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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. Happy birthday to Adam and James(I really hab no clu as to who dey are) from a newbie =P. cheers! Edit: Stupid me... Adam is the Prince of Anime from theotaku.com and James is... the site director... =P Yeah.. n e way... CHEERS!!!!! :wigout:
  2. Actually, I have the same question too lol, where do u get the director's cut? =P [color=indigo][size=1]Just some common sense info...if you have the "same question" as the person in the previous post, you don't need to create a post telling everyone...just wait for an awnser[/size][/color]
  3. Yep we put family names first. Himura Kenshin if you say it in Japanese. Himura = Village? mura means village but not sure bout hi. Ken = Sword, Shin = heart. So village sword heart?
  4. The seniors in our school has like 8 days left and they are UNBEARABLE. Since they are getting out of school soon, they are pulling soooo many pranks and they don't give a damn cuz the school can't do n e thing. And we, the sophomores have till... 6/11/03...
  5. None can resist the temptation of anime!
  6. Yea Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho is a good idea -_-. The funnist cosplay I've seen so far is when a fat, ugly guy was wearing a plug suit from evangelion... i thought it was desecrating the anime, but when i thought about it later, it was hilarious.
  7. But one would have to assume it is a lie, and something that was pleasing for Ritsuko to hear, since she smiled, and said 'liar' this leads me to believe he said 'i love u' or something of the sort.
  8. Umm.. Bardiel isn't the one that destroyed nearly everything.. thats Zeruel. And C the Pattern of Angels becoming more and more similar to humans as they keep coming? =P
  9. I dunno... how exactly do u intend to mix lotr with dbz, eva, and trigun? I'd say thats gonna be too much things crammed into one anime so it prolly would suck =P
  10. The Lance of Longinus in Evangelion is from the Christ tale.
  11. I really didn't like Gaghiel, but I liked how Eva 02 looked before it fought the angel. It had that cover like a huge cape and looked awesome.
  12. *applauds mage prince and his gf* Go Eva =P. N e one in here heard of Gundam Seed? I heard it from my friend in Japan just wanted to know if n e one heard it in U.S.
  13. Okay... then tri Nicky D. Wolfwood also from trigun... his costume isnt as elaborate and all u need is a giant cross(not hard to find right? =P)
  14. Maybe I'll take fencing -_-
  15. Ohh today's episode was basically a long flash back about Vash and his brother, Knives' past. Its before they came to the planet that modern day Vash is on, and illustrates the rift that comes between Vash and Knives. Also, Rem Saverem, that black-haired girl, is the reason Vash never kills, while Knives, on the other hand, vows to annihilate the human race from the planet.
  16. All you need is to have any kinda stick or pole nearby(which isn't hard to find) and voila!
  17. Out of curiosity, is there any specific country fencing came from? And is fencing realistic? Like if the sabres you guys use for fencing is replaced with real sabres, will it actually be effective in killing? Kenjutsu can be both effective in killing or not depending on the style you take(some style encourages you to hit and then keep cutting through while other styles encourage just lightly tapping)
  18. Kwai

    Draw i made

    The first sketch I give 8 out of 10, but I give a 7 out of 10 for the second sketch cuz that really doesn't seem like Kaoru. He seems a bit older and the shape of his face is a bit different from that. WW2, Kaoru is the guy on my avatar.
  19. Lol I've been brought up in a different fashion by my parents, and I have a bit of a phobia around girls, but from what I see goign around in my school, I don't think nice girls finish last. Guys with enough sense(there are many actually) usually go for the nice girls instead of the ones that act slutty. But as there are sl*ts among girls, there are pimps among guys, and there are the nice ones in both genders. I personally believe neither of them finishes last, and it all comes down to the situation. And to GinnyLin, I don't think that the guys you went out with were really 'nice guys' as Azazel said. I know some guyswho haven't gone to bed after 2 or 3 yrs. of going out with one girl, and they seem to be fine with it. I guess its kinda like slow and steady wins the race.
  20. Try Vash from Trigun. Hes tall, a bit skinny, and has spikey, golden hair.
  21. In my circle of friends, I'm considered a pacifist and a well-rounded nice guy who is usually indifferent to all the commotion and conflict goin around him. However, according to the eyes of people who don't know me that well, I'm supposedly some demon incarnate who will tear out their heart in a blink -_-. I guess that happened becuz of my martial arts thingy... I guess I consider myself to be a nice guy, though I kinda am indifferent and occasionally insensitive to the finer points. But I still get consulted from my friends about what to do when they screw up on something, or they need a bit of help and comfort. All in all, I am NOT a wimp, but I can take a lot of insults and hate becuz I've learned to grow up, ignore them, and continue on. I somehow tend to think in a paternal fashion, so getting insulted seems kinda cute to me, and really doesn't bother me.
  22. Kwai


    Its nice to c Vash have to fight against people who are as strong as him(Gung-Ho Guns) instead of fighting little weaklings like those random bandits that hunt for Vash ^_^.
  23. =P Still a 1st degree black belt... err... there really isn't belts in Kenjutsu but a 1st degree master =P. And ty for the info. on fencing. 4 moves eh? Its like that in Kenjutsu. The only valid points are the head, wrist, stomach/waist, and the neck/throat(only higher levels). But we have a huge array of combos and feints to master along the way so its cool. I think fencing is rather similar... we also have a square arena around 11*11 meters, and if you cross the line, you are given a foul, and if you get 2 fouls, the opponent gets 1 free point. 2 poitns first wins. The time limit to a match depends, sometimes its three, sometimes its five minutes. Its relatively short, so you can do your absolute best cuz it really doesn't drag out that long and you don't have to worry about conserving your strength too much(unless in tournament).
  24. The lance was at Antarctica and SEELE went to reclaim it. In the manga, you see the huge ship Gendo and Fuyutsuki is on when they receive news of Sahaqiel being destroyed(when they are both *conveniently* at Antarctica) and you see the lance tied to the deck. And I really have no clue how they could have contained adam cuz even if they had the lance, how did they use it to combat a huge giant that rapidly regenerates? I don't think the lance was used that way. But then again, there are theories that Eva 01 was not created by man and existed beforehand, so maybe Eva 01? (then who was the pilot?) Also, I think that Gendo said... umm.. "Aishitetayo" which means, 'I loved you'. I think this kinda fits since right after that, Ritsuko smiles and says 'liar'. I dunno, I think its believable =P. Evangelion really,really messes with ur head tho -_-. Especially End of Eva and episode 25/6 in the series.
  25. Well, I think it comes down to if you can keep your audience captivated the whole time, and yet still be able to surprise them now and then. That makes a good anime(well... it makes a good anything actually...)
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