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Everything posted by BlackDragon465

  1. Here is my opinion summed up: Pre-marital sex I don't really recommend this but it may be right for some people. I am not against it in a anyway but I always take sex as a serious subject and matter and not just like it feels good how about some sex? No I never taught that was right and still don't think is right. Sex should be more than pleasure. So pre-marital is ok for some but is not right for everyone.
  2. Well I am going to say. I feel sorry for you. My mom is the whole opposite. I get compliments everday. Everyday she tells me how much I mean to her. It must be hard living with a mother like yours. I suggest you tried to talk to her about her attitude and how she acts. If that don't work well your in deep. I mean you say you have no friends so that doesn't help because you could run to a friend if you had one and maybe live there for a like some weeks and come back and see if your mother actually gave a damn you were gone. Is your dad the same way as your mother? Or are they divorced or something?Only reason I ask this is because maybe he treats you well. If they were divorced you could go live with him if he was nice and treated you well unlike your mother.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko [/i] [B]heh... i know Beginning this year i started cutting myself... and quiet once i gaiend control of my emotions yet again. i go to a psyciatrist (sp) sometimes and that helps... but you are right... i go in and out of depression... ALOT.... my dad just quit drinking little over a year ago.. and not that its a bad thing or anything.. .but hes changed.. he ignores me even more then he already did when eh was drinking.... and its just me and him living in this small house... so... i normaly catch myself talkign to myself alot... course then i beat myself up about being a complete psycopath (sp) and talkign to myself.... Anyways... i too think this is great.. lets jsut hope she keeps up mailing me... because i want to know where she is once i get my licence.... road trip...! heh [/B][/QUOTE] I am glad you didn't take my post in a bad or offensive way. I understand is hard at times. I have had an awful last 2 simesters in school this year. It was just god damn awful. Every day I went to school and sometimes I felt like killing one of my teachers. Seriously I wasn't joking he was awful and disliked me because I am lazy. I got so angry everyday I usually use all my force and slam my hands into the nearest thing I could find. Ofcourse I am no Jackie Chan so I ended up getting my arm swollen and stuff and damaged books,chairs and other stuff. One time I started bleeding from it. This is just to show you I don't have a happy perfect life. Anyway hope she keeps mailing you.
  4. Not to mean it in a bad way or anything but you sound like you suffer from depression A LOT. That is not normal and it is needed to get help. I am in no way trying to offend you but depression is NOT normal and it is not a good thing. Also I hope life gets better for you or you might end up killing yourself. You already admitted you have this problem and that is a good thing. Why didn't you get help if you know you have depression? You know I think you kinda get out of it and go back to it. I don't meant to sound mean or act like a Doctor or anything but next time you go into depression you may end up killing yourself for no reason but being depressed. Life is not easy and one has to learn that. I have encountered some things that seem you will never get away from or things like that. I just hope everything turns out good for you.
  5. Mine would be Batman and Hulk.:)
  6. Do you people who are reading it or have read it recommend this book? I am thinking of getting it and reading over the summer. I will take it slow probably since I am not a big fan of reading books.:)
  7. Hi and welcome. I however don't think these kinds of threads are allowed here but don't let that discourage you from posting. Have fun here at OtakuBoards and enjoy yourself.
  8. This story has increased a lot since I last read it. It also seems to have gotten more description so I see you have improved it somewhat. Good story. :)
  9. On which ever topic I post if someone posts on it I get an e-mail notification saying Reply to post blah blah blah. How do I get rid of that?
  10. Great story except I think it could you a little more setting description and a little less dueling. Every thing is duel after duel. A little more in between the duels would make the story there great.:)
  11. Throw the pot out. Whenever you get money waste it on anything you like like books, dvds, cds, whatever as long as you can get rid of the money fast so you don't have time to think of buying pot since you don't have money.For a while keep doing this. Once you do you can't buy pot without money. If you live with your parents I suggest you tell them you made mistakes and you want to quit and not do pot anymore. I am sure they will try to help you. With your parents helping you and you having no money to buy pot for a long time. The addiction should lower A LOT. If you need more help than your parents get some non-pot smoking friends to help you. ***REMEMBER IF YOU DON"T HAVE MONEY TO BUY POT YOU CAN"T SMOKE POT. SO WASTE ALL THE MONEY ON DVD OR WHATNOT.***
  12. My parents are not divorced but I don't always think of divorce being a bad thing. What if one of your parents treated you awfully or something? Although divorce doesn't seem to be good it can be very good at times for the kids when the parents don't get along well or one of the parents is a very bad parent. I always try to talk about divorce calmly and in a helpful way when I talk to someone about the subject if his or her parents are divorced. I actually like hearing peoples opinions most of the time.:)
  13. I never even go to the proms. Heh I just don't like them. I really don't like big crowds either for some reason.:)
  14. I use slang often but I usually instead of slang I throw in a bunch of swears.:D
  15. I will fight for anything I believe is right. No matter what I usually will never give up my point of view on a certain thing. I will however never kill myself or sacrifice myself no matter how much I believe in it or for any person.
  16. I want to know because I don't really like to get notified that someone posted on the topic.
  17. [B]What genre of music do you listen to?[/B] A lot... Rock, Rap, Metal, Punk [B]What are your favorite bands?[/B] Greenday, Blink 182 Linkin Park, Good Charlotte [B]Why do you like them?[/B] Umm because they appeal to me. :p
  18. Hmm many things. I usually spend most of my time on my favorite 2 sites.(GameFAQs,IGN) I also can get away from this blackhole called school.School sucks so much because not only is it not a challenge but they always teach stuff in the most boring way possible and then their is the second worst thing from school called homework(nobody needs that crap). Usually also makes me happier after getting from arguing with teachers and stuff and allows me to get a good night sleep after wasting a lot of time on it. The computer is one of the best things to have happened in this world.:)
  19. I think it may be possible but is very confusing to understand how it would work. I am like this:therock: when I read some stuff on this topic. Is all very confusing. Is late also. I think I am going to sleep instead of trying to figure out if time travel is possible.
  20. Nope I hate my freaking teachers. My math teacher is the worst. I am not sure you can curse here but he is one bald bastard and one annoying mother****er.:flaming: :flaming: :mad: :devil: You wouldn't want to have him. I just fired my principal:) :p because I hated her also. I am trying my hardest to get my math teacher fired as well. My other teachers aren't great but the worst are the principal and math teacher. Anyone knows better than to mess with me. I fired a bus driver also because I disliked him. I am also getting fed up with some lady on the hall so I am about to try and fire her also. So no I hate just about all of them. I am also trying to get back the math teacher that the principal fired after 2nd quarter because she disliked him and his way of thinking. Now I got a new principal after I got the other one fired and things are looking bright.
  21. There probably are Aliens but I am not 100% sure to believe there are. I am kinda in between yes and no so I voted for Maybe. Is hard decided about it when it hasn't come to a conclusion after years and years of debate on if Aliens exist.
  22. I would say maybe in 10 yrs or more it might be possible to happen depending on how fast the technology advances and all. I would like to play some of those virtual games. They seem fun.:)
  23. Yeah Hybrid Theory is an awesome CD. I think however there is some extremely close competition between Hybrid and Meteora. Reanamation is on the bottom of the 3 CD's but just because is at the bottom doesn't mean is good. Is a good CD and worth to pick up although in my opinion it comes 3rd out of the 3 Linkin Park CD's.
  24. This question has been going through my mind for a long time. "Can we prove we exist?" I came to the conclusion of never worrying about proving this and forget about it. I think it is impossible to prove we exist or we don't so just try to do what you think is best.
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