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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. Yeah I read this article on the theory of Sea of Dirac, saw the series over and over, and still have no clue as to how that inverted AT field thingy works. I liked sachiel's piston arms. I thought they were a really cool and original weapon. Zeruel's little laser beams were awesome too -_-. So far Zeruel is the most popular No one likes Israfel :(
  2. Who saw this movie and what did you guys think of it? I personally loved this movie cuz it was really weird and I loved the whole idea about what could be happening to people when they are actually 'spirited away'. There were actually cases in Japan when people(usually kids) disappear, and is found on the other side of Japan a day later, or when they disappear and is found 3 months later w/ no recollection of having disappeared. I liked the Bath House idea and it was hilarious to me that a witch was running it. The kaonashi(noface? faceless? i dunno english trans.) was funny cuz it was evil for a while, then suddenly became all peaceful and nice. I thought the animation was great(its a given if its from Studio Ghibli), and the cgs that were implemented were really smooth and beautiful too. Soo wat did u guys think of it?
  3. Count of Monte Cristo, Les Miserables(made me cry), Of Mice and Men(also made me cry), War and Peace(confusing cuz of the names), The Moon is Down, Harry Potter(I like it =P), Sherlock Holmes series, and other random stuff.
  4. Ooo... wats fencing like? People come up to me and ask how Kenjutsu is different from fencing and I can't answer those since I hab no clue about how fencing works and the rules and stuff. How do u get poitns off the opponent and how do you use your sword? Do you stab, slash, cut?
  5. [quote]As a style, it's not mobile enough.[/quote] I kinda resent that cuz karate is divided into many, many different forms and styles so you can't really just point at karate and say its not mobile enough. I guess the karate style didn't suit yours. Its hard to find the style that suits you to a T since there are hundreds of thousands of styles for any martial arts. [quote]nanigata[/quote] Don't you mean naginata? Its that Scythe thingy right? I usually c girls practice that in Japan. Boys usually take Kenjutsu and girls take Naginata for some reason -_-. About understanding the theory, our dojo teaches about three levels in training. The first level is observing what is taught by the masters, assimilating their theory/style, and being true to their style. The second level is slowly adding upon what you learned, and basically adding your own two cents to the theory you learned. The third and final level is when you completely free yourself from what you have learned and strike out on your own to create your own style. I follow up on the theories, but I really can't say I'm a single style cuz I read a couple of different people's works on Kenjutsu and I just pick and choose what I think is best or true. But in the end, whoever has a good, solid theory and practices daily wins. That is my conclusion from 8 yrs. of Kenjutsu.
  6. A really good action in anime is always good. Kenshin is such a great anime because its action just rocks. A good plot, story line, and the development of characters is good to have. An example of this would be evangelion. If possible, realistic characters also add flavor since it allows the audience to relate to themselves. A little humor mixed here and there gives comic relief and is always appreciated(Trigun). Having one really bad *** evil character is a good idea too(Legato from Trigun, Shishio from Kenshin, Naraku from Inuyasha). I personally like animes that have a deeper, underlined meaning behind it(evangelion), but I also like Trigun since it has a good mix of humor/philosophy to it.
  7. Yeah.. the "Hallelujah Chorus" following Arael's little mind probe was weird. But I guess it works out since he looked most like an angel out of all the others. And true... Ireul will probably take over the world like nothing if it existed. And actually... I think it can take over human beings easily since it can adapt to anything it comes across and evolve.
  8. Oh yeah, if you are Japanese, Kochira Katsushikasho Kameari koen mae is a really, really good manga. Its full of humor and sexy ladies ^_^.
  9. I also realized that I get that feeling often right before the teacher sneaks up a pop quiz or something
  10. Yeah... the angel of might... he probably could have defeated 01 but it just had to go berserk... I loved that one hit 18 layer penetration part... And hes just standing there while Asuka fires volley after volley, and then, lets his arms go off into the wind, and suddenly, decapitate her arms
  11. I usually get that feeling right before I have to fight someone better than me in martial arts... then a few seconds later, I find myself sprawled on my back, aches throughout my body, and find the paranoia justified. I must be psychic -_-
  12. I have to go fishing w/ my dad and hes prolly gonna set up a ridiculously high quota before we could go home...(and he won't go home unless we reach the quota no matter how long it takes)... and then, I have to work at some shipping yard... which pays... 8.00/hr. which i guess isn't that bad, but I guess going to Japan over the summer is scratched >.<
  13. Sachiel? I don't think he was green... more like black... but yeah, his lance arm thingy was cool And did armisael infect unit 01? I think Rei restrained it before it infected 01 and self-destructed.
  14. Weird... martial arts becomes degraded in public -_-... kinda sad but oh well...
  15. Well, the title says alot. Plz post favorite angel from Evangelion and why. As for me... my favorite goes to... Tabris, the angel of alternatives/free will aka Kaworu Nagisa Hes cool cuz hes talking calmly while Eva 01 and 02 is duking it out in front of him, knocks out the entire NERV complex monitors with an AT field, and calmly asks Shinji to kill him... how cool is dat... Second goes to Israfel, the angel of music... the way he/she/it was defeated was awesome and pretty hilarious at the same time... Third goes to Bardiel, the angel of Hail... It takes out 02 in a matter of seconds, 00 in a matter of seconds, and I loved that long-arm trick it used on 01...
  16. Yep... sadly, the kenjutsu I take now is Korean style and is run by people who passionately believe and enforce the belief that Kendo and Kenjutsu originated in Korea... I hope I can find another Kenjutsu Dojo soon... there are two nearby, but both are run by koreans... I hope I can go back to Japan sometime soon to get better...
  17. Kwai


    I loved the comedic side of Vash, but up until the Gung-Ho guns came out, I really didn't get to see the real power of Vash, so I actually liked the latter half of the series when Vash actually had to fight for his life instead of just playing with the wanna-be bounty hunters.
  18. I like reading evangelion manga cuz it has a bit of a different story line from the series, and I would like to c how it will end...
  19. YES Kendo is an actual form of martial art... Kenjutsu was actually practiced by samurai in the tokugawa period and it is still a popular martial arts in japan now(and btw, japan is UNDEFEATABLE in this martial arts) I think its safe to say kenjutsu's been around ever since Japan was around. And no... judo is not a form of karate... they are separate... Judo is mostly throwing, grappling, tripping, etc. not exactly harming the opponent. Karate is a bit more agressive than judo.
  20. I've watched Evangelion numerous times, both the series and the ending movies, 'Death and Rebirth' and 'End of Evangelion'... I've watched many different animes from then on, but they all really don't seem that great cuz evangelion was too deep, too epic, too majestic. I've also read eva-r, but it kinda was weird because it kinda killed alot of the interpretations of evangelion I had prior to reading that. However, I will not deny that eva-r is a good continuation to evangelion... evangelion is truly complicating due to the many religious terms and many scientific terms that come up which throws you off when your trying to pursue the true meaning behind it... (Guf's chamber, Sea of Dirac, Angels, Adam, Lilith.. etc. Tree of Life, Dead Sea Scrolls) Oh... and that bug thing is a cicata... they are common in Japan during the summer... they are annoying as hell too...
  21. Kwai


    I hate proms simply because I can't dance, my parents will shoot me before I go, and I live in a different city from where my school is at, so its an ordeal to go back and forth at the ungodly hour of the middle of the night.
  22. Kenjutsu is what you see everyone doign in 'Rurouni Kenshin' So basically, its how to fight with swords -_-. Yes, I know we don't need that anymore and I know its pointless with guns and all, but I take it for the sake of the art(Okay... A tiny bit for that tingling sense of power I get when i hold a sword...) We practice with the sword that Yahiko uses in Kenshin. Its made of bamboo so it can't kill or anything but it still hurts -_-. And hey! I can protect myself with any kind of stick! So its feasible! (What happens when there are no sticks to be found? I run)
  23. If you maintain your age when you die, I feel sorry for all the people who died of old age..
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