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Everything posted by Ellerby

  1. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Everyone but Warp and Novus stumbled a bit as Warps teleport ended - a few people falling to their knees, completely disoriented by the trip. Cody felt his head spinning while he tried to find solid ground, fumbling over his own feet. A few seconds later everyone had re-adjusted themselves and were ready to take on the Blanks up ahead. The group was crouched around the corner in an empty room to the behind the staircase. Cody peeked around the corner. There were two Blanks standing at the staircase railings keeping a close eye on the stairs while a third Blank patrolled two flights of stairs. [b]"Okay, we want to take care of this as quietly as possible. No need to give away our position."[/b] Novus stated. Warp couldn't help but smirk. [b]"I can always move the group again if that happens."[/b] he said, Novus merely shook his head in reply. [b]"That would only be a short-term solution. Unless Starlighter has informed all of the Blanks in the building of our arrival - they probably only think Magnus is here. We need to use that to our advantage. The longer they think Magnus is alone the better."[/b] Novus explained. The group nodded understandingly. [b]"Alright,"[/b] Cody stood up and cracked his knuckles. [b]"I've got this one. You guys stay here."[/b] Cody was about to waltz around the corner when Novus grabbed the back of his uniform and pulled him back into the group forcing a few others to catch him. [b]"I don't care what you have planned Critter, you're not going in there alone."[/b] he said sternly. Cody sighed and looked at the group. All of them look ready and willing to kick Blank ass, but Cody had already thought up a plan. He snapped his finger and pointed at Addley. [b]"Addle-- I mean Warp, can you do that wormhole thing again?"[/b] Addley nodded. [b]"Okay, I'm going to make these Blanks fall pretty quickly... Can you catch them in a wormhole and drop them around this corner so it doesn't alarm the Blank on the stairs?"[/b] [b]"Well, yeah I suppose but I should really conserve my energy--"[/b] [b]"Awesome, here I go!"[/b] Critter leapt from behind the corner faster than anyone could react to stop him. Everyone poked their heads around the corner expecting to see a full grown man sneaking up on the two henchmen. Instead all they saw was a tiny black frog with bright yellow markings hopping quietly towards them. Critter slowly made his way towards the pant leg of the Blank on the right - completely unnoticed. Phoenix scoughed at the frog. [b]"What's a stupid little toad going to do?"[/b] she said, rolling her eyes. She pulled her head back from peeking and leaned against the wall, flicking her lighter. [b]"Let me know when it's ov--"[/b] Phoenix was interrupted by the thud of a paralyzed blank falling directly behind the group. She jolted and looked around the corner again. One Blank had already been taken care of and she could just make out frog-Critter latching onto the neck of the other. The Blank seemed to have noticed the sudden disappearance of his partner, but he was grasping at his throat as if he couldn't talk or breathe. A few seconds later the man fainted falling directly backwards. Warp stuck out his right hand pointing his open palm at the ground where the man would land. A large wormhole opened up and swallowed him whole, closing behind him instantly. With his other hand Warp opened a wormhole behind the group in the air and the Blank dropped down, this time being caught by Novus who laid him on the ground gently as not to make another loud thud. Critter leapt off the neck of the second Blank and morphed back into Human form, a large smirk across his face. [b]"That wasn't so bad was it?"[/b] he said. The rest of the group stood on their feet, stretching their muscles after crouching around the corner for so long. Phoenix patted Critter on the shoulder. [b]"Not bad toad-boy."[/b] she winked. Critter gritted his teeth and mumbled to himself. "[i]Well, actually it's a Poison Dart [b]Frog[/b]--[/i]" [b]"Okay, we still need to take care of this patrol on the stairs before we move the next level. Preferably in the next... minute."[/b] Novus said. Critter gave him a confused look. [b]"Why a minute?"[/b] Critter asked. [b]"That's how long it'll take him to reach the top of his stairs."[/b] Novus explained. [b]"If he does, he's going to notice his friends are missing. 40 seconds now."[/b][/font][/color]
  2. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Don't worry Lawliet I'll be using Poison not Grass. XD My Grass team isn't quite finished. Figured I should pop in and post my team/friend code. Tentacruel Venasaur Weezing Nidoking Crobat Gengar [b]Friend Code:[/b] 2923 8636 0212[/font][/color]
  3. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I've actually got a level 60 Poison team good to go (I was originally going to use it for the tournament but then decided on Grass). I could take Fancies spot if you want - if that's alright with everyone.[/font][/color]
  4. If you ever step on my patch I'll bring you down

  5. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Good luck everyone! I look forward to seeing the results. [/font][/color]
  6. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1316043487' post='709448'] AHEM. [spoiler]It seems that Meowth is no longer part of Team Rocket. He's with Ash, Cilan and Iris. I THINK MY EAR CANALS JUST FILLED WITH BLOOD.[/spoiler] [/quote] [img]http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/4/Srsly.jpg[/img] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]That kind of blows my mind. On another note I'm seeing [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfTabqkGLUQ&ob=av3n]Protest the Hero[/url] in [b]8 [/b]days. So excite. :> Ooohh, and I'm not trying to start a religious debate here or anything but I recently watched [b]Curiosity: Did God create the Universe?[/b] and it was really quite fascinating. I encourage all you non-religious folk to check it out. Or even if you are religious you may find it interesting.[/font][/color]
  7. [quote name='Vicky' timestamp='1316020679' post='709437'] [url=http://postimage.org/image/bx0k1u2s/][img]http://s3.postimage.org/bx0k1u2s/291580_10150220999257706_695717705_6527511_56255.jpg[/img][/url] Rollin' roll ups 'cause I'm poor like that. [/quote] [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]Bwahahaha, respect for rolling standing up... I always need a solid surface (though tobacco is not my thing). I suppose I'm overdue for a post here. This first one (the most recent) was after a long day of filming so I was really sweaty from all the film lights. I was actually looking at the video camera so I had no idea my picture was being taken. Crazy high quality too. o_o [url=http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/3557/me2hp.jpg]Filming[/url] These next ones are just from a recording session a while back. [url=http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/9493/me3ex.jpg]Recooowdin'[/url] And this is my brother and I at a "fancy dinner party." [url=http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/5995/me4r.jpg]Fancy Shmancy[/url][/color][/font]
  8. [quote name='Petie' timestamp='1316132772' post='709460'] [color="#0000ff"]If I remember correctly (admittedly, I'm too lazy to go back and read right now), that was a debate when we thought a custom gallery was possible. To the best of my memory, there is currently no way to actually create that custom gallery though and multiple software updates haven't changed that fact. I'll go have another look but I'm pretty sure that was the real issue.[/color] [/quote][color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"] Well, what I mean is we could just create the "custom gallery" in the form of a stickied thread (Art Studio) and link new members to that instead of stressing over having the entire thing built-in to the profile options (which - as you said - doesn't seem to be possible right now). This is assuming it[i] is [/i]possible to extend the dimensions of the current avatar restraints (which I don't think anyone has said can't be done). [b]EDIT:[/b] I honestly didn't mean to resurrect this thread, I saw it on the front page and thought it was fairly recent. Now I'm noticing the last post before mine was a year ago, hehe. Oops. >_<[/font][/color]
  9. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Oh, Pumpkin. You've got to be the only person that makes regular use of Art by Request. <3 I decided to give this one a shot, mostly to keep CaNz from having all the fun. ;) I made 2 avatars in case you wanted to use the P instead of your full name in the avatar (like the cool kids do). [center][img]http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/6794/pumpkin2v.jpg[/img] [img]http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/4971/pumpkin1f.jpg[/img] [img]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/9010/pumpkinh.jpg[/img][/center] If you do choose these ones, let me know if you'd like any alterations. ^^[/font][/color]
  10. [quote name='James' timestamp='1287961882' post='701282'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]For the time being, yes. I have asked both Des and Petie to look at this a couple of times, but we can't get it to work. The site clearly shows that multiple galleries can be used, but there doesn't seem to be any location in the back end to actually generate multiple galleries. I think this is a pretty significant problem, but at this point I'm not sure what we can do about it. The only other thing I can think of is to double-check the IPBoard resources center to see if they have any recommendations that we've missed. We will take a look at that.[/font] [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Perhaps I've misread the thread but it seems to me the only remaining issue here is not having a gallery for both sized avatars. If that's the case, why don't we just create a temporary gallery thread in the Art Studio similar to the avatar submission thread? You could have the regular gallery available built-in (the way it is now), and you could [i]somehow[/i] link new members to the avatar thread where there would be many more avatars of all sizes for them to choose from (perhaps a link in the welcome e-mail, or just make it a sticky/news post). Then Citric gets her 150x150 avatars, and Petie and Des are free to work at the gallery thing stress-free for as long as they need. ^_^[/font][/color]
  11. Survivor tomorrow @______@ so excite~~~

    1. Ellerby


      Err wednesday - not tomorrow. STILL, THOUGH.

  12. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I can't believe this game hasn't been mentioned here as I'm sure we have a lot of Star Wars fans on OtakuBoards. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lrk2BE4Tqc[/media] I can't wait to get my hands on my Bounty Hunter. :3 The only game I'm looking forward to more than Old Republic is... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz7Cug5TtfU[/media] Sonic Generations. I get excited and let down by about every Sonic game that comes out (except Sonic 4 which was surprisingly good) so I'm not going to get my hopes up but it [i]does[/i] look like a step in the right direction. And just typing the name of the game reminded me of one other I'm looking forward to, lol. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlrHDJb0lCs[/media] For all you Naruto fans Ninja Storm is hands down the best franchise based on the series. The fights are fast and fluid, the gameplay is simple to understand yet difficult to master and the art style is just spot on. Two of my Naruto fan-friends of mine and myself have been playing these games religiously since the first one came out and I can't [i]wait[/i] for the new one. I'm hoping they include all the characters from the [spoiler]on-going Ninja War arc[/spoiler]. I don't think I've ever played a game so much as I have the second Ninja Storm. We do at least 30 matches every time we play, around 70 when it's all 3 of us and we've been doing this for a [i]while[/i]. Normally I don't like to toot my own horn, but all 3 of us [i]own[/i] at this game so if any of you are up for a challenge and own it on PS3 add me (Nederby) and toss me a challenge.[/font][/color]
  13. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1314303342' post='709105'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Welp, I beat [b]Super Mario RPG[/b] the other day, finally. Great, great game. I miss it. ;~;[/color][/font] [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Ohh grats! My friends keeps bugging me to play through that, heh. I'm currently playing the crap out of [b]Team Fortress 2[/b] because it's now [b]free[/b]. In about 2 weeks I put more hours into TF2 than it took me to beat Mass Efffect 2, which I think is pretty awesome considering how huge ME2 is in comparison. [b]Replay value[/b] [size="4"]FTW[/size]. Seriously, I just love being a Spy. I've put 8 hours into Spy alone (best is 15 points in one round, 4 backstabs in one life). I'm not the greatest at it but I'm definitely improving. I find spy to the most rewarding class as it's arguably the most difficult. You can't just run into a group of enemies clicking down a single button and rake in the kills *cough*[size="1"]pyro[/size]*cough.* You have to constantly be aware of your surroundings and be outsmarting your enemy (especially those pesky engineers). There's[i] nothing[/i] more satisfying than backstabbing an engineer and sapping his turret before it gets a chance to turn and shoot you. And it's nice to see Deus Ex is living up to all the hype. Attention to detail is one thing I love in my games so I may have to try it out (it's the little things that add up, y'know?). [/font][/color]
  14. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I've only watched the first 5 episodes so I can't really comment on the series as a whole but I had to vote for Dragon Kid just because everytime she shows up she wastes no time and kicks serious ass. Such a refreshing series, though.[/font][/color]
  15. New VG with Lyrics video is up! Support your fellow OBer on YouTube and check out my latest post in Hardwired ^_^

    1. Boo



  16. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I'm afraid I'm going to have to back out this time around. Unfortunately I've not had the time or motivation to get my team prepared. Next time, though! Sorry for the inconvenience. >.<[/font][/color]
  17. Need ideas for VG with lyrics! Check thread in hardwired ^^

  18. [quote name='DeLarge' timestamp='1314821183' post='709197'] Sorry to see you go. I'll try not to be too horrible to Derek in the near future! [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Can I have his dog? lol[/font][/color]
  19. [center][img]http://wotan.liu.edu/home/ashmar/videogames.jpg[/img][/center] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]You may or may not have heard of [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/brentalfloss#p/u]brentalfloss[/url] on YouTube before. Basically he takes video game songs and puts his own lyrics over them. It started with a [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL30lU26egw&feature=channel_video_title]Megaman song[/url] and his popularity on YouTube just exploded from then on. Unfortunately he's now so busy with his internet stardom that he rarely does the actual videos anymore (there's about 4-6 months between each one) so I decided I would follow in his footsteps and do something similar. The channel you'll find the video on (which I'll link down below) is "JustUsBrothers" which is a channel my brother and I have created to upload our musical stuff. Aside from the with lyrics videos that I'll be making, there will be covers (mostly drums) of songs (mainstream, video game, and even movie soundtracks) as well as our own original songs. So I finished the first With Lyrics video a few days ago for [b]Shadow of the Colossus[/b]. Tell me what you think! Also if you have any ideas as to what video game song I should next, please suggest! I'm thinking of doing a Donkey Kong rap to [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j94t_nQJcLY&feature=related]Jungle Groove[/url] next. So without further ado I am proud to present to you [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9e4RsSK-XY&feature=channel_video_title][b][color="#48D1CC"]Shadow of the Colossus with Lyrics - The Opened Way[/color][/b][/url]. Please Like or Favourite if you enjoyed it and show it to your friends! ^_^[/font][/color]
  20. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Cody made his way from the infirmary to his room just down the hall and around the corner. He took a moment and ran his hand across his embossed codename on the door. [i]Critter, eh? So far I can only turn into three animals... only one of which is a critter by definition. Surely I can obtain more forms.[/i] he dropped his hand to the doorknob and walked into his very plain but quaint room. He grabbed his dossier from the desk next to his bed and opened it up to the first page, skimming past the parts he had read before it was updated. [i]Power Level 3. Below-average strength in Human form but incredible strength in Gorilla form. Subject has exceptional control over their ability but lacks variety. The more forms the subject obtains the higher their power level will become, pending how strategic they are with said forms.[/i] [b]"Lacks variety?"[/b] Cody scoffed and threw the folder onto his desk. He slumped onto his bed and flopped backward staring at the ceiling. [b]"How am I supposed to obtain more forms if none of these animals will lend me their power?"[/b] Cody reflected on the three animal contracts he'd obtained over the past decade. The Gorilla Spirit had come to him as a child in a time of need while the Cheetah Spirit actually found Cody shortly after that incident, eager to lend his power. The Tarantula contract, on the other hand, had proven to be the most difficult to get. It was the first time Cody had ever entered the spirit world intentionally as the other two times were triggered by the animals and not himself. He remembered wandering through a mist of blue and pink for a long time, images of opaque animals rushing past him before finally everything went black and a small blue ghost of a tarantula stood at his feet. The Tarantula basically interviewed Cody, asking him why he wanted his power and what he would be doing with it. The two talked for an hour before Cody finally convinced the Tarantula to lend him his power, promising never to tarnish the pride of the spider and to never use the power for evil. The final words of the Tarantula spirit echoed in Cody's head. [i]Should you ever kill an innocent with the power of the spider, I -Je'tala, the Spider Lord- [i]will[/i] find and punish you.[/i] Cody shuddered at the thought of the spirit of a spider lord coming for him but was grateful for the contract. The Tarantula had proven useful as a "stealth mode" for Cody. That was also the day Cody realized each animal was represented by a Spirit Lord. Some were male (their spirit being completely blue) while others were female (their spirits being pink). Other times there were two Lords, one of each gender. Cody wondered if there was a Human Spirit Lord but quickly shrugged off the idea. If there was, he'd know about it. He sat upright and took a deep breathe. It was time to enter the Spirit World once again and find a new contract. If he was lucky, he'd have a new form for the training session with McKnight. Cody closed his eyes and clasped his hands together as if he were praying. He attempted to reach outwards to the animal spirits, but nothing happened. He couldn't even feel the presence of the bird perched outside his window, which he normally would've felt subconsciously. It was then that he realized he couldn't feel [i]any[/i] animals [i]anywhere[/i]. [b]"Ah ****."[/b] Cody felt the back of his neck and tapped the power limiter latched onto it. [b]"How am I supposed to accomplish anything with this stupid thing on all the time?"[/b] Cody sighed and flopped onto his bed again, worn out from attempting to tap into the spirit world and failing. He didn't like that he was getting used to [i]not[/i] constantly feeling the presence of animals. He'd never felt more alone before than now. [i]Well, I can't go there now but I should consider what animal form would be useful to have. Maybe if I go into the Spirit World knowing what I'm looking for I'll find it much quicker.[/i] Cody thought. He went over this three contracts. [i]Let's see... There's Gorilla, my power house. I can fight anyone and anything as him. Tarantula is great for getting behind enemy lines and the Cheetah is a the perfect travel form. What more do I need?[/i] He remembered the way he'd brutally murdered the man as a Gorilla and winced with guilt. [i]Maybe an animal that can incapacitate enemies without killing them...[/i] For a moment he considered using the web of the Tarantula but quickly scrapped the idea. [i]That would take way too long...[/i] He got up from his bed and sat down at his desk, opening his provided laptop. He opened up a search engine and typed "animals that can paralyze" into the search field, clicking the Wikipedia link for paralysis near the top. He scrolled down to "paralysis in the animal kingdom" and began reading the entry aloud to himself. [b]"Many animal species use paralyzing toxins to capture prey, evade predation, or both. Perfect!"[/b] he skimmed past the part about poisonous fish and toads, not looking to cause permanent damage to anyone. He gagged at a part about wasps paralyzing grasshoppers, bringing them into the nest and injecting her eggs into the poor grasshopper who would then be devoured by the hatching maggots. [b]"The **** nature..."[/b] and then he saw exactly what he was looking for. [b]"Many snakes also exhibit powerful neurotoxins that can cause [i]non-permanent[/i] paralysis or death. Brilliant!"[/b] Cody exclaimed, reading more into neurotoxins and snakes. [i]How did I not think of snakes before? Sneaky bastards.[/i] he then continued to read into different kinds of snakes, trying to find one that wouldn't cause death shortly after a bite.[/font][/color]
  21. [quote name='DeLarge' timestamp='1314716978' post='709172'] Things have been looking a little quiet, is everybody still in? I understand that some of you have other commitments, and it's coming back round to a busy time of year, but everyone seems to have disappeared and I'm a little concerned. I've seen enough good RPs die around here and I'm determined to see this one through to the end. On another note, I'm moving into a new flat so I'm going to be without internet for a few days from Thursday onwards. If you have any questions or problems then please get them to me before Thursday and I will answer them, I'm hoping to see a bit more movement on this by the time I get my internet connection sorted. [/quote][color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"] I'm on it like a hobo on a ham sandwhich.[/font][/color]
  22. Wonders if the status updates have a swear fitler. I ******* hate dubstep.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. PiroMunkie


      You can play dubstep "unplugged" by playing a didgeridoo.

    3. James


      Oh god, please don't abuse a didgeridoo like that (I don't mind dubstep, but... no).

    4. Ellerby


      LOL PiroMunkie it's scary how true that is.

  23. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]Sorry I haven't posted yet, I've been incredibly busy the past week. I'm filming a web series and we're rushing to get it done before one of the actors leaves for school. The last film day is Monday so I [i]should[/i] have a post up then. If not then Tuesday.[/color][/font]
  24. Beat Mass Effect 2, such an awesome game.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Boo


      Yes! And so are you! Nice to see you too, mr James.

    3. James


      Thank you. ^_^

    4. James


      Hehe, between DA and kuji, we're having such a huge oldie revival at the moment. All thanks to one man, too. ;-)

  25. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I'm a little confused as to what we're supposed to be posting about right now. Are we posting the training sessions with McKnight or just PMing Gavin information and having him post it? Or a bit of column A and B?[/font][/color]
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