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Everything posted by Syutaku

  1. See this is exsactly why I hate funimation :flaming: Oh and thanks
  2. well If you like WWE Raw Raw 2 will be out soon ,I have Shenmue 2 very good or MGS2 substance is good too hope that helps
  3. That great that u guys have a review I'm gonna have to check in here on for Raw reviews I don't get to cathc it that much
  4. Syutaku

    MTV Punk'd

    Yea I love this show, I was crackin up when they pranked Jessica Biel and the 10 year old was hittin on her that was funny
  5. Syutaku


    I'm a big fan of the show too I think it has gotten alot better from last season where there is a new villin every week who fights Clark and loses
  6. As the nu guy I wanted to know if anybody knew if they r gonna release the episodes of GT that they skipped on the tapes.
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