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Everything posted by Kwai
[color=olive][size=1]OOC: Let's get posting people... [i]A disgusting crack was heard as the limbs were torn apart, the head of the foolish hunter being constricted slowly by the demonic vines. A low gurgling sound of incomprehensible pain escaped from the hunter before his face was crushed in, blood and saliva spilling out, dripping onto the reddening ground. The vines continued to press in, eventually tearing the entire body apart into different portions, all bloodied and crushed to the extreme. The vines wavered unsteadily for a moment in place, then suddenly slipped back down underground as if it were never there. "That's four..." Tsukigen ticked off another finger, looking at the remains of the former hunter, now reduced to nothing but bits and pieces of flesh and bone floating around in the thinning pool of blood. He laughed grimly, then stepped out into thin air, with infallible confidence. Sure enough, a vine stretched forth from a nearby tree branch, catching his feet, and trasported him another neaby tree. From his angle, Tsukigen could best see the grotesque remains of the head, the eyeballs popped out of the skull in torturous pain. "Hunt in my forest... I hunt you..." Tsukigen suddenly shivered, and looked off into the far distance, his smile thinning but the manic glint resurfacing into his eyes. He cast his hands majestically, and the vines slid up the tree carrying him, positioning him high above the canopy of the forest. "They're here." [/size][/color][/i]
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive]Iyadesu Iyadesu.. (No No) Ikanaide.. (Don't go) Sora wa mada mada amamoyou... (The sky is still rain-colored) [i] A faint song was humming itself within his head, too faint to grasp the lyrics of the entire song, but steadily rising in volume. His visage was empty, his eyes were glassy, he seemed to think nothing, hear nothing, but the song was there, steady and comforting, revealing itself slowly and slowly, the familiar nostalgic tune increasing in volume. [/i] Sora wa aoku Sora wa hiroi (The sky is blue and the sky is infinite) Demo mada Amamoyou... (But it is still rain-colored) Kasa ga hoshii... (I want an umbrella) Kasa ga hitsuyou... (I need an umbrella) [i]Gen twitched slightly, the song that he only heard of vaguely in the past slowly revitalizing, reviving, reincarnating in his memory. He never came this far before, and he only knew the first verse... but the song was singing lightly in his head, the lyrics clearing up, evoking memories that he long had forgotten. [/i] Boku wa Ameno no naka.. (I'm in the rain) Hitori de tatteiru... (Standing alone) Minna asoko ni itchatta... (Everyone went there) Boku wa hitori... (I am alone) Hitori de Ameno naka ni tatteiru (Standing alone in the rain) Naiteiru.... (Crying...) [i]Gen suddenly came to, gasping quietly, and looked around him with a sudden surge of panic and fear. He was at the club. Sayuri was conversing with Terran, and a light laughter broke out. They seemed to notice nothing. Gen shivered slightly, then sat down on a nearby chair. That never happened. Why now? Why here...? He raked his hands through his hair slowly, and took a deep breath. Am I breaking?[/i][/size][/color] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen knocked on the door politely, then went in. The room was simple in decoration, but everything was in good taste and of highest caliber. The lighting was dim but it was mildly comforting. Of course, he didn't have much time to take these all in, for in the large rich mahogany desk before him sat his employer, Sayuri's 'uncle'. Involuntarily, Gen twitched and braced himself. After all, this was the only man Sayuri bowed to, and he wasn't taking any chances. "I take it that you are my ... employer?" asked Gen calmly. "Yes..." He had a commanding voice, though it wasn't exactly intimidating --yet. Gen was quite sure that the rather harmless looking man before him could be vicious if needed. His employer looked him over, more specifically on the bandaged portions of his body. After a moment's silence, he laughed quietly. "Quite impressive... you fought against Sayuri and only a few wounds... and you're alive..." Gen winced slightly, then glared back at his employer. "On the contrary... I don't consider it impressive. I lost..." His employer laughed heartily, then smiled at Gen. "You have quite an attitude. The files on you indicated you being more... soulless, but it seems that they were wrong..." "Perhaps, perhaps not. Why did you call me here?" "Simply to see if I was getting my money's worth. I'm satisfied. You may go." Irritated but forced to submission because of hierarchy, Gen bowed low to the ground and left, his views on his employer not improved one bit. Right before he left, his employer called out to him. "Send Sayuri up here." [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen smirked a bit, the closest he got to a smile, and followed Sayuri, climbing in to the car after her and shut the door. The car immediately drove off, and Sayuri leaned forward to the driver's seat and whispered a few words in what seemed to be Korean. The driver responded to the affirmative, and Sayuri fell back to her seat, apparently in good humor. "Where are we going now?" Gen began in a quiet voice. "Back to the club. You will meet my 'uncle' there." Gen remembered with faint dislike of when he last saw Sayuri's 'uncle', and that was when he was blatantly ignored. "I see...." he said, unable to mask his dislike. Sayuri laughed slightly, relaxing back into her seat. "Don't worry... he's nice when you meet him..." "Right..." The car slowly came to a stop in front of the club, and Sayuri stepped out, followed shortly by Gen.[/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen once again looked at the strange object, twirled it around in his hands, and placed it carefully in the box. He closed the lid and slid the box over to Sayuri, who smiled and deposited the package back into the drawer. "I take it more of these are coming disguised as drug shipment?" he asked quietly. "That's the general idea." "I would assume that the other organizations, particularly the mafia won't be too happy when they find out about this..." Sayuri's eyes twinkled a little and she smiled softly. "Yes. Thus, your bodyguard job." "So they know?" "It seems so... at least, our moles are reporting suspicious movement on their part... some international meeting is going on." "I see...." "Well, now you've been filled in on the situation. Now follow me." Sayuri stood up, motioning Gen to follow. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[color=olive][i]OOC: Come on people... post... [size=1]Gen looked up, and stared into Sayuri's eyes. Her eyes were somewhat sadder now, and he realized that like him, her true self was hidden deep under the clouded eyes. For a second, he thought he saw the real Sayuri, but it quickly darted away behind the fogs, indistinguishable and incomprehensible once again. "I see..." With a sudden effort, Gen struggled up, ignoring the pain racing through his entire body. Exchanging the past was interesting and beneficial, especially because they were to work together, but above all, he had a job to do. The fact that he hated life did not matter anymore, the only thing that mattered to him now was completing the mission. Like Sayuri, he darted back behind his eyes. "Let's get on with it... we have a job to do... I was only told to meet someone here... here I am..." [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen looked up curiously at Sayuri's face, trying to deduce what painful memories were recalled in that cryptic mind of hers. Many, to him, was an open book, but this one was a carefully locked diary, stowed away in the inner most recesses of the mind. "You cry now." Sayuri opened her eyes a bit, and more tears fell onto Gen's face. "I cry for my memories. I cry because of memories..." "You honor them and you blame them...? What past do you have?" Sayuri did not say anything, the tears dropping steadily down. "Let me guess....prostitution?" Sayuri again said nothing, but it was obvious the answer was 'yes'. "I do not understand... care to exlain?" [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen looked up at the ceiling, the pain racing through him constantly reminding him of one thing. He was alive. Fortunate or unfortunate, his soul was back to inhabiting his body, the conscious mind bound to the world that he so much hated. He hated and loved the figure above him for bringing him back. Hated her because she denied him death. Loved her because she reminded him of mother. ".....you speak of irony..." Sayuri stayed silent, quiet and still. "You said... you don't like to see people suffer continually..." he said quietly. "But what if... the life itself was torture to them? Would you let them live...?" Sayuri opened her mouth, quite different from when she was in battle. "Yes... I would let you live. Despite what you think, there is hope in this world." She caressed his forehead lightly. "You.. lived a different life from me. You did not walk the path I did... you do not know... what I saw..." "True. But I walked a path of thorns nonetheless though it might have been very different from yours. But I did not give up on this world or my life yet." Gen shuddered slightly. "I see the future... many times I hoped to find myself dying in the visions... but... I never did... just now, I had slight hope but that was not to be as well..." "Your future is not pre-ordained... you make the choices... you make the decisions... what you see will not necessarily be true." "You say that because you do not possess the vision..." Gen coughed slightly, indicating clearly that he wanted to talk no more of the topic. He stood firm on his ground and Sayuri stood firm on hers. Sayuri sighed slightly, absent-mindedly fiddling with Gen's hair.[/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]A peculiar darkness enveloped the conscious mind. Definitely not the storehouse. Where was he? The darkness was oddly familiar, unknown to him but vaguely comforting. He thought he laughed softly, but he didn't hear anything. The scene slowly dimmed into a faint, glowing light, showing the storehouse where he was fighting. He saw himself on the ground, the two blades likewise fallen alongside him, religiously following their owner to the end. His eyes were closed, a wound on his stomach, one hand bleeding freely, the red puddle beneath him steadily expanding. I lost.... So he was floating in a dream. A dream similar to what he saw before he came here, except he saw himself as he was now. But he didn't see Sayuri anywhere in his vision. He smiled softly. If this is dying... it isn't bad... Actually... it feels much better than my life... He smiled and waited patiently, perhaps until the darkness overcame him again, but he didn't know what exactly he was waiting for. All he knew was that he was waiting for death. He didn't know what it was, but they called it 'death'. Coming to take him away. The lights slowly dimmed again, and Gen sighed. Finally, it would be over. The damned life would pass away, and he would remember nothing. But the light slowly regained strength, illuminating the scene again. Surprised, Gen saw the scene, but this time it was different. He was there on the ground, same as before, but not dead. Next to his body there was Sayuri, patching up his bleeding hand, working quickly and efficiently. Why? Why won't she let me go? Gen watched intently, half-hating the figure now working to heal him. He wanted it to end. But she held him back. He had no desire to stay in this world, but she held him back. He watched her hands with dislike, watched her carefully and gently wipe the blood off in a way as to not disturb the wound, and applying medicine to the wounds, and finally covering them with bandage. And as he watched, he remembered a word that everyone knew of, a word that everyone had, the one thing that was critical to the stability of all, but the one thing that he never had. Mother... That was what she reminded him of now. The gentle diligent fashion in which she was working reminded him of that. He never had one. When he found himself, he was among other kids, crammed in God knows where, brutally mistreated by the care takers who cut every corner in the budget. Mother was something he didn't know or feel of. But strangely enough, the vision recalled that word back into his mind. A single drop fell from his face, and it fell into the dark of the dream. [/size][/color] [/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Dull pain. His hand moved down quietly to the barb stuck within his stomach, and grasped it tightly. A little ripping sound was heard as he pulled out the barb, taking along with it parts of his flesh. The pain should have been excruciating. But it was dull to him. He casually threw the comb away behind him casually, as blood spurted out of his wound. His limp blades twitched for a moment, then he took one step towards Sayuri, his blade slowly rising, his stomach bleeding at a steady, constant pace. He raised his free hand which was covered in crimson blood, then held it out horizontally in front of him, the palm open, pointing towards Sayuri. He held the blade horizontally right under his palm, walking towards Sayuri. She made ready, but he simply walked, keeping his position. Five feet away from her, he stopped. Suddenly, out of nowhere, something dark and enveloping lunged out from the tip of Gen's blade, spattering over to Sayuri's face, causing her to close her eyes. Gen had slit his palm by a narrow margin, drawing enough blood from the one originally on his hand and from the freshly exposed blood, and in effect, blinded Sayuri by his own flesh and blood. And that was all he needed. Taking advantage of the moment, he flew past her, slashing her stomach as he passed, and dove for his other kodachi on the ground. By the time Sayuri opened her eyes, he was a behind her, the two Kodachi's back in his control, and with a wound on Sayuri's stomach. He looked back at Sayuri, the glassy eyes fixing onto her blood spattered face. "Youyaku... omoshirokunatta... (Finally... It's getting fun...)"[/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]One sword now. Kodachi's were only capable of an offense only if there were two. His actions were limited significantly unless he recovered the blade. Sayuri most likely knew this as well. For that reason, she stood before the blade, which he spied a few feet behind her on the concrete. Logic, though he was supposed to have ditched it by now, dictated that he get it. Impulse said he attack her or hold his ground. But. He just realized, too late in fact, that the opponent before him probably knew just about everything of a man's instinct, impulse, reflex... everything that is done by the man's bodily functions. He was fighting her game, on her stage, in the exact way she wanted. Obviously, that did not look good to him at all. So it would be a good idea for him to ditch instinct. On the other hand, Logic. If he followed that, it meant that he was fighting a battle that he would lose, a battle that by his logic and experience already was settled. Then a different way. A different path, he must employ a method not through instincts or logic. To most, this path was non-existant. But to him, it was. "Shikatanai.... (I have no choice....)" he muttered. Sayuri's near permanent smile wavered for a moment, perceiving the change in Gen's visage. The glint in his eyes disappeared, his eyes slowly clouding up, fogging up, steadily changing into a nebulous mass of clouded black. For a moment, his body tensed up, then relaxed again, almost sagging down to the ground. Then he straightened up, this time matching Sayuri's stare equally. An incomprehensible confidence radiated from him, and Sayuri's advantage over Gen disappeared as his instincts and logic were cast deep behind his glassy eyes. "Soro soro... hajimemashouka... (Let us... begin...)" he said, the voice calmer than usual. The kodachi hung limply by his side, taking no stance. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen took two quick steps back, opening the distance between him and Sayuri. Yup. Definitely much better than the one he fought in the park. He was wounded and he was yet to touch her. But. But she was still open. If she was in battle with no intention to kill the enemy, then she could not beat him. He hoped so, at least. Again, logic dictated that if one lacked the intention to kill, one would lose. But he discarded logic a while back for now. So screw that as well. "Very... impressive..." he murmured, his kodachis now held in its normal position. "Why thank you." she responded with a small laugh. "But... it has merely begun... you broke my first form. Let us see how you fare against the rest..." Gen crouched down for a moment, then lunged to the right, his left leg stretched diagonally in front, his right leg slightly bent. The stance was similar to the Totsu no Kamae, but vaguely different. Gen was holding the twin kodachis in sakate position again, but his arms were crossed in front of him, the blades pointing outwards, the tip pointing slightly behind him. "Kodachi Futaeryu... Jyuuji Bou no Kamae..." He made ready, his body relaxed but tense, waiting for Sayuri to make her move...[/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen came to one unanimous conclusion as he saw the Sayuri strike towards him. He lost already. He couldn't quite place his fingers on it, but based on experience, he knew that if one could not match the stare of his opponent, then one has none other path but that of defeat. That was the logic he held. However, like he said to Sayuri, logic was not a part of this fight for him. Now it was impulse, reflex, and instinct. Screw logic. He met the attack with a direct blow to the blade, casting it aside, then immediately switched his hold on the kodachi to a sakate, and attempted to swipe at Sayuri's face. Sayuri arched her back slightly, missing the blade by a mere inch, then leapt back. First blows exchanged -- A tie. But it had only begun. Gen sank down on the ground, his other kodachi held in a sakate position, the exact same stance he used on Terran, the same stance that gave him victory. Kodachi Futaeryu -- Totsu no Kamae. Sayuri merely smiled in return, holding her blade slightly horizontally, but more so diagonal with one hand, the tip pointing outwards slightly, the right leg stretched back. An interesting stance, something Gen didn't recognize. The tension culminated between the two figures, and Gen sprung forth towards Sayuri, performing the same attack in the same manner...[/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]A slight shudder coursed through his body. This place. This setting. This was what he saw. And though he saw it, for the first time he saw the fearful face of uncertainty. Up until now, he had at least one full day before his visions were actually granted. But this one. Less than an hour, and it looked as if he would be fighting one of the best. But he didn't see anything in the vision except that they would fight. For once, he was forced to act on pure impulse and instinct rather than the planning he was used to doing. "Draw..." he said simply. "What?" laughed Sayuri. "You are armed. You have asked if I defeated your right hand woman. That alone is enough to make me assume that your intentions are for battle." he said with conviction. Sayuri was quick to perceive something else in what he said, and did not let the opportunity go. "Oh... you saw us fighting in your visions then?" she asked, remembering the supposed prophetic sights of Gen. "Yes." replied Gen honestly. "However... I know nothing else besides that we shall fight... the vision granted me no more than that..." Sayuri laughed again, still sitting there on the ground. "Good... that means we are even... this should be exciting then..." With a little click, Gen drew his blades, and made ready...[/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]A little arching of the back, a little holding of the breath, a little tap as the foot kicked off from the ground, a little rushing sound as the second spring in the back kicked off propelling Gen forward, a little clang of clashing metals, then silence. Gen was a few feet behind Terran, crouching low as he started, except he was in a landing position, no longer in Totsu stance. Terran's body was stretched foward, her left hand out holding the fan as if to strike something, her right hand drawn back as back up, the exact position she was in when Gen pounced her. For a moment, the two figures were silent with no movement, then slowly, Terran collapsed, the metallic fans clinking lightly as it hit the ground. A faint red line crossed Gen's left cheek, and blood began seeping out. "I win..." murmured Gen, his manic glint settling back under the foggy, glassy eyes. He straightened up, and turned, looking at the figure fallen on the ground, one fan broken, the other a few feet away from the body. A mild amount of blood oozed out from under the figure near the shoulder, though she was not dead -- yet. He brought his sleeve up to his face to wipe the sweat, and for the first time, realized that he was bleeding. He was surprised for a moment, but shrugged slightly, sheathing away his blade back into his trench coat. He walked over to the water fountain and washed his cheek with the cold water. "Now... my job...." he shivered slightly, then looked up at the night sky. He remembered something. An appointment. The piece of paper handed to him at the restaurant had an order to go to the storehouse. He was to meet another there. Hoping it was not another battle but uneasy perhaps due to his vision, Gen stood up warily and left the park. leaving Terran, heading for another. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Growling slightly at his miscalculation, Gen's eyes flickered toward his other kodachi, twisted away from his grip in a few deft moves by the steel fan. He underestimated her. The current position he found himself in would not have been bad if he had been a perv, but considering how he fought and how he was in general, the situation was absolutely undesirable, especially since any wrong move would result in losing his other blade. With a quick release of the arm and a shove, he pushed Terran away, quickly darting to his blade, picking it up and facing Terran again, who looked mildly amused, her two fans secure in her hands. "I'll make this painless as possible." he said simply in response to her somewhat scornful face. "Oh...?" asked Terran. "Worthy as you may be, you're not that good..." she added with a smirk. "What you saw... is not what you face now..." murmured Gen, slowly sinking down into the ground. Slowly, he arched his back slightly, his right foot stretched out straight in front of him at a narrow angle, his left foot bent to level his body. His left hand was out forward, the Kodachi held in the Sakate position, the right hand pulled back as if holding a bow and arrow, the kodachi also held in a Sakate position. "Kodachi Futaeryu... Totsu no Kamae..." he said, the manic glint slowly seeping through his blank eyes. His muscles tensioned a bit, his black form small but intimidating nonetheless, like a cat crouching low before pouncing to make the kill. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen faltered for a moment, considering whether or not to draw his twin blades. He saw the female figure with clarity, he knew where to move in order to minimize the possible damage done to him. The easiest way, of course, was to draw and slice apart the lady before him, a nice way to add to the green decor of the park. It needed a little red. But then again, he knew that to kill one of the Yakuzas meant to turn their entire organization against him. He didn't really want that. Therefore, all things considered, he leapt back quickly, avoiding Terran narrowly, landing on a nearby stone rabbit figurine. "You must be suicidal..." he muttered, grimacing at another conflict looming on the horizon. He sat there crouching on the figurine, his coat covering the entire stone, giving the impression of him standing. His eyes were slowly clearing up, the blank, misty expression giving way to that of keen observation coupled with lethal efficiency. His eyes slithered over Terran as if decoding her piece by piece, finally closing for a moment, then reopening into his usual glassy stare. "Leave. Another assault and I will not answer for my actions." he said in an unnervingly calm voice. Terran smiled and laughed softly for reply, then with a thin, screechy sound, took out her dual steel fans, opening them up. Gen sighed slightly, then stood on the figurine, vampiric in demeanor, confident to the point of egoism. With a thin snap and two gleams flashed out, his blades drawn. He stepped off the stone, and stood facing Terran, ready for the kill. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen's ears pricked up, and he felt something close to a chill, though not as distinct. His eyes flickered around, and after a moment of searching, rested on the lone figure standing at the entrance of the park. The outline of the figure against the illumination of the street light was decidedly feminine. Involuntarily, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his vision slowly melded to fit the darkness. "You..." he murmured at the figure. He remembered the female before him in the club, and recalled seeing her entering his employer's office. One of them. What was she here for? He knew that the Yakuza members were not to be trusted, specifically speaking, women. Grimacing slightly, he stared coldly at the figure. "Yes, me." she replied quietly. Gen twitched slightly, remembering her voice from the phone. "Your name and your purpose?" he asked coldly. "Terran Sung, I'm only out on a walk." she replied cooly. "I'm sure that's not illegal. And your name and purpose?" Gen faltered a moment before answering, undecided on whether to trust her or not. After a moment of brief consideration, he decided it couldn't hurt. He was working for the same man as her after all. "Gen..." he replied, ignoring the latter half of the question. Terran raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not pursue the subject. Instead, she looked over him critically, especially his tattered coat. An uneasy silence settled between the two. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive]OOC: Gen's men? Don't you mean Hatsurokin's Raiha? [i]He dreamed. He rarely did, but his dreams were usually informative, one way or another. This one was no exception. It was faintly dark, not dark enough to completely block out the sight but dark enough to morph the human figure into simple shadows of black. Where he was, he couldn't tell exactly. But the sheer size of the place suggested something along the lines of a ware house. He took a step forward, and realized that he made no sound at all. A third person dream. A dream where he watched, and took no part in it at all. Informative. Towards the left, he saw a figure melt out of the darkness. Judging from the flowing trench coat that covered the entire figure, he guessed it was himself. On another side, a female figure. He watched the two figures glare at each other silently, though their faces were indistinguishable in the darkness. He heard a snap and a gleam as his dream self drew the twin blade. He looked towards the female, and found her holding a knife that looked oddly familiar. The two figures charged each other, and there the dream ended, waking him up in the midst of the real world, on the park bench where he first dozed off. He sat up, sweating slightly, and looked up at the starry sky. "Hm...." He stood up briskly as if trying to force the image out of his mind. A few times in the past he had a similar experience, but this one was too vague. At the very least, he usually saw a part of the battle to come, and he was able to prepare for it accordingly. The only thing he got from the dream was that he would be fighting a female in what he assumed to be a ware house, the results unknown. Not much of a help. Shrugging slightly, Gen stretched himself, unable to sleep after the vision, and slowly walked out of the park.[/size][/color][/i] -
[size=1][color=olive]Damn it Terra... you stole my name :p [i] [b]Name:[/b] Soutousai Gen (Refer to me as Sou if needed... otherwise, Gen) [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Group:[/b] Enforcers [b]Appearance:[/b] A bit tall, and thin compared to that of an average human male. His hair is dark black, though here and there are streaks of silver, whether dyed or from stress is unknown. The face is calm, even solemn, but in the midst of a battle, the face takes on a manic tint of sadistic rage. His entire body is wrapped loosely by a dark brown large trench coat, the bottom of it a bit worn from use. Under the coat, he wears nothing but black, accentuated by a white sash tied loosely around his waist. [b]Weapon:[/b] One Wakizashi (short kodachi), one Kodachi (short Katana), and one Katana. The Katana and Wakizashi is sheathed on his left waist under the trench coat, his Kodachi concealed on a long pocket sewn into the inside of his coat. The katana and the Wakizashi are ordinary swords with nothing unusal about them, but what one must truly watch out for is his Kodachi. It is crafted by modern technology, sharpened and honed by laser technology, making it sharp enough to slice a molecule. Furthermore, there is a concealed trigger right under the hilt, allowing Gen to launch the blade towards the opponent if the situation calls for a ranged weapon. The blade is attached to the hilt by a forty foot titanium wire, allowing Gen to retrieve the blade and fire multiple times. [b]Bio:[/b] An obscure member of the 'Enforcer' team, no one except the heads know the exact date or way Gen joined the organization. He suddenly turned up shortly after the incident of Radley and his disappearance. The most likely possibility is that Gen was the shadow within the shadow, the 'Enforcement' of the 'Enforcement'. Indeed, that theory explains very well how some of the past members of the 'Enforcer' disappeared without a trace, without any query or pursuit about their disappearance, as well as his strange entrance into the 'Enforcement'. [/size][/color][/i]
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]He had enough. All in all, a productive day, but when considering if it was bad or good, the scale tipped more towards bad. He was bound by a contract with what seemed to be no ordinary bunch, especially in comparison to his prior dealings. Instinct told him that they were probably the top-notch of the entire Yakuza pyramid. To rejoice in reaching the top, or to be mildly afraid of his current situation was the question, and he wasn't exactly the type to be 'afraid'. Weighing the little scale quickly in his mind, he decided to pursue the matter a bit further, at the very least completing the little 'body guard' job he had to take care of. What he would do from there would depend entirely on how the job would turn out, coupled with his impression of the group he was dealing with. When he came to after his little escapade of thoughts and plans, he found himself near the park. A somewhat homely place for him, the dark, quiet park in the night seemed to be the image of 'home' that was branded into his head. Gen sighed comfortably as he walked into the park, and walked straight up to the water fountain. He took out his twin kodachi there, and with the water, washed it clean of any blood that was left on it from his prior 'activities' of that day. Grimacing slightly from his lack of foresight and his lack of control over his impulses, Gen sheathed away his blades, and sat down on a nearby bench. The bench was cold, but it was what induced sleep most effectively to him. After a few moments, Gen's eyes closed, his breath relaxed, and he dozed off peacefully, just another homeless on the streets.[/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]He did say 'fascinating'. But truth was, he wasn't exactly intimidated or scared by the man himself. Perhaps by the company he kept, including the woman standing next to him (who he suspected had enjoyed herself thoroughly), but not by the actual man himself. Indeed, he looked rather harmless. In measurement of his eyes, one quick leap and a twinkle of the blade to rip the life out of that man. But the man had authority. That, for one, Gen had to respect. Besides, Sayuri seemed to be absolutely devoted to him and he wasn't stupid enough to criticize that. He looked warily at the seemingly harmless figure as he came walking down the stairs. Sayuri's 'uncle', and Gen's employer came walking down the stairs, with the utter confidence and trust that nothing will harm him. He was right, of course. Hatsurokin's entire little gang was wiped out, a fair number by Gen's hands, Hatsurokin himself was... toyed around by Sayuri, just lying there, dignity all torn to shreds. He was about to ask something to Sayuri when the 'uncle' looked pointedly at Sayuri and motioned her over. Gen was deeply impressed when Sayuri obediently left for her 'uncle''s side. He had the impression that she bowed to no one. He was wrong. He saw his employer's eye wander towards him, and as traditional Japanese manners commanded, he bowed low to the ground, his coat rippling out from under him. He looked up at the employer a few moments later, only to find the employer heading up the stairs, followed shortly by Sayuri. Feeling awkward by being ignored, Gen stood there for a moment, unsure of his next move. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]*a blade rushing through the air* Four. *dull snap* Five. *a muffled scream with the club music in the back ground* Six. *a body hitting the ground* Enough. It was beginning to get pathetically boring. All he knew was that it was a waste bringing out his Kodachi. They were way too weak, really, that he could have taken them on with his fists or not come at all, leaving the scene to the others. He stopped his rampage for a moment and contemplated on his position. Out of a sudden rush of impulse probably triggered by the Sayuri character he met a while back, he went on a berserk killing spree, which seemed rather pointless now that he reflected on it. Indeed, he should have stayed around at the park instead of coming here. The others didn't seem to need his help, and he noticed Sayuri playing around with who seemed to be the boss of the little coup. Let her. He was way too bored. "How boring." he muttered quietly. He side-stepped lightly, and a moment later, one of the guards stumbled and fell, a knife in his hands. Gen sighed, then twirled his kodachi, plunging it down. A sudden spasm of motion, then the body was still. Seven. He drew one of his kodachi to eye level, looking at it intently. Damn it. It was getting dirty with blood. Reflected on the blade, he saw another one charge him from behind. "Idiots..." He spinned slightly, at the same time bringing the other kodachi to neck level, placing mild effort in his hand. A dull shock, then another body fell to the ground, another head flew in the air. Eight. He sighed, eyeing the scene around him with boredom. It seemed as if matters were cleaning up. No casualties if he wasn't mistaken. Gen unfurled his trench coat, neatly tucking away his twin kodachis in one deft motion. No more. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen reached the entrance of the club, skidding to a stop, his coat fluttering wildly from the sudden halt. He quickly eyed the car, and the two apparently dead guards. Pity. He would have had fun. But for the moment, he was more concerned with the commotion in the club. Quite frankly, he doubted that they needed help. After all, it was their base of operations. Who would violate the base and leave unharmed? No one. But still, he wanted to have fun. Gen ran into the club, excited. First thing that hit him was the craziness of the scene. Shouts. Lights. Chaos all around. Good enough. With a sudden jolt, Gen arched his head back as one of the bodyguards swung a punch at him. Oh good fun. Gen leapt back lightly, at the same time casting another look in the chaos. Roughly 10 to 15 guards. He saw Sayuri and a few other familiar faces. To him, it was more of a race, or perhaps a competition. This would be the first time drawing his blade. He was going to win. With an echoing snap and a dull gleam, he tore apart his dual kodachi from the inside of his trench coat. His brows furrowed, his blank expression suddenly punctuated by a manic glint in the eyes. The guard charged him again. There was a light fluid motion on Gen's part, dodging the blow narrowly but perfectly as if he saw it coming. Then the neck was torn off violently, the head and the body disconnected. Finally, spurts of crimson blood. One. Gen charged into the ruckus, severing another guard's head. Two. On and on. A massacre to come. [/size][/color][/i] -
RPG Bullets and Drugs: Volatile Mix [Language, sex references]
Kwai replied to Baron Samedi's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=olive][i]Gen looked at his cell dumbfounded. One night, two cell calls. What the heck was the world coming to? He seldom received one call a week, much less two calls in one night. And if he heard correctly, he was asked to help. From what he gathered, mostly from the sounds in the background, there was a fight. Why call him for a fight honestly? Some people he just couldn't understand. Wait.... Come to think of it, who called him? He flipped open his cell phone, then remembered he didn't exactly know how to use it. Damn. He might as well go find out at the club. Gen hurried along the pathway, his trench coat fluttering wildly in the evening gust. He stalked through the sidewalk, brushing past many that were out enjoying the night, occasionally catching a few familiar faces that he recalled working with. However, he had to get to the club. He even thought he saw Sayuri somewhere, though he wasn't too sure. He was a bit excited to care. For the first time, he was called to service in the physical sense. For the first time, he would be able to use them. For the first time, he would be able to truly have fun. Onwards and onwards, to the killing field. [/size][/color][/i]