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Everything posted by goramathemole

  1. I saw the movie it was ok...
  2. Obelisk the Tormentor Group: Divine/Effect Type: LIGHT Level:10 Atk: 4000 Def: 4000 You must offer 3 monsters as a Tribute to summon this monster. When Obelisk the Tormentor is summoned, you may offer 2 monsters from the field or your hand as a tribute to destroy all monsters on your opponent's side of the field and inflict 4000 points of direct damage to your opponent.
  3. Winged Dragon of Ra Group: Divine/Effect Type: LIGHT Level:10 Atk: ???? Def: ???? You must offer 3 monsters as a Tribute to summon this monster. Winged Dragon of Ra's attack and defense are equal to the total amount of attack and defense of the monsters tributed to summon this monster. You may reduce your life points to 1 to add the total amount of life points payed to Winged Dragon of Ra's attack power. You may also pay 1000 life points to destroy any monster on the field.
  4. Slifer the Sky Dragon Group: Divine/Effect Type: LIGHT Level:10 Atk: X000 Def: X000 You must offer 3 monsters as a Tribute to summon this monster. As long as Slifer the Sky Dragon remains face up on the field, your opponent cannot set monsters, but he/she can summon them in face-up Defense Position. All monsters summoned by your opponent receive 2000 points of damage. X equals the amount of cards in your hand.
  5. :D I will tell you [SIZE=3]anything[/SIZE] ther is to know about yu-gi-oh cards all u have to do is ask me :smirk: :D [SIZE=3]anything[/SIZE]
  6. MY deck sucks but i can beat everyone I duel Monster Removal Tributes:8 Summond Skull Swordstalkerx2 Twin-Headed Fire Dragon Empress Mantis Illusonist Faceless Mage Monsters:17 Hane-Hanex2 Hysteric Fairyx2 The Forgiving Maidenx2 Prevent Ratx2 Skull Mariner Harpie's Brother Pale Beast Aqua Spirt Sprit Of Flames Overdrive The Stern Mystic Man-Eater Bug Ryu-Kishin Powered Magic Cards:9 Legendary Sword Sword Of Dark Dustruction Monster Reborn Change of Heart Shield & Sword Sword of Deep-Seated Darkness approaches Dark Energy Insect Imataion Trap:7 Reverse Trap Light of Intervention Mystic Probe Time Seal Reinforcements infinete Dismissal Dragon Capture Jar
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