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Everything posted by BlackDragon465

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i] [B]Peacful Era?! What are you talking about?!:eek: Don't you know that people are robbed, kidnapped, and murdered everyday? Oh yeah, don't forget about wide spread terrorism and the war we just had. These times we live in are far from being peaceful. For as long as people obsess over their desires, the earth will never be truly at peace. I fear that the only peace people can find now in days is within themselves. But thats just my opinion:D [/B][/QUOTE] Okay I am not talking about world peace. I am saying is pretty calm. I haven't seen fighting since I can't remember. Is been a very long time. Of course robbing, kidnapping, murder and so on goes on everyday. But it depends on what one thinks that causes their actions. You can't control people completely so is pretty much impossible there to be 100% peace all over the place. We all think for ourselves and some persons don't think about doing anything good but causing chaos and making people suffer. 100% peace is impossible to obtain in my opinion. I don't think there would ever be able to be 100% peace. So think about it. In my opinion from what I see everyday it is a peaceful place. O and the long wait for my respond is I haven't had much free time lately.
  2. LOL!!! Slapping each other.:laugh: :laugh: We live in a peaceful era I guess that is why there is not much fighting and hardly used anymore. All you need in this era is a good brain and be smart. You hardly need fighting skills. Such a shame that guy's were slapping each other it makes them look weak and feminine.
  3. I believe there is no afterlife. I believe once you die you die. The other possibility I can think of it's maybe reincarnation. I believe more in the nothing after you die but I think there is a chance reincarnation may be true.
  4. All I got to say that is quite a bad situation and quite sad also. Man that is awful news. Dude that story scared me. I am definately not going out late at night after hearing that awful story that happend to you your friends. Notice I am around the same age as you. Going to be 14.
  5. If this world could possibly get any stupider(logic wise) then we would all be dead. Seriously people seem to be stupider everyday. Jackass is a good show to show you how everyday life is.
  6. the bible.. pfff. If they want to I don't find it wrong. If they don't and are force I don't find that right but other wise is fine. I believe humans make their own decisions and if there decision is to go to a porn mag then so be it.
  7. Well here in school there has always been a tradition never to snitch unless is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT because if you don't something horrible might happen. That is pretty much it and I really don't see what is so great about going to snitch and tell on someone if is not needed. I just believe for fun or because you feel like it and there is no need then don't. I mean how would you like it if you did something and felt horrible and didn't want someone to find out and your friend goes on telling the whole city what you did. Yeah I doubt anyone would like that.
  8. :flaming: :flaming:I can't wait to get out of this hell hole. Is awful each day Math class gets worser. Is too easy and boring and the teacher just sits on his *** and does nothing. The students grade tests,quizzes,Projects, and so on. He does nothing. He explain nothing. He is bald. He talks weird with a horrible accent. Man I need to get ouf of this place. I am about to burst out in anger and beat the **** out of the math teacher. If anyone had it as bad as me I bet they would be in rage as I am. I didn't include everything bad because that would take me days but I think you people got how bad is here. May 30 is Lucky. I get out sometime in June. So far away with this new teacher we had for 1 quarter.:flaming: :devil: That was a lot of complaining I did.
  9. I downloaded music a few times in my life. I really don't think is fare for the artist but the guy isn't making money of for letting people download it from him so is not awful that people download music. But the artist does loose money so is unfair to the artists.
  10. Thank you for the answer. My next question is what is the name of kenshin? Is kenshin his name and Himura last name or Himura last name and Kenshin first name?
  11. Well since I am not in High school I wouldn't know but that doesn't sound too bad. Also sounds like she deserves at least some punishment. Not saying anything harsh because I don't believe in those unless someone is hurt physicaly or killed. Maybe detention for a while is fair enough as the punishment.
  12. I am not sure what religion I should choose or be so the bible for right now wouldn't be much of a book to read considering I am trying to choose a religion that feels right. I want to learn about buddhist and other religions to see which one is right. However I am catholic or something like that right now. But this topic is turning to religion. Might want to go back on the books and less religion.
  13. I am not sure if it goes here but here it goes.In Trigun what was today's episode about? Was it a continue or did it start over? If it didn't I kinda missed the beggining and don't know what happened. Spoilers are welcomed. Thanks for anyone who answers this.
  14. Might wanna check out Japan forums or places that have them such as GameFaqs has Japan forums and probably those Japanese people who speak English can tell you more about it then most of the people here. Good luck with the report!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]Shall not pass...heheh. Tis very funny.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I taught Tis was it is nowadays. I used Tis a few times because of reading old books with that kind of grammar. Anyway enough of that. I think the story is good. Kinda humorous at the same time. Good work and EXCELLENT compare to all my crappy stories I done in my life for school needs.All the stories I did were awful:bawl: . I think is a good talent that some people have. I admire people who can make good stories that are not boring.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Really...would you happen to live in Texas by any chance? [/B][/QUOTE] No I don't live in Texas but I was serious when I said I had the same problem. My math teacher is the worst freaking teacher I had in all my years of school. The principal fired our original math teacher which was a cool teacher because she disliked the math teacher. She replaced him with this freaking idiot who does nothing but tell us to do stuff while he sits and on a chair doing nothing or going on the internet to do something and never helps anyone who needs help so people usually help each other because the lazy *** sits on a chair for every period doing nothing and giving students orders.:flaming: Besides it looks like your torture is almost over in late May while I have to keep suffering some more time during June.
  17. :eek: :eek: You joking about the bible? Or are you serious? I mean not even the very religious people I know read the bible and I mean they never missed one day of church. Wow somethings just amaze me. Well is nice to know that someone uses the bible once in a while if is true.
  18. No matter how much people tell me that Gundam Wing is better than G Gundam is not in my opinion. G Gundam was the first serious I watched and my favorite of what I see from Gundam. I like the story best in G Gundam you can say because that is more my kinda taste then the rest of the Gundam series.
  19. Well I am not much of a reader but I had a good time with Holes because it was entertaining in my opinion. I would like some replies also to know some good books that are out there considering I have a hard time finding them.:)
  20. Thanks for clearing that up. I guess I should give a shot to the other .hack's and watch them and see how they compare to .hack//sign, which I think was great by the way.
  21. That is the stupidest thing I have heard someone being arrested for. Is his life, is his responsibility, and is his choice to make wether to rescue the dog or not. I seriously think the Police are wrong.:flaming:
  22. I like many so I don't really have a favorite however I like a lot how the Ferrari looks so I just voted to one of the first cars that came to mind that I like. I just voted because of how it looks even though I like a bunch of cars besides the Ferrari.
  23. In my opinion you did the right thing. You were nice without prejudging her. You did good and you only lost $5. It wasn't that much lost and I would have probably done the same. Tip: Next time make sure the doors are lock. You never know if is a robber or something. I am 13 and stay 10hrs a day alone or more on weekends. I lock them even though the neighborhood I live on is pretty good, I don't want to take risks and regret it later.
  24. Sorry I don't know much about the series and would like to know this since I saw the whole .hack//sign episodes.
  25. Yeah I do read the rules. OK I can resize it. I am however thinking of changing the sig.
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