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Everything posted by Kwai
I say Good is cooler... But its not easy to point to whats good or whats evil. Lets take Inuyasha... hes trying to collect the Shikkon jewels so he can become a full fledged demon... is that good or evil? Evangelion... Gendo/SEELE is trying to instigate the third impact supposedly for the betterment of mankind... is that good or evil? Good intentions but evil? Where do we draw the line? But in my case, Vash/Wolfwood is way too cool so I place my vote on good =P
Okay... that kinda made no sense at all... the weirdest that happened to me probably isn't a ghost and it might have been me hearing things, but it still freaked me. One Thursday night, I was alone in my house(parents were on business trip, cats were at vet). I was watching 'Trigun' on adult swim and I had the volume on pretty loud. All of the sudden, I hear something soft, something like a growl of a purr that a cat makes. I figured it was the tv and just went on with watching Vash stuff his mouth with doughnuts. Few seconds later, I hear a 'hiss', that noise a cat makes when its provoked or when its about to attack. Now that freaked me out big time. I flicked on the lights, grabbed a stick nearby, and looked around. Nothing. Still kinda shaky, I went to check all the doors/windows to make sure they were locked, secure, and after checking them, I was sure that nothing could have gotten in or out. Just at the end of Trigun, I heard the yelping of a cat, something like the noise it makes when you step on its tail. This time, I just freaked, went around the house, turned on every single light possible, and turned on the music on the cd player and the tv really high... it was a long night...
I would claim to a few weird ghost stories, but I know that those can't be justified cuz I have like 4 cats right now and they can creep you out very, very easily... as for Vicky's 1st post about seeing eyes, I get that all the time =P. And this is kinda becoming like "I saw a ghost!" "No u didnt u liar!" "DId too!" "DID NOT!" "DID TOO!" So wats the point?
Yeah, well, mangas and animes usually take different routes. That creates a bit of flavor to each of them, and its fun reading the manga and then watching the anime and looking for the little(or big) differences. Usually, the manga is written by a different person from the creaters, so they like to add their own twists in it.
I'm rather new here, and my daily post is around 10 per day? (O_o) I dunno, it might wear off, but I don't think it will wear off for a while =P
Lets assume its spiritual burning -_- As for the book, I kinda hate it cuz the tortures are.... sickly...
?C?V?°@?Q[???L??[?u Very cool :) I also agree with Zero on the fade out part. Is it just my comp or does the thing skip every now and then? I'm guessing its my comp.
Okay... Juu just annihilated my whole argument right there... brb when I think of a beter argument =P *goes off to think* Okay... nicknames are usually done out of fondness for that person, titles and labels are done for the purpose of insulting, or humiliating that person. You can call one the other, but in essence, they are kind of the same but can be used out of love or spite. There =P Edit: Okay... now it becomes a matter of what you call the degrading one and what you call the fond loving one. Now it just becomes will you call nick name a title or will you call the title a nick name? :drunk:
Nick Names are fine, but I think titles are a bit different... nick names are usually approved by the person who has it, but titles are enforced by the greater bulk of society. I think they are two different things.
Sadly, we all get labeled by how we act, and by what crowd we are in, and we also label others purposely or accidentally. This creates a rift between the students(or rather, people), and leads to further conflicts between them. Therefore, I deem them unnecessary and harmful.
Yeah, but I still think some situations put u in a very, very awkward position as to whether or not to snitch. I recall my friend who threw a rock randomly, and it hit one of the teachers right in the eye. The teacher had to go get surgery or something, and he felt really, really bad(The teacher was a really, really good and fair teacher). Luckily(for me) he decided to go confess, but I wonder, would I have snitched if he didn't tell or would I not have?
How so? Please elaborate. Mayb its cuz I haven't been here long enough, but I think everyone is different and offers their views in their own unique way, which is pretty different from the school I attend.
Well, I really can't feel much for miscarried children since I don't know... they really didn't come into existance. I consider baby's to be born after they come out, and give their first cry. I guess I sound a little cruel, but I also would have had a little brother if my mum didn't miscarry, but since the gap between when it happened and when she told (slipped) was so long that I never got hit by the weight of what happened. I guess miscarriage happens, and one must get on with life.
I am in high school, and I think high school is just fine, but it might be cuz I never went to college and stuff... But all in all, high school isn't that bad. Much, much more freedom than middle school and better cafeteria lunches :) Chapel is boring, but its a great nap time so no complaints =P
I agree that Cowboy Bebop was a really great anime, but I have to agree with Queen Asuka on Evangelion being the best =P. That anime has soooo many levels and u can never, never figure out the meaning behind it.
Yeah but the action -> comedy -> adventure -> romance needs to flow smoothly, and should not strain the story line. Doing that is pretty hard. Also, the transition from each theme needs to be smooth as well. Then it will make a great show or movie.
Yeah doesn't one of the twins turn into a ghost and slip through the jeep and reappear on the front seat? I think that was awesome.
I guess it all depends on what your parents taught you... some will say snitching is bad, and to borrow from Azazel, the 'no one likes a tattle tale' thing. Some will say snitching is a good thing, since it punishes the people who did the wrong thing, but personally, I don't think snitching really is a good idea unless it gets someone innocent into trouble.
I hope evangelion will b on Adult Swim some time soon. Trigun is almost over cuz it has like 7 episodes to go, and I'm not sure bout Inuyasha but tonight's gonna b on the Wolf Demon vs. Inuyasha and kidnapping Kagome. I really, really hope they won't start over from the beginning on both of them... it's gonna b a pain to c Vash beat up on weak bandits and Inuyasha beat up on those weak demons all over again...
The replicating Agent Smith is freaky... I'm assuming thats where you got your name... the twins look pretty cool too. And Neo flying? Lol that was hilarious. Yep I can't wait for this movie!
I think Toonami is just fine. I also like the Adult Swim on cuz they have the best series, Trigun, Inuyasha, and Cowboy Bebop.
Ty for reminding about the AP Queen Asuka... gahh.... I hate them... I have history/chem AP coming up... And then SAT II chem... I hate being a student -_-. *jumps off a bridge*
Physically... my legs cuz they help me move quickly and that is always helpful... It gets me in trouble every now and then, but it helps me get out of those situation equally fast. Peronality wise... my patience and indifferene... I rarely explode to any insults and I never lose my cool... I guess I'm fond of that... a level head is good to have.
I like Trigun cuz its humorous at first, but it gets dark and deep later on, and it gets prettery serious and philosohpical. It has good balance.
I like fighting, but I won't unless I'm provoked. I think its alright to fight as long as you are doing it to protect yourself, or to protect others