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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. [size=1][color=olive][i]Not entirely sure what 'pirrouettes' meant, Gen didn't have much chance reflecting on, or decoding the last comment. High-class words always confused him. However, he maintained his indifferent air, still keeping his eyes set on to hers. In its own way, it became a little heated battle there, the first one to break the gaze was to lose. A trifling thing, especially to him, but nonetheless, he had the tendency to see through what he started. And this was no exception. He noticed the subtle change in color, which was a bit irritating and perhaps hypnotic. He knew his eyes were blank as usual, a little 'mask' for his eyes, but the face under the mask was shifting uncomfortably. He continued to stare, keeping note never to get into a staring match with her again. His eyes were beginning to hurt, and the face within was trying to tear off the mask. Best to drop it. "I believe our meeting is... concluded..." he said quietly, averting his gaze. Sayuri smirked triumphantly, then laughed softly, a laughter that was a bit unnerving. "Yes... it is..." she replied cooly. "Then I shall take leave." said Gen, trying to keep an indifferent note. Sayuri noticed the attempt, and laughed again, clearly enjoying her small victory. Gen stood up silently and abruptly, throwing the trench coat over him. He looked at the ceiling for a moment, then looked back down again at Sayuri. "Your body's awareness is above.. average... I commend you for that..." he coughed a bit. "But... your mind's awareness... you need to open it up more...." he turned around, leaving Sayuri. He stopped for a moment, and added as an after note. "I think we'll meet soon. Very soon. We'll have fun there." he said calmly. "Good Bye." He left the restaurant very quickly, leaving Sayuri smiling softly, wondering a bit on exactly what he meant. [/size][/color][/i]
  2. [size=1][color=olive] It was an expression =P I didn't directly mean about the knife... in the... *cough* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Gen reached down and took a sip from the glass of water, a bit relaxed compared to before, but still somewhat tense. Though he ordered what Sayuri ordered just to keep the conversation to a bare minimum, he remembered with a twinge that he wasn't particularly fond of white rice... or tempura for that matter. He took a moment to compose himself. She had the knack for making people uneasy. The last bit of information also took him by surprise, and though it may have uses for him in the long run, it certainly stunned him for the present situation. "You place your trust in him for that simple reason?" he asked. "Of course... he did, after all, help me become what I am today." said Sayuri with a faint laugh. "I see... and you sleep with your adoptive uncle?" he added on shrewdly. If the rumors about Sayuri was correct, and if his instinct served him right, the answer would be... "Yes..." answered Sayuri a bit defensively. "That has nothing to do with you though does it?" she concluded a bit coldly. "Just curious..." murmured Gen vaguely. Gen fixed his eyes onto the decorative Kiku flower placed neatly off on the side, and took a moment to appraise its beauty. He rarely had the chance to feast his eyes on beautiful things, so he took the moment to do so. He always liked flowers in particular. They were good for the eyes, especially the color. Those that were crafted by Ikebana artists were perfectly balanced in symmetry. His attention was suddenly interrupted by the waiter returning with the Tempura set. Gen snapped his gaze off the flower, and faced Sayuri. [/size][/color][/i]
  3. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen took a moment to shoot a quick glance at Sayuri before dropping his gaze at the paper. Much dabbling in the way the Yakuza dealt taught him one thing. They were always, always, always armed when striking deals. Therefore, little Ms. Innocent before him was armed. He wasn't in the mood for quarreling, and he pretty much decided to take the job even before he looked at the paper. He took a quick glance at the paper. Surprising to him was that this was field work. Instead of the planning and plotting that he was usually presented with, his job was... body guard... along with, to his rather unpleasant discovery, the female before him. "Field work...." he muttered, failing to suppress his surprise. "Oh? I thought you would have known." she said shrewdly. Apparently, she heard of his 'sight'. Not exactly amused but hopeful to get the deal done and over with, Gen replied quietly. "I shall take the job. You don't have to put the knife in me." he said calmly. Sayuri laughed softly, mildly impressed. Gen sighed, and folded up the piece of paper carefully, placing it in his chest pocket. The waiter entered with the drinks, placing the water in front of Gen, the tea in front of Sayuri, and stood there religiously, waiting to take their orders. [/size][/color][/i]
  4. [size=1][color=olive][i]Straight on, Gen scrapped his former ideas and hunger, and regretted coming. First step in, he hated the place. First off, way too formal. The utter formality in there overwhelmed him. He was never used to being formal, particularly because of his 'childhood' or perhaps because of his 'blood lines'. Either way, they didn't really give him much formality, and he always felt pretty awkward in such high class restaurants. But worst of all, the butler. Gen suspected slightly that he was a bouncer in the past, but what irritated him the most was that he took his trench coat. Though it was most likely against the restaurant's policies, he still preferred to have the trench coat with him. Damn the butler. "Ah... I knew there was a handsome man underneath that." said the... what's her name... oh yes, Sayuri with a smile. To this, Gen merely raised his eyebrows. He was none too interested in women. Vague visions he had a few times in the past spoke to him of their danger, especially in their ability to seduce and manipulate. For this, he kept strict watches on women, specifically those near him. He decided to add Sayuri to the list. "I understand... that I am to have a certain responsibility placed upon me..." he said bluntly. "Your employer... called me a while back, and explained that I will be.... filled in here." Quite honestly, he just wanted to leave. The formality was crushing him, and from the little drunken laughter erupting here and there in the restaurant, he gathered that they served rather strong alcoholic beverages. He usually had trouble saying no to them, and he preferred to get out before he was placed in such a predicament. [/size][/color][/i]
  5. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen deposited his cell phone back into his pocket, a trifle annoyed. He wasn't exactly fond of being told where to be and what to do, but there was one crucial factor which attracted him to his latest order. Food. Homeless days taught him one thing. Food was crucial for one's survival. If he recalled the conversation correctly, the boss said something about sending someone over. So hopefully, free food. He was hungry after all, and 1000 yen won't buy good food. So he was quite happy when weighing the factors. "Onaka suita... (I'm hungry...)" he murmured childishly. He stopped at the water fountain at the entrance of the park and took a quick drink. He was exposed to alcohol when he entered the Yakuza system, but he didn't enjoy them. Water was the best, perhaps because it quenched his thirst ever since he was sure of himself. He hoped that he didn't have to drink at the meeting. He was terribly weak against alcohol, and the last time he drank, he had no memory of what he did save that it probably was something embarassing. All he found out later was that he broke the bones of a few people. But back to the current situation. He took out the crumpled piece of paper on which he wrote down the address of the restaurant. 'Akane Ryoutei' the paper read. Oh good. If he recalled correctly, it was one of the best restaurants in the vicinity, but he simply never carried enough money to go there. He did have money. He just didn't carry much. Yakuza jobs paid well but out of habit he didn't carry them. Gen yawned slightly, then walked off towards the restaurant, more hungry than curious as to what awaited him. He could find out if he wanted. [/i][/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=olive][i]Interestingly enough, Gen was nowhere near the club where the bulk of the Yakuza activities were currently taking place. Instead, he was wandering around in a nearby park, which to him reminded him faintly of his homeless days. Passerbys hurrying by to get home from work shot him patronizing glances, to which Gen paid little or no attention. He knew that his grey and withering trench coat was unattractive and perhaps a bit too old. But little did he care about what others thought of it. He liked antiques, he liked old things, he liked things with history. He usually had to buy them, but this trench coat was his with his own history to it. So he would keep it. It was a bit chilly. But Gen was too engrossed in something that only he could see to feel the cold. He just stared at something distant, vaguely and blankly. Some of the passerbys who saw his eyes turned to see what he was looking at, then shook their heads and walked away, finding nothing particularly interesting about whatever Gen's gaze just happened to hit. But what they saw was one thing. What he saw was another. He sat down with a little cough on a park bench, stretching his back and letting his trench coat ruffle a bit in the cool breeze. Anyone observant enough would have seen that under the trench coat, he had a rather handsome set of black shirt and pants. Courtesy of him joining the Yakuza. Come to think of it, he really couldn't place his fingers on why he actually joined. He just happened to be there one day. It was a while since he joined, but he still didn't see the exact point. But anyway. "Soro soro ka... (It's almost time...)" he muttered softly as he checked his watch. Gen stretched his arms tiredly, then stood up. He dug his hands into his pocket, then fished out two 500 yen coins. He was hungry. He should get something to eat first. Before he forgot, he also took out a cell phone. He didn't want it, but his superiors insisted he keep it. He didn't know why, but he had it. He was expecting a call if he remembered correctly. But first, food. Gen sauntered off to the exit of the park, a bit hungry. [/size][/color][/i]
  7. [size=1][color=olive][i] [b]Name:[/b] Onmyouji Gen [b]Alias:[/b] Shito [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 78 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Allaince:[/b] Lowendove Brotherhood [b]Race:[/b] Japanese [b]Weapon:[/b] [b]Onmyouji Houjyou:[/b] Onmyouji is an ancient temple located in the deepest depths of the mountains of Japan. Rumor abounds that the temple is not guarded by a human, but the past spirits of monks that lived and died there. Of course, getting in or getting out is impossible for any worthless human being, much less creatures that inhabit the night and prey on them. In the deepest sanctums of the Temple, there lies an ancient staff from the ages past, its surface etched with the spells and seals from the rich heritage of monks that lived and trained there. The staff is a ward, a wall, a fortress against any and all forces that threaten its owner, the descendent of the Onmyouji Clan, and is free from any corrupting forces. [b]Fuda no Ihn:[/b] A piece of paper with powerful sealing enchantments placed upon it, only created by the most powerful of monks that study Buddhism. Gen's creations are a bit different, as it is a mixture of Buddhist seals as well as some Christian incantations written on it. The mixture serves him incredibly well, the Christian seal immobilizing the creature, and the Buddhist incantation stripping the creature of its energy. [b]Personality:[/b] Calm, Silent, Vindictive, Secretive, Indifferent, [b]Bio:[/b] Onmyouji, a fabled temple only existant in the legends and rumors of ancient Japan, is the longest surviving lineage of demon slayers in Japan. The only descendant left is Onmyouji Gen, who goes by the name of 'Shito', which usually signifies 'Disciple'. The Temple was abandoned long before, though the Temple is guarded strictly and effectively by the spirits and enchantments of the past warrior monks that resided there. Gen is the last surviving member of the Onmyouji Clan, and he is at once the Enlightened and the Fallen. During his early age, Gen left the Temple and travelled to England where he studied how the Christian Religion fought and banished Daemons. Interested to say the least and 'corrupted' from his parents' view, Gen was quickly labeled a traitor by the remnants of the Onmyouji Clan, for mingling with a heathen religion. Angered by the narrow minded reaction of his parents', Gen challenged his parents to what could be likened to a 'race' where they would compete on how many Daemons they could slay within the year. A hefty number of Daemons lost their lives that year, on one side tallying up to roughly 150, and the other side up to 159. Gen won. Though his parents were still averse to Gen's new path and still hated him deeply for it, they were by custom required to hand over the Treasured Staff and the enchantments for creating the Seals. That was all Gen wanted. He took the staff and left the Temple, searching for his own way of slaying the creatures that preyed on Human Beings. Years later, his parents died, and Gen became the only surviving member of the once famous Onmyouji Clan. Gen was not worried about protecting his home Temple since he knew that his ancestors will look to that. Instead, he wandered about, and while wandering, noted the creatures called 'vampires', which to him seemed to be the most dangerous of all. Though he was able to slay them, he became worried. Ultimately, he concluded that in order for the Human Race to avoid extinction, they needed to be rid of the Vampiric menace forever. To this end, he travelled to Europe where Vampire Slaying was the most common and advanced, and joined the Lowendove Brotherhood. He is an oddball with his Japanese ancestry, but his knowledge of the Asian arts of combatting Daemons mixed with the Lowendove Brotherhood's training makes him a formidable slayer indeed. His alias, 'Shito', does not mean what it seems to mean, which is Disciple. Nay, Shito, in his case, means the Fallen Followers, 'Shi' meaning 'Dead' and 'To' meaning 'Followers'. This, in essence, means that he is a fallen follower of Buddhism for his dabbling with Christianity, and the vice versa. [b]Appearance:[/b] A Yamabushi outfit commonly seen in Japan, which is similar to a Ninja's costume except it is neatly accentuated by white and black cloth. The face is covered by a broad brimmed hat that monks in travel tend to wear, his visage under it indistinguishable. There are four narrow vertical slits on the hat for the eyes. He is an easy figure to spot in the European populace. [/color][/i][/size] [size=1][color=maroon]Quick Explanation on why I changed my beloved Warrington. Almost everyone in here is using poison as part of their weapons. It's redundant. I scrapped Warrington simply because he was also a poison user. [/size][/color]
  8. [size=1][color=olive]I wouldn't be too hasty to cast my judgement yet KnR... Things take a rather drastic, daker and more... psychological turn at eps. 11 and onwards, reaching climax around 22 - 26 and the two movies. So reserve your judgements. My friend loves Eva up until eps 10, but hates the remaining episodes with passion. [/size][/color]
  9. [color=olive][size=1][i] [b]Name:[/b] Sadame Gen [b]Code Name:[/b] Miko [b]Alliance:[/b] Yakuza [b]Bio:[/b] Where he was born is not exact. It's highly doubtful that his name is what he was born with either. A vague, hazy shadow surrounds the origin of this strange young man, the mystery increased significantly by his usual trance like state where he simply stares off into space blankly. Gen was born as a bastard child, probably into some prostitute by some rich Japanese business man. Of course, his 'father' had no intentions to raise nor did his 'mother', and when Gen became conscious of himself, he found himself amongst orphans in some remote orphanage located somewhere in the Nagoya vicinity. He grew there, no ambition, no desire, just existing without any will left in him, an empty shell. One day, however, the indifferent, apathetic boy was touched by what the caretakers described as 'madness', where he suddenly started claiming that he saw the future, that he saw the orphanage burning down in his eyes. He was thrown into the 'time out' room, so to speak, for disrupting the harmony of the orphanage. However, Gen somehow escaped, probably out of desperation, and was never seen again. A few days later, the orphanage burned down in the middle of the night, taking with it dozens of orphans that failed to escape in time. From then on, it seemed as if Gen never existed, or to ever exist again. His name, whatever it was at the time, was softly tucked away into the file cabinet of the police files as 'deceased' from the conflagration. But he was alive. He still lived, and by his definition, 'enlightened', by what he claims to be a form of prophetic sight, an ability to look into the vague future. His wandering took him through a round about route, eventually resting in Tokyo. In Tokyo, he seemed to melt in nicely to the pack of homeless population that usually took residence in parks. Tattered and tired, he fit the mold nicely, eventually settling in. His sight was still present, and he foresaw what was to come soon. Sometime in early morning then the skies were still dark, a band of drunken Yakuza decided to harass the homeless population, perhaps executing a few out of entertainment. Of course, Gen saw it. And he was there. The Yakuzas were taken quite by surprise when they were stopped by a strange young man, who seemed as if he was retarded, but nonetheless dodging or blocking everything they did to him, in the end even dodging a few bullets. Scared to hell by the strange figure, they hurriedly left the scene, sober and frightened. A few days later, for once to Gen's surprise, he was visited by the same gang again, this time with an invitation. They offered much that didn't interest Gen, but he accepted, perhaps out of weighing the two possible futures before him, one as a homeless and another as a Yakuza. Such a strange figure has rumors circulate around them constantly. And due to this rumor, perhaps, he steadily rose through the ranks, though he really did not do much 'jobs' as the others pulled. Mostly, he was the planner, the brains behind the operation. Using his 'sight', he made meticulous plans, finicky and sensitive as to make detailed instructions on where to step and where to smoke cigarettes. His plans thus far has never failed. The strange rumors of him being able to read the future granted him the code name of 'Miko', which means 'Prophet' in Japanese. [b]Personality:[/b] Indifferent to most things, and very laid back. He rarely talks, only to quietly submit his opinion or occasionally orders. He never takes up a job voluntarily, and for the most part is just 'exists' in the Yakuza system. Never arrogant but unnervingly calm, many in the Yakuza syndicate fear him secretly though they never admit it. He never smiled so far, and always has the hazy, blank, trance like face. [b]Weapon:[/b] The only weapon he carries consistently is a pair of Kodachi that he bought at an antique store sometime after he joined the Yakuza. No one really witnessed him draw them, and some believe that it is there purely for the sake of decorations. Those that know him best disagree, however, since he doesn't carry anything he doesn't have use for... [b]Description:[/b] A graying trench coat that he had from his homeless days. He usually wears a light gray attire under his trench coat, usually a formal looking shirt and pair of pants. His kodachi is strapped to the inside of his trench coat, usually hidden from view. His face would be handsome if he only ditched that blank, trance like expression. [/size][/color][/i]
  10. [size=1][color=olive][i][b]Name: [/b]Kokotsubori Gen [b]Age: [/b]17 [b]Race: [/b]Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Clan:[/b] Akiyoji [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Kotsuume no Houtou:[/b] Literally translated to the ?Bone Digger?s Treasured Blade?, the blade is a bit jagged with age, gleaming in a macabre fashion that only comes from years of ?deeds? done and witnessed by the ancient blade. The edge of the blade is chipped off and jagged here and there from use and age, though its ragged appearance does nothing to comfort the mind; it rather chills the very soul, the dead and unkempt blade emanating a harsh, murderous aura. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Ichino Hisatsujutsu: Honemi:[/b] A brutal skill that usually results in an agonized, piercing scream from the opponent, Honemi is a straight ?Tsuki? that is usually aimed at the opponent?s arm. The moment the blade hits the bone, Gen viciously tears the blade to the side, taking along with it the flesh torn off that is stuck to the jagged edge of the blade. Honemi can be translated to ?Looking at the Bone?, which is exactly what this attack does. It flays off the skin and leaves the bones bare for the eyes to see. [b]Nino Hisatsujutsu: Kettou no Kiwami:[/b] Not a direct physical skill, yet a macabre and powerful skill nonetheless. According to Gen, those that the sword has slain, those that he has slain, they all leave some form of will, whether it is hate, regret, anger, or remorse. By staring into the silent gleam of his blade, he claims that he could see them, as they were the moment they were slaughtered. By recalling these images and those moments into the surface of his mind, Gen?s bloodlust, concentration, and his overall agility increases significantly, stimulated by the many, many images that streak through his mind. Kettou no Kiwami means ?The Extreme of the Bloodied Blade?, a fitting name for such a strange, yet disturbing skill. [b]Tsuino Hisatsujutsu: Onibi: [/b]According to Japanese Folklore, they say that the spirit of the deceased wander the night in the form of a bluish flame, floating here and there uncertainly. Despite its somewhat comical appearance, it has been widely feared, especially because of its apparent connection to ghosts and vengeful spirits. Onibi is the name of such spiteful flames, and the name of Gen?s disturbingly ghastly attack. Through means unknown, the tip of Gen?s blade bursts into a bluish flame, scorching the enemy as well as slashing them apart. Though some speculate that Gen accomplishes this by coating his blade in oil, it is a highly unlikely proposition, especially because any oil fed blaze is crimson, not blue. [b]Ougi: Yomi no Mukae: [/b]Yomi is the name the Japanese call the world they go to after they die. Many say that before one?s death, they can sense that their time is near, sometimes through the illusions or perhaps spirits of the long deceased. A strange attack that none has seen or probably lived to see, the only clues to the Yomi no Mukae is that absolute look of terror on the victims? faces, contorted with the look of fear impossible to replicate. In all cases, the bodies were torn apart viciously in half, be it vertical or horizontal. The only common factor amongst all the corpses was the absolute look of terror caused by something other than the prospect of death, something more horrid? [b]Appearance: [/b]A bit on the thin side, unusually pale and even corpse like under dim lighting. The face gives the impression of a young man who tasted the worst possible life had to offer, and came out permanently scathed. By description of some, he can almost be described as completely helpless. His attire consists of a dark-blue shirt with white triangular designs upon it, and a dark-brown Hakama that almost reaches the ground. His sword is strapped under his Obi, looking rather frail compared to the large, thick set katana that one is accustomed to see. Despite his overall appearance, one must never judge a figure by mere looks? [b]Personality:[/b] Prefers to be left alone and has the attitude of ?I don?t bother you so please don?t bother me?. He rarely talks about his past, and would much rather no one ask him. During daily activities, he is unusually quiet and occasionally drops a smile, maybe with a two to three week interval between each grin. He is polite, sometimes too much so to the point of it becoming disturbing and unnerving. He is calm and collected in every situation, whether it is cooking some rice for dinner or facing off against a gang of murderous thieves bent on taking his life and possessions. [b]Pet: [/b]A small, snowy white owl from the Hokkaido region. Despite its age it is unusually small, and could sit in the palm of Gen?s hand nicely. Gen seems to have no set name for this owl, and simply refers to it as ?Fukurou?, which means ?owl? in Japanese. [b]Bio:[/b] When Gen was born, he had no distinct last name. He was born into a poor farmer?s house, and lost his parents early in his childhood by a brush fire that swept the entire region. Gen only remembers his parents frantically ordering him to get to the river, then strong hands grasping him, leading him away from his parents. Where he went from there he doesn?t exactly remember. After his parents? death, he recalls wandering here and there, doing what he could to keep himself alive. One fateful day, he crossed paths with a pack of thieves, who undoubtedly would have made good use of him before killing him, just like they did to many before him. Gen remembers faintly of an old man, gaunt and near death, suddenly appearing from a nearby forest, who then promptly proceeded to massacre the entire gang there and then. How it was done Gen cannot remember since he was shielding his eyes from fear, but all he knew was that when he came to, he saw a field of blood and strewn limbs, and the elderly man standing nearby, swaying uncertainly in the wind. The elderly introduced himself as ?Kokotsubori?, and before Gen could even answer, muttered ?Ware omoi nokosu tokoro nashi? Tsugi no mono mitsuketari? Sanzu no kawae hitasurani? Yomi no hazamae hitasurani??, then pushed a seemingly broken and tattered katana into him. The old man suddenly collapsed as if his mission was finished, and withered away to death. There, as if on cue, Gen?s old, weak, crybaby self was cast off, and the new self emerged. Kind and quiet, but merciless. On that fateful day, everything changed, and its effect can still be observed in the young man who took the old man?s name, Kokotsubori Gen. How he came to join the Akiyoji clan is truly a mystery that baffles many of the clan members themselves. A curious entrance, Gen was recruited immediately after he decimated the younger clan members in a street fight that broke out from a simple squabble over Gen accidentally walking into them, which apparently made the clan members think that Gen had no respect for their clan. In a quick fight that ensued, Gen tore apart three of the four members effortlessly, and let the last one go out of boredom. Yutaka, upon hearing of the stranger who called himself ?Kokotsubori?, went out to greet the stranger himself. What relationship Yutaka had with the prior man called ?Kokotsubori? is a mystery, but it effectively closed the matter with the result of Gen joining the clan. Ever since, Gen has been a strange member, occasionally a cook, sometimes a gardener, and other times just there doing nothing. However, his skill is undisputed, and thus far, none has dared to cross blades with him. [/size][/color][/i]
  11. [size=1][color=olive][i] [b]Name:[/b] Tsukigen [b]Age:[/b] 546 [b]Race:[/b] Elven Shadow Mage [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Night Veil Bramble Blade:[/b] A rusty looking blade, entangled by thorny, venomous looking vines. The blade itself is about four feet long, brown with rust and useless. The true lethal quality of the blade rests on the vines, which seem to grow out from the hilt of the blade itself. The thorns on the vine are mercilessly sharp and jagged, not to mention the fact that they cover almost every inch of the vines. In truth, the blade can be likened more to a barbed club. The thorns secrete a powerful paralyzing venom; a mere scratch can numb the limbs, a deeper wound will paralyze the body, a full blow from the blade can create enough shock to completely wipe out the vital functions of the body. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Bramble:[/b] Vines similar to the ones entangling the blade erupts from the ground, grasping and immobilizing the opponent. Though the vines are not poisonous, their jagged thorns are sharp enough to cause a hefty amount of damage to the opponent. Aside from the ground, the vines are also capable of emerging from the trees, making them especially unpredictable in the recluse of the forest. [b]Night Veil:[/b] A passive ability that only a select few Elven children are born with, Night Veil allows the said Elf to be completely invisible under the cover of darkness. Though this ability may easily be negated by the presence of light, it is an incredibly useful and deadly ability, especially during the night. [b]Heart of the Shadows:[/b] Summons a minor spirit that dwells in the safe sanctum of the dim shadows, using them to enter the shadow of anyone or anything, thus making them ideal spies as well as sentries. The spirits themselves can do no harm, but are crucial to Tsukigen?s arsenal, serving as his eyes and ears. [b]Overgrowth:[/b] Anything, man made or not, has its basis in nature. This alone cannot be disputed. People may argue that something was created artificially. But whatever they may say, if you pursue the basis, the root of the artificial creation, it ultimately rests in nature. Then, it can be argued that nature is deep within anything, be it a machine or a blade of grass. By harnessing this small, tiny part of nature found in everything that exists, Tsukigen could cause a violent eruption of natural energy, causing something that can be described as an internal combustion of plant life. Very disturbing to see and usually fatal to the victim, the only remains left from the nature oriented yet grotesquely twisted spell are the bloody plants sprouting from the carcass? [b]Appearance:[/b] A majestic cloak composed of leaves criss-crossing each other, secured by the lush, verdant vines that fasten the cloak. Wears dark-green shirt that reminds one of the forest, in pair with a black pants like attire entangled by vines as well. The face is solemn and the ears are a bit large (as in all elves), but can be described as well set and perhaps handsome. Has a deep gash in the forehead, a wound from the ages past. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, Macabre, Vengeful, Cruel, Sadistic, and Indifferent [b]Bio:[/b] When Tsukigen was a child, he lived in the safe recluse of the forest, a member of a small but cozy tribal village that held communion with nature, especially the plants and the trees. Though they were granted protection from the harsh beatings of weather and the multitude of beasts that roamed under the lush canopy, they had no immunity from the plague of mankind. On one fateful day, Tsukigen?s village was pillaged by an armed mob of bandits, which later Tsukigen suspected were from the nearby village, and was utterly decimated. Tsukigen was fortunately out hunting that day, and returned to find his village in utter ruins. Consumed by the hatred against mankind ever since that massacre, Tsukigen?s only source of energy is his undying hatred against the plague known as man? [/size][/color][/i]
  12. [size=1][color=olive]Save me a spot... I'm working on a character a bit more.... psycho and evil compared to dear Warrington...[/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen raised his eyebrow at the 'come save us' comment. He wasn't really in the 'save the damsel(s) in distress' mode nor was he really in the mood for the possible prospect of fighting some random idiots. For a moment he paused, deciding whether to accept or decline, but remembering his 'body guard' role, he had little choice in the matter. Sighing slightly in annoyance, he asked quietly. "Problem and Location?" he asked. "We're locked in the girl's bathroom." replied Julia as if it was a perfectly normal thing to happen at parties. Gen couldn't help but pause for a moment at this completely unexpected answer. "Wait... come again?" he asked blankly. "Yes Gen... we are locked in a girl's bathroom. Now be a gentleman and come rescue us." said Julia in a sarcastic tone. Gen, however, noticed the little quivering in her voice, which led him to suspect that what she said might not exactly be the case. He decided to press her a bit. "Is that all? Your voice is quivering." he said bluntly. "Of course its quivering Gen" muttered Julia, still sarcastic but her voice becoming a bit high pitched. "You would be too if you heard that awful, piercing scream a few minutes ago." Gen smirked a bit, and stifling a laughter, coughed violently. "You didn't have anything to do with it did you?" asked Julia shrewdly, her voice slowly calming down. "I'll leave you to ponder that... I'll be there in a minute... just stay away from the door..." replied Gen indifferently. Gen closed his cell phone then looking around cautiously, headed for the club. He thought he saw Ms. Winters in the crowd by the two idiots he recalled beating up, but he had other matters to attend to. Gen entered the club, and walked straight up to the girl's bathroom. He tried the door, but of course it was locked. Smirking slightly, he reached inside his coat and took out his Kali sticks, connecting them with a snap. He aimed the tip at the door knob as a billiard player would do, and with a sharp flick of his hand, jabbed it straight at the door knob... [/i][/color][/size]
  14. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen snickered slightly, then stowed away his Kali sticks back into his trench coat. The idiot had long ceased to speak, and was lying there, probably with a dozen or so bones broken, most of them shattered completely. Gen kicked the body over, to see if he was alive. Fortunate, or unfortunate, he was alive. Taking the assumption that someone would find him sooner or later, Gen left the scene, back for the club, though he didn't know why. Maybe it was Julia. He was here under the pretense of body guard after all, and what he began, he will see through. Gen arrived at the club, the bulk of the crowd outside, still having a high time with the half pipe. But those he knew, namely Xavei, the twin, JP, etc. were gone. Xavei and the twin he guessed went home to pursue further 'business', JP was probably at or heading for the hospital. His first concern was the absence of Julia. He saw Hunter in the crowd, and expected to see Julia nearby but she wasn't there. A quick glance into the pretty much empty club told him that she wasn't there as well. Wondering what to do, Gen detached himself from the crowd and pondered for a moment. His thoughts were quickly interrupted when his cell phone vibrated inside his trench coat, a call from who he guessed to be Julia. He flicked open his cell, and answered. "....Who is this?..." [/size][/color][/i]
  15. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen took another scornful glance at the figure before him, apparently in too much pain to do much but cradle his broken bones with what he had left of his arm. Gen snickered slightly, but inside, he was pretty pissed. Having a friend (one of the few) shot in front of him had that effect. Besides, the guy seemed to be a rather worthless piece of **** that knew nothing of fighting except brandishing the gun like an idiot, hoping that everyone will cower before him. Worthless... Gen straightened up, and before he could decide what fate to impose on the fool, Mike and JP drove up nearby, much to his disappointment. He looked at them disdainfully, and they looked at him with mingled surprise and dislike. "What the hell happened here?" demanded JP, looking quite pale. "Tex was shot. Cassandra is taking her to the hospital." replied Gen quite simply. "She - she what!?!" said JP, shocked. "Yes, you heard me, shot." Gen murmured. "Who did - who the hell shot her? Where you with them?" asked Mike, slowly cluing into the situation. "For the latter half, yes. As for the little idiot, he's right there on the ground." said Gen scornfully, pointing out the now sobbing figure on the ground. "Where did they go?" asked JP, his face now completely pale. "The hospital." said Gen calmly. "By the way..." he tossed the keys to Mike. "Drive Cassandra's car back to her house. I never figured out how to drive, nor do I know where her house is." Mike and JP looked at Gen dumb-founded for a second, disturbed by his calm demeanor in such a desperate situation. They had not much time however, and JP quickly left for the hospital with the car by which they both came, and Mike left for Cassandra's house in her car. Gen meanwhile, looked at the figure before him in cold fury, then took out both of his Kali sticks, connecting them into one. "Two eyes for an eye...." A brutal, agonizing scream tore across the lot, followed by a deafening silence. [/i][/color][/size]
  16. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen was none too kind. He, of course, had no intentions of knocking out the idiot in one blow. Too little pain. Gen's whole philosophy was rather extreme. "An eye for an eye" was a bit too... soft for him. He preferred "Two eyes for an eye", and he quickly made to carry it through. Besides, the night was yet young. He needed some adrenaline rush. ".................." "****ing *****! What the **** have you to do with this!?" the guy sputtered, reaching for his gun. ".....You harm them, you have me to contend with...." Gen muttered, indifferent to the guy reaching for his gun. The groping hands found the gun, the hands spun around to aim at the far superior figure above him, a scream from Cassandra, and a dull crack. Not from the gun, but from the wrist holding the gun, as Gen stomped down hard on the hand, cracking a good number of bones in the process. A menacing grin streaked across Gen's face, as his expression changed from the usual calm into the insanely sadistic. "Ah.... now now... don't scream yet... I didn't even begin to have fun yet..." he laughed. The guy, on the other hand, was in too much of a pain to hear or notice, his attention on his shattered hand. He didn't scream yet. Good for him. But like Gen said, he hardly started. "***** ..... mother ******!!...." the guy muttered, clenching his teeth. "Oh... please... you're in no position to do or say much are you?" snickered Gen. "I am disappointed... I thought you would at least put up some fight...." He picked up the hand gun lying on the ground, just short of the guy's reach, and fondled it playfully. "Nice thing isn't it? A nice, dainty little security blanket for cowards..." He pointed the gun at the guy's face, and smirking, fooled around with the trigger. The guy's face quickly changed from that of shamed fury to utter terror. "Actually...." Gen handed the gun back to the guy formally, then grinned. "Feeling safe now?" he snickered. Of course, the guy was an idiot. His expression changed from that of shock to that of sudden supremacy, and snickering, pointed the gun at Gen's face, only inches away. "Of course you feel safe.... you have a little gun..." continued Gen in a baby-mocking tone. "See you in hell ***" the guy yelled, and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out, followed by a grotesque crack, and a piercing scream. In a swift move, Gen broke the arm holding the gun with a powerful blow to the elbow with a Kali stick, which he was now twirling lightly in his hand. Gen laughed, seeing the expression of the guy, and the immense pain he was in. "Pity pity.... did I forget to mention? I took a class of Krav Maga a few years ago... it's a very nice form of art... especially against potential gun wielding idiots...." he said triumphantly. He briefly considered the broken figure before him, pondering what to do....[/i][/color][/size]
  17. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen was relaxed. He saw with vague clarity Avenue charge him, and with that same ambiguous feeling, he gently let the blow which came upon him miss. But the outcome was nothing gentle, as his light push on her back threw Avenue over, clattering her over the tables behind her. He leapt back, landing lightly a few feet away from Avenue. "Ryuusui..." he said calmly. "How can you hit the water?" Avenue scowled, her brain slowly beginning to get addled by the drug. Gen, meanwhile, looked at her majestically with the air of one with the absolute supremacy and advantage. She charged again, but he little cared, as another light step made her miss, as she again tripped over, another clattering ruckus. "You can't hit the water..." he said simply. "Drugged or not, it's impossible." Suddenly, he perceived a rather grotesque change in Avenue's demeanor. She writhed violently in what appeared to be a seizure. He looked at her shaking body curiously, then turned around to leave. "You proved nothing..." he murmured grimly. [/size][/color][/i]
  18. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen looked at Avenue a bit disbelievingly. Most of his respect (like he had much to begin with) for her crumbled away with the pill she popped in, and he was more or less disgusted. "You're going to use a pill...." he muttered. "Fine by me but it won't help...." He landed a blow squarely in Avenue's stomach, but apparently to no avail. Instead, he felt a swift blow strike him simultaneously in his right shoulder and face, and he felt his entire body fly backwards as he hit the floor. He shook off the broken glass shards as he got up slowly. Apparently, the drug dulled her to pain and ... probably stimulated her reflexes. But it won't help her. Not if he did something else, anyway. "Why fight when you can't win..." he murmured slowly. His entire body loosened a bit, and his speedy leg movements abruptly came to a stop as his hands slowly unclenched. Aikido Garyu style, no movement, no tension, but fluid motion, not action but reaction. To attack meant to be attacked against such a form.... [/i][/size][/color]
  19. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen kept his position still, watching the incoming charge with more or less calm eyes. He was unsure why everything slowed down when such things happened, but he couldn't care less. He felt a slight whiff of the wind as the steel fans came slashing from the side, aiming at his neck. Involuntarily, his body slipped even further down, his back arching backwards, narrowly avoiding the blow. His left hand simultaneously gave a sharp upper blow to the wrist, knocking the fan out of Avenue's hands. At the same moment, his right palm gave a savagely powerful blow straight to Avenue's stomach, pushing her backwards. As Gen straightened up, Avenue hit the tables behind her with a clatter, knocking over a few tables and chairs in the process. Gen stood up, and looked at Avenue with disappointment. "Having a weapon... and knowing how to use them... are entirely different things...." he said simply. "I need not strain myself for your skill level." Suddenly, with a change of beat, Gen began moving quickly and lightly around his feet, much like a boxer. His hands were dangling loosely at his sides, but slowly clenched into a fist, gradually rising up to Gen's chest level. "The night is young... hurry hurry hurry..." he said calmly. "I'm so exceedingly bored... now prove to me that I was not mistaken in coming tonight...." With that, he pursued an attack on Avenue, regardless of her lying on the clattered mass of tables and chairs. [/size][/color][/i]
  20. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen moved his head a bit, trying to get a better view of the exit, when he suddenly found about half an inch of his hair suddenly cut off, and a dagger on the wall opposite to him. Raising his eyebrow a bit, Gen turned slowly, looking around to see Avenue, a light smile playing at her lips. On her face was an expression of full excitement laced with pleasure. The club was now empty. Gen heard the ruckus of skateboards and music outside. Sighing slightly, Gen spoke. "What do you want...?" he asked calmly. He knew what she wanted, but it couldn't hurt to ask could it? "Oh come on... you know better than that... I'm here to have fun and a little revenge at once..." she laughed slightly. Gen sighed again a bit more deeply, then brought his fists up in front of him and stretched his arms, cracking his knuckles slightly. Perhaps he was mistaken about wasting the night... after all, it was still early... He crouched down low, his right leg stretched out in front of him at a narrow angle, his left foot bent, a kung fu stance. His right hand was out front opened into a palm, his left hand also opened into a palm, but drawn back. "Now come...." he said. The same words he spoke to the two seniors. But this time, he was shivering slightly, hoping for the best. [/i][/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=olive]Fighting, especially martial-arts. It makes you feel guilty after you win pretty badly, but the adrenaline rush during the whole thing is just way too great to give up on. But then, its a double-edged blade since if you lose... you feel... crappy... very, very crappy...[/size][/color]
  22. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen re-entered the party, just as the crowd was getting to move outside. He caught a glimpse of Avenel with Xavei, of Tex, and of Hunter. However, those he was worried about, namely Avenue and Julia, were no where to be seen. A bit out of place and his excitement quickly waning, he considered going home. The party, at least from his perspective, appeared to have lost all its grandeur. Put simply, he hoped to get a few fights during the night, and with Avenue's absence, prospects weren't looking good. Sighing slightly at all the time wasted, Gen looked for the exit, only to find it jam-packed. Annoyed greatly by the situation but unable to get out, Gen stood uncertainly in the stream of people, an odd-ball. Those going past him shot patronizing looks, while others simply hurried past him without so much as a glance. Gen shrugged slightly, then decided simply to wait until the crowd thinned. Nothing came out of the evening thus far, and it seemed as if nothing would at this rate. As soon as the crowd thinned, he would leave. [/i][/size][/color]
  23. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen sighed slightly with happiness, and turned around, smiling jovially at the two figures. But now, he had enough. They presented no challenge to him, no pleasure, no excitement, nothing at all except a waste of time. Suddenly, the entire joy and gaiety in his body seemed to have disappeared, as he returned to his usual self, calm and quiet. He again took a look at the two figures, and snickered. "Shitsukoi na.... (You two just don't give up)" he murmured slightly. "Let's finish it here..." Gen twirled his Kali stick, and with a sudden strain, broke it off into two pieces. He held the two sticks much like a drummer does, and stood there, his arms dangling loosely. He shook his head disappointedly as he approached Eric and Aaron, who were both scared, but also pist off by being 'shown up' in front of Tommi. With a sudden shout, Aaron lunged towards Gen, shortly followed by Eric who did the same. Gen stepped up diagonally, and dodged the two lunges neatly, and at the same time, landing a powerful blow the back of their necks. With a groan, the two fainted, the blow stunning them and knocking them out for quite a while. Gen turned to look at the two unconscious bodies, then shrugged. Spinning the two sticks lightly, Gen deposited the sticks deep inside his coat like a cowboy does with guns. For a moment, Gen turned to look at Tommi curiously as he did when he first saw her, but turned without a word and headed inside the club. [/i][/size][/color]
  24. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen smiled serenely, hearing the music take a sudden upbeat tune. Though his body remained motionless, his mind was dancing ecstatically, ready for his own kind of 'dance'. He turned his head around to look at Tommi, and found her motioning her hand desperately, signalling the two to back off. Gen smiled softly at her, thanking her in his mind. His mind was giddy and excited, and it was a wonder he didn't lash out yet. He looked at the two before him, and saw with great satisfaction that the two were not planning to back down. Good. Everything was good and beautiful. "The Prologue begins... the night is young, the play has started... let us enjoy it... no?" said Gen calmly, though his voice definitely had a waver of excitement on it. Before the two could move, Gen, with a majestic gesture of his hand, unfurled the coat, rendering his entire body invisible from the two's eyes. In a moment, the coat settled down, and Gen stood there, his Kali stick out in one piece and ready to go. He twirled it around familiarly with increasing rapidity, and abruptly stopped, his Kali stick out diagonally in front of him, his left hand gripping the end of it tightly, his right hand a few inches above his left hand, supporting the weight of the stick lightly. Aaron and Eric glanced at each other uncertainly. They saw the uncertainty in each other's eyes, but it quickly disappeared. It was two on one after all. What fear did they have from a anti-social freak? Their confidence and strength enhanced, they charged Gen, whose face was smiling playfully and joyfully....[/i][/color][/size]
  25. [color=olive]OOC: Alastor, mind if you put a spoiler over all of that? [size=1][i]Gen smirked lightly, and looked at Tommi with the usual piercing stare, a mixture of disgust and curiosity. His hands were still in his trench coat, and he stood there for a few moments, apparently savoring the situation. Finally, stepping back a bit, he began pacing in front of Tommi, now with the upper-hand. "As for your first question, no... I do not intend to ruin your fun..." Gen began in an unnerving calm voice. "Then what the **** do you want?" asked Tommi, irritated and pist to no degree. "There is nothing I want... it simply annoys me to see a teacher mingling about students, pretending to be one of them... do they even know who you are...?" he asked, indifferent to Tommi's apparent anger. "What does that have to do with you?!" growled Tommi, now almost screaming. "Hey... you all right?" said a rough voice from the back door. Gen glanced back, and saw two of the seniors who were the closest to Tommi, looking at the scene with fury. "This ****** pissing you off? We can take care of him....* said the other, cracking his knuckles, advancing a few steps. Gen smiled lightly, and turned to Tommi for a moment. "And here I thought this party was going to be boring... I thank you..." Gen faced Aaron and Eric, his hands out and ready. "Now come...." [/i][/size][/color]
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