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Everything posted by Ellerby

  1. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1304291334' post='707006'] Mine's still better! Also... you are probably going to beat me Mr. White :( [/quote] I do still like yours better. XD But I like the one I made for Morbo (which you should see soon) much more. ^^[/font][/color]
  2. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"][quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1304069864' post='706932'] I've had semesters like that, but this one wasn't one of them. I have lots and lots of free time that I used breeding and raising my team. Now I'm pretty much waiting for the start date before I even bother turning my DS on again. [/quote] You would make you're own banner after I offered to make them. v.v NOW I HAVE TO GO MAKE MINE COOLER THAN YOURS. /nerdrage[/color][/font]
  3. [quote name='Lawliet' timestamp='1303864691' post='706878'] Also I'm jealous of White's banner. I never really cared enough to get an avatar/banner but I think I might post in the art thread later and see if I can't get one. [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I'd be more than happy to make anyone in the tournament a similar banner of their team and trainer. Just drop me a PM with your Pokemon (and any particular order you want them in and make sure to mention if any of them are shiny), your trainer sprite and any colour alterations you want (try to stay away from iconic trainers and gym leaders) as well as what name you want on the banner (either your trainer or OB name). ^_^ A good place to pick a trainer sprite is [url=http://kyogremaster.deviantart.com/art/All-Pokemon-Trainer-Sprites-137787432][color="#00BFFF"]here[/color][/url]. It's every single trainer sprite in one picture. [/font][/color]
  4. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1303025168' post='706646'] Well, I still don't have my game yet... but I do have the list of Pokemon I would like to use. They are not fully leveled and I don't even have one of them yet, (but I figure it won't be too difficult to catch) however I will definitely be ready when the time comes. Anyways, here is my normal type lineup. [b]Ursaring[/b] [b]Porygon-Z[/b] [b] [/b][s][b]Blissey[/b][/s] nobody wants to fight that... [b]Bouffalant[/b] [b]Dodrio [/b][b]Girafarig Slacking [/b] [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]What?! No Ditto?! :( [b]EDIT:[/b] Also I've got two IRL friends signing-up on the website to participate, but they're still waiting on the validation e-mail so they can't post and claim their type. I know for sure [b]Dejara[/b] wants to claim [b]Ghost[/b]. [/font][/color]
  5. [quote name='Morbo' timestamp='1302970743' post='706624'] [color="#000000"]Good god I didn't know they plastered Dragons with so much red tape, (also i never looked up the pseudo thing only uber and couldn't see any restrictions so apologies, and well new list to come I guess) [/color] [/quote] [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]Aw Morbo. :[ Dragons is definitely tricky that way. I'm doing some type fights IRL with a group of friends as well and two of them are taking Dragon. And we've put no restriction on any of them. They're going to [i]murder[/i] the rest of us. I also edited my team because I had two Legendaries in it. Magnezone, Electivire, Galvantula, Rotom, Emolga, and Zekrom.[/color][/font]
  6. [quote name='Gavin' timestamp='1302872537' post='706593'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"]Don't bother with Purrloin Midget, it's a terrible 'mon all round. TBH unless you're keeping the others to evolve them I'd drop Pidove and Patrat too.[/size][/font] [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]This is sad but true. I started the game with a Purrloin named Happy whom I loved to death (especially since I knew what the evolved form looked like). Unfortunately he's about as useful as a Metapod without tackle. Especially later on.[/font][/color]
  7. I never left! But not much, how about yourself? I see you enjoy drinking occasionally. What's your drink of choice?

  8. [font="Tahoma"][quote name='Gavin' timestamp='1302705126' post='706513'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"] [b][Edit][/b] From now on, he's to be referred to as Leeroy.[/size][/font] [/quote] [color="#696969"]Lmao. I just pictured Naruto running into the war screaming "UZUMAKIIIIIII NARUTO -dattebayo!" with a rasengan in either hand and all the other ninja facepalming as he proceeds to [strike]wipe the raid[/strike] get captured. "Damnit Naruto!" That being said, I also really don't like Iruka anymore. I never really cared for himl, even at the beginning of the original series, but I know realize that any time Iruka has [i]anything[/i] to say it's mostly pointless and boring. [/font][/color]
  9. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]Why don't you just allow more than one of a specific type participate? I mean Dragon types ARE weak against Dragon types. That could be an interesting match! ;] I mean there are more than 1 Gym Leaders for a lot of the types across all 5 generations so I don't see why we couldn't have 2 trainers specialize in the same type. Story-wise they'd just be from different regions. *shrug* It's up to you, though.[/color][/font]
  10. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Yeah, I'm not really sure why there's a one team per type restriction... That only limits the amount of people able to participate which we don't exactly have a plethora of. When I planned on making this tournament, I clearly stated that would not be the case. Unfortunately I was never even contacted about this (which would have been nice as I was halfway through making the thread...).[/font][/color]
  11. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I'll claim Electric. Magnezone Garvantula Electivire Zekrom Emolga Rotom [/font][/color]
  12. Slumdog Millionaire was disappointing.

    1. Gavin


      I've purposely avoided it because it was so hyped.

    2. Ellerby


      I was hoping it would live up to the hype. It didn't. It certainly wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't special either.

    3. Pumpkin


      really? wow I really wanted to see that movie oiye!

  13. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]I just think Pokemon is short enough. XD The nice thing about Black and White is it makes your Pokemon all the same level. You just need to get the move set you want each Pokemon to have and they'll all be balanced at Level 50. It does this for IR anyway... I haven't attempted it with Wireless but hopefully it does it there too. I don't think any of us are intense enough to get perfect EVs/abilities/etc... I know I'm too lazy for that crap I just catch my Pokemon and go. If you want to put in that effort, by all means. lol In the event that the levels aren't balanced for us, I think something like lv60 would be good.[/color][/font]
  14. [quote name='Gavin' timestamp='1301513991' post='706120'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"]I should be able to breed you a Tepig to replace Pansear Shin given the latter's a fairly rubbish 'mon,[/size] [/quote][color="#696969"] *blinks* Did you [i]really[/i] just shorten Pokemon to 'mon? [i]Really?[/i] In other news, many of us have beaten the Elite Four and are looking for something to do! [b]OTAKUBOARDS POKEMON GYM LEADER TOURNAMENT[/b] I'd like to hold a tournament for everyone here to participate in (myself included). It would be a round robin tournament consisting of 1v1 Type-based Matches (6 Pokemon Party). Legendaries and Ubers are allowed but discouraged. The only requirements are the team of 6 Pokemon you enter must not change throughout the entire tournament and every Pokemon in your party must have 1 type in common. If you're interested, just reply here with what Type-based team you'll be making! Once we get enough people we can go ahead and start. If the tournament is successful we could follow it up with a 2v2, 3v3 or Rotation tournament as well. I've spoken to a few of my friends IRL and I've gotten a few interested. Here is the type teams we have being assembled so far (don't let this discourage you from using your favourite type, we can have doubles). Ghost Team Electric Team (myself) Dragon Team So what does everyone think? Gogo tournament?[/font][/color]
  15. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"][center][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhcq4siFEw1qfbl3ao1_500.gif[/img] Gasp! [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lcgepfaYDy1qbhtrto1_500.gif[/img] A stoner pony?! [img]http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms/c/ah/hf/fl/-pony.jpg[/img] If this pony was actually in the show, I would totally watch it. But somehow I doubt there is a pot-smoking[color="#0000FF"] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj1HFfGt0HI]ungulate[/url][/color] in a kids television show. :( [img]http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/053/497/original/1275985951346.jpg?1276053598[/img][/center][/font][/color]
  16. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]I've been playing a lot of [b]DC Universe Online[/b] lately and am having a blast. I've been playing it for a few months now but I recently re-fell in love with it due to making a Hero (my main character is a clown-like villain named Happy) and joining an RP League (guild). I'm learning a lot about all the superhero lore from other members as well as actually paying attention to the storyline this time around. This might actually get me into comics, heh. ^_^ This is my hero, Quickman. His mentor is Superman, his power is Fire and his role is Tank (reflect group damage, keep aggro of mobs). He uses dual swords to fight and Superspeed is his movement power (I'm also putting a lot of my skill points into the Superspeed tree for extra Superspeed abilities). [center][img]http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/4296/quickman.png[/img][/center] My favourite part about DCUO is the customization they offer throughout the entirety of the game (including end-game). All items in the game have 2 parts to them; they have stats and they have a style. Once you've collected an items style at any point in the game you can go into your menu and change how your character looks using the different styles you've collected (and of course you find more styles as you progress). Basically you can equip an item for the stats, but still keep the look of a better looking piece of gear. This is especially nice at end-game when you're spending a lot of time obtaining the high-tier gear because I know that even if the next tier of gear replaces it at some point, I'll still have the style and can display it whenever I want without any repercussions. Oh and this is Happy. His mentor is the Joker, his power is Gadgets and his role is Controller (restore power [mana] to the group and debuff enemies). He uses a tech rifle to fight (which includes but is not limited to a grenade launcher, a flamethrower and a mortar) and his movement power is Acrobatics (grappling hooks, zip-line cables, gliding, etc). [center][img]http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/1032/happypu.jpg[/img][/center] And yes, that's a sparking bomb in my chest. Courtesy of the Joker, lol. [/font][/color]
  17. [font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"]I'll participate... I was told there would be ponies?[/color][/font]
  18. is evolving!

    1. chibi-master
    2. Sangome




    3. Korey


      Presses B

      No evolving fer j00!

  19. [quote name='Boo' timestamp='1300133210' post='705691'] But that Waruvial, Throh and Drilbur thing... seriously? They don't look anything like I once imagined pokémon to be like. ;_; They look more like they would star in a Super Mario RPG as villains. Also, Normals are awesome. [/quote][font="Tahoma"][color="#696969"] I just can't ignore this post. Throh is comparable to Hitmonchan look-wise. Instead of boxing gloves he has a martial arts outfit so you can't really say he doesn't match what Pokemon should be like. I [i]definitely[/i] disagree with you on the Waruvial part. That Pokemon is almost the epitome of what a Pokemon should be. He's basically a Charizard without wings and fire (seeing as how he is part Ground that makes sense). To me a Pokemon is a monster based on the look of a specific animal (Pikachu) or everyday object (Magnemite) with the design altered based on what type of Pokemon it is. Waruvial is based on a Crocodile and is Ground/Dark, so he has dark stripes and a long snout. As for Drilbur, while he could easily pass as a lowly villain in Super Mario RPG, so could [i]a lot[/i] of the original 150 Pokemon (Raticate, Golem, etc) so that statement really isn't fair. Not to mention his evolve form is a bit more sophisticated and is much more Pokemon-esque. I'd say the difference between Drilbur and Excadrill is comparable to the difference between Wartortle and Blastoise, actually. [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/0/0c/008Wartortle.png/170px-008Wartortle.png[/img]>[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/0/02/009Blastoise.png/160px-009Blastoise.png[/img] [img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/c/cf/529Drilbur.png/180px-529Drilbur.png[/img]>[img]http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/6/63/530Excadrill.png/220px-530Excadrill.png[/img] Anyway, I think they really nailed it with the designs this time around. There are still bad ones in this Gen too, don't get me wrong, I definitely facepalmed when I saw the ice cream cone. But that being said there were some pretty horrible looking Pokemon in Generation [size="4"]1[/size] (*cough*Porygon*cough*) that nobody admits are dumb because [i]it's the first generation[/i] and [i]that makes them cool[/i] and I guess that attitude just rubs me the wrong way. They're never going to please everyone, obviously, but they came pretty darn close with this generation. That and the Pokemon have much more emotion and life in their animations now. They actually feel like living creatures instead of a mesh of pixels that barely move. [img]http://imgboot.com/images/aragornbird/555.gif[/img] Note: This is just the idle animation. [/color][/font]
  20. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1299966331' post='705644'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]I agree about the ramped up difficulty as well. In addition to the Audino thing, though, you can also obtain the Lucky Egg from Chargestone Cave [Juniper gives it to you in a mandatory scene, so you can't miss it], which is just before the 6th gym. The Pokemon you give it to will gain boosted EXP in a battle, the same way they'd get boosted EXP if they were obtained in a trade. It's how I've been getting my Pokes to evolve so far. c: EDIT: Oh derp I just noticed White mentioned that in his post. XD; WELL YOU GET IT AGAIN. >([/font][/color] [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Well, now she knows where to get it. :][/font][/color]
  21. [quote name='Anise' timestamp='1299948528' post='705636'] Pokemon Black has been eating my life all week @_@ My only issue is that I'm constantly having to grind. I don't know if it's just me being made of fail or what, but it seems like B/W is a lot harder than other games. [/quote][color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"] Haha, me too. Doesn't help that I've had the past few days off work, either. I'm inclined to agree with you about the difficulty being slightly higher, but the difference here is there's an easy trick to grinding experience in B/W (and you may already know it, but I'll put it here in case somebody else doesn't). Rare Pokemon now appear in "shaky grass." They appear randomly after you've moved around for a while, and disappear if you engage in a battle before you reach the shaky spot. Among these shaky grass spots are a Pokemon called "Audino" and they give a buttload of experience (I believe they appear about 70% of the time in any shaky grass spot). So, all you have to do is buy a few repels, find a Route with a fairly decently sized patch of grass and run around the outside of the grass (so you don't get ambushed) until one of the grass patches starts to shake (you hear a grass shaking sound if your volume is up enough). When you see the shaky grass spot, pop a repel (if you feel like you can't make it to the spot without being ambushed), and walk onto the spot. Kill Audino, ???, Profit. It's ridiculously easy to do and the amount of experience you get for killing the weakling Pokemon is astounding. The brilliant part is, [i][b]these guys can be found throughout the entire game[/b][/i]. Yes, you can basically do this trick at any level. So far the trainers have been enough exp to get me through to the 5th badge, but it's a good trick if you have a low-level Pokemon that needs to catch up (especially with Exp Share or Lucky Egg being held). I imagine I'll be killing a lot of level 55 Audino's prior to facing the Elite Four. Also, this is a perfect trick to getting that specific rare Pokemon you want. :) <[i]shamelessplug[/i]>Also I just posted a Pokemon RP idea in the Backstage (find it [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?/topic/44934-medieval-pokemon-rp/page__pid__705642#entry705642]here[/url]) if any of you Pokemaniacs are interested.</[i]shamelessplug[/i]> :3 [b]EDIT:[/b] Also I just got my 5th badge so here is my new updated roster. I actually ended up boxing 5 of the 6 Pokemon I posted last time, haha. All my Pokemon are between level 31 and 35 atm. [center][b]Medusa[/b] the [i]Snivy[/i] [img]http://floatzel.net/pokemon/black-white/sprites/images/495.png[/img] [size="1"]She's still going strong. A little weak moveset right now but I think that'll change soon enough.[/size] [b]Digmon[/b] the [i]Drilbur[/i] [img]http://floatzel.net/pokemon/black-white/sprites/images/529.png[/img] [size=1]I'm loving this guy. I've been using him since around level 17 and almost never dies. Save for the Emolgas, I wrecked the fourth gym with this one.[/size] [b]Mars[/b] the[i] Darumaka[/i] [img]http://floatzel.net/pokemon/black-white/sprites/images/554.png[/img] [size="1"]This little guy packs quite a punch, surprisingly. He keeps getting better and better, doubt I'll change him for something else.[/size] [b]Encore[/b] the [i]Sigilyph[/i] [img]http://floatzel.net/pokemon/black-white/sprites/images/561.png[/img] [size="1"]I saw this Pokemon and I stared at it for a good few minutes before I did anything. Quite possibly the coolest looking [strike]Flying[/strike] Pokemon I have ever seen. And he's powerful to boot![/size] [b]Oliver[/b] the [i]Emolga[/i] [img]http://floatzel.net/pokemon/black-white/sprites/images/587.png[/img] [size="1"]I love love love this Pokemon. He's just... badass. I love him.[/size] [b]Crush[/b] the [i]Tirtouga[/i] [img]http://floatzel.net/pokemon/black-white/sprites/images/564.png[/img] [size="1"]Yay Finding Nemo reference, hehe. So far this guy isn't that bad, but I could see him being replaced by a better Water or Ice Pokemon if I can find one.[/size][/center] [/font][/color]
  22. [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]So I've been playing Pokemon White recently and I've been kicking around the idea of starting up a Pokemon RP. I know OB has seen its fair share of Pokemon RPs but I haven't participated in one recently and they always seem to be the same basic idea. People sign-up as trainers in existing Pokemon world, RP starts and people start doing random things and then the RP dies. I look to change that with this Medieval Pokemon idea. Basically this would take place in the times of Knights and Dragon Pokemon (hehe) before the invention of the Pokeball (a sophisticated piece of technology). So if you have a Pokemon with you it's because you've earned its trust and friendship and not just because you nailed it in the head with a metal ball. In taking away Pokeballs and putting ourselves in this timeline I'm hoping there will be less emphasis on catching Pokemon and more on battling them/progressing the story together. Some Pokemon wouldn't exist yet/would exist in a more primitive form ([url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/599.shtml]Klink[/url] for example wouldn't be metal gears, it would be wooden gears, or something else entirely). We could even get a few talented artists to create a few medieval-style Pokemon for people to use as well as the 460+ others. While Pokeballs haven't yet been invented the world would still revolve around Pokemon. They would be used much more savagely though and there could even be a fair share of evil Pokemon (something you never really see much). We could even go as far as saying that this medieval Kanto (or wherever we decide, could even be a new place) is very religiously-minded and certain types of Pokemon could be forbidden for being evil (Dark, Ghost, Psychic, and Dragon types I'm looking at you) and so maybe the main story could revolve around our characters trying to prove that its humans that make Pokemon evil. (perhaps the main character befriends a forbidden Pokemon). That's just one story idea I had, but I think you get the direction I'm aiming for here. It would almost be like your typical medieval/fantasy RP where people with different abilities go on an epic adventure, except with Pokemon instead of magic. Would anyone be interested in something like this? If so, do you have any ideas for the story or anything else you'd like to suggest?[/font][/color]
  23. This IS my mini facebook... crap.

    1. Lyndy


      I almost use OtakuBoards more than I do Facebook...

    2. Korey


      I knew it.

    3. Akieen Cloud

      Akieen Cloud

      That's because the boards are more fun. lol

  24. [quote name='Lilt' timestamp='1299698690' post='705564'] [b]That would be really awesome. I'll definitely set up a type team later on. =) And OH NO!!! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU CAN CATCH MUNNA! I hope I can go back and still catch her. T_T I'm at Castelia City right now.[/b] [/quote] [color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]Just thought I'd point out that it wasn't that specific Munna I got, it was just in the grass near there. Also mine is a male. :)[/font][/color]
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