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Everything posted by Kwai

  1. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen was quite frankly surprised when Avenue took off for the dance floor, lead by some random guy. He shrugged a bit out of disappointment mixed with partial relief, and looked back at Julia. He found the girl known as the "Queen", Valentine, sitting next to Julia, chatting with her animatedly. Before returning to them, Gen took another glance at the dance hall, at Ms. Winters, at Avenue and her twin, and smirked. It promised to be a truly interesting night.... Gen sat down next to Julia opposite of Valentine. From what he could hear, they seemed to be talking about dancing and art, both completely absorbed in the conversation to notice his return. He again looked around a bit uncomfortably, and found Ms. Winters sitting down a few tables away, apparently done dancing for the moment. Curious but cautious, Gen stood up and left for the punch table near where Ms. Winters sat, and gave her a quick glance to confirm his suspicions. Though the moment was brief, he could have sworn she looked directly into his eyes familiarly before resuming the conversation with the seniors around her.[/i]Do they know nothing....[i]wondered Gen. He couldn't believe their stupidity. They had a teacher right in front of them and they did not know. Sighing quietly, Gen took whatever was at hand and returned to where he previously sat, only to find the place occupied by who he recognized as the guy from the smoothie place, deep in conversation with Julia and Valentine. A bit awkward, Gen looked around, wondering what to do...[/i][/color][/size]
  2. [color=olive][size=1]I'm in agreement with QA on this one. NGE is the greatest anime from my perspective. I've seen many animes so far, but none that tops Evangelion in its full immensity. There are so many levels in which you can enjoy and interpret it. You can look at it purely for action of Eva. vs. Angels, you can look deeper and look at how the characters develop and interact.... there are countless ways to enjoy it. Keep in mind though that in the end, the anime was never about the angels. It was about the boy Shinji and how he reacted to the world... [/size][/color]
  3. [color=olive]OOC: Oh good fun... [size=1][i]Once away from Julia, Gen shuddered slightly, then smiled for once. He chose right in coming here. Something was brewing in the air, and he just knew he would have some part in it. Glancing around for a trash can, Gen went over and tossed it, and for some reason, his eyes wandered towards the dance floor. To his great surprise, he recognized a face. A face he saw a few hours ago, a face which belonged to a teacher. Ms. Winters, in all her youthful glory, dancing with... what he guessed to be a senior. For a second, he looked dumb-struck, but soon regained his calm and looked around quickly. She wasn't expected, but she would make thing a bit complicated... Gen returned to Julia's side, apparently in deep thought, but basically planning out his strategem for the night. He expected that girl to arrive, especially since her last glance at him shot daggers, arrows, and much worse. If he guessed right, she would be here soon, probably armed to the teeth. He thought he heard Julia talk to him, but he was too deep in thought to reply or pretend to notice. Suddenly, he felt a piercing stare. He stood up suddenly, startling Julia. "Gen? What -" Gen didn't allow her to finish, and quickly whirled around, fixing his eyes on the club entrance. There they were. Avenel the boy, Avenue the girl and.... if he remembered right, Xavei, who also was surrounded by intense rumors. The female twin's eyes were fixed on him in cold fury, and a glint by her hands told Gen of a switch blade. The party just began to get interesting.... [/size][/color][/i]
  4. [i][size=1][color=olive]Since the smoothie place was only a few blocks away from the club where the party was held, they decided to walk. Julia was her usual cheerful self, humming some tune which Gen didn't recognize, all giddy after the smoothie incident. Gen had a nagging feeling that the receipt wasn't what it seemed... but after all, he didn't care right? Right. He followed Julia silently, holding the smoothie but not touching it. He didn't ask for it anyway. "Aren't you excited Gen?" asked Julia, getting giddier with each step. Gen looked at her as if she was crazy, then shook his head grimly. "Aww... don't be that way! We'll have fun! Lots!" coaxed Julia. Gen shrugged it off, a bit irked at the constant bother. He was here as a bodyguard. Nothing else. But anyway... They were on the block where the club was located, and immediately, Gen felt something in the air which excited him. What is was, he didn't know, but it was a familiar one... "Yes..." he murmured in reply to the past question. Julia, fortunately, was too excited to hear. She pranced up to the entrance, and went in gracefully. Gen hurried after her, excited by unknown reasons, but calm and intimidating as usual.[/i][/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][i][color=olive]Gen leapt off the bus, his black clothing melding him into the darkness of the surrounding night nicely. Taking a few furtive glances to the left and right, Gen caught a few couples undoubtedly on the way to the 'party'. Careful not to fall under their line of sight, Gen slithered his way through the streets, almost invisible. By and by, he came upon the smoothie place, a nice little cafe, except they served smoothies. Personally for Gen, it was the first time he came, and thus lingered about the entrance, unsure whether to go in or wait. A quick glance at his watch told him it was 7:52. Suddenly, his vision was obscured by a pair of hands. Someone with a LOT of nerve covered his eyes from behind him. Immediately, almost reflexively, he raised his arms, pushing away the hands, and in a flash, whirled around and seized the idiot by the throat. The idiot turned out to be Julia. Gen coughed slightly, and released her throat. ".......Never... and I mean never do that again...." growled Gen. Julia didn't respond immediately. She stroked her neck as if she was severly hurt (faked, of course), then smirked a little. She snickered lightly. "Gen, you really need to work on acceptable conversation starters." laughed Julia. Gen gave her an annoyed look, then shrugged it off. He looked at Julia's appearance, a mixture of bubbly and typical adolescent attire. Smirking grimly, Gen pushed open the door to the smoothie place, and waved Julia in. "Ladies first...." [/i][/color][/size]
  6. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen smirked slightly. He was not stupid enough to ride aside Julia, especially if she was the one sitting in front of the steering wheel. "No thanks..." he said quietly. "I'll just meet you there in an hour or so..." "All right. Don't be late!" said Julia ecstatically. "....Keep in mind.... I'm going under the pretense of a body guard... don't expect me to start dancing or anything...." finished Gen. "O - " Gen hung up with a sharp click. To prevent any unwanted calls, he turned his cell off, and threw it back into his coat. He shrugged slightly, then walked over to his closet and opened it wide. Put quite simply, it seemed as if the closet was colored from top to bottom in black. Upon closer inspection, one would have seen that all his clothes were black, or a very deep dark blue. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. A few minutes later, Gen emerged, not looking much different, but now clad completely in black. He wore a somewhat formal looking black shirt buttoned down neatly, somewhat tight black pants which fit him perfectly, and a black sash loosely hanging from his waist. Gen jumped up and down lightly, and then twisted his body around to make sure he could move comfortably. This done, he checked the clock again. 7:00. He approached his Kali stick holder, took the stick, and twirled it lightly, skillfully, and gracefully. After playing around with the stick for a bit, Gen abruptly stopped, and with sudden effort, tugged at the two ends of the stick. The stick broke off into two equal halves, each roughly one and a half feet long. Custom-made. This done, Gen took the trench coat which was now lying on the bed. Gen put it on, and slipped his weapon into either side of his trench coat. He took another quick glance at the clock. 7:10. Best get going. [/size][/color][/i]
  7. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen kicked open the door to his room, entering it lazily. His room was neatly placed, with a single-sized bed in one corner which looked as if it had never been slept on, a single cabinet next to the bed with a magnificent sword displayed on it, and a working desk in the far corner, littered with many things, ranging from drawings to some random math/physics equations. Gen sighed comfortably, and collapsed on the bed, tired. Remembering his Kali stick, Gen reached into his sweat pants and placed it carefully on a holder located in front of the sword display. These two were his weapons, though the sword never really left the room. God forbid it ever did. His Kali stick was a different matter. He took it to school everyday, concealed in his sweatpants. His parents bought the stick over at the Phillipines, where Kali was practiced often. Kali was a type of martial arts, the entire point being to beat the hell out of the opponent with the stick which was strengthened considerably through heating it with a blow torch. Gen liked it. His parents, knowing Gen's taste, had the Kali stick custom made to fit his style. His parents spoiled him pretty damn well, probably due to their prolonged absence from the household. Gen dozed off, probably more out of boredam rather than exhaustion. When he awoke, the wooden clock on the wall read 6:50. Another hour or so until the 'party', which from Gen's eyes, was more like an arena. At any rate, he should drop a call into Julia to confirm where to meet up, what to do, stuff like that. Gen searched the pockets of the trenchcoat he placed on the coat rack, and fished out his cellphone. He brought up the list of people who called him in the past, which was less than five. He looked up Julia's number, then pressed the 'dial' button... [/size][/color][/i] [color=olive]OOC: LoL... sweetreyes broke the ice... I was wondering who would do that first...[/color]
  8. [size=1][color=olive][i]Gen looked blankly at the phone for a second, trying to make up his mind. He already refused an invitation from Tex about the party, but Julia did have a point. Party meant drunken idiots approaching girls, and that meant that he would have plenty of opportunities to pick a fight, under the pretense of a bodyguard. After all, he didn't take out that Kali stick out of his locker for nothing. Besides, ridding the school of those 'vermins' was an interesting proposal... Gen involuntarily stroked the hidden weapon in his left foot, smirking lightly. Might as well. He will attend. So if that was the case... He needed to get ready... Laughing at the thought, Gen walked over to the bus station, and hailed a passing bus. He got in, payed the driver, and sat down. 10 minutes later, Gen got off the bus at a rather well-off part of town, a dainty little suburb with neatly mowed lawns, nice lawn ornaments, and flowers blooming on each patch of soil. Regarding them with disgust, Gen walked up to his house, which was one of the larger, more well-kept house in the area. He took out a key, opened the lock, and went in. Once in his house, Gen immediately went over to the phone and checked the messages. There was one. *beep* "Hello? Gen? Sorry, but we can't get out of NYC because of some unexpected business meetings. We can't be home for another few days. We'll call you honey, okay?" *beep* Gen sighed grimly, and sat down. He lived his life daily without the jurisdiction and interruption of parents, but it did get lonely now and then. His thoughts turned to that of the party, and he went off to his room, to prepare for the coming party. [/i] OOC: Call someone then... if you're not approached, approach others... [/size][/color]
  9. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen shrugged, still puzzled. What the hell... He really couldn't see the point of him coming all the way over here and wasting roughly three quarters of an hour for such nonsense. For a moment, he pondered if he should simply go back in and refuse point-blank, but thought better. Or to be truthful, he decided that as usual, he couldn't care less. He left the apartment complex, his thoughts turning to events and people elsewhere. Suddenly, his cell phone vibrated deep inside his trench coat. Wondering who would actually call him, Gen took the phone out, and stared at it for a moment. He didn't recall giving anyone his phone number... but he was about to find out anyway. He lifted the phone up to his ears and answered it. "Who is this...?" he asked bluntly. "Hello? Gen? It's Julia" said the other end. "....How exactly did you get this phone number?" asked Gen, a trifle irritated. "I have my ways..." she replied, laughing softly. "What do you want..." he continued, wondering what exactly she wanted. "Yeah, well... you know the party tonight..." Julia began. [/size][/color][/i] OOC: Eh... my brain isn't functioning properly... you clean it up Arcadia...
  10. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen's eyebrows twitched out of distaste. He forgot. The rumors circulating around that teacher were rather racy, and.... intensely personal. Perhaps he should have asked her to meet somewhere else, somewhere public... A bit of panic seized Gen, but momentarily calmed down. After all, wasn't he a bit hasty in his conclusions? No one, not even a teacher in his or her right mind will dare approach him for such reasons and interests... Gen took a few deep breaths, and decided to sit it through. At the very least, hear what she wanted to say, and if, according to his judgement, insinuating, immediately leave on some random excuse. It was a few minutes until Ms. Winters returned, and to Gen's immense relief (though he didn't show it), she was dressed, no longer wearing suggestive clothing. Thank God. Gen put on his game face, and looked at Ms. Winters with the usual piercing glare he gave to other students. "May I ask why you called me out here Ms. Winters?" he began... [/i][/color][/size]
  11. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen ducked out of the library quietly so as not to attract Avenue's attention (who was probably combing through each aisle looking for him), immediately clattered down the stairs, and waded through the thinning crowd towards his locker, a heavily locked up piece of metal with a total of three locks on it on top of the original one attached to the locker itself. Gen took out a key and unlocked the first, then the second, the third, and finally the locker opened with a crash. Gen stretched his hands inside, fumbled for a moment, then took out what appeared to be a waxed piece of wood, roughly 3 feet long, light brown colored. He twirled it familiarly for a moment, then deposited his weapon into a long pocket hidden on the inside of his sweat pants' left leg. Smirking lightly, Gen tapped it playfully, then closed the locker with another loud crash, and finally locked it up tightly. Gen picked up his backpack, cracked his neck from side to side, then stuffed his hands into his pocket, his usual style. His hands hit a crumpled piece of paper, and he picked it out, wondering what it was. He suddenly remembered the appointment he had with Ms. Winters, and with a panic, took a look at his watch. 3:30. He again looked more closely at the piece of paper. Good. 30 minutes was enough to get there. He left the school out of the west wing which was hidden from the windows of the library, and proceeded to make his way to the appointment. [/i][/size][/color]
  12. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen perked his ears up. Something wasn't right. Sixth sense-ish thing. Conveniently for him, his CD player was covered with a shiny metallic substance, and a quick glance at it gave his sharp eyes an interesting image, what he guessed be Avenue, and from her position, he assumed that he was sneaking up on her. Guess he was right with the nagging suspicion thing. Calmly and indifferently, Gen folded a small portion of the page in the book he was reading to keep place, and closed it lightly. He casually deposited the book into his backpack, and careful not to look in the direction of Avenue, zipped his backpack and closed it. Gen toyed with his cd player for a moment, and switched the song into a fast beating tempo. He stood up abruptly, tossed his backpack over his shoulder, and stepped into the windy maze of the book shelves. He hoped he would lose her, and get out of the library without any further quarrels. [/i][/size][/color]
  13. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen hummed slightly, and continued to read, his hearing blocked out by the music, his eyes too busy skimming over the pages to take notice on what was going on around him. For a moment, he put his book down, and stared off into space, pondering a bit on the past events. First, there were those two guys. He guessed the younger one was fine by now, the older probably cursing him off as he thought. But if he guessed correctly, the older one would probably be too proud, or too scared to report it. So he had no worry about those two. And then... there was that... girl... Vicious, but weak. However, he had a nagging suspicion that it wasn't over... girls are vindictive... especially when they are humiliated... He couldn't, at any rate, figure out why she attacked him. His best guess was that it had something to do with a bet, but nothing else really entered his mind. Then, there was that meeting at Ms. Winters's house... he hated teachers, especially when they picked you out to annoy you, help you, whatever, but he had little choice but to respect her authority. Not that he entirely trusted her motives, but Gen was far from vulnerable... Shrugging the thoughts off, Gen went back to reading, not really able to concentrate... [/i][/size][/color]
  14. [color=olive] OOC: Okay, NO ONE else approach Gen in a friendly fashion or I will take liberty to attack you (or ignore you, the former is preferable to me). Two is enough, being Tex (Annie) and Shaylee (GS). No more. [size=1][i]Gen shrugged. Flirts... He took a glance at Shaylee coaxing, seducing the boy who he didn't recognize, then smirked. He came here for some peace and quiet, a time alone and away from the turbulent years of high school. He wasn't in a mood to be interrupted. Gen reached into his backpack, rummaged around for a bit, then took out a little rickety cd player, something he had for a few years. He flicked it open, checked the cd inside, then smiled softly and put the earphones on. Immediately, Japanese music began blaring into his ears as he settled down, and took out a book, its title in an obscure Japanese character. "Kousei eh no saidai ibutsu..." he muttered. Smiling softly, he delved into the reading, putting on his unapproachable aura which basically dared anyone to come near him. He sighed contentedly, skimming across the pages, unaware to everything around him... [/i][/size][/color]
  15. [i][size=1][color=olive]The library was situated on the second floor, the room at the far end of the hall, the most ancient looking one. The library was a nice place for quiet and comfort, for uninterrupted studying, for tranquil moments to gather one's thoughts for a coming presentation or an essay, at other times to read books and delve deeply into the story. But most of the time, it was where things were happening. Like kissing. Like flirting. Like in-school sex. Gen entered the library, and took a quick glance around. The librarian, who was estimated to be roughly 90 years old, was poring over what appeared to be a huge list of over-due books. He was gibbering on and on about young people these days and of how they significantly degraded since his time. Same old. His ears pricked up, as he heard some muffled kissing, and some other suggestive sounds. Same old as well, if a bit sickening. Gen made his way to the usual corner where he sat, and came upon a rather undesired scene. Two freshmen, a boy and a girl. Making out very... explicitly. Gen shuddered for a moment, then tapped his feet to make his presence known. "Go somewhere else!" said the boy without looking, as he continued to slobber over the girl. Gen sighed, then picked up a nearby book and threw it at the couple. "Now..." he muttered grimly. The boy looked up, and to Gen's immense satisfaction, suddenly wore a frightened face. He probably saw the previous squabble. The boy got up with a hurry, and dragged the girl off along with him, probably to another corner where they could continue where they were interrupted without the chance of getting injured. Gen threw his book bag onto the nearby table, then sat down, a bit annoyed. [/i][/size][/color]
  16. [i][color=olive][size=1]Gen shrugged, then walked on. He didn't mind. Gen flicked his wrists, and looked at his watch. 2:38. Another hour until school broke out. Not to mention that little appointment with that teacher at 4:00.... He hated these things. One on one usually meant some councelling, a bit of advice, some chiding, etc. He hated all of them. "Something wrong Gen?" asked Tex. Apparently, his face reflected his thoughts. "Nothing... nothing...." he replied absent mindedly. Quickly, he changed the subject. "Where were you though? After Jacob again...?" he asked simply. Tex's face underwent a rather interesting change, suggesting the positive, as well as some other ... thoughts ... Gen smirked slightly. "Thought so...." he murmured. "Obsessive aren't you?" "No! It is not like that!" replied Tex, a bit heated. "Right..." snickered Gen sarcastically. "Anyway, I have the rest of the day free... I'm going up to the library or something..." With that, he left Tex who was a bit flushed, and went up and off towards the stairway which led up to the library. [/i][/color][/size]
  17. [color=olive]OOC: Damn you sweetreyes for ruining my fun... [i][size=1]Gen growled slightly. An interruption. He looked down at Avenue scornfully, then subtly slipped his foot back down, away from Avenue's neck. Meanwhile, Ms. Winters was coming closer and closer, apparently more shocked than furious. Gen wasn't stupid enough to quarrel with teachers. Not yet anyway. He picked up his backpack for the second time in the course of twenty minutes, then turned around indifferently. "Avenue! Gen! Explain yourselves!" Ms. Winters. Rumor had it she was rough once provoked despite her age and appearance. Might as well play it safe. Gen turned to face the scene, and found Avenue limping as if she was hurt badly, obviously faking it. Ms. Winters was comforting Avenue, apparently fooled and played right into her hands. Irritated, Gen was about to speak, though he was interrupted suddenly by the twin. "Avenue! Are you all right?" Avenel turned to Gen, an actor prodigy. "How dare you attack my sister! What did she ever do to you!" Gen looked at Avenel for a moment, definitely irked, but kept his mouth shut. He wasn't going to give them the pleasure of seeing him speak for his own defense. Ms. Winters, meanwhile, was sending off Avenue to the nurse, and Avenel, with a quick triumphant grin, scurried off after his sister. "You come with me." said Ms. Winters clearly. Gen sighed, then followed Ms. Winters grudgingly. Next time... next time...[/i][/size][/color]
  18. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen just stood there. Not tense, not threatening, but just there. He looked completely relaxed, much like one is when they are standing bare foot on a soft patch of grass, feeling the fuzzy feeling of grass wiggling between your toes. His backpack had slid down to the floor moments before, leaving him completely free and light. Avenue threw a swift punch at Gen, to which he simply moved slightly to the side, in effect avoiding it. However, she quickly followed up with another spin kick, this time directing it straight at his neck. Gen faintly saw the girl smirk with triumphant victory, but what followed was not out of will, but of natural reflex. He seemed to sink down into the floor, narrowly avoiding the kick. Immediately after the kick passed, he lightly grasped the tip of the foot, and quickly tripped Avenue with a low sweep of his foot, letting go of her leg at the same time. What followed, to put simply, was a rather humiliating trip and a crash, with Avenue sprawled out on the ground. Most guys would have drooled to see Avenue in such a position. But as for Gen... He simply walked over to the head of Avenue, and placed his heel an inch above her throat. "It's over. You lost. Leave me be..." he said coldly. "I have no qualms about stepping on you right here... do not tempt me..." [/i][/color][/size]
  19. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen was ... confused to say the least. First off, he just beat the hell out of two guys right in front of the girl before him, and yet she picked a fight. Secondly, she should have seen that he really cared little for his opponent's health. Breaking a bone was a good suggestive action for that. And yet. Gen dodged lightly to the left, and to his surprise, felt an immediate barrage of blows go after him. Mildly impressed, Gen twisted and leapt back, keeping in mind not to lash out. Not yet. He blocked a few, dodged a few, then ultimately pushed the girl away as she missed a overly large punch. "I have no quarrels... leave me be...." he spoke calmly. He really was in no mood for another fight. Despite the fact that he enjoyed the sensation of fighting, he hated the concept of fighting itself. Before he could utter another word, however, he suddenly felt an object present near his head, then felt his head knocked out hard by a spin kick from the girl before him. Okay. Forget being nice. ".......Fine......" he muttered, his voice low and cold. "If you insist...." He guessed from the kick that just hit him that she knew a rough idea of how to throw punches and kicks. To take it safe, he also decided to do something different, something more... humiliating. He just stood there, his expression blank but menacing. Avenue, meanwhile, was smirking slightly, apparently pleased with herself. How little she knew. "Aikido... Garyu...." muttered Gen. [/i][/color][/size]
  20. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen coughed slightly, the fist slamming into his stomach. Got him. Bringing his elbow down with full force, he brought up his knees simultaneously. A sickening crack was heard, followed shortly by a muffled cry of pain. The junior's arm was dangling off at an odd angle, his face strained to keep himself from bursting into tears. Gen let go delicately. He had enough. "Please... know your place next time..." he muttered softly. The Junior was still cringing, grasping his broken arm with fear mingled with resentment. His brother had recovered, but seemed to be too scared to attempt anything else. Gen took one final patronizing glance at them, then walked over to where he got punched before, looking to pick up his backpack. Around him, the crowd was gibbering wildly, some laughter, some jeers, some cheers, some whistling. A quick glance gave him enough to see. Bills exchanged, some raking in cash, others grudgingly handing them over. People... Deeply disgusted, Gen found his backpack and made to leave the crowd. But much to his surprise, his path was interrupted. Again. Twice in one day. [/i][/size][/color]
  21. [i][size=1][color=olive]The usual call from the surrounding crowd. "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight...!" An annoying chant, meant to rouse the fighters up as the kids around bet on their choice of victor, the girls watching so as to choose their candidate, the boys eager to jump in to grab the attentions of the opposite sex. Nothing was new, nothing changed. Disgusting and pathetic, but Gen cared less. "Watcha gonna do now *****!?" yelled out the Junior. "Yeah not so tough now are you!?" continued his brother mockingly. Gen smirked, then took his usual stance, his left hand a bit low, situated between his chest and stomach, open into a straight palm, pointing forwards towards the sophomore. His right hand was pulled back, a bit shaped like a knife, ready to lash out at any given moment. His opponents took what seemed to be a boxer stance. Oh please... amateurs... "Get' im!" said the older. The sophomore stepped up quickly in front of Gen, throwing a hard left-hook. Very good punch. Except it missed. Gen had side-stepped lightly, and now went on the offensive. Pushing his open palm straight into the opponent's chin, he lifted up slightly, shortly followed by a savage stabbing motion by his knife-shaped hand, somewhere near the throat. A gasp was heard, as the sophomore crumpled down on the floor, gasping and retching violently. Gen pushed the sophomore over by his chest, leaving the brute heaving and retching, sprawled pathetically on the ground. A few cheers were heard, some jeers as well. "YOU ****** *****!!!!" The Junior came charging towards him, undoubtedly to body slam him...[/i][/color][/size]
  22. [i][size=1][color=olive]A Junior. Probably a wrestler. Gen blinked for a moment, surprised at the audacity of the idiot. The junior before him had the swagger, an attitude which comes with the cocky over confidence acquainted with most punks. Most of the time, he was averse to pointless quarrels, and this time was nothing different. He attempted to walk past the towering idiot before him, only to find his way blocked by another student, a sophomore who he vaguely remembered. "You think you're special don't ya?" said the junior with a bit of a shove. "Cool and aloof, too cool and good for all eh?" he continued with another push. The crowd around had mostly dissipated, but those with free periods were lingering around, some watching amusedly, most of them probably waiting to see if the lone wolf will do anything... Gen shook off the rude insult, then made a polite attempt to converse with the idiotic brutes. "I'm sorry, but I'm in a bit of a hurry... should you find a need to feel intense pain, make another attempt at your... immature insults again. Should you not, please walk away..." he muttered softly. "What's that? Listen here *****. My younger brother says he got his *** whooped by you. Now you mess with my bro, you mess with me. I'm gonna kick your *** *****!" he concluded. Gen looked at the sophomore, and recognized the face. Somewhere. Maybe he was one of those people who got utterly humiliated by him or something. Oh well. Another attempt. Gen checked his watch as if pressed for time, then continued again. "I really must get going..." he said as he tried to push past. This time, it was not a word that greeted him but a fist to the face. Gen was sent sprawling on the ground, hitting the opposite locker with a dull thud and clang. Oh, it was on now... it was on... Gen stood up, wavering a bit, and fixed his eyes on the two brutes before him. Cracking his knuckles and his neck lightly, he lightly tapped his foot, then walked up slowly towards his imminent victims... [/i][/color][/size]
  23. [i][size=1][color=olive]Gen was bored. Well, it was a double math class, coupled with that wheezy hypnotic gibberish of that teacher... whats his name... whatever... His focus kept on sliding in and out, occasionally zooming in on the board, other times the board too vague, a mass of black with white. The clock seemed to be broken, the longer hand almost stationary. To make everything worse, the math teacher seemed to be very adept at Tai-chi or Yoga... his hands were not rigid, but flowing and comforting as they danced across the board, pointing out numerous equations and problems... Must... resist... *Brrrinnnnnggg!* Gen awoke with a start, to find the class filing out, most of them wearing a drowsy, just-woke-up, grouchy faces. He guessed that his face was the same as well. The teacher... screw his name... was up at the black board, erasing it in a similar motion as during the class. Willing himself not to look, Gen stood up abrupty, threw everything into his back pack, and left the room. Outside the class, it was the usual. Some girls laughing, talking about some recent gossip, or flirting with the guys. The guys were giving the group of girls the looks, others trying to act tough and cool, some making out in the corner. Same old same old. He walked through the hall, and immediately the crowd parted to make way for him. They knew. They knew plain and simple that he was not a character to mess with. Fine with him. He hated them all anyway. He shuffled through the gap of people indifferently when someone stepped into his way... [/i][/color][/size]
  24. [color=olive][size=1][i][b]Name:[/b] Kotokiri Gen [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Grade:[/b] Sophomore [b]Appearance:[/b] A usually expressionless face, cute or handsome depends entirely on your view of 'cute' or 'handsome'. Some say he's hot, others say he's not. Your choice. He is roughly 6 ft. in height, and somewhat thin. His attire consists of a dark-blue T-shirt with the Kanji 'Warp' on it in bold-light coloring, and a pair of black sweat pants with a white line streaming down the side. Usually wears a black glove on his right hand. Outside, he prefers to wear a midnight black trench coat which covers his entire body much like a cloak does a vampire. All in all, he is a moving mass of black. [b]Personality:[/b] He hates people. Period. He is never seen hanging around any of the crowd, whether it be popular, slutty, fashionable, nerdy, whatever. He goes alone, walks his path alone, and will retaliate violently should his path be obstructed. Some call him psycho for this, some call him socially immature, etc. etc. He could care less, however, and only talks to a select few, though very rarely. Any attempt to greet him and get his attention will immediately result in him ignoring and walking straight past you. [b]Misc:[/b] He knows a few set of martial arts, such as Krav Maga, Aikido, and Kyokushin Karate. For these reasons, he rarely backs down from a fight, since he holds absolute confidence in his abilities to beat the living **** out of anyone, including a teacher. His true strength lies in his own 'style' where he combined his past 'experiences' into one uniform style.[/i][/color][/size]
  25. [i][color=olive][size=1]Gen landed neatly at the bottom, vaguely annoyed with the show-offy fashion of all his 'peers'. He looked up to see the metal arachnid skitter upon the ground, Lita riding it as if she was used to it. Without waiting, Gen walked up to the water's ledge, a large moat around the Titan Tower. Lita's creation skittered past him and went into the water, as Lita waved back at them as the distance between them increased. "See you guys on the other side!" she yelled out. From behind him, Shiv and Hannah sped after Lita, each incased in a water blue or a flaming red armor. Gen sighed, then held the device up to his ears. "Mr. Luthor... Reporting in... we are about to cross the moat... or rather, the other Terrors are crossing the moat as we speak... in an overt fashion..." he muttered. ".......Despite their actions, your course is clear... proceed...." said the other end. "Understood..." Gen pressed a small button as the transmission faded out with a light zap. Cracking his knuckles, Gen walked up to the moat and into the water, indifferent to the lapping, under and under into the moat until his entire body was submerged in the water. Once under, Gen took off with unnatural speed, his movements best likened to that of a shark, heading off towards the distant Tower...[/i][/color][/size]
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