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Everything posted by pbfrontmanvdp

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Can't people just compromise and play along and come up with an answer? lol Instead we have to get into psychoanalytical discussions about who and what a crush should or should not consist of. GAH! ...:D [/B][/QUOTE] LoL i dont think ive ever seen something funner than this. Thats what it seems like the thread is starting to get into. Besides that everyone is pretty cool. As of crushs i dont think i would ever do that over the Internet, im more of a face to face kind of person. Oh well:confused:
  2. Alright there making a RahXephon movie. That should be great the series was very well written, and it had a plot similar too Noir and Cowboy Bebop. With that in mind since they made a Cowboy Bebop movie at that was excellent i think this one will be just as good as well.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]*gasp* [spoiler]ASUKA AND MISATO [/spoiler] DIE!?!?!?!?!??!??? IT CAN'T BE!!! I HAVEN'T FINISHED [spoiler] EVANGELION [/spoiler] YET!!! *sobs* Well my favorite death is Yusuke's first on in Yuyu Hakusho. I mean, if he HADN'T died, there would be no YYH. Plus it was funny watching him get rammed by a moving vehicle. (Hehe.. I have a sick sense of humor) [/B][/QUOTE] LoL thats so true if he hadnt died there wouldnt be any show. I dont know, but what would have happened if he didnt die. SERIOUS SPOILER HERE DONT READ IF YOU HAVENT WATCHED ANY EPISODES AFTER THE CN ONE. [spoiler]I mean would Yusuke's dad have found out where he was still since hes been searching for him this whole time. I think eventually Yusuke would have found out about his powers anyway if he didnt get trampled over by the car. His dad probably would have found him and killed him anyway i think.[/spoiler]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoKents [/i] [B]Ok, my first gripe with the rk on cn is now coming out. Nothing as stupid or cheesy as the usual whining. This is the real deal... a legit complaint about the way cn did an obvious error in the edit. This last episode, something about the "rebirth of angi" had a moment where sano was down and about to pass out... Kenshin walked over to hear sano explain he would catch up, and as he did so, it showed sano's face. It had a small line of blood coming from his eye and the corner of his mouth. After about 2 seconds of it being there, it just dissappeared. I dont care about them taking it away, I just care about the fact they couldnt even do it right... If your gonna edit, atleast edit right. All or none cn, all or none. lol. [/B][/QUOTE] Man someone beat me too it. How that was such bad editing i started laughing when i saw it. I mean it was so obvious that they should have just left it on his eye/mouth. Anyway though it wasnt even that bad i mean how horrible could it have been to keep it in there.
  5. Well i hope everyone knows that i just love paintball and i kinda got this idea of posting this thread from the banning of toy guns thread. Anyway though my friends always think im crazy when i state my favorite sport as of right now is paintball. They always think that i must be losing it or something cause they say paintball is just a hobby. I beg to differ though since i believe it really is a sport. It may not be a full fledged sport like baseball, tennis, golf, etc., nonetheless it is a sport since you can become a professional in it. Plus they have pro-teams and pro-tournaments so i kinda get a little irritated when people consider paintball [U]just[/U] a hobby. Just want to know what people think of the sport of paintall, i dont really want anyone to post anything about them just shooting some kid just to get some kicks i want to know if A.) people do think its a sport or hobby and why B.) if you do play paintball how long have you been playing for and where do you play (like what state and the name of the field) C.) what type of gun do you have if you own one. For me im willing to play against anyone that is around the New Jersey, New York, Penns. area. Forgot to add in that you can also get sponsored so i think that makes it more of a sport that way too.
  6. I used to be but now im in college and do other things. I went to states 2 times and have been swimming for 13 years, but my bro is a junior olympic/national swimmer hes pretty good. If you want i can give u his times in some events.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I will agree with your only point about parents. I will not agree with your other statements cause I think they are rather inconcievable and missunderstood. I'm not here saying to ban toy guns, all I'm saying is someone needs to take some action... whatever it is, andif banning toy guns is that action then so be it. You all should have acted earlier. [/B][/QUOTE] I dont think he was saying that anime kills children, just the childs constant state of watching cartoons or whatever on T.V. with guns in them through his developement as an adolescent affects them mentally. So i guess im done talking about the toy gun issue since i already know it will never get banned and i still think there fine, just play with them in the house. On the other hand: I agree with you that someone has to take action, so the government should take more action on making it harder to buy a gun if not make it illegal for average person to buy one. I think the whole "self defense" thing is kinda getting out of hand. Like you said before on 11 million deaths each year, well its from children picking up their father's hand gun in the "secret hiding" spots. I think its sick how easy it is to buy a gun, it basically takes as long as for someone to kill someone with one. I know that may sound sad, but its true. All these after market places dont even do full profiling backrounds when selling guns to people. How can they live with the fact of not knowing who they really are and what they might be doing with that gun? Even though i love the sport and all and its my favorite thing to do, if they ever wanted to they should ban paintball as well. With the police videos and all that i have seen recently its made me second guess why its not required to have a license for one. Just to see kids shoot them out of car windows at random people is just scary and to know a child might be seeing that on T.V. scares me half to death. Im a responible adult when it comes to using my paintball gun and to see someone do something like that disgraces the sport. Whatever happen to those kids they deserved what they got and should probably get an even harsher punishment. Soon America is going to be one whole constant cavity search, in each place we go in. Its sad to see how such a device such as this can bring down a powerful country so fast, but like what great politicians in the past have said "Democracy is a really bad form of government, but its better than all the others." Anyway though i like talking to you transtic. Everytime you say something you put a lot of deep thought/time into your replys unlike a lot of other people (even though a lot of people have put a lot of deep thought into this one such as milliardo.)
  8. Well my one roommate and college/fraternity brother was always an *** to everyone around him including me. So like the last week of college my 4 other roommates and I all ganged up on him and basically told him that we werent his friend since hes been an *** to all of us. He also threaten to beat up my friend, so this guy desirved what he got. I kinda regret it a little bit since i think he needs some psychiatric help but besides that we all think its great since i dont want his future roommates to be picked on.
  9. Best thing to do is take vitamin E tablets everyday. They will give u the boost of iron that u need plus a ton of more minerals and other vitamins are in it too. Good luck and get better.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by redsilhouettex [/i] [B]i am not trying to deny children some fun, all i am saying is that i know that my daughter will not be allowed to play with any type of gun when she gets older, i think its to dangerous. and you are absolutely correct i do not need my computer, i choose to have it. but there is a huge diffrence its not like u can kill a person with your computer, as with a gun all it takes is one touch and its --- over. [/B][/QUOTE] True i understand what you mean by children not needing a toy gun, but then again look at the advertising and shows on T.V. These companies are literally brainwashing children in thinking guns are cool and they dont necessarily kill people. In ways they are right "toy guns" dont kill people, real guns do, but that doesnt mean that lady should bring up the topic of banning toy guns. That wont really solve anything since children will constantly see it all around them in one form or another. Parents should kinda limit children at a certain age to not watch cartoons or whatever that have guns in them until the parents feel it is right time for the child to watch them when the child has fully understood what guns can really do to another person if fired upon in real life. All of these problems can be solved with a simple one on one with a parent/parents and their child. Thats all it takes
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Randleman [/i] [B]Yes America has a gun problem. But banning toy guns won't help. Toy guns don't kill, they get people killed. So if you want to ban something, ban the things that do the killing. Ban the guns. [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly i couldnt say it better myself. And yes there has been cases like this before and i know of other times when the issue of involving the banning of toy guns has been brought up. What they should do is ban guns all together. I know this is never going to happen since it is to late that America's government and society is already corrupt, but at least this makes more of an impact then just saying to ban toy guns. Like i said before, all that really has to be done is discipline on children from the parents. If a childs disobeys a parent and goes out of his/her way to by a toy gun and was told by their parent [U]repeatedly[/U] that toy guns are not allowed then the child will have to be punished. All in all this is basically a fluke accident anyway. Now that i just thought of it the starter of this thread said the child pointed the gun at a police officer. I mean come on at the age of three i knew to never point any gun like object at a man/women in a blue uniform since my parents told me not to, so once again its basically the parents fault for not telling their child this in the first place.
  12. I know there hasnt been a reply to this in a while so i justed searched for a thread instead of making a new one. Anyway though i just bought the first DVD of this even though it was my third choice of a new series to buy, and i was quite impressed. I dont usually like mobile suit type anime series, since i dont like the fighting that much. Nonetheless i loved the plot in this anime, it really is like the Matrix which someone stated early along with a little bit of the Noir/Cowboy Bebop type anime in the sense the main character Ayato needs to find out about his past. Even though i have only seen the first DVD and only the dubbed version of it, i think after watching the whole series ill go back and watch it subbed as well. And BTW the english voice actors are astounding in this anime.
  13. Man i hear yea Poison. I cant stand how obnoxious people are these days in saying the only way to stop something is to ban them. Of course the easiest solution to this problem is to...hmmmm...let me think...not purchase the toy gun for the child. And as a parent if you notice your child with a device you dont like, then GET RID OF IT. Just use some common sense, thats the solution to this ladies problem, you dont have to get out of control over a freak accident. I truly feel sry for the child who died and even feel more sry for the cop who shot him, but unfortunantly im irriated by this women who thinks an "all bright colored gun" is basically safeproof compared to a "tiped yellow gun" since the tiped one can be broken off or colored black. The reason why it isnt safeproof Poison already stated, and so i think we should follow Poisons ideas and teach the parents before the children. And BTW how old was the kid Poison since i think the age can make a little bit of a difference as well to my opinion?
  14. Of course a member. There's not point of me or anyone else becoming a mod as of right since i believe they dont need another current mod. There doing a great job the way it is right now. Besides i like being a member and just posting my own points. I dont exactly want to be the one to judge anyone else since everyone has their own opinion. The only thing i would want to do is just be able to stop spamming and unthoughtful threads, but the mods already do a good job on that as well so im happy being a member. If i were a mod though i would mainly want to help people and make them understand what is and isnt allowed. Try to answer as many question as i possibly can and at the same time make it an enjoyable place to stay and talk about either whats on your mind or certain types of categories.
  15. I gotta say the Noir theme song i mean it shows pretty much what the whole show is going to be about and its mainly the reason why i started buying the DVD's when i saw a ADV preview for it on another DVD. Not only is the opening song great but the closing theme song for it is even better. The artistic drawings for both are great and the women who sings it (Japanese and English) is great as well.
  16. LoL its kinda like the old Mega Man cartoon, and it also resembles old school anime(only the plot i mean not the artistic character designs and backround). The first episode looked pretty good so ill give it another week and a half and give a better response since its too soon to judge yet.
  17. I dont think there really is an answer to what defines someone as being mature or inmature. Its really just a perception from a bunch of people on ones certain type of [U]action/actions[/U] ; some may think its inmature and other may not. What im kinda trying to say is what qualifies someone as being inmature or mature is your reaction to someones elses action. Whether you laugh or think its sad what the person is doing truly decides on if you are mature or inmature, not the one actually doing the action. However this isnt always the case since at different times you may have a different perception, and instead of laughing at what someone is doing you may think its completely dumbfounded instead and vise versa. So as for me i consider myself as both, i laugh at what some people do and think lowly on what others do. BTW im 19 if anyone wanted to know.
  18. I personnaly like the dubbed anime. I cant stand most of the voices for the subbed anime characters, the guy voices sound like women. Plus its just geberish to me since i will never ever attempt to try and learn to speak Japanese. Plus i think the english voices were great except in the Yu-Yu Hakusho movies (only the movies). The English voices for Cowboy Bebop were amazing as well as for Noir. Plus they dont even edit/take anything out more in a dubbed version compared to a subbed version, they just make the lyrics more American so we understand it more. I mean im not going to understand the Japanese culture since i dont live their so why not make the dubbed version deal with the American culture. Lol this may not make sense but im not really sure on how to word this, but i gave it a shot.
  19. Lol I get injured a lot (ive had surgery 4 times and have had over 150 stiches plus broken/dislocated 9 bones), but for some reason i dont feel pain...ill get to that later though. Anyway though i dont have any worry at all when i got surgery i mean i thought it was actually pretty cool. Except for the plastic surgery i had done on my forehead. At all happen a long time ago when my friend decided it would be a good time to use an empty portable beer keg in a friend fight. All in all he threw the keg at me and i got hit in the head by it. It nocked me out for i guess 2 mins (or so they say) and when i got up i just put my hand on my head and noticed the whole right side of my face was covered with blood. I decided to just run inside my friends house and call my mom to bring me to the hospital. At the same time i wanted to look at how bad the cut was and it was pretty big (the doctors told me i could have fit 2 silver coins in there). My mom already knew what to do and like always was pissed when she came over and brought me to the hospital. Funny thing was this was my 3rd time in the hospital in the past month so i just had to laugh throughout the whole thing until...they said i would need plastic surgery. Not that i care i was going to need plastic surgery, but the plastic surgeon did the worst job ive ever seen im my life. Ive already had stiches before and when i looked at how bad the stiching was, I now regret that i didnt go back and ask for them to remove it and do it again before it would heal completely. First off when he was done i went back home and noticed it was still bleeding quite a bit (i mean plastic surgery is supposed to be great he put 30 stiches inside my head and 20 on the outside and it still bled) and i know head wounds bleed the most, but come on this was pathetic. The next thing i noticed was he sorta overlaped the skin and pulled it to tight which then lead to the final malpractice which was how badly it healed when he took out the stiches. I mean lol he did more damage taking them out then actually sewing me up. Anyway though it finally healed a little bit more and isnt noticable at all since my hair covers it up anyway, but i warn you...make sure you see a specialist (just not a hospital plastic surgeon) if your going to have something done on your face so you dont have the same outcome as i did. Oh lol and as for the thing i said before in how i dont feel pain, all the doctors ive been to for everything say i have the highest tolerence for pain they have ever seen. Like this one time i had a tree limb stuck in my leg about 6 inches deep (went down and then back up in my leg) and i didnt go to the hospital until the next day cause it wasnt bleeding since the tree limb was still inlodged in my leg. Thats another story though i dont really want to spend time on writing it now so if you want to know the story PM me.
  20. Gotta spike it up. I use this gel called Ice its really good. Its more like a tpe of glue then a gel thought, but it works on short or long hair. I usually start using it a lot once my hair is like half brown half blonde. The gel is around $12.50, but its great and now it comes with 33% more free than what it used to be.
  21. Has to be paintball. I live and die for paintball i mean theres nothing else to it. I've been playing for around 7 years now and i just cant stop doing it. It has so many levels to it, its unlike any other sport. Later on i want to go pro but ill have to wait till i get out of college. Besides that i like to go to the movies every Friday with a bunch of my friends. And during the summer on the weekends i like to go to the beach...thats second to paintball.
  22. Well i usually get my hair bleached every summer...just beacause my hair turns blonde naturally from the sun that appears more often in the summer (not this time in New Jersey for some reason this sumemr). Like i said not to be cocky or anything like that...i get it done professionally just because i know they will make sure my hiar doesnt get damage and they dont over do it for you. And for the last 6 or 7 years its been great so im not doing it cause my friends do it...my friends do it because of me they thought it looked nice and wanted to give it a try.
  23. Umm another good idea is to get it done professionally. Like go to ur local barber or where ever. It kinda a little expensive ($15 for the whole head)...but they get it done perfectly and any way you want it. So if u did it buy dyeing it urself i would recommend doing it that way.
  24. My natural hair color is brown but i find that most girls wanted me to bleach/dye my hair blonde. I decided to like 6 years ago and i still do it i think its pretty cool having another hair color once in a while. I just dont like doing it all the time though with the rumors going around that it will eventually cause a lose of hair later on in life. I feel that thats just genetics though. Anyway though i want to know if people like bleaching/dyeing there hair or not and what color. Also if people have had bad experiences with it like it coming out to light or dark ( or like my friend pure orange).
  25. Excel Saga is great. Hyatt is halarious when in the 3rd episode[spoiler] she was always dieing and reviving at the right moment when Ilpalazzo trys giving her instructions. [/spoiler] Plus i love how they always use references from real life in the story. Whats so weird is it actually has a plot...i mean i would have never thought it did but it does. The ending to it was also great [spoiler] espically since they made fun of DBZ with Mr. P vs. "That Man" in a finale showdown. [/spoiler] If anyone wants a good laugh all the time buy these DVDS.
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