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[i] [b]Name:[/b] Kotoba Gen (Ko ? Ancient, To ? Empire, Ba ? Blade, Gen ? Illusion) [b]Code Name:[/b] Illusionist [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] A blue t-shirt with a Japanese character scribbled on its front and back. A black sash, loosely tied around the waist. A dark-blue jacket, ragged and somewhat torn. A worn-out pair of black pants, obviously worn for some time. A piece of cloth similar to the sash is tied around the forehead. A young, oval-face with short-black hair trailing down. Rosy cheeks, can be described as cute when smiling. Occasionally has a blade which can be described as a medium of katana and a kodachi. The sheath is unadorned, and the hilt has a pattern of a turtle shell. [b]Mutation/Powers:[/b] Mild hypnosis, Astral projection of nonexistent objects, ability to distort perception of size and distance. [size=1][b]During a Fit:[/b] Mind-control through a complex combination of hypnosis, projection of images that actually have physical effects, Distortion in the perception of time[/size] [b]Originally From:[/b] Hakage Village, Nagoya, Japan [b]Affiliation:[/b] None at the moment. [b]Current Location:[/b] Bayville [b]Known Family:[/b] Deceased, Unknown [b]Personality:[/b] Mild, Calm, Analytical, Logical, Quiet, Cynical, and usually kind. However, his usual personality is occasionally punctuated by ?fits?, in which he loses all sense of logic and reason, but retains all his other characteristics. In this state, he is filled with bottomless cruelty, not to mention being extremely sadistic. During his fits, he is granted with greater control of his abilities, making him a powerful fighter, though destructive to all around him, even himself. [b]Bio:[/b] A somewhat macabre figure ever since his childhood, Gen was a bastard child, orphaned by his mother shortly after his birth. Gen?s birth came about from the rape of his mother by supposedly a mutant, resulting in his existence and the suicide of his mother shortly after. The true name of his mother, or his ?father? is unknown, since she left no address, no phone number, no way to identify her. Ever since his birth, Gen has been passed around multiple orphanages, always disliked and feared due to the dogging rumor of his ?father?. Before he gained a degree of mastery over his powers, he was constantly tormented by his peers, labeled a ?freak? by a mere rumor. However, shortly after the recognition of his powers, his peers were suddenly struck by a multitude of accidents, courtesy of Gen?s manipulations on their senses. The accusations were never proved, but it helped Gen quite a bit by keeping many away from him in fear of his ?powers?. After reaching the age of nine, Gen escaped from his orphanage, and ever since led a life led by random thoughts and chance, drifting here and there through many different means. By using his manipulative powers, Gen mostly avoided being seen by people in general, and saw many of the darker sides of human kind during his travels, especially due to his ability to make himself ?not seen?. How, or why he arrived in Bayville is unknown. Perhaps he felt a calling with the large mutant population in Bayville. His arrival and residence is largely unnoticed, since he prefers that no one notices him, and he can keep it that way.[/i]
Random thoughts that happened to intrude in my mind after seeing the topic... 1.) Live in Japan (America sucks...) 2.) Break away from religious restraints (UC...) 3.) Be the world's best in Kendo (Japanese sword martial arts) *never happening* 4.) Stick around OB for an indefinite amount of time, perhaps achieving the 'no life' status. 5.) Hopefully never fall in love (seriously) 6.) Read good books (any suggestions? o_O) ...Thats all for now... nothing much else crosses the mind...
[i] [b]Race:[/b] Prophetic Knight [b]Type:[/b] Formerly Human, Currently Demon Warlock/Knight [b]Name:[/b] Ba'do Kutogen (Ba - Blade, Do - Path/Rage, Ku - Pain, Toge - Spike, To - Past, Gen - Illusion) [size=1][b]Translation:[/b][/size] Rage Blade Pain Needle, Rage Blade Illusioned Pains of the Past, Blade Path Pain Needle, Blade Path Illusioned Pains of the Past. [b]Age:[/b] 195 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description: [/b] A demonic entity with an unearthly immolation. Instead of a blazing fire, the demon is surrounded by a bizarre aura, undoubtedly burning, but midnight black color occasionally interrupted by a thin shaft of crimson red. The body within the aura is bound by a thick, lacquered plate, welded together with the actual body of the demon because of the intense heat. The face is covered by a demonic skull with two gnarled horns and the eyes gazing out from under the eye sockets of the skull, which are chillingly cold in stark contrast to the body of the demon. [b]Location:[/b] Kuragari [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [size=1][b]Flare Shade Blade Saw:[/b] A runic blade imbued with the powerful, rare runes crafted by the best of warlocks. The blade is jagged and saw-like, leaving a ragged and painful wound that is difficult to heal. The five runes etched into the blade makes the blade indestructible, as well as allowing the blade to create and wield shadows to the will of its owner. Because of the unstable combination of runes, the blade unleashes hellish heat constantly, burning the air around it at all times. [b]Shadow Hole Void Shield:[/b] A strange, oval shaped shield. The shield is an abyssal black, glittering ominously. The shield itself is a compressed mass of shadows, and when struck by any attack it trasmits the effect of the attack through another shadow. This shield, coupled with the Blade Saw, is impossible to breakthrough since the multiple shadows projected by the blade can be used as rifts to reflect the attack blocked by the shield. [/size] [b]Magic/Skills/Spells:[/b] [size=1][b]Feed Back (Passive):[/b] Any attack inflicted by Ba'do results in draining an amount of mana proportional to the severity of the damage caused by the attack. [b] Shadow Immolation Aura (Passive): [/b] The aura emits a pool of negative heat energies, slowly burning away the flesh of any who wanders too close to Ba'do. The heat cannot be extinguished by water due to its negative nature, and requires no mana upon the user's part to maintain. [b]Mana Blaze: [/b] Completely burns away the mana of the target, rendering it unable to cast any further spells. The mana burned away can be assimilated into the Void Shield for later use, or can be used to internally combust in the target, dealing damage proportional to the amount of mana destroyed. [/size] [b]Personality:[/b] Indifferent, Cool and Collected, Calm, Patient, and Sharp. [b]Bio:[/b] During his teenage years, when Ba'do had a different name and didn't even know of the darker side of Sousei, he was approached by a shadey weapons dealer during his routine chores. The dealer, though unknown to Ba'do, was one of the agents sent by the Great Evil to find new candidates for the legion of Prophetic Knights. The sword the dealer carried was the Blade Saw, though only imbued with two runes at the time. Driven by adolescent curiosity and also by a strange, unquenched inner-hunger, Ba'do sought to buy the sword. The price, however, was a few hundred times over what he could pay. Ba'do was insistant, and struck a deal with the dealer to visit him in Kuragari in a few months time to complete the transaction, which the dealer then described as "nothing much". The dealer left Ba'do with the Blade Saw, his mission complete. Ba'do's personality underwent a drastic, diabolic change shortly after the departure of the dealer. He became brooding, cruel to his peers and parents, and spent most of the day locked in his room, refusing to come out for hours. When his parents finally found out about the existence of the sword and that it was probably the cause, it was too late. Confronted one day in the streets by his parents and a multitude of exorcists and priests, Ba'do unleashed his newfound strength. When the police squad of Sousei arrived at the scene a few hours later, what they found were grotesque remains of the massacre. Charred, impaled onto nearby lamp posts were the burnt-out corpses of Ba'do's parents. The exorcists were torn apart mercilessly, likewise burned, black to the core. From there on, Ba'do's old life was burnt away as well, and he left for Kuragari, to begin his life anew there. Once in Kuragari, Ba'do went to see the arms dealer, to whom he owed his new gift, or curse. Upon meeting his protege ecstatically, the arms dealer gave Ba'do two runes to fill two of the remaining slots of the Blade Saw. The runes had an interesting effect on Ba'do as well as the blade. The blade unleashed a blazing pillar of fire which surrounded Ba'do, burning onto his flesh the lacquered plate he wears today. It also burnt out the humanity within Ba'do, transforming him into a full demon. Since his transformation, Ba'do has been one of the elite champions of the Prophetic Knights, known as the coldest, fiercest, and cruelest of them all. [/i]
Critique on banner 05... There is too much contrast between the borders and the images inside. Either alleviate the borders to a lighter color, or make the images a bit darker (I prefer the latter). Aside from that everything is fine.
Its difficult to draw the line between custom/tradition and habits... Anyway, one weekly tradition in my family is tea time (Green/Ginseng tea) on Sunday morning at 5:00 a.m. I never particularly liked it, but its a good way to wake up, especially if its the bitter Ginseng tea. I think this has been some weird tradition thats been in my family from a few generations back. I really want to break it, but the whole history of it kinda deterrs me from doing so.
I've read quite a few, and I usually collect what I read. Anyway, my list-ups. Trigun Maximum (Hah to all you English speakers) - Great manga, with jam-packed action, gore, fight scenes, and much better character/plot developments. Its interesting to compare it with the anime series, but its truly disappointing that we don't see (or hear of) any sequels based on the story in the manga. I suppose thats as well, since its basically a different story with the same characters. Hell Sing (Look Above) - The basic difference from the anime is that the main 'enemy' in the story is the revived Nazi battalion led by an insane colonel who loves war. The entire battalion is composed of the original Nazi survivors, now all vampires. Christiened the "Last Battalion", they are led by powerful vampires/demons called the "Vervolves" or something of that nature. Good read, but plenty of gore as well. Can't wait for Book 6. Evangelion - The story is the same... well, almost. Some angels are omitted from the story altogether, and we get to delve deeper into each character. Like QA said, there is more emphasis on Shinji x Asuka, but I think there is alot of Shinji x Rei as well. Personally I like Shinji x Rei. I think the best part thus far in the manga was [spoiler] Touji's death which really was heart-wrenching, especially since you see Hikari planning Touji's lunch right after you see his body. Another of my favorite is Kaji's death scene, where he sees his old friends and his younger brother before he dies. [/spoiler] Note: Do not read the Big O manga. It is utter crap, and leaves you confused and gives you no background on the characters or Paradigm city. The ending left me wondering what the heck happened. Stick to the anime, never lay your fingers on the manga.
I believe the first manga is out now for English. Of course, it doesn't really get interesting until Trigun Maximum book 2 or so. *chuckles* I think the manga in English will be - 2 mangas for Trigun, and 8 for Maximum.
[i] Finally reaching Keeven, Akato sauntered through the streets, tossing his pouch up in the air as he went. He pondered for a moment, wavering between the bar and his experiments, Akato dug into his pockets and took out a shiny coin. Heads he goes home, tails he goes to the bar. With a flick of the thumb the coin went spinning neatly into the air, gleaming, twinkling like a little star. The coin landed on Akato's open palm, and revealed 'tails'. Akato grinned and made his way to the distant, glimmering bar. Reaching the bar, Akato smirked softly, then slowly went in, trying to make little noise as possible. He really disliked large congregations of people, and he preferred to avoid them and be avoided in turn. A light push on the door revealed a gay scene, with mercenaries, bounty heads, dabbling potion masters, and many other shadey figures with ale, wine, beer, anything that keeps a man and a woman awake, gay, and happy. Akato took a look around, to see if he recognized any. There was that odd girl from that run-down house, there was that potion master he apprenticed under a while before, random mercenaries that came and went with a ruckus, and the bartender... wait... now where was the bartender... Akato was chilled from his night out and he could use a good something to warm his body before he began his experiments. [/i]
[i] Name: Galm Gil'aron Age: Unknown, estimated around a millenia Race: Demon Description: A strange spectral being with a blue-green gaseous aura surrounding it. The true body of the demon is hazy under its aura, but can be compared to a half-man, half-reptilian creature without a tail. The only prominent feature of the demon are its two, glaring eyes, which are a hollow, crystal color which stands out in the bluish-green mass. Bio: A mystical being which resides in the realm called the "Forbidding", Galm has been little known in our realm. Long ago, men have heard rumors of a strange, glowing being which took residence in the demonic realm, some sort of a warlock, but nothing more was known of this strange demon, save it was one of the greater demons, feared throughout the demonic realm. Now, after the long period of silence, the rumors were confirmed after the sudden inbalance between the two realms. However, the sole reason this rumor was confirmed is due to the charred remains of a diary kept by one of the soldiers who served in the human infantry which was decimated by an unknown force during routine training in a nearby forest. Amidst the amputated, cannibalized remains of the infantry, a smoldering remains of a diary was found. In it, the deceased soldier described of "an unearthly being, glowing in a bizarre and unholy aura, burning away our flesh, wielding fire to its will, tearing apart my comrades with its huge gargantuan claws as if they were rag dolls..." Nothing else is known about the demon, and there have been no other sightings. There have been many disappearances, but none can be attributed to this single being because of many other demons running rampant. Some mages speculate that this demon was one of the foremost agents in tearing open the rift, since its descriptions suggest a powerful demonic warlock, and only warlocks are capable of performing spells strong enough to create an inter-dimensional rift. Weapon (known as of now): Claws, Pyrokenesis, Aura [/i]
My favorite goes to Pen-Pen from NGE. I mean come on. A penguin that drinks beer! How much better can it get?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] PS: Welcome to OB. ^_^ It's nice to see someone...[spoiler]who can type. You know. [/spoiler]*walks away before getting flamed*[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Amen to that. Anyway. My favorite 'emotional' moment will go to the scene [spoiler] in which Misato dies. Actually, I think all the deaths of the major characters in Evangelion is 'emotional' one way or the other. Kaji, Misato, Ritsuko, Rei, Kaworu... But out of them all, I think Misato's death was the *best* because she was not only dying, but even in her dying moments she had to push Shinji to pilot Eva 01 again. The desperation, and her last words were great. Second to that, I think Kaworu's was great, although I can't see why they had to keep us waiting, hanging in our seats for a full minute... that minute seemed like a freaking eternity the first time I watched it... [/spoiler] Another great scene was [spoiler] Emilio's death from Trigun:Maximum (Emilio being Leonof the Puppetmaster). Great scene even though its in the manga. Leonof falling, falling, looking up at Vash... and finally, moments before his death, remembers his suppressed childhood, and remembers Vash saying, "If you like her, say it. The earlier the better Emilio." Also, Hoppered's death was good as well. A man who struck into his road, going for his only goal, but in the end, saw the pointlessness and futility of his end. Final words: "Sorry, but I end here. Finally, I can be at peace. You live and suffer. I'm not going to kill you. Live in this crap world, and live on, retching blood as you go." And finally, my favorite in the Trigun series is when Wolfwood refuses to retaliate against Double Fang because they were both orphans at the same orphanage. Wolfwood: "Not yet! Crybaby Livio...! I'll save you...! We're all... going to live through..! *gunshot* "Damn it...! What's wrong..." *multiple gunshots* "Please(God) ... I beg you... I really want to save him... God... Hey God... A murderer's a murderer...? Are you telling me not to talk clean and make you laugh?... Am I... Wrong?..." Vash: "You're not wrong, Wolfwood." [/spoiler]
[i] The felhound lay dead, its purple blood glistening strangely under the light of the moon. The pollens danced about as before, its mystic scene now defiled by the carcass. Akato sat nearby, examining his weapon for any damage. Sighing in a melancholy fashion, Akato took a small vial out of his coat pocket and poured it onto the remains of the hound. A sharp hiss was heard, shortly followed by a deafening explosion. Akato, his face blackened, cursed bitterly. A female. What he wanted was a male felhound. Female felhounds had incredibly flammable bodies, and he couldn't risk setting off his hut on fire, destroying all his specimens and experiments. He watched the flames lick the eyes of the hound slowly consuming the body. Twiddling his fingers around his blade in a bored fashion, Akato looked up at the sky. The moon was high, the stars somewhat distant, and judging from past experiences, the chances of a male felhound appearing was incredibly low in this weather condition. The hounds preferred the blackest possible night, without the moon light. Oh well. At least he got the fungi he wanted. Akato stood up, cracking his back as he did, and yawning, sauntered off into the woods, towards the distant town of Keeven where he took residence. [/i]
[i] Akato yawned slightly, suddenly coming to amidst a field of what appeared to be a strange specimen of fungi. The pollens danced about, glowing slightly green, occasionally turning burning red, much like a stop light. Akato took a few moments to take in the scene, lettings his eyes caress the mystic dance unfolding before him. There were some dead carcasses of the unfortunate animals which wandered in, but they didn't bother Akato. After all, he was immune to this kind of toxin. He eagerly watched two pairs of faintly glowing green light wander about in the air, now green, now red, colliding with others, embracing each other then separating, in and out, over and around, here and there. After a while, he lost the original two pollens amongst the multitude of the others. "People..." muttered Akato. He thought he could somehow forget about their very existance by coming into the deepest confines of the woods, but the very dance which was held before him reminded of people. Not to mention their irritating relationships. But wait... Akato suddenly clutched his blades tightly and stood up slowly and cautiously, scanning the area as he rose. Far off towards the edge of the field, he saw it. A strange hound-like creature seemed to be feeding upon the fungus, and an occasional munching was heard as the fungi were chewed and swallowed. Its antenna like appendage attached to its head was circling around, keeping wary watch on its surroundings. Akato crept slowly on his knees and hands, and got within 10 feet of the hound. The hound was still munching leisurely, and it seemed to be oblivious to Akato's approach. Akato slowly stretched his left leg back, getting ready to pounce. But alas, as his legs stretched back, his foot hit a small leaf, causing a faint rustle. The antenna suddenly snapped towards Akato's hiding place, and a faint hiss-like growl was heard from the hound. No use anymore. Akato stood up to his full height, gripping his sword tightly. The felhound obliged by turning around to face him, and Akato saw the hunger for human flesh in its eyes. This was exactly why he hated hunting these things. Always hungry and cannibalistic as hell. Akato slowly brought his blade pointing towards the felhound's neck, and the felhound twitched, rustling its furs as it bared its fangs. With an unearthly cry, followed shortly by a piercing roar, the man and the beast charged each other... [/i]
I haven't seen the series yet, but I have all of the manga thats out right now (5). If the anime is as great as the manga, then I say go for it. Good action, gore, story, etc. But then again... the anime is more of Incognito but in the manga its about the Nazis...
Anime What is the best anime? (This should be interesting)
Kwai replied to Kyo no Ryu's topic in Otaku Central
My favorite has been, and always will be Evangelion. Not only is the anime great as some people already explained (stole my thunder o_O), the opening theme, Cruel Angel Thesis, as well as the other songs related to the anime are all master pieces within itself. Its rare for an anime to be great and yet still have a good music to match it. This also goes for Cowboy Bebop, but for some reason I'm not as fond of it as Evangelion. Second place on my list goes to Rurouni Kenshin, but I still have a few bones to pick with how they portrayed some characters derived from actual history, as well as the way history is portrayed itself. After all, the way the history is told in RK is the way the author of RK, Wazuki, decides to portray it. I like the action and all, but I won't go far enough to trust the history from his perspective. My close match for second place is Gundam Seed. Awesome battle scenes, good story/plot, and the best part about it is the length. It does not end at 20 or 30 eps, but continues all the way up till eps. 50. Good series to keep you occupied for a while. -
I'm guessing the rip off part is the whole black theme... Roger wears black, drives a black car, has a butler who dresses in black, etc. etc. much like batman... but I also fail to see how that counts as a rip-off. Like QA said, I don't recall seeing a single Batman eps. with him duking it out against the Joker or Mr. Freeze on a giant robot...
Wow... I feel rather alone now. I'm a pure-blooded Japanese, damn proud of it, but surrounded by a board full of people of diverse cultural backgrounds, feeling somewhat intimidated and different o_O;; I guess Asian countries have less international marriages compared to Europe and America.
[i] Gen sat upon the top-most branch of an aged tree, probably an oak or perhaps a maple, but really did it even matter? He came long, long before the appointed time, and he always thought of himself patient because of his impatience to go to the appointments early and get it done before it even started. An illogical logic, but little did it matter. The fact was that he was sitting on the branch, somewhat bored, his backs aching from the rough bark, a little jumpy in fear of the creepy-crawlies running around, and musing his time away until the others arrived. He always liked doing this. Sitting or standing high above others, watching down upon them perhaps like Gods do, occasionally chuckling at their follies or jumping down to participate in their activities. He usually loved to do the former, the latter being too tiring, and he really hated to waste his strength and skill on pointless things. Besides, its unwise to show off one's attacks and fighting styles too much. This was how he was. Backed by a multitude of common sense and logic to back up his own means and purposes. But after all, aren't all human beings like that? So he was nothing less than the others, indeed probably more, considering his "gift". A small leaf slowly came floating down, and Gen considered it for a moment, the intruder upon his thoughts. After a few moments, he decided it unworthy for continued existance in his presence, and in a flash, tore out his sword and slashed the leaf into 10 pieces, neatly arranged, continuing their journey downwards, an amputated remain. Gen yawned a moment, then heard voices. Breaking away from his own world and thoughts, he returned to the lights of human companionship and reason, and lightly fell off of his branch, landing at the base of the tree cleanly. [/i] OOC: I know that was weird. But I am sleepy. And when I am sleepy, I write crazy things. I rest my case.
OOC: I'll be quite happy if some brave, daring soul picks a fight with my dear Warrington. *glances over at animanga "Dare?"* [i] Warrington strolled through the morning market of a rural Chinese village, his figure and presence imposing and foreign in the local neighborhood where everyone knew everyone but they really didn't know them as well as they thought they did. Of course, his strange attire, especially in a rural village, a scientist's lab coat, was the constant object of flickering glances, suppressed whispers, and pointing of fingers. Warrington didn't mind. So he stood out. What were they going to do anyway? It was his street as much as anyone's, and no one had a damn right to say anything about it. He trudged on through the street, looking left and right. He was hungry. Staying out in the cold for an entire night without food was unhealthy, not to mention it starved the hell out of him. A small boy trotted up to him, and held up to him a small apple, pointing at a nearby stand where a woman, who Warrington assumed was the boy's mother, was selling all sorts of fruits. Good enough. Fruits are healthy anyway. Warrington strode over to the stand, followed by the proud boy who brought a customer, and pointed to each fruit in the stand, and held up one finger. The woman obliged with a polite smile, probably because of his foreign presence, and handed him the fruits in a paper bag. Warrington took out some paper bills, and dropped it onto the woman's hands. The woman stared for a second at his hands. Even though it was rather warm, the man had a thick glove on it. But a customer's a customer. She accepted the money, and looked down into her apron to take out the change, but when she looked up, Warrington was already gone in the wilderness of the crowd. [/i]
OOC: Sorry, I didn't realize that this began. [i] Gen sat on the park bench, reading a small hand-sized book. A peculiar figure, mostly due to the strange black sticks crossed in an X behind his back, which stored his Renba-tou. Little did he know or even if he knew, care about what others thought of him. He learned to disregard the other's opinions, especially if it clashed with his own. He yawned, and took out a small slip of paper, placing it in the book to keep his place. He slipped the book into his pocket, then looked up at the darkening sky. "Hmm..." he thought. "Strange..." Gen stood up, still staring at the sky, and stretched his back, resulting in a few cracks. He took out a small mirror, and held it up to his face, closely scrutinizing the mark on his forehead. The mark was turbulent, without any form, slowly moving, slithering around in its confined space. "Guess its nothing..." Gen dropped the mirror into his pocket, again took a glance at the sky, and hurried out of the park. [/i]
I frankly believe that no fighting in any RPG is rather pointless... sooo... I'll go for Jahnshen... Gensine seems too peaceful for me. [i] Name: Endoku Akato (En = Flame, Doku = Poison, Aka = Crimson, to = disciple) Age: 29 Gender: Male World: Jahnshen Weapon/s: Endoku no Houtou (Hou = Treasure/d, Tou = Blade/sword) - A rusty-looking blade hammered out in Selmar, laced with Akato's own poison. Though the smith who forged it is unknown, it has extremely high durability despite its appearance. The rust is due to Akato's poison, which covered the entire blade in corroding acid, but one should not be fooled by its looks; the acid-etched the blade takes little effort to wield, and is capable of slicing apart any creature apart like butter. The acid serves another purpose; it leaves the corroding venom upon the wound, leaving excruciating pain and a wound that is nearly impossible to heal. Even with all its deadly attributes, the true purpose of this blade is to destroy the opponent's weapons with its powerful acid, thus disarming the opponent for an easy kill. Disease - Akato's entire attire is soaked in a variety of different drugs and poisons, and emits a vile, invisible gas, which has a varied effect depending upon each victim. The usual effect is hallucination coupled with the sensation of one's flesh being burned, but depending on the immunity/resistance of each being, could also result in paralysis or poisoning. It is extremely rare for any human to be completely immune to this gas, and Akato is one of the few. Green Vial - Temporarily increases the regeneration rate, reflexes, and the maximum strength out-put of Akato, but cannot be used repeatedly The drug is made from the droppings of a rare Felhound found in the wilderness of Jahnshen, and even Akato will die if he is overdosed with this drug. For this reason, he only carries one vial, and will not make more than one for each occasion. Location: Keeven Bio: A loner by nature, Akato repeatedly found himself picked on and abused by the violent denizens of Jahnshen. Despite his originally calm and tranquil nature, this abuse nurtured a growing amount of hate within him, which slowly slipped through his self-control. However, even with his rage, he could not win in a fight against most of his tormentors, since he was a thin, scrawny young man with barely any muscle. To claim vengeance on his enemies, Akato left his home town of Somadina and travelled to Keeven. For a few years after he arrived at Keeven, he took odd jobs around the farms and the potion-masters, gradually seeping in their skill and wisdom. After four years time, he learned enough. He returned to Somadina. Back in Somadina, little changed. His old "friends" gladly took to picking on him again, but failed to notice Akato's sudden submissiveness. Too arrogant and confident to care, they continued to harass the poor man. But... roughly a month after Akato's return, the famed mercenary squad of Somadina, the feared "Hellfire Serpents" were found dead one morning, their entire body tattered and burned throughout by an unknown, corrosive acid. An ironic end. At the same time, Akato also left Somadina, his vengeance complete. With his hunger for revenge satisfied, Akato returned to Keeven, still continuing his odd-jobs around the potion-masters, still learning, still assimilating their knowledge. [/i]
Yeah... no best card. But I think the most useful card up to date is "counter spell". You can basically destroy any spell for a measly two mana. Of course, I can't do it against some cards like Urza's Rage and such, but misdirection can always throw it back against my dear opponent o_O My deck is overloaded with counter spells, healing, creature control spells, misdirection spells, etc. but I need a good creature that does not cost as much as that damned Kraken. Any ideas?
OOC: That prior fight between the GVA, hybrids, and the Brotherhood was pathetic... no special attacks, skills, etc. used, just beating on each other disregarding the weapons/skills they all had.... [i] Warrington came to in his chamber, as the clock on the wall struck 12 with a melancholy note. He slowly stood up, cringing from the momentary pain, and looked around. As usual, Brendan's slumbering figure was found in front of the fire place, on his usual rocking chair. Warrington felt himself over, and growled angrily. That fight... and that idiotic AVD agent... this is why he said they shouldn't have allied. Not only did they get in his way but they also had the audacity to attack him as well... The door opened with a bang as Sir Lowendove came striding in, followed by two shadowy figures. Sir Lowendove looked extremely angry, and glared at Warrington. "Your reports, agent...?" he said coldly. Warrington glared right back, and muttered. "Engaged in a battle, those damn GVA/AVD agents screwed up, they escaped, we were wounded, and here we are." he muttered bitterly. Sir Lowendove's eyes contorted, and motioned to his guards to leave the room. The guards left silently, but Father Amiel came limping in, as if to take their place. "Pardon, Sir Lowendove." said Father Amiel. "We did not expect to have another hybrid there. We anticipated only one, the male hybrid known as Hyde, but another hybrid happened to come in as well. Not to mention that fool Leon... he attacked us as well as the hybrids..." finished Father Amiel with a trace of anger. Sir Lowendove's eyes darted from the slumbering figure of Brendan, to Warrington, to Father Amiel. He turned and left the room, and said venomously. "Whatever it takes to do, do it..." [/i]
And while you all tear your hairs out in frustration and impatience, I am surrounded by all of my Trigun comics, which I'm sure will come out in trickles for English... maybe 1 or 2 books per 2 or 3 months? He he he.... Life is Grand...
[i] Warrington's footsteps clinked through the dark corridors, eventually opening up to the watch tower of the Great Wall. Warrington stepped out into the moon light, and looked at the bodies before him. One was shot. Duh. The other was sickly green. Duh. He kicked over both bodies, to make sure they were both dead. Good. He didn't want to cause unnecessary suffering. If he was to kill, do it quickly. He had no cause of hate against these two. A job is a job. So no hates if you die, no hates if he dies, no hates if I die. Fair? Warrington took out two sets of vial, balanced gingerly on his middle and fore finger, and tossed them up in the air. The vials clinked in the air, as it came falling down, slowly in the eyes of Warrington. He picked up the brief case, and stuffed the case into the sanctuary of his coat. He looked back at the two bodies, just as the two vials hit the stone floor, and erupted into a sudden burst of gas. Warrington turned to his heels and left, the gas slowly disintegrating the bodies, destroying all evidence. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Forgive me for not giving you both a proper burial. But business is business. Rest in peace." Exit Warrington. [/i]