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Everything posted by Ellerby

  1. [quote name='Sheik' timestamp='1298850101' post='705335'][youtube]lwPaSv2LjKo[/youtube] This song makes my heart hurt a little. [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][font="Tahoma"]Resurrecting this thread. ^_^ I enjoyed this song more than I thought I would after hearing the quiet beginning. I especially liked 1:18-1:28, very relaxing. I had issues with the simplicity of the drums but it's a slow song so it didn't bother me as much as it would in a more upbeat song. Overall the song was slow, melodic and simple yet short and sweet as not to drag on. [b]7.5/10[/b] from me. I've also not seen Inglorious Bastards yet so I was able to be pretty unbiased, hehe. I doubt I'll get a reply anytime soon posting a song like this but... oh well, I think you should all hear it. This is actually only 4 segments of a 14 segment 55 minute long song. It's one of the best parts, though and I'm sure none of you want to review a full 55 minutes. That being said if you enjoy this I strongly encourage you to look up the rest of the album and listen to it in full, from start to finish.[/font][/font][/color] [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAeTKetl9-s[/media][/center] [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]Even so, these 4 parts together is still 11 minutes. If you rate this song, listen to the whole video~~[/color][/font] [b]1.[/b] "The Incident" by Porcupine Tree [indent][size="1"][color="#696969"]I. "Occam's Razor" II. "The Blind House" III. "Great Expectations" IV. "Kneel and Disconnect" V. "Drawing the Line" VI. "The Incident" VII. "Your Unpleasant Family" VIII. "The Yellow Windows of the Evening Train" IX. "Time Flies"[/color] [b]X. "Degree Zero of Liberty" XI. "Octane Twisted" XII. "The Séance" XIII. "Circle of Manias"[/b] [color="#696969"]XIV. "I Drive the Hearse" [/size][/indent][/color]
  2. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][quote name='Morbo' timestamp='1308772313' post='708084'] Did you get your match with kei sorted out white? Or has it now been officially set in stone that it was a no show DQ? [/quote] [s]I don't know, I was under the impression that our battle the other day was official in order to remedy the default loss/win but Kei hasn't really said anything in thread or replied to my PM so I really have no idea, it could go either way. If it [i]is[/i] an official DQ then... that sucks and I'll be upset because I really wanted to fight, I was just confused about her laptop/WiFi situation (not realizing her laptop didn't effect her WiFi) and missed her initial PM with the battle time due to being away. [/s] But regardless, we did have the battle. 'Twas fun. ^^[/font][/color]
  3. [quote name='Morbo' timestamp='1308770132' post='708081'] I can't wait to find see the outcome your match. On a side note, message sent to Ol Fighter but no response yet. [/quote] [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]Was supposed to battle Ace today but he didn't show. [s]Hopefully we can reschedule before time runs out.[/s] Battle has taken place. ^^[/color][/font]
  4. Has now done 2 sessions of Dungeons and Dragons IRL. So much fun!

    1. Ellerby


      NOBODY here plays DnD? D:

    2. Shy


      I used to play semi-religiously. I really, really miss it.

  5. [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAz8-6EbEh4[/media][/center] [center][size="7"][color="#696969"][font="Times New Roman"]A DIGITAL ADVENTURE[/font][/color][/size][/center] [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]This is the backstage thread for the RP "A Digital Adventure." You can find sign-ups [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/45003-a-digital-adventure/]here[/url] (sign-ups are still open even though it has started) and the adventure thread [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/45031-a-digital-adventure/]here[/url]. Any questions, comments or ideas concerning the RP should be posted in this thread. I may start putting the plot points in here as well if I end up using them past our initial Digivolutions. I posted my reply to the adventure thread and THEN posted this thread so if you haven't read my newest post, go check it out.[/color][/font]
  6. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]Wyatt sat up straight and looked down at the four Digimon who were now joyfully bouncing around each other in a circle. He swung his small leather backpack around off his back and placed it on the ground, opening it up. He sat on his knees in front of the bag and began to rummage through it. Pinamon scurried over to him looking at the satchel with great awe and excitement. [b]"What are you doing, Wyatt?"[/b] she asked, glancing up at her partner. Wyatt began to pull various tools from the bag, placing them on the ground in front of Pinamon. [b]"I'm seeing what emergency supplies I've got..."[/b] he said, placing a small silver compass on the grass. [b]"I've got my compass, some matches, a first-aid kit and a canteen of water..."[/b] Wyatt grabbed the canteen and took a swig of water and offered it to another one of the kids. Eddie gratefully accepted, took a swig and passed it on. [b]"Well I don't see a compass doing us much good if we don't know which direction to go.[/b] Kincaid pointed out. Wyatt grabbed his supplies and stuffed them back into his satchel. Just as he put his bag back on, an pounding tremor shook the ground beneath them, followed by the noise of crashing trees. The tremors quickly grew louder and louder and the shaking more intense with each passing moment. The kids and their Digimon stood still, completely stunned for a few moments. Within seconds the tremors grew unbearably loud and the shaking nearly knocked the children off their feet. Riley noticed a large shadow approaching from the north, where Kincaid had his back turned and she yelled for him to move. Kincaid grabbed Sunmon off the ground leaped forward, away from the treeline behind him. Just as Kincaid jumped, an enormous helmet wearing mammoth with golden markings and feathery purple ears crashed through the tree line, letting out a victorious trumpet with its metal trunk. [b]"Oh no! Mammothmon![/b] informed Pinamon. [b]"They usually keep to themselves but this one seems really angry! His Tusk Crusher attack is a devastating missile barrage you'll want to avoid and his Freezing Breath attack is no joyride either!"[/b] The four kids stood in line, facing the beast in front of them. It made no motion to charge them, it just simply stared them down scaring them even more. Just as they turned to run, all four of their Digimon bolted from their hands, landing on the ground in front of them. [b]"Leave this to us, we'll handle this oversized Tapirmon!"[/b] yelped Paomon. The four small creatures charged at the giant elephant, unleashing their various attacks. Pinamon flew into the air slightly, flapping her tiny wings. Her tail began to charge electricity and she spun in the air, whipping a small ball of it at the elephant shouting [b]"Piripiri Spark!"[/b] The small ball of electricity zipped towards the elephant and vanished into the beasts silver-plated helmet, not even leaving a scratch. Pinamon fluttered to the ground, panting from the effort.[/color][/font] [indent][size="1"][b]New Plot Points and OOC notes:[/b] Everyone Digivolves to Rookie in their own post After you three post, I will post my Digivolution as the last one and will conclude the fight. It's up to whoever posts next, but I thought it'd be funny if Mammothmon was actually here to welcome us to the Digital World. We just assumed he's a threat so we attacked which is why he hasn't fought back. Throw in some evil rookie Digimon for the Digivolutions if you want, or just have Mammothmon be evil. It's entirely up to you guys. And thanks for replying so fast guys! I'm excited to see where we take this. I'm going to create a backstage thread so we can talk about plot points in more detail.[/size][/indent]
  7. The OCEANUS is missing its crew! Report, damnit! XD

    1. Ellerby


      Yay. ^^ This RP reminds me of a musical Mass Effect almost, I'm excited.

    2. Lilt


      Crew reporting! ^^

  8. [quote name='Morbo' timestamp='1308594708' post='708038'] :( I don't even know what IV breeding or EV training is... I didn't even know what a pseudo-legendary or Uber Pokemon was until this tournament[b]... [/b]I was really surprised that White lost by default, I didn't know he disappeared from the site aswell. I hope he doesn't stay gone or this tournament will get a little easy with all the free wins being handed out. [/quote][color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"] There was a bit of confusion between Kei and I on the times for our battle (mostly on my part cause I misunderstood her) and I was away for the weekend. I think we've got it all sorted out now though and hopefully we get an update soon. ^^; On another note, has anyone else had troubles getting their WiFi working properly with their DS? I use a DS Lite and I had to get my tech-savvy brother to dumb down my WiFi just for it to connect. =/[/font][/color]
  9. [size="1"][center]I made us a theme song. ^_^[/center][/size] [font="Tahoma"][center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAz8-6EbEh4[/media][/center] [center][size="7"][color="#696969"][font="Times New Roman"]A DIGITAL ADVENTURE[/font][/color][/size][/center] [size="6"][center][b]Episode 1: And so it begins...[/b][/center][/size] [b]Plot Points:[/b] Digidestined group up. [size="1"]Remember we've all been at summer camp for a week now so we know each other a little.[/size] [color="#696969"]Wyatt slowly opened his eyes, regaining consciousness from his spontaneous trip into the Digital World. He sat up straight and looked around him. He seemed to be in a forest, but it was unlike any he'd ever seen before. The green brush of the trees were layered in large pink and blue colored flowers, and the tree trunks were remarkably straight and symmetrical. Thick dark purple vines weaved their way all throughout the tree tops, dangling down in various places. Before Wyatt could closely examine the alien-like flowers around him a soft object about the size of a volleyball suddenly crashed into him from behind, knocking him forward slightly. He let out a surprised yelp and quickly glanced behind him, his hand rubbing the back of his head where he'd been hit. A small bird-like creature rolled off its back onto its tiny little feet, its brown feathered wings fluttering frantically. Much to Wyatts surprise, the creature spoke to him. [b]"Ayieeee[i]!![/i] I'm so sorry, Wyatt!"[/b] it jumped as it spoke in an excited high-pitched tone. [b]"I'm so happy you're here! You're finally here!"[/b] the bird hopped around joyfully in a small circle for a bit then made a small leap towards Wyatt, eagerly watching his every move. Wyatt flinched as she hopped close to him groaned nervously. [b]"What... What are you?"[/b] he asked. The creature hopped again as she replied,[b] "I'm a Digimon! That stands for Digital Monster. My name is Pinamon!"[/b] She twirled on one tiny leg and struck a pose, pointing a wing at Wyatt, who blinked in disbelief. [center][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090417132941/digimon/images/4/4a/Pinamon_b.jpg[/img][/center] Realizing this Digimon was no real threat, Wyatt relaxed, sitting cross legged in front of the bird. He poked its cheek. [b]"What's so digital about you? You seem pretty real to me."[/b] Pinamon giggled slightly with a chirp. [b]"We're in the Digital World, Wyatt! Follow me, I know where to meet everyone else!"[/b] the bird quickly bolted into the denseness of the forest before Wyatt could ask anymore questions. He jumped to his feet and chased after the small Digimon. As he ran, he pinched his arm expecting to wake up from a dream, but nothing happened. [i]Hmm, I don't think I've ever been able to pinch my arm while dreaming... I guess that's proof enough.[/i] Wyatt pushed his way through the last of the dense vegetation which opened up to a large circular clearing the middle of the thick forest. For stones large enough to sit on surrounded a small fire pit in the center. Wyatt took a seat on one of the rocks and Pinamon fluttered up onto his head, roosting in his shaggy blonde hair. Surprisingly this didn't bother Wyatt at all as it somehow felt natural, like he'd known Pinamon a long time. [b]"The others will be here soon, you will see."[/b] Pinamon said calmly. Wyatt let out a sigh and rest his chin on his hand looking into the darkness of the forest ahead of him. [b]"You better not lay any eggs in my hair."[/b][/font][/color]
  10. Ellerby


    [color="#808080"][font="Tahoma"][b]"Captain, if you would direct your attention to my monitor."[/b] Deza spoke in his robotic monotone voice. Eos and Bomber turned their heads to the androids chest, which had a large electronic display screen on the front. The screen powered on and grainy camera footage from inside the ship lit up the screen. Three dark-robed assassins each with silver mechanical apparatus on their forearm lit up by a bright orange display screen made their way past numerous crates and supplies in one of the least visited rooms of the ship. [b]"Intruders in the cargo hold, Captain."[/b] Bomber spat. He grinned wickedly while tuning his guitar. [b]"Want me to take care of them?"[/b] [b]"No."[/b] Eos ordered. [b]"They're most likely a distraction to get us away from the entrance. We'll stay here and cover the front while we wait for the rest of the crew to report in. Deza, can you seal the doors where they are?"[/b] [b]"I'm afraid not, Captain. I've disconnected myself from Oceanus' systems whe--"[/b] [b]"Right, right."[/b] Eos interupted. She'd quickly grown accustomed to Deza's annoying habit of over explaining things. [b]"Go to the power core and see if you can get Oceanus back online. I'm sure you'll be able to handle 3 thugs if they give you any trouble?" [/b]Eos said. For a moment Deza's glass head glowed brighter than usual as he was searching his databanks for information but if you blinked you would miss it. Deza replied,[b] "The thugs are equipped with standard issue Thief Hacking Arms by Deadtech, which I should easily be able to disrupt. Judging by the hunch of the tallest one and the slight buldge in the back of his cloak, he's carrying some sort of elongated weapon, possibly an Electronic Baton, or perhaps a collapsable Sniper Rifle. The second thug--"[/b] [b]"Yes, yes, get on with it."[/b] Eos waved her hand for Deza to leave. [b]"Right away, Captain."[/b] the robot saluted Eos and turned around, disappearing into the darkness of the offline Oceanus. As Deza made its way further into the dark winding corridors of the Oceanus, it heard the faint noise of Eos receiving a reply from another crew member. Suddenly Oceanus' back-up power supply sprang to life and the low humming of every machine and monitor in the ship starting up could be heard. The lights flashed on brightly, and Deza instantly knew where the thugs were. Reflecting on information about hacking, Deza knew the intruders had enabled the back-up power supply only to terminate it completely. As Deza went from sprinting to charging down the hallways, the robot knew it had approximately 43 seconds to get to the Power Core and stop them. The android arrived at the door to the Power Core and the door opened up to a large dome room revealing a beautiful swirling ball of orange energy trapped within a light blue forcefield surrounded by various mechanical arms holding it in place. One assassin was hunched over the computer terminal in front of the core while the other two turned their attention to Deza. [b]"Hold him off, I'm almost done!" [/b]the one at the terminal shouted. If there was anything important Deza had learned in its many adventures with Oceanus and -more specifically, Eos- it was that "Music," a human word for various electronic sounds played together in a rhythmic pattern, was an incredibly effect combat strategy. Aside from disorienting enemies, Deza also found the constant changes of pitch and tone and the beat of the bass drum in various songs vibrate his robotic body in such a way that it actually improves his ability to record and relay information allowing him to react much quicker to incoming attacks. The two thugs wasted no time and charged at the android, weapons drawn. One held a regular small steel dagger, while the other carried an Electric Blade, a regular looking katana thats blade pulsed with electricity, with his Thief Hacking arm. In an instant Deza selected an appropriate song for the intruders predicted fight styles (slower songs improving its ability to Record, allowing Deza to react much quicker while faster songs improve its ability to relay, allowing Deza to physically move faster) and selected a fight style of its own, Wing-Chun. [b]Wing-Chun[/b] [i]A traditional human form of martial art dating back before Deza's creation. It specializes in self-defense, focusing on grapples and striking in the form of countering their opponent in close-combat. [/i] The song blasted from the speakers hidden within Deza's metallic body, staggering the assassin with dagger for a split second while the other ignored the music and kept charging. Deza readied its stance, stepping forward with one leg and sliding the other backward, bending his knees slightly. Deza stretched its left arm forward, palm face up and pulled its right inward clenching its hands into a tight fist. [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5_bHMZsMRg[/media][/center] The first thug made his way to Deza and raised his sword to strike down onto the robots head. In one fluid motion, Deza raised its left arm and effortlessly pushed the mans sword arm aside following up the deflection with a quick jab of its right fist into the chest of the thug, sending him flying backward. He crashed onto the ground with a large thud and struggled to get up.[/color] [color="#000000"][b][center]Can't feel the pain that I expected [/center][/b][/color] [color="#696969"]Deza let out a quick magnetic pulse disabling all of the intruders hacking apparatuses.[/color] [color="#000000"][b][center]I still place keys in the ignition I know what will be One thought is stopping me from sleeping[/center][/b][/color] [color="#696969"]The thug at the terminal cursed and turned to face Deza who was in the middle of heated melee combat with the second thug.[/color] [color="#000000"][b][center]I saw the future and it's breeding I know what will be [/center][/b][/color] [color="#696969"]The man landed a blow on the robot, barely denting Deza's metal shell with quick jab of his knife to its side. [/color] [color="#000000"][b][center] Could be your last resort Like gold against your soul [/center][/b][/color] [color="#696969"]Deza grabbed the mans knife arm and twisted it around, forcing the man to face his back to the robot as he let out an agonizing yelp.[/color] [color="#000000"][b][center]There are three things that I would die for[/center][/b][/color] [color="#696969"]Deza raised its left foot and planted a powerful kick in the back of the thug, sending him tumbling into the first.[/color] [color="#000000"][b][center]But I am sure you're not one of them I know what will be [/center][/b][/color] [color="#696969"]The final intruder charged at Deza, revealing a large dark-steeled baton from his back. The two engaged in intense close-combat as the music picked up. Deza deflected a horizontal strike to the head with its left arm and ducked under a second follow-up attack that sweeped across the top of its head. Deza swung its legs around the ground, tripping its opponent from behind and quickly leaped to its feet, placing a firm footing on the mans chest as he attempted to stand up.[/color] [color="#000000"][b][center]Could be your last resort Like gold against your soul (whispered) You think you've got it all wrapped up now You stumble on so unsuspecting I know what will be I hold your birth control to ransom[/center][/b] [/color] [color="#696969"]Deza finished the man off with five swift blows to the face.[/color] [color="#000000"][center][b]The cells divide and grow inside you I know what will be[/b][/center][/color] [color="#696969"]Deza walked over the shaking body of its opponent and towards the computer terminal. The robot pulled a cord from its back and plugged it into the computer terminal, examining the damage the thieves had done to the ship. Overwriting their programming, Deza quickly restored the Oceanus to its formal self, the back-up supply powering down and the main power supply starting up again. Deza unplugged the cord from the terminal and let it recede back into the bots body. Deza did a quick overview of the camera footage across the entire ship. Finding no more intruders, Deza sealed the majority of the doors and made its way back to the Captain and Bomber.[/color][/font]
  11. Just bought Mass Effect 2 on Steam for 20 bucks. @_@

    1. Magus


      That reminds me. I've had that game for almost 4 months now and still haven't really played much of it. From what I've played of it it's cool though.

    2. James


      Very worth playing. You'll love it I'm sure. :D

    3. Boo


      I have to play it too. My brother is going on about it like a true fanboy, though I'll first want to restart ME1, I guess.

  12. Seeing as how Darren is MIA, could a staff member move my Digimon RP from Backstage to Auditions? Posted it in the wrong forum. ._.

    1. Boo


      Make Kei do it :D

    2. Shy
    3. Ellerby


      You are a gentleman and a scholar.

  13. Ellerby


    [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][quote name='Shy' timestamp='1306607780' post='707633'] Write about [b]what you want, when you want[/b]; all I ask is that you make it interesting.[/quote] This part appeals to me. As does the music. [b]Name:[/b] ThinkBot v2.0 - UNIT#0076 - MODEL: Deza [b]Age:[/b] Does not age but he has existed for approximately 400 years. [b]Homeworld / Origin:[/b] ThinkBot, or "Deza" as most living beings have come to call him, was built in a Bots Inc. factory on the Planet [b]Deza[/b] (which I will only refer to as Planet Deza as not to be confused with my character, Deza). The mechanically infected planet was built and forgotten by the Junaerens, a greedy, space terrorizing race of beetle people who were completely wiped out by some unknown force shortly after Deza's creation. Not long after the extinction of the Junaerens, the entire robot civilization of Planet Deza was let loose upon each other. The Junaerens had kept all their Bots under control with one code (known as [i]The Juna Code[/i]) on a program on a massive mother computer the size of a country on the planet Junara. When the Junaerens were wiped out, there was nobody around to update the code or operate the program, and eventually the computer just died. With no more code judging their every action, the robots were essentially granted free-will. They no longer required confirmation from any owner before doing anything and so they all attempted to fulfill their primary functions. While the [i]ThinkBots[/i] of Deza were built solely for the purpose of obtaining and relaying information, the truth is most of the robots built on Planet Deza were built to be used either [i]in[/i] war or to [i]start[/i] a war. Millions of robots began assaulting anything and everything on the planet using everything in their artillery they possibly could. It would've been the most devastating war the universe had ever seen if there were any real[i] lives [/i]involved and if they hadn't blown the planet up in about 11.23 seconds. Of course, Deza (specifically UNIT#0076), knew that 97.35% of Bots constructed on Deza were built for the purpose of violence. It knew this because when its backplate was replaced due to a loose screw it noticed a computer screen in an office across from the conveyor belt it sat on that displayed this information, and then some. When The Juna Code vanished Deza immediately knew that if it wanted to succesfully continue its two primary funtcions, to document and relay any and all information, it would need to leave Deza in approximately 12 seconds. Thankfully with the schematics of the factory Deza was built-in wired into its head, Deza made it to an "INSTANT TRANSPORTATION Gravitar Escape Pod 5000X" escape vessel. The pod rocketed out of the factory into and out of the atmosphere of the planet in a matter of milliseconds, a truly astounding scientific feat that Deza took no note of. Deza watched (and recorded) as its Planet Deza died before its very lens. It has been nearly 400 years since then and Deza has obtained a wealthy amount of information that its current ships crew finds nearly invaluable. [b]Species / Appearance:[/b] Android/Robot. Deza is a very simply designed robot. Protected in a glass container his head is a small camera that records everything Deza "sees" in 360 degrees. His square-shaped metal body has a large screen on the front of it to play videos relevant to what the user needs to know. Originally his arms and legs had metal coverings on them, but they were damaged so Deza removed them and -with help- changed his wiring to Reptillion scale-plated waterproof wiring. [center][img]http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/8974/dezad.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Special Skills / Abilities:[/b] Deza was built as a "Bot" programmed with 2 main functions. 1) To intake, store and organize any and everything the Bot sees and encounters and 2) To relay any of this information to its owner at the mere command of their voice. The ThinkBot was basically designed as glorified Encyclopedia that follows you around and constantly updates itself. It's been around for 400 plus years since its creation so Deza has learned to do many tasks no regular android knows. While Deza's primary function in his programming is to Record and Relay information, its primary function on the Oceanus is to cook for the crew. Though the crew definitely takes advantage of the walking encyclopedia part. Some of Deza's other abilities include but are not limited to: hacking, dancing, playing music, amplifying sound, and various forms of melee combat. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [center]Artist: Digitalism - Song: Blitz [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xymjDyGIvQ4[/media] Artist: Man Man - Song: Hurly Burly [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBIUjomZU5k[/media][/font] [size="1"]She feels life's a doll. She feels life's a doll. She feels life's a doll on fire.[/size] We don't believe in the Hurly Burly He stays up late and he wakes up early. Gnaws off his neck, bad thoughts in his head. He takes off his shoes and his feet are cement. We don't believe in a god of mercy The only god we know is the keeper of cats So get the fireworks out, cram 'em down in his mouth. He burns brighter inside her. [size="1"]Gimme what you got, the undertow. Gimme what you got, don't blow your load. Gimme what you got, who cares what they say? You'll pay.[/size] [size="3"]We don't believe in the mother or father but it runs in the bloodline, that's the source of the problem. Saws off his arms, lops off his legs. He drains in the gutter, but he's still got his head. [b]He's not to be programmed to self-implode when all of the buttons are properly pushed in. It's all the rage, he's the tectonic plate. He burns brighter inside her.[/b][/size] This ain't no love song. This ain't no love song. This ain't no love song. This ain't no love song [size="1"]She feels life's a doll. She feels life's a doll. She feels life's a doll on fire.[/size] [/color][/center]
  14. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Oh, FML I get to fight the Pseudo legendary team. Yaaaaay. >_< Also I love the art for the listings. Very Pokemon-esque.[/font][/color]
  15. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]...woops. Meant to put this in the Auditions section. >.<[/font][/color]
  16. Digimon RP up for those interested.

    1. Lilt


      My only connection to Digimon was a little Tamagotchi-like toy, so I'll need some info first, but I'm interested.

    2. Boo


      Awesome. I have to watch an episode to remind myself how stuff works again.

  17. [center]I should start off by saying that this RP will have no direct connection plot-wise to any other season of Digimon. Consider us the first and only Digidestined.[/center] [center][size="7"][color="#696969"][font="Times New Roman"]A DIGITAL ADVENTURE[/font][/color][/size][/center] My name is Wyatt Crescent, a 17 year old boy from Tokyo, Japan. I was attending summer camp when the strangest thing happened. After an out of place Aurora Borealis appeared above one of our cabins, it began to snow! There were only a few other kids with me to see it, but before we could run and get everyone else some strange glowing devices floated down into our hands from the sky. Immediately following that, a huge tidal wave crashed into us out of nowhere and sucked us all into a huge whirlpool! [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cSB1IZU_8U[/media][/center] So we've been called to the Digital World because there is a great evil rising that is a threat to Digimon and Humans alike and we must stop it. The first few posts will be us waking up in the Digital World, getting acquainted with each other and our Digimon, followed by them digivolving to Rookie form to protect us. That's when I'll get the story ball rolling and everyone can just start adding on to it. [b]"Episodes"[/b] All the posts are going to be sorted by Episodes. They are mainly going to be there just to tell you who is Digivolving at the end of the episode, if any, and that they should be the one to resolve the episode's conflict that anyone else writes. Besides that, there won't be any restriction on who posts in what episodes and how many times. [b]Sign-Ups[/b] Digimon is a tricky franchise to create sign-ups for because they've got all these preexisting Digimon all with their own stories already. Since this RP isn't connected to any other Digimon series, I'm going to bend the rules a little bit. [u]Guidelines[/u] [list][*]You can mix and match Digivolutions of Digimon, even if they aren't technically supposed to Digivolve to/from the other. [*]If you do change around Digimon, make sure there is at least a consistent theme within the Digivolutions (i.e. lizards, birds, fire, etc). [*]You [i]can[/i] change the level of a Digimon (i.e. making a Champion Digimon your Ultimate), just make sure it seems plausible. [*]Digidestined Digimon can be chosen. I don't see why not. [*]Armor Digivolutions from Season 2 are acceptable. There's [url=http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Digi-Egg_Digivolution_Chart][color="#48D1CC"]a lot of them[/color][/url] that weren't even used. Feel free to use them as a Digivolution for your Digimon. You can make them a Rookie, Champion, Ultimate or Mega, I don't really care as long as it seems plausible (i.e. . [*]On the topic of Armor Digimon, I realize now there are other forms of Digivolution from later seasons that I don't know much about (DNA Digivolution, Biomerge, Spirit Evolution, X Evolution, etc). Feel free to use those Digimon too (even the ones with the X-antibody), just follow the same guidelines above. [*]And that's all! Don't pick any of the 5 sovereign Digimon and save all the evil Digimon to use as bad guys. ^_^[/list] [u]Sign-Up Sheet[/u] Digidestined [b]Name:[/b] Your characters name. [b]Age:[/b] Anywhere between 7 and 18. The Digital World chooses children for a reason. They have an incredible amount of free time. ;P [b]Gender:[/b] M/F [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture and/or physical description is fine. [b]Background:[/b] A little bit about your characters history, personality, likes and dislikes, etc. For the sake of continuity we are all from Tokyo, Japan. [b]Supplies:[/b] What supplies were you carrying when you were sucked into the Digital World? [b]Crest:[/b] What is your characters crest? This is your characters most valued virtue. It can be anything good, really. Digimon [b]In-Training:[/b] Name: Picture: Attacks: [b]Rookie:[/b] Name: Picture: Attacks: Personality: [b]Champion:[/b] Name: Picture: Attacks: [b]Ultimate:[/b] Name: Picture: Attacks: [b]Mega:[/b] Name: Picture: Attacks: [quote][size="1"][u]My Sign-Up[/u] Digidestined [b]Name:[/b] Wyatt Crescent [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] M/F [b]Appearance:[/b] Wyatt is of average height with a slightly athletic build. He has long shaggy blonde hair and hazelnut colored eyes. He wears a white, unbuttoned dress-shirt over top a white tank top. This is accompanied by a leather belt and tight blue jeans. See [url=http://believe-in-music.deviantart.com/art/pirate-anime-boy-150426262]here[/url], just add the white tank top underneath and take out the bandanna, knife and tattoos. [b]Background:[/b] Wyatt has always been a carefree boy. He never lets anything slow him down or stop him from reaching his goal. He's incredibly cheerful and loves to talk to nearly everyone, cracking a joke here or there. He's hard to control and often runs off on his own when he sees something interesting. Before the Digital World, Wyatt was an average student with regular grades. He didn't participate in any after school clubs and instead spent most of his time just wandering outside. He was actually forced to go to Summer Camp by another Digidestined who happened to already be his friend. [b]Supplies:[/b] The backpack Wyatt is seen holding contains the following items: a compass, a box of matches, a first-aid kit and a canteen of water. While Wyatt is not the most prepared person in the world, his mother who backed his bag is. He also has a small notepad and a pencil for doodling, something he doesn't do a whole lot, but enjoys while he's waiting for something. [b]Crest:[/b] The Crest of Curiosity Digimon [b]In-Training:[/b] Name: Pinamon Picture: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090417132941/digimon/images/4/4a/Pinamon_b.jpg[/img] Attacks: Piripiri Spark - Emits a small electric charge from its tail. [b]Rookie:[/b] Name: Falcomon Picture: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101022054818/digimon/images/b/b4/Falcomon_b.jpg[/img] Attacks: Falco Rush - Unleashes an attack using its powerful running ability. Personality: Falcomon is very dissimilar to Wyatt in personality. Falcomon is very laid-back and likes to relax a lot. She cannot fly (only glide), something she constantly complains about, and likes to lecture Wyatt on being careless. Falcomon, however, is also very intelligent and knows a lot about the Digital World and all the Digimon in it. [b]Champion:[/b] Name: Harpymon Picture: [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090320015561/digimon/images/6/62/Harpymon_b.gif[/img] Attacks: Wind Seeker - Flaps her wings to release gusts of wind so strong they cut like knives. [b]Ultimate:[/b] Name: Darcmon Picture: [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090205055023/digimon/images/c/ce/Darcmon_b.jpg[/img] Attacks: Dancing Sword - An elaborate sword attack using her two swords "The Maiden." [b]Mega:[/b] Name: Phoenixmon Picture: [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090127183451/digimon/images/4/46/Hououmon_b.jpg[/img] Attacks: Star-Light Explosion - Solemnly flaps its four wings, causing it to rain golden grains that are said to purify all of the wickedness of those who suffer this technique.[/size][/quote]
  18. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]And everyone says I'm the one that never finishes anything. ^_^[/font][/color]
  19. Is someone deleting all the status updates related to drinking? I swear...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. James


      I don't think so, White. Maybe you never posted them - drinking less might help you remember. :P

    3. Ellerby
    4. Ol' Fighter

      Ol' Fighter

      Totally knocking a few back right now, lol.

  20. So excited for Gym leader Tournament!

    1. Lilly


      Gym Leader Tournament!!! >=3

  21. Jagerbombs may be a highschooler drink, but they're delicious and I don't give a damn!

    1. James


      Just don't try mixing them in the back of a fast-moving car. Trust me, it's awkward.

    2. Lilly
    3. Boo


      High school girls drink you mean. 8)

  22. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1305620066' post='707412'] I really hope Ivy puts some clothes on this time around.[/quote] D: If Ivy's over-sized, lucious, bouncy breasticles aren't shown off in V I'm not getting it. :X [/font][/color]
  23. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][quote name='Lilly' timestamp='1305232415' post='707305'] Oh yeah [u][u]Poison Team[/u] [/u]1. Nidoqueen 2. Muk 3. Seviper 4. Scolipede 5. Garbordor 6. Amoonguss Friend Code: [color="#000000"][u]0346 9718 0202[/u] [/color]Name: [u]Annie [/u]Forgot the name o3o lol [/quote] I already named you Lilly. >.< I'll change it. xD[/font][/color]
  24. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]Just confirming my Electric team before time runs out. Magnezone Galvantula Electivire Zekrom Emolga Rotom Friend Code: 2923 8636 0212 [/color][/font]
  25. That was a game. This is paintball.

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