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Everything posted by Ellerby

  1. [size="4"][center][b]//[/b]TWO WEEKS AGO[b]//[/b][/center][/size] [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]A gentle breeze passed through the oaks of the forest Cody sat in. He sat high in a tree, his back against the trunk, reading a novel he'd just loaned out from the library. It's true it wasn't the most comfortable reading spot, but Cody simply enjoyed the ambiance of the forest and its inhabitants. Here there was nothing to distract him from his reading and on the off occasion that his eyes left the pages of the book to ponder something, they'd be greeted with the beauty of the blossoming oaks. His reading was interrupted by a flock of birds suddenly fleeing a nearby tree. Under normal circumstances one would think nothing of this, but Cody knew better. He knew the only thing big enough in the forest to scare those birds off were humans, and he was miles and miles away from the city. Cody closed his book and placed it in the satchel he'd hung on a higher branch. He threw the satchel over his shoulder and crept forward on the branch he sat on, keeping sure the leaves of the tree covered him entirely. Not a moment later Cody caught a glimpse of a man walking into the clearing beneath him. He wore a black business suit and dark black shades with slicked back blonde hair. Two more men followed from behind him, both dressed similarly. The one in the back held some sort of gun, though it didn't look lethal. Cody shuffled backward against the trunk of the tree, hugging his satchel tightly against his chest. [i]Could they be here for me? What did I do?![/i] Cody thought. He looked around nervously for a way to escape unnoticed but it was to no avail, he was far too high in the tree. He could hear the men talking to each other below. [b]"Are you sure this is the place?"[/b] the blonde one asked. The man with the gun replied reassuringly, [b]"I'm sure. We have it on record this is his favorite spot to come to."[/b] Cody felt his heart drop when he heard those words. They were definitely here for him. [i]But how did they know...?[/i] Cody tried to shift backwards more, pushing at the branch with his legs but he was already up against the trunk as much as possible. [i]****. ****. ****![/i] He panicked. Cody jumped to his feet and began to climb higher but after only a few branches up, he made a fatal misstep breaking a small twig off the tree. He caught himself in time not to fall, but he could not say the same for the falling stick. It took four seconds for the twig to fall from where Cody was onto the head of the blonde agent. He swiped the twig from his air and immediately glared upwards at Cody, who stared back down at him like a deer in headlights. The man pointed at Cody yelling, [b]"There he is! Get him![/b] The man behind the blonde who did not hold the gun began attempting to climb the tree while the armed on aimed at Cody from the ground. [b]"Come down or I'll shoot!"[/b] he yelled. Cody hugged the trunk of the tree and yelled back down to them. [b]"Why? What have I done?"[/b] the man climbing the tree was now halfway to Cody who was completely fixated on the man with the gun. [b]"We just want to talk, don't make this difficult."[/b] the blonde spoke up. He seemed honest enough and if it weren't for the man pointing the gun at his head Cody might have believed him. [b]"Tell him to put the gun do-- WAH!"[/b] Cody yelped as the man who had been climbing the whole time grabbed the boys left ankle, attempting to pull him down. Cody stomped at the mans hand with his right foot, trying to pull his ankle away from his grasp. As he stomped down a seventh time he felt the branch supporting him crack and he stopped. The man let go of his ankle and stopped as well. The two of them shared a worried expression as the branch began the groan and collapse. Cody reached to grab from a higher branch but was not quick enough. The limb he'd been standing on, the one the man held onto with his right as he clenched Cody's ankle with his left, completely gave way sending the two toppling down the tree. As Cody fell his body began to shrink and mold incredibly fast into that of a red squirrel. Before hitting the ground, he reached out his claws and dug them into the trunk of the tree letting them scrape into the bark, slowing him down to a hault. The man who'd climbed after him rocketed past the rodent landing on the ground with a loud thump followed by all the leaves and twigs that had broken on his way down. Cody lept from the trunk of the tree to the ground and began to make a dash for the brush of the forest. [b]"Where'd he go?! Where'd the boy go?!"[/b] the blonde one shouted, looking around frantically. He spotted Cody halfway to the bush screamed at his partner to shoot him as he pulled out his own gun. [b]"The squirrel! Get the squirrel!"[/b] Cody looked back seeing the two men drawing their guns on him and let out a faint squeak, dashing forward with all his might. The blonde shot first, the dart just narrowly missing Cody's tail, zipping past and stabbing the ground beside him as he ran. The other agent took more careful aim and just as Cody thought he was free, inches away from the underbrush, the dart jutted into his thigh causing him to slow to a crawl. He fell on his slide, falling into a deep sleep as his body changed from a squirrel to that of a naked young man.[/color][/font] [size="4"][center][b]//[/b]PRESENT DAY[b]//[/b][/center][/size] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][b]"My name is Cody Aneel."[/b] Cody finally spoke up. He'd been keeping quiet the entire time, taking in his surroundings and the slew of new information. [b]"And I don't know about you guys, but as much as I don't care for the Geist guys they are right about one thing."[/b] he said. The man who'd introduced himself as Tyler replied, [b]"What's that?"[/b] [b]"The Big Five. They need to be stopped."[/b] he said. Everyone shared the same solemn expression in reply. The one that felt the weight of the world on their shoulders. It was the dark-skinned man, Slate, who stood next to Cody. [b]"He's right. The Big Five used to be heroes and now they've stooped to nothing but lowly criminals."[/b] Slate said. Riona nodded. [b]"I used to have some respect for those assholes. Before they went rogue."[/b] she spat.[/font][/color]
  2. LOL WOW I'm pretty pro at the interwebs, clearly

  3. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I'll just leave this here... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bjkM_y-Wps[/media][/font][/color]
  4. For sure :p I just blogged my very first ever attempt at a meme/troll comic. So bad. XD BUT CHECK IT OUT


  6. Anyone who remembers this name gets a free cookie :>

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Gavin


      *Noms his free oldie cookie*

    3. Ellerby


      I'm running out of cookies.

    4. Lyndy


      If you run out of cookies, steal OtakuBoards' cake.

  7. Saw Super 8 last night. Love, love, loved it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ellerby


      It's hard to describe... It's like a Mystery/Sci-Fi/Adventure from the perspective of a group of kids set in the mid 70s. Kind of like a modern crossover of E.T. and The Goonies.

    3. Akieen Cloud

      Akieen Cloud

      Hmmm, sounds interesting. Loved ET and I loved the Goonies. Might have to check it out than. lol

    4. Gavin


      Have been considering going to see it but like KG, trailer was a bit hard to judge from. Might give it a go though.

  8. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][b]Subject Number: [/b]#006 [b]Real Name:[/b] Cody Aneel [b]Codename:[/b] Critter [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Appearance:[/b] See attached. Subject is 5'7" with a slim, slightly athletic build. He has pale white skin and shaggy dark brown hair and hazelnut coloured eyes. He regularly wears a plain white T-shirt and dark blue denim pants. [b]Personality:[/b] Subject #006 may seem quiet and collected at first, but Subject has proven to wield a silver tongue and will try to talk his way in and out of many situations. He's quite witty and while he prefers not to be the center of attention, he enjoys mocking people he doesn't like and egging them on. Subject places high value in friendship and loyalty, possibly influenced by his connection with animals. Generally keeps to himself and only speaks when he feels its of utmost importance. As mentioned, Subject has a seemingly deep connection with the Earth and the animal kingdom. He gets aggravated easy if he feels either has been offended. Topics such as gloobal warming, pollution, animal extinction and animal hunting are to be avoided at all times around Subject #006. He [i]will[/i] go off the deep end. [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Animal Morphing - Subject #006 retains the uncanny ability to shapeshift into the form of any animal he pleases. He claims he can "sense" the presence of the animals spirits in the world, and simply needs to ask their permission to tap into their power. Once he's asked an animals permission he needs not do it a second time. The animals he can turn into is limited not by their size, but how close the anatomy of the animal is to a human. For example, it's just as hard for him to morph into a whale as it is a flea, but a gorilla is an easy task. Subject also says he's been denied permission from various animals who aren't trusting of him. When asked how the commutation between him and the animals works, Subject described the communication in the "spirit world" as a sort of telepathy, but much more primal and instinctive. Tapping into this other "world" Subject [i]claims[/i] exists does seem to drain a considerable amount of his energy. Therefore he cannot regularly speak with animals this way unless he turns into the same animal and speaks their language. He calls getting the permission of an animal gaining its "contract" and after 10 years of having this ability he's only obtained 3 contracts. [b]Other Skills:[/b] Subject is quick with his words and just as quick on his feet. He's no fighter, but he has good reflexes and can run fairly fast. [b]Writing Snippet:[/b] A young boy panted heavily as he ran as fast he could through a large corn field in the pitch black of night. Holding a pile of various vegetables in one arm, he brushed away the foliage with the other constantly looking back to see how close his pursuer was. The barking of a wolf could be heard not far behind him, quickly making up ground on the boy. After about a minute of running, the boy spotted the edge of the corn field that led into the forest and found the last of his adrenaline to boost himself out of the field. Just as he cleared the last of the corn, he tripped on a protruding tree root and slammed into the ground, the vegetables he'd stolen rolling away on the dirty forest floor. The patter of the wolves paws grew louder and louder. The boy scrambled to get up, backing away from the corn field nervously, still sitting on his hind. Before he could get back on two feet, the beast emerged from the brush, walking slowly toward the boy. It was a dark gray wolf with yellow eyes that pierced the boys soul. As the beast stepped closer and closer the boy scurried backwards further and further before backing right into a tree trunk. He dared not stand and run, completely instilled with fear. He closed his eyes covering his face with his arms, readying himself for death. And then time itself seemed to slow to a stop. In an instant the boy could feel every living creature on the planet, their hearts beating as one. Pink and blue flashes of opaque animals blurred past the boy vision faster than he could realize as if someone were shooting them at his face through a hose. The rushing came to a sudden stop and the image of an angry gorilla raising its arms flashed in the boys head before his eyes shot open. In one fluid motion the boy stood up raising his arms, his shape morphing into that of a large gorilla. His clothes tore apart as his body grew larger and heavier. When he finished morphing the only clothes that remained were his tattered plaid boxers. He thrusted his muscular monkey arms into the air and let out an intimidating roar that sent the wolf whimpering back into the corn field. As quickly as he'd stood up, the boy fell back down to his knees, his body morphing back into that of a nearly naked human. The boy fell unconscious before he hit the ground, waking up the next morning in the middle of the forest in just his boxers.[/font][/color]
  9. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I'm getting owned left, right and center. You guys are mean. D:[/font][/color]
  10. Just saw Tangled. It's good to know Walt Disney can still make a good animated film without the help of Pixar. IMO Disney's last good animated film was Treasure Planet. The Princess and the Frog was just disappointing.

  11. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]My friend showed me this awesome avant-garde metal band called [b][i]Diablo Swing Orchestra[/i][/b]. As their name suggests, they're basically a miniature metal swing orchestra. They're pretty rad. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnb8x0JMZ_g&feature=related[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsmAF9cVPm4&feature=related[/media] I couldn't decide between them. ._. I've also been listening to some Blockhead (hip hop/electronica, totally different from DSO). This song reminds me so much of Little Big Planet. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33_YcSWrRjE[/media][/font][/color]
  12. Your turn to post in Digidigi :>

    There's also a new post in the backstage concerning future plot shtuff.

  13. [quote name='Vongola' timestamp='1309243003' post='708182'] [font="Garamond"][size="3"]So I really like the Virus-Type digimon running amok and altering the type of other digimon angle, so I wanted to propose two digimon for possible future enemies, as well as a possible explanation for why the virus type are going crazy. The digimon are [url="http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Mephistomon"]Mephistomon[/url], as our "main enemy", whose underlings we'll fight against, and [url="http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Daemon"]Daemon[/url] as our hidden enemy. Mephistomon could have stumbled across where Daemon was exiled from the digital world, and through some process allowed Daemon's wrath and anger out into the digital world, which initially only affects other virus types. However, as they get more belligerent and begin wounding other digimon's digicore, they spread their "Wrath Virus", or something of the like, which infects other digimon. The digidestined could be required to use their digivices to purge the virus from digimon, or maybe find some sort of transmitter within the digital world that they could link their digivices to to expunge the virus. What does everyone think of that? I'm just trying to throw an idea out there to get the creative process going. :][/size][/font] [/quote][color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"] [size="6"]NEW POST: [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/45031-a-digital-adventure/page__view__findpost__p__708246]Clicky clicky[/url][/size] Sounds good! I was thinking of something else when I wrote my newest post because I hadn't read this yet, but it should be fine. Where I have Blackguilmon saying "Bar--" is actually him trying to say [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Barbamon]Barbamon[/url] who I thought would make a good enemy because of his Death Lure attack which allows him to "use its demonic staff "Death Lure" to tempt Digimon into an inescapable living hell,[i] converting them to wickedness[/i]." I'm looking at Daemon and Barbamon and I now realize their both one of the Seven Great Demon Lords (the seven deadly sins as Digimon). Why don't we have Mephistomon as our "main enemy" who, like you said, stumbles across some sort of item or relic that releases[i] all [/i]of the Seven Great Demon Lords powers and influence upon the Digiworld. So we have a mini-journey in finding and killing Mephistomon only to realize that Daemon is the real threat. And then Daemon could just be the[i] first[/i] demon Lord we come across (after we kill him he could reveal he has 6 other brothers waiting to kill us or something). Each Demon Lord would have their own way of converting minions (Daemon's Wrath Virus, Barbamon's Death Lure, etc). The Digital World is enormous so the seven demon lords could influence seven different regions of the Digital World and we'd have to journey from region to region killing underlings, saving Digimon and destroying the "boss" Demon Lord. AND THEN -if we even GO this long, haha- after we defeat the seventh demon lord we could have the Digimon that was pulling the strings from the start emerge. He could have guided Mephistomon to the Relic that released the Seven Great Demon Lords all as part of his uber evil "plan." :p Barbamon is the sin of Greed and Daemon is the sin of Wrath, but some of the other ones don't really fit the sin IMO (like Beelzemon is the sin of gluttony? Wtf?) so we could use different Digimon instead. So I changed "Bar--" to "Dae--" just to confirm that we're in Daemons region.[/font][/color]
  14. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Blackgrowlmon winced in pain as he devolved to his Rookie form, Blackguilmon, in a flash of light. The children's four Digimon stood in front of the beat lizard, glaring him down angrily. The four Digidestined looked on from the sidelines, not sure if the battle was over. The Blackguilmon gave them a sorrowful look and sighed. [b]"Please don't blame me, it's all Dae--"[/b] before he could finish, a pink tentacle whipped out from a nearby tree and wrapped itself around the Blackguilmons neck asphyxiating the lizard, instantly turning him to Digidust. The tentacle quickly retracted as fast as it lashed out leaving four shocked children and four battle-ready rookies. A high-pitched evil laugh echoed from the trees. [b]"No more growling for Blackgrowlmon!"[/b] the creature mocked, safely hidden.[b] "Nyaaa-ack-ack-ack!" [/b]he laughed. Wyatt began to run over to where Falcomon stood. [b]"Falcomon! Are you al--"[/b] another tentacle shot from a nearby bush and dragged Wyatt in faster than anyone could blink. Falcomon jumped to saved him but the tongue lashed out from an above and pulled the bird into a tree from mid-jump. Another annoying laugh from the forest surrounding the children mocked them. [b]"Show yourself! Stop fighting like a coward!"[/b] yelled Edward. Gaomon rushed to his side, ready to fight. The creature laughed yet again. [b]"Coward?! Cowards run away..."[/b] it said. Another pink tentacle grabbed Edwards foot from behind him, and dragged him into the darkness of the forest. Gaomon leaped to grab his partners hand, but fell just short only seeing his partner disappear in the brush. [b]"Eddie!"[/b] Gaomon yelped. Once Eddie had vanished entirely the tentacle lashed out again from the same spot, wrapping itself around Gaomon's entire body and pulling him into the same place. [b]"I'm winning! No need to run!"[/b] the creature spoke from its hiding spot. It let out another annoyingly long and high-pitched laughs before choosing its next victim. [b]"Nyaaaa~ ack-ack-ack-ack!"[/b] Riley and Kincaid backed into each other, frantically looking around the surrounding forest, calling the names of the other two Digidestined. Their Digimon stood by their feet, ready to fight anything that attacked. After a few long minutes of silence the enemy Digimon made its move, slowly emerging from the bush that Riley and Lunamon were facing. He poked his green lizard head out, his spiral eyes spinning slowly. [b]"[i]Wide Eyes[/i]."[/b] he whispered softly, withdrawing his head back into the bushes. Before Riley or Lunamon could call out for help, they fell to the ground instantly falling asleep. Kincaid noticed Riley beginning to collapse in his peripheral vision and immediately pivoted to catch her, saving her from a hard fall. He laid her on the ground while Lunamon simply slept standing. Coronamon shook his Digimon friend to try and wake her but to no avail. Both of them were slumbering in Chameleonmon's hypnosis. [b]"Riley!"[/b] yelled Kincaid, shaking his friend lightly. [b]"Wake up! What happened to them Coronamon?"[/b] Coronamon looked up to Kincaid with a worried expression. [b]"I believe their under some sort of Digimon's spell, but I don't know for sure who that is."[/b] the fiery Digimon said. As if on queue, the creature that had kidnapped their friends finally revealed itself jumping out from the brush across the opening. It was a large light green chameleon creature with red stripes and a dark green shell that covered its head and part of its back. It had a long winding tail and protruding spiral eyes that moved rapidly and randomly. [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/digimon/images/2/2c/Chameleonmon_b.jpg[/img] [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Chameleonmon]Chameleonmon[/url][/center][/font][/color]
  15. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Hey does anybody have an Electrike or Manectric they could trade me? I've got lots of guys to choose from in return. Eevee, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Turtwig, Snivy, Oshawott, Tepig, Aerodactyl, Snorlax... and lots of others. Just ask and I can probably get it, but I have no way of getting a Manectric. >_<;;[/font][/color]
  16. obligatory status update

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lyndy


      non-obligatory comment

    3. Ellerby


      obligatory subtle yet slightly offensive comment on original statement.

  17. Gogo poison battle!

  18. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"][quote name='Morbo' timestamp='1309200595' post='708168'] You didn't hear me saying that against my ice opponent [img]http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/7466/smugu.png[/img] (ultimate smugness) :P [/quote] V_____________V The one guy that could easily take you down and HE's the one that's MIA. [img]http://www.ponychan.net/chan/meta/src/130723350233.jpg[/img][/color][/font]
  19. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1309161889' post='708154'] Anyways, I want to tell everyone I PMed Mr. Noshow, and my schedual is pretty open this week... It would be awesome if he DID show up because I really wanna pulverize some pokemon. [/quote][color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"] Heh, I just finished my [color="#9932CC"]Poison[/color] team as a possible entry for the next tournament. They're all 60 if you wanna battle me after my match tomorrow for fun. ^^[/font][/color]
  20. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Well I'm not saying the fight will be on even ground. O__O;; What I mean to say is I don't think it will be as much of a sweep that you're imagining it to be. I knew STAB existed but I didn't know that's what it was called. I also didn't realize how much it actually adds (x1.5). :o[/font][/color]
  21. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"][quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1309097380' post='708136'] *Grumble* I don't know if this match is going to be fair! [/quote] That's what I thought when I was about to fight Kei (Electric VS Flying) but it actually ended up being a really close match. The sub types make all the difference.[/color][/font]
  22. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Okay, I posted! Good battle everyone. I hope you guys don't mind the whole "plot points" thing. It's mostly for digivolution orders (because I enjoy how they order everything in the show). If you have any issues with the Plot Points thing let me know. Either way it won't be around for the whole RP, just until we get the story rolling and have all digivolved to at least champion. So the way I've set up the next episode is DeLarge will start it, setting up the story for the episode (including some sort of conflict). Then Vongola, Anomaly and myself will post (in no particular order), adding to the episode in whatever way we see fit. And then DeLarge will wrap it up with the 5th post, resolving the conflict with Coronomon's digivolution. As for the story so far what I've thought of is that Virus-type Digimon are suddenly growing more and more vicious and brave and are also turning nearby Data and Vaccine Digimon into Virus-types. Thoughts? Also we need a villain. :>[/font][/color]
  23. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Wyatt watched in awe as one by one, his three friends' partners all changed into stronger versions of themselves in a swirling mass of light. He averted his attention back to the battle where Pinamon bravely pecked on the head of the Goblimon that had called for his friends, latching onto its ears with her tiny bird feet. Wyatt gritted his teeth as the other Digimon battled the other Goblimon as well. Coronamon ducked under a quick Gobli Strike and followed it up with a tackle while his body was engulfed in flames. [b]"Petit Prominence!" [/b]he shouted, sending the Goblimon spiraling into a tree. Coronamon turned and helped Gaomon with the two Goblimons that were keeping him busy, while Lunamon battled with another. All the while, Pinamons Goblimon raced around frantically trying to get the pecking bird off his head. Finally, with one swift Gobli Strike to his own head, Pinamon leapt off just in time to avoid the crushing blow. [b]"Pinamon!"[/b] yelled Wyatt rushing towards the Goblimon. Pinamon stopped charging a Piripri Spark and glanced at Wyatt. [b]"Wyatt get back! I'm alright!"[/b] The Goblimon turned his attention to the shouting blonde haired boy and grinned wickedly. The green monster pulled a bomb out from behind his back and launched a long overhand throw at Wyatt, who was not at all prepared for a bomb to the face. Pinamon leaped towards it, leaping off Goblimons head for extra air to stop the bomb. [b]"Wyatt~!" [/b]she yelled. Suddenly the small bird was engulfed in white light, surrounding her entire body. [b]"Pinamon, digivolve to...!" [/b]The light began to grow, taking on a taller shape than the small ball that was Pinamon. It stood on hind legs, and large winged arms protruded from its body. It slashed its arms in the air, releasing the light encased around it in an instant. [b]"Falcomon!" [/b]she exclaimed, seeing the bomb still flying towards Wyatt. [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101022054818/digimon/images/b/b4/Falcomon_b.jpg[/img] [b]"Falco Rush!"[/b] Falcomon began running on the spot, her feet quickly becoming lost in the dust being kicked up. Within seconds all you could see was a plume of dust behind Falcomon and the blur of her feet. She charged forward with all her might at an impeccable speed, zipping right past the Gobli Bomb in milliseconds, skidding to a stop in front of Wyatt and pivoting to face the bomb. Just as it reached her, Falcomon leaped into the air and spiked the bomb back towards the Goblimon with about twice as much force as the Goblimon had thrown it with. The bomb barreled towards the Goblimon giving it no time to react exploding instantly in its face. The goblin dispersed into pixels and at the same time, the other rookies finished off the last of their Goblimon. All the Digimon jumped back to where the children stood, standing in front of their respective partners ready to face Mammothmon. But instead of attacking, the Mammothmon let out an enormous yawn and layed down, resting its giant head on the ground. In a booming voice, it spoke to the children. [b]"Thank you Digidestined, you have truly saved me a lot of trouble. I hope I did not scare you."[/b] the Digimon relaxed their fighting poses, quickly realizing the Mammothmon was no threat. Kincaid stepped forward. [b]"Well... you could've said something instead of just charging through the trees screaming at us. Maybe something along the lines of [i]Aahh get these Goblimon off me they're hurting me![/i] Something like that would've been nice."[/b] he remarked. Coronamon giggled softly, as did the Mammothmon. [b]"I do apologize. I do not know what came over me. When all the Goblimon were around, I felt the intent to kill you but as soon as you defeated them, the urge dissipated."[/b] the Mammothmons stomache growled fiercely and he raised himself back onto all four legs. [b]"I thank you again, Digidestined. I've Tapirmon at home to feed. Good luck in your journey!"[/b] Without warning the Mammothmon stomped off into the dense forest, smashing the trees that got in its way. [b]"Wait!"[/b] Wyatt called out after him. [b]"What's a Digidestined?!"[/b] but the mammoth was long gone. "Good question. Maybe you should've asked him that when he was [i]lying on the ground[/i]." Kincaid remarked. Coronamon giggled softly again. [b]"Yeah, yeah, very funny. But what are we supposed to do now?"[/b] Wyatt asked, Falcomon looked at him curiously.[/font][/color] [indent][size="1"][b]Next Episode: "Flames of Loyalty! Enter Firamon!" 5 Posts[/b] Plot Points: First Post - DeLarge (Episode Set-Up) Next 3 posts - Vongola, Anomaly, and Myself (any order) Final Post - DeLarge (Coronamon Digivolution) Links - [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/45003-a-digital-adventure/]Auditions[/url] // [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/45032-a-digital-adventure/]Backstage[/url][/size][/indent]
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