leaned forward, gripping the controls in his arms. His eyes flared up for a fraction of a second before it settled into a dull, murky gray. Heavy Arms broke off from the group and took a round about route behind the base. With deadly calm, it touched down arrogantly in the thicket of mines. A deafening explosion followed, pursued quickly by a row of searchlights beaming towards the smoke. Mobile Suits appeared out of nowhere and cocked their rifles. A tense moment ensued, which was quickly broken in a most undesirable way possible ? for them. A sudden flash of light erupted from the hazy smoke, and the Mobile Suits were suddenly riddled with bullets. The smoke cleared, and gradually, the tip of the gatling gun showed, gleaming ominously. A shout of terror echoed in the Mobile Suits before they too were torn apart by the searing metal shards fired off from the impassive giant. ?Pitiful.? That truly was the case. The legion of Mobile Suits was simply target practice. He picked them off one by one, watched the metallic bodies suddenly contort as if in seizure as the bullets hit them, then collapse limply. Explosion followed, setting off a gray haze of smoke billowing into the air. In that split second the smoke obscured the visions of the Mobile Suits, more bullets ripped through the dense cover and tore apart some more. The massacre was in full bloom. The screams of terror as the pilots of the enemy Mobile Suits saw their death in the gatling gun. The tiny screams below as the civilians and helpless passerby suffocated from the smoke or were crushed under the heated steel. Nothing stood in his way. His belief was solid, he knew his position. Military training told him that when a soldier was sent out alone from the main force, it was either for scouting or as a decoy. Gen knew that his current position was a decoy. His duty as a decoy was to attract their attention. A massacre seemed to be the easiest way. [/size][/color][/i]
  11. [size=1][color=olive][i]During all of the excitement involving the MS, the little friendly interactions between the other gundam pilots, and the closing proximity between them and earth, Gen was in his quarters. Asleep. For the most part, military training always provided ample time for training but next to none for sleep. Due to the rigorous training schedules Gen was used to in the past, habit commanded him to sleep whenever he had free time. Of course, it could hardly be described as free time when one of his 'comrades' went off to fight a MS and went temporarily missing, but they weren't in his concerns. Boredom was an annoying thing, and it went far as to pursue him to the depths of his dreams. The dream he remembered having consisted of sitting in a huge room full of boring books about mobile suit piloting and strategems... there were a few more dreams that eventually led to him waking up, but he'd rather not remember them. Such boredom. "............" No longer in the mood for sleep, Gen stood up and left the room. The corridors were strangely empty, devoid of human warmth. He liked it that way, simply because it meant he didn't have to worry about potential threats (threats usually came from human beings). Strangely enough, the corridors were a bit unnerving to him this time. For the first time in a while, he wanted human companionship. To the mess hall then. [/size][/color][/i]
  12. Kwai


    [size=1][color=olive]Enter the bad psychotic guy. [i] [b]Name:[/b] Sei Gen [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Power: Shut Down:[/b] Put simply, it disables the powers of the other gifted humans, essentially depriving them of their sole means of defense. [b]Weapons: Watou:[/b] When Japanese pirates stormed the shores of ancient China, they decimated the local militia time and again with the Nihontou katana they carried. Over time, the Chinese adopted the katana and crafted it to fit their preferences, which eventually evolved into the Watou. Watou is almost an exact replica of the katana, except that it is modeled after the less used ?Tachi? blade. The ?Tachi? blade was used in ancient Japan solely for the purpose of killing, a stark difference compared to the Nihontou katana that has an aspect of decorative beauty to it. [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese/Chinese [b]Style: [/b]Garyu Watoujutsu [b]Description:[/b][url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime5/tributetothehandsome/images/enishi-005.jpg[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] The reason Gen was born into this world was through one of those rather unfortunate means, specifically speaking, rape. His mother was a Chinese immigrant to Japan, his father was probably one of those crazed vagabonds that roamed the streets of the Tokyo metropolis. His mother somehow managed to raise him to a tender age of 10 before wasting away from malnutrition and exhaustion. Gen was left all alone. However, the fates smiled on him. Through a sheer stroke of luck, he came across a pyrokinetic, one of the former students of the Rosenkreuz. The pyrokinetic apparently couldn?t handle the exhaustive education of the school, and his sanity stepped off the stage and let insanity take the show. Of course, insanity deprives all forms of rational thinking, including respect for the life of others. Thus, the crazed pyrokinetic decided to torch little Gen. Quite a surprise it was, when Gen just wouldn?t catch fire. Try as the pyro might, nothing. Not even a little poof of smoke. And so, he was found. Rosenkreuz wasn?t entirely sure what power he had until a while later, but when they did find out, they made good use of it. To increase his somewhat lacking offensive capabilities, Gen also studied the Watoujutsu during his free time. He seemed to have a knack for the thing, and though he hasn?t studied the style too intensively, he is the undisputed wielder in the school. Currently, Gen is one of the most advanced students in the infamous school. Quiet and calm but with the silent note of insanity constantly playing around him, he was the shunned one even within the limited society of the gifted. However, he is secretly feared all the same, for most do not know what exactly his powers are. Many probably would not want to find out. [/size][/color][/i]
  13. [size=1][color=olive][i]I own the Hellsing mangas 1 - 6... I like it personally, but I don't think its epic enough... The whole setting or scenario seems to be limited to the Hellsing base, a little part of Brazil, and a little part of London... the world seems a bit too closed for me. Then, there's Arucard being rather... invincible. He's killing everything in his way with little or no damage. Currently, I'm just hoping that they'll just get a move on and end in some big apocalyptic battle.[/size][/color][/i]
  14. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen never turned around. He was looking out the window, his gaze fixed on the large tree situated at the corner of the yard. His ears pricked slightly as the front door opened, his eyelids twitched as the door to the room opened. He closed his eyes slowly as the greetings were exchanged. He opened his eyes as he felt a slight glance skim over him. His eyes closed again. "Ladies, take a seat." The sound of two objects being placed on a line of cloth. They sat down. "This will be your partner Gen..." He felt another quick glance hit his back again. "He will be working with you for this job. Apparently, he knows where our target, Brody Radley is." Gen slowly opened his mouth, his back still facing towards the company. "She's in London." He opened his eyes again, then turned around slowly to take a look at his partners. [/size][/color][/i]
  15. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen yawned slightly, already too bored with the situation. He didn't exactly 'bond' with people, and being forced to do so had much less appeal on him. The best option presented to him at the moment was leaving. Ignoring the cold stare from Alex, Gen followed Tanya's suit and left the room without a word, leaving Alex and Anya alone. The last thing he wanted was another little 'you killed innocents' comment. He took an elevator to the highest level of the ship, then walked into the immense docking bay. From here, he could view the gundams from above, something that rarely happened. Gen stretched his arms a bit, then looked down. His possession for the moment, Heavy Arms, was held down below. A maintenance crew was working on the scratch slightly below the Gundam's chest. With a twinge, he remembered deathscythe attacking him... the result, that scratch. He growled at the unpleasant memory, then turned his eyes spitefully at deathscythe. To his further displeasure, he noticed the pilot standing near it. Tanya Maxwell. For the time being, he disliked her the most out of all the pilots. "We shall finish this score later...." He murmured slightly in the darkness of the catwalk, then slipped back into the corridor, making his way back down. He checked his watch. How much longer until they reached earth?[/size][/color][/i]
  16. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen coughed up slightly, then stood up unfazed. The encounter wasn't exactly thrilling to him either, but like he was ordered, he was not allowed to harm the gundams or the pilots. Thus, no retaliation. Let's say, for instance, that Tanya was not a pilot and just some hot-headed girl. An immediate act of violence, perhaps resulting in a few broken bones, would have been the result. Gen brushed himself off, then started walking off into the opposite direction from Tanya. He didn't want to see her anytime soon. As his legs wandered about the all-too-large ship, Gen surmised the battle and his little run-ins with the pilots. The Wing pilot, Alex. A bit reckless, too soft, and the worst possible attribute of all - controlled by his emotions. If anger and revenge were his chief motivational factors in going after Une, he would simply become an obstacle time and again. All in all a disappointing pilot. Deathscythe pilot, Tanya. Fiesty, reckless, authoritative, soft, annoying, and like Alex, controlled by her emotions. Even without going into any form of analysis, a disappointment. The other two... he did not know about them enough. How Raul Winner selected his pilots Gen did not know, but he hoped the remaining two were better than those two... Gen sighed slightly as the corridor before him broke up into the maintenance bay, before him his prized gundam, Heavy Arms. "Impressive." He pilotted many Mobile Suits thus far in his career, but he had to admit the Gundam before him exceeded all his expectations. Fluid movement, powerful thrusters, excellent accuracy... and though he did not really have a chance to engage Une up close and personal, he expected its melee capabilities to be just as capable. A beautiful and destructive peace of work. Pity that two of the other four were in unworthy hands. He took a quick look at his watch, then groaned. He had to meet the other four in the briefing room. Though he would have preferred scrubbing the entire complex clean compared to meeting those two again, an order was an order... Gen grimaced, then headed off towards the briefing room...[/size][/color][/i]
  17. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen took a quick glance at his side screen which portrayed the position of his 'comrades'. Sandrock a bit in the distance... same for Shenlong... the annoying ***** on top of him... and Wing bailing out with top speed.... trailed immediately by Une's MS... First off, Une. But in order to do that.... With a sudden flip and thrust of the controls, Heavy Arms's shoulder hatch burst open, launching half a dozen missiles upon Deathscythe at almost zero range. The impact propelled it away just enough for Heavy Arms to slip out from under it. Gen laughed as he swerved back away from the ragen of the scythe, and looked at the surprised look on the pilot's face. "You overestimate yourself... or you underestimate me... as for your question, you answered it yourself. An obstacle is something to be destroyed...." Gen smirked slightly as Tanya's face seethed in anger, then quickly shut off the transmission before his silence was ruptured by the incessant nagging. Now for Une... Gen glanced up and sure enough, Wing was blazing down, Une's MS pursuing it... Gen laughed at the comical scene, then rattled off his gatling gun again, accompanied in full with the missiles launched off from Heavy Arms's shoulders. The missiles streaked dangerously close to Deathscythe (a bit closer would have been even better), and lit up the space right before Une, forcing him to stop his pursuit. Before he could move, the bullets slammed home, beating down his armor and knocking him out of the sky. Gen grinned softly, then with a loud crash, released the gatling gun as the blade flipped out from the arm... Now for melee... [/size][/color][/i]
  18. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen watched the scene for a moment, boredom playing at his eyes. He also received the little message from the man piloting that MS, pretty arrogant, most likely with absolute confidence in his own abilities. He toyed lightly with his trigger for a moment, trying to get a clear shot off the now morphed MS... it was pretty hard, especially since Deathscythe took off towards the fray, dodging, charging... three mobile suits up there total. Honestly speaking, they were all the same to Gen. One target to be destroyed. Two distractions. Military training commanded that obstacles were to be destroyed as well. Gen smiled a bit, then unleashed another barrage of bullets on the three up in the sky. Immediately, the three broke apart as the bullets streaked past them. "Heavy Arms Pilot, what the hell are you doing!?" The face of the girl who he vaguely recognized to be the pilot of Deathscythe popped up, glaring at him with annoyed anger. How come they could just pop up on his screen? There had to be some way to disable it... Gen flicked some switches and lo and behold, the annoying screen disappeared. There. He turned his eyes towards the three in the sky again, then fired off another barrage, adding on a half dozen missiles to accompany them. The three Mobile suits broke apart again, but this time Gen was not interrupted by another transmission. Much better. Gen followed the scorpion shaped MS with his gatlinger and continued to fire off, not a care or worry in the world. Unfortunately, Une was no fool. He swept his MS closer to the ground and waded through the buildings, dodging all the bullets with ease. Where did the bullets go? To the civilians of course. As Une swerved, the background of his movement was lit up with explosions, most likely taking out at least a dozen innocent bystanders each time. Perhaps he thought this would deterr Heavy Arms. Wrong. If there was one pilot who couldn't care less about the life of the innocents, it was Gen. "Heavy Arms pilot, stand down!" An authoritative voice rang through out his cockpit, then his transmission was forced open. Raul Winner. Gen growled slightly, then lowered his weapon. He had no need to listen to the other pilots, but he was a different matter. As Heavy Arms lowered its gatling gun, the opera house nearby burst open, revealing another Gundam. Shenlong. [/size][/color][/i]
  19. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen laughed softly, the control of the entire gundam at his finger tips. In other words, power at his finger tips. However, an otherwise perfect situation was... not perfect. He would have loved to have full power, but nooo.... there were three others. Wing with the saber. A dark shadow looming... deathscythe... and a new addition... sand rock.... He would have attacked them all if he had it all his way. But as his former instructors said, "Do not attack the Gundams". Pity. He would have enjoyed it. First things first... He smirked grimly, then took the control, ready to decimate the MS... however... "This is Tanya Maxwell, piloting Deathscythe. Pilots aboard Sandrock, Wing, and Heavy Arms, identify yourselves." In the upper left hand corner of a screen before him a smaller screen flicked on, portraying the face of a young girl, probably his age. Deathscythe's pilot. Two more screens flicked on at the bottom left and the bottom right of the screen. "Alex... piloting Wing..." "Naomi here, piloting Sandrock." Gen faltered for a moment, then pressed a small button to his side which activated the screen. "Gen.... Heavy Arms..." "Our current mission is obvious. We need to take out the three MS deployed by Une." Gen yawned, a bit bored. He hated these little briefings. Consequently, he didn't listen into whatever Tanya said after her little greeting. He blinked a bit, watching the other two in their respective screens nod in agreement. Whatever she said. He closed the screens, not fond of anyone intruding into his private space. He smiled at the silence, then activated the controls. The Gundam took up the gatling gun, the token weaponry within Heavy Arm's arsenal. Gen chuckled for a moment as a shudder went through his body, then squeezed on his control tightly, sending a barrage of bullets at the MS...[/size][/color][/i]
  20. [size=1][color=olive][i]An explosion. A rumble, then the ground shook, throwing Gen clean off his feet, propelling him to a nearby dumpster. He coughed slightly, spitting out the faint after taste of rotten banana, then stood up slowly, looking towards the distant explosion. Mobile suits. Three of them, a type he didn't recognize. Another rumble quaked the colony, sending him flying off his feet again. This time it sent him face first into a brick wall. He stood up, blood trickling down his face, then looked up, more curious than angry. A gundam. Which model it was he couldn't tell from the distance but judging from the fact that it was holding a beam saber, he guessed it to be Wing. "Interesting..." He watched, entranced by the majestic figure of the mobile suit in the distance, then clapped, the sound echoing through the dank alleyways. A slight laughter escaped his lips, then he proceeded to stroll through the alleyway calmly, the distant explosion music to his ears. He hummed a military tune lightly, then walked over to a seemingly abandoned warehouse. He searched his pockets for a moment, then took out a single key, given to him a few hours ago before his superiors scurried off with worried looks on their faces. He never understood their motives. But anyway. He inserted the key, then with steady hands, turned it, the door creaking open slowly. The inside was pitch black, save for the shaft of light from the open door, though it wasn't much. A faint rumble was heard every now and then. Probably those Mobile Suits touching down. Gen groped in the darkness for a moment and his hands flicked over a light switch, suddenly radiating the entire scene in bright white light. A giant figure lay before him, covered in a dirty white cloth. A Gundam. So is this why they wanted him? To pilot this? "Heh... hehehe...." He couldn't help it. The thought of the very instructors who feared him, who trailed him, who kept strict watch on him giving him such power was preposterous. He smirked lightly, then walked over leisurely to the giant figure. He slipped under the cloth, touching the gundanium steel, excitement rushing through him... something he didn't feel for a long time... a faint laughter, muffled through the cloth echoed in the warehouse. A titanic sound of the inanimate legend reviving. The eyes flashed green from under the cloth, ripped apart momentarily later as the Titan stood up. The warehouse erupted from within as the giant stood. Gundam Heavy Arms, back in action. [/size][/color][/i]
  21. [color=olive][size=1][i] [b]Name:[/b] Gen Kotomi [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Description:[/b] [url]http://www.purlace.net/eva/other-ch/kaworu-177.jpg[/url] [b]Description of Personality:[/b] A calm, sarcastic person in general, Gen is one person who you know not to trust and who will not trust you in return. He has no sense of honor and will pull the trigger on you should you be careless enough to turn your back. The only motto present in him seems to be 'The End justifies the Means', something which he believes to be wise. He is calculating to the extreme and it is a known fact never to challenge him in any strategic games because he will beat you down no contest. The only positive aspect of him seems to be his clear-minded coolness, never too excited but suitably confident and relaxed in the worst situations. [b]Short Biography:[/b] A broken individual, or at least so believed since his enrollment into the military academy in one of the colonies, Gen has been the isolated weirdo, the one you would never approach in your right mind. Of course some believed that he could be cured of his ?madness?, but to no avail. A vicious retaliation, usually resorting to physical violence, was the common result of such a patronizing approach. The sole reason of his presence in the academy is his absolute supremacy over his peers in every aspect of training, even rivaling some of the instructors. He was kept under strict observance due to his erratic nature with a hidden security camera placed in and around his room. He was also trailed by security on every step, never allowed out of the academy grounds. Despite his psychotic nature, he never went picking for a fight so the matter was simple; just make sure no one accosts him. Such measures were taken for Gen?s presence during his stay at the academy, and like a genius he was said to be, he graduated two years earlier than the average cadets of the academy. After he left the academy he really didn?t do much military related, only running odd jobs here and there just enough for survival, but now with the attack on the colony VX-28791, his former instructors have called him back, remembering his unmatched skills especially in the region of mobile suit piloting. These days his life has been pretty dull, and Gen accepted. [b]Gundam:[/b] [img]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/katoki/xxxg-01h.jpg[/img] [/size][/color][/I]
  22. [size=1][color=olive][i]A dreamless sleep was truly disturbing. Gen woke up with a twinge from his slumber, his body and mind rejecting the completely empty and visionless sleep. His eyes fluttered open as his vision was suddenly bombarded by a car being blown up -- on the television screen situated before his seat. A cheap movie. He groaned slightly, then looked over to see who was actually so desperate enough to watch such an abomination. It was Terran. Her eyes were blank and bored. Next to her sat Sayuri in quiet meditation, her entire body still except for the faint heaving of the chest. Gen stood up abruptly, breaking Terran away from her mindless pastime, and left for the bathroom. "I hate being confined..." Not only that, he hated the whole luxury of the place. Soft fabric was disagreeable to him and he hated the stewardess that harassed passengers at every turn. He reached the bathroom and found, to his displeasure, to be occupied. For a few minutes he waited religiously but the 'occupied' sign didn't seem to change anytime soon. Further irked by his situation, Gen stormed back to his seat, this time to find food had been served in his absence. A quick glance over the meal Sayuri and Terran were having turned off his appetite. For a first class, the meal looked quite distasteful. He sat down and checked his watch. Another hour before they touched down.[/size][/color][/i]
  23. [size=1][color=olive][i]A faint creak of the oak door filled the decrepit church, and Gen stole out into the darkness. He stood still for a moment outside the door, his trench coat fading him into the abyssal background of the door almost immediately. Five minutes he stood before he began moving again. His movements were quick, efficient, and with purpose. But his movements were mechanical, betraying any form of will behind it. A fluttering shadow stalked through the alleyways, unnatural in that the trenchcoat stayed absolutely still though his figure was moving with speed unexpected from an average human being. The only reminder of his existence during this trip was the occasional, light clinking of his two blades knocking against each other. Eventually the light clinking stopped, and he stood outside the mansion. An overly large mansion. A slight twinge of irritation came across his face, but it was quickly lost. He sighed slightly, then leapt over the iron gates nimbly as if he was simply stepping over a small hedge. He landed with a quiet clink on the other side then faded into the wall's shadow, letting some time pass quietly. After a set time of five minutes, he twitched lightly and looked up at the hall window on the second floor expectantly. Bingo. There they were. He leapt up lightly onto the veranda near the window, and tapped lightly on the glass, announcing his presence.[/size][/color][/i]
  24. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen grimaced, following his two 'comrades' into the plane. For reasons unknown and incomprehensible to him, they were taking a plane owned by commercial airlines. Why couldn't they take something else? He was sure the Yakuza owned quite a few. He hated planes. There used to be an airport near the orphanage he lived, and he recalled waking up in the middle of the night squeezed in with ten others when a plane landed or took off. Hellish sound it was. He shook off the memory and hummed slightly. [/i] Sora wa aoku Sora wa hiroi Demo mada Amamoyou... Kasa ga hoshii... Kasa ga hitsuyou... [i]The little lyrics stayed with him, and he remembered things. It confused him and scared him a while back, but no more. It was another discovery, another obscure hole in himself filled by an accidental discovery. Terran and Sayuri lead the way, up to the front, to the first class portion of the plane. At the very least, it seemed as if the trip won't be too uncomfortable. He could get some sleep along the way. Sayuri and Terran sat down on the window side seat as they continued chatting in what he guessed to be Korean, and Gen took the aisle side seat next to them. His humming long ceased to come from his mouth, and it was now in his mind. For the lack of anything better to do, and not really willing to partake in any form of discussion the two may start, Gen quickly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.[/size][/color][/i]
  25. [size=1][color=olive][i]Darkness. A faint shaft of light was projected on a lone figure in the darkness, carrying two blades on his left waist. His head was bowed down to some unknown force before him, and his hands were limp at his sides. His entire demeanor was puppet-like, a puppet without an owner. As the shaft of light increased slowly in brightness radiating his entire dark figure, a screen flickered before him, portraying a visage of a man. Two more screens flicked on, likewise two more shadowy figures. The lone figure slowly lifted his head, though the hands stayed limp at his sides. "You have been informed." said the first figure on the screen in a raspy voice. "Your mission is termination." said the second in a dull, nauseating voice. "Failure is not to be." said the third in a shrill voice. Gen slowly looked up at the screen with quiet eyes, and bowed low to the ground. "Two more shall be with you." said the second again. "That is all." said the third. The screen flickered off, in the opposite order they turned on. Gen jerked awake as if from a dream, then calmly stood up. A small smile formed on his face, then the light dimmed, eventually shrouding him in darkness.[/size][/color][/i]
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